  • Report:  #564296

Complaint Review: Chase - JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. - Internet

Reported By:
swtrikalady - St. Charles, Illinois, United States of America

Chase - JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
60174 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Chase has done several things to get more and more money from their customers.  My personal experiences are 1- They have no sympathy when it comes to the difference between Wamu (whom they just took over) and Chase.  I over drew my acct by .23 and they charged me an overdraft fee.  They credited it but counted it as my 1 time per year credit.  Later when I needed the credit they would continuously refer to this credit due to my 23 cents overage.  2) I wrote a check for rent as I usually do.  I dropped it off in the box after hours on a Monday.  Apparently they got the check and processed it on Tuesday.  Any other time checks take at least one business day to process.  Just so happens that they process the highest transaction first.  So, for example.  IF you have 50 in your acct.  You write a check for 70, and eat at Mcy d's a few times for 5dollars, 6dollars and get a drink for a buck... They will put the 70 through first.  The rest of those transactions are now going to cause you overdraft fees.  Even if the smaller fees where done three days ago AND showing as pending transactions already.  They will put that larger one in first to make sure you have as many overdraft fees as possible.  In my case, they put the check for rent through on the very day that got it.  I found when I went to make a deposit that next day.  Because of the overdraft fees I was in the negative.  They charged me almost 250 dollars for transactions they already knew about. (I was literally struggling, eating off the dollar menu and little gas)  My transactions were all small as I was trying to make it to pay day.  I truly believe that they saw an opportunity to make money so they put the check through quickly (as it has never happened before and never since then) so that they can get the fees off of my smaller transactions. ( Literally 1.50 here and there).  I called several times, was promised a number of callbacks that, of course, never came.  I emailed their online ppl who basically told me "Oh well".  I spoke with a supervisor who was extremely rude.  Finally, now very upset and crying, I was transferred to their Executives.  They credited me some but still left my acct negative 140 dollars. 

I usually don't write letters and I'm sorry this is so long.  I am just so unhappy with Chase and I want to do all I can to warn people not to bank there. Trust me, after paying all those overdraft fees, you will have more than paid the amount you would have paid in fees to use other ATM's had you gone to a different bank (and then some).  I hate that they took over WAMU.  They were customer friendly.  Chase is just a big bank that rips ppl off because they can.

Also... my husband, grandmother, uncle, and at least 5 friends who have had Chase have found other loop holes and booby traps they set up to cause overdraft fees.  It seems like their system is built to get overdraft fees.  Two of those friends have already left.  Me and my husband will be leaving.  I will be encouraging my Grandmother and others to leave and join a different bank with me.

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
"FEDge of ALLEGIANCE".....

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, April 19, 2011

is available at this site!

*Just type in 529757 and it appears as 'Consumer Comment #22' at Ripoff Report #529757.

Thank You

******************************   MORTGAGE FRAUD ALERT  *****************************
*Don't forget to type in 481508 at this site and read St. Clair's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA.


Highlands Ranch,

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 31, 2011

according to information on the web.

Just 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, and go to the site with the 5 charts and you'll see that JP Morgan appears in 'Chart 1', along with Morgan Stanley.

Lehman Brothers also appears in 'Chart 1'. Take a look at some of the other companies that appear in 'Chart 3'. General Motors, Chrysler, and General Electric, are some of the corporations that received tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer's money from the TARP. (Troubled Asset Relief Program)

If you stay at this site and type in 411913, you can read Ripoff Report #411913 where Chase is mentioned as one of the many banks that has taken out secret life insurance policies on its employees. Chase has $11 Billion in these policies, according to an article on the web.

Just 'Google' this- BANK EXECUTIVES PROFITING ON THE DEATH OF EMPLOYEES, and you can read where Bank of America and Wells Fargo each have $17 Billion in these policies, and Chase has $11 Billion. That's $45 Billion in secret life insurance policies between those 3 big banks that all took taxpayer's money from the TARP.

Good luck to you!



Lake Elsinore,
Chase and Whats wrong with America

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 25, 2011

I have already filed one RipOff Report, for Ocwen Federal in regards to my house. My eyes were open in 2007 when I lost my house. I had also taken a college class on political sience, and the teacher had us watch old political shows from the 70's (meet the press ) and crap!!, They had different Presidents (these are the good looking guys who got an "A" in speech or the debate club! but what really caught my attention was who was in the cabnit. Guys from 20 years ago were still in George W. Bushs cabnit and they were all from big business.

There are alot of people who dispise Chase. I became a Chase customer after WAMU was taken over by them and should have quit then. But.. I didn't. Until a friend told me to go to "MoveYourMoney.Org".
this site find band who have no connections to the big Banks, (BofA, Chase, Wells Fargo). Anyway, I never signed a overdraft protection clause and closed my account. 3 weeks later they call me stating an online company attempted to charge a  service but the told them my account was closed and gave them no money. They then reopened my account and charged me $34.00 and have been hasseling me for my money. they will never get it. I plan on suing Chase for harassment and anything else I can get these back stabbing mother f**ker for. If any Chase customer or former customer wants to join me. Let me know. [email protected],
Dru Rigney

Report Attachments


Not a Newbie- Here is the reality.

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 04, 2011

If a customer of Chase makes a deposit in the branches or at an ATM during the hours of business, on, let's say a Monday, the deposit will credit on the same business day, Monday. End of story. So, if someone makes a deposit on a Monday at 2:30pm, the deposit (unless there are holds or stop payments or other unforeseen problems) the funds will be deposited in the the account on Monday's business date. So when checks and debits are presented for payment on Monday's business date, the deposited item is credited to the account and, with the addition of any previous balance already in the account, are paid. If a deposit is made after the, "cut-off time", which does vary from state to state and from ATM to ATM, it is deposited on the next business day. So if someone goes to an ATM at 9:00 p.m. on that same Monday and deposits a check, it will not be counted as a deposit made on Monday's business day, but a deposit made on Tuesday's business day. So any checks or debits presented for payment on Monday's business day will only be paid using the balance available during Monday's business day. Should there be a deficit, then the person spent more money in the account on Monday than they had in the bank, it really is that simple. As of now, Chase does not use a chronological clearing system as does Compass Bank. That system goes like this: Say at 10 a.m. you have $27.00 in your account. It is also a payroll day so you anticipate your paycheck to be automatically deposited that day. Throughout the course of that day you use your card several times for purchases. So let's say your check is $1,000, and that plus your current balance would give you a total of #1027.00. But before your auto deposit was recorded you purchased gas, $30.00, then a Starbucks, $7.00, and your auto debit car insurance payment of $100.00 was presented. According to a chronological system you didn't have enough money when the three items were presented (only $27.00) however at the end of the day, you are positive but charged with three overdraft fees! Now that is a system that drives the folks in my office crazy. This is why one does not access their account until they can verify funds in the AVAILABLE balance. For the life of my, I do not understand how this does not makes sense to so many people. To clarify a point, the way a bank decides to pay an overdraft or not is a complicated matrix which consists of how long a client has banked with Chase, the average balance, the number of overdrafts, the average amount of the deposits made, the annualized profit that account makes for the bank (which includes the number of accounts and or loans a client has.) I agree, it is difficult for a branch or telephone employee to explain it because even they aren't told of how such calculations are made. It is complicated and geared to make as much money as possible for it's shareholders. So I advise you to follow the simple rule: No money, don't spend.

Good Luck1

Not A Newbie

Santa Cruz,
They do rip off the consumer... daily!

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 31, 2011

Along with what you've written, another thing or twothat Chase does -

If you have direct deposit into your account - they say their system updates at 3am. This is not correct. The time of the updates varies. Your money MAY be deposited into your account at midnight, but typically, you can not access anything on your account until well after 6am the next day - At least not through Chase ATMs... you may be able to get to it through another banks ATM but of course, you will have to pay both the non-chase bank fee and Chase's fee for using another bank's ATM.

The online banking - a joke. The online is not up to date, and seldom correct. Example - if you have a deposit at midnight on a given day..the deposit will generally show up online about 15 minutes later...BUT...the next day when you look at your account, it will show any charges or checks or anything else but they will be listed as paid BEFORE your check arrived...meaning they will charge you fees for it. If you take in a print out showing the deposit with nothing else on it...then show them the next days report...they just shrug and say you owe them money. The know they are switching things around to make sure you have to pay them somehow..

The debit overdraft protection thing? Ripoff city. Yeah, going over sucks. We all know it and every so often it happens. You go over on your card and you get charged the $34 fee. Ok..live with it. What ticks me off is that A) No one in the bank can tell you how it really works. They say its all set up on a computer and the computer decides if itll pay it or not. Now to me, if things happen and you are short on money and you have agreed to pay the fees IF you use the service, then it should work when you have to have it. thats how they advertise it - alone on a road, needing gas, being broke etc...your debit card can still be used and Chase will pay it...BULL! According to anyone in the bank..a computer decides if itll pay it or not. And no one in the bank can expalin how it is figured if itll be paid or not. They make money off it, so why not pay it?

WAMU may have went under due to the housing deals, but when it came to day to day banking, WAMU beat Chase hands down time and time again. At least their employees made an effort to pretend to care about the customer. WAMU was the best bank, and Chase has cost us so much money - lost checks, incorrect deductions, dbl payment for the same check and refused to correct it, etc. I cant wait till they go under. I will show up with whistles and balloons when they put up the going out of business signs...


I think your ire is misdirected.

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2010

I don't think the bank reached into your apartment's rental box and purposely cleared your check early.  What probably happened is the apartment complex took your rent check, on Tuesday and deposited it.  With the advent of Check 21, images of checks are used and can clear much faster.  

It is now against the law for banks to clear checks in order of amounts that are largest to smallest to maximize fees.  So your complaint has been heard by the government and the law has been changed (and taken effect this past summer.)  

However you will never have a successful banking relationship with any bank unless you keep track of your balances and refrain from writing any check until you have made a deposit and it credits to your account.  Makes sense doesn't it?  There isn't a bank out there that doesn't charge of overdraft fees.  Not one.  You may find a bank that is willing to be more liberal with their fee reversal or other policies, and that is great, however, they won't be in business for very long.  Case in point: Washington Mutual.  That bank gave millions of dollars to people to buy homes.  These folks should never have been approved for mortgages in the first place.  In the end, the mortgages weren't paid back and they failed.  It's a simplistic view but that is what happened.  

Stop blaming the big corporations for everything.  Granted, they can and have gotten away with a lot but you have to take responsibility for your part in your financial problems.  

Good Luck.


Minor Hill,
i agree

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, October 07, 2010

Wamu was customer friendly but when chase took over they went to hell. I had the same problem with them so 1 day I got fed up with thier crap and went to Regions .

I called Chase up after I opened my checking account with Regions and told them I was closing all my accounts with them


The Common Denominator

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, October 06, 2010

When you look at all these complainers about overdraft fees, one and I said ONE fact comes banging thru loud and clear...

NONE...repeat...NONE of these bozo's keep written records with a running balance.  They continue to use their ATM card without having the faintest clue as to what their balance is!

Then, when they overdraft their account...its the bank's fault!

What a bunch of sorry loosers who haven't a clue about how to manage a checking account! 



San Diego,
Chase has done everything in their power to increase fees

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 04, 2010

If this were an isolated incident I could understand that but 544 customer complaints is absurd and everyone having pretty much the same experience? 

When Washington Mutual owned the company they were customer friendly I enjoyed working and banking with them and any over draft charges were truly my fault but not with Chase.  Chase had me sign up for their new program where I would earn 1-3% back by using my debit card as credit I was glad at first but realized that with all of these overdraft fees I was getting further into the hole everyday.  I would purchase an item for $1.40 and be charged $34.00 in overdraft because they said I had signed up for the daily pay out. 

I quickly changed this but now Chase is holding my money ransom I have $228.41 because I placed checks on the weekend leaving me with only .11cents in the bank when I called the bank they told me I couldn't access my funds until Tuesday! 3 days of living with only .11cents to my name.  Tell me this is ridiculous and something has to be done about it.

I agree with the writer above that I will be taking my money out of Chase as soon as the check clears tomorrow and investing in a small neighbor bank that was recommended by some of the wealthier people I met they say that smaller neigborhood banks are more customer friendly.


Learn How To Manage A Checking Account!

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2010

Yes, they do have every right to charge you overdraft fees.  READ the account holder's aggreement.

Want to avoid overdraft fees?  Its really very, very simple.  You don't spend more than you have!  You write down every check, every debit card use and you keep a running total so that you know BEFORE you use the card, how much money you have.  You can blame the bank all you wish but the bottom line for all these complaints about overdraft fees is the account holder doesn't keep written records and keep a running total of the balance!


United States of America
Chase is bleeding me dry!

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, September 28, 2010

            I have the same PROBLEM with Chase!!! They are BLEEDING ME DRY with FEES!. I am not irresponsible with my money either, however, when I call to talk to a manager on getting my fees reversed, they lecture me like I'm two yrs. old...Like they have every right to TAKE my money from me! over a thousand dollars in a year! And MOST are debits for 1.00, 2.50, 7.50...bit they have 35.00 overdarft fees attached to them because Chase does exactly what you mentioned...they "move" charges and checks around so everything gets scrambled and the next day...FEES on the most minor charges!!! I NEED my money back!!!...I feel like they have robbed me blind and I'm paying for a fat corporate bankers tropical vacation!

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