  • Report:  #154010

Complaint Review: Chase Manhattan Mortgage - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- San Francisc o, California,

Chase Manhattan Mortgage
3415 Vision Drive Columbus, 43219 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Via Fax: 1-614-961-3871 / 1-614-422-7972 (ALSO to Brittany Ryan)

Via Fax: 1-877-381-9854 (Greg Kisiel)

Via Fax: 1-888-935-1025 Attn: Tammy

Heather Thuermer

Chase Home Finance

3415 Vision Drive

Columbus, OH 43219-6009

Ref: Loan xxx764

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. I do feel like I have been wronged by Chase and truly ask your help with a simple fix that would allow me not to start another battle but move forward with my life and those of my children's.

Since day one of the above mentioned loan, I have represented my mortgage company by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on repairs and legal fees. In fact, I am still fixing issues with the home as a result of some of the problems and perils I have faced.

In a nut shell: I bought the home in 1997. Advanta Mortgage eventually took over the loan and eventually Chase ended up with it. Shortly after the purchase I noticed numerous issues that were not disclosed and in fact lied about. I had the realtors, sellers and some relatives of the realtor's and sellers sued, convicted of certain offenses or brought to justice for various issues as I described to you.

I have suffered a flood, mudslide, the discovery of hundreds or thousands of dead mice of which during testing of mice trapped by the Washoe County health Department, tested positive for the non curable deadly disease known as Hanta Virus. I also was a victim of a fire where I almost died and lost a lot of unrecoverable property and the fire department was extremely delayed in response (Almost 35 minutes).

I have been the victim of lies, bad contractors or ones that claim they are a contractor. I have suffered with great financial loss of property, some not covered by insurance, some non replaceable, I have suffered from enormous attorney bills and continuous repairs and so much more to mention but is documented. Speaking of documentation, I have newspaper clips, videos, fax logs, file boxes, lawsuits, bills, phone logs and much more to confirm all my statements.

During the flood and discovery of hanta virus, my home became unlivable. I faced the choice to walk away with a $25,000 loss and possible credit damage, which I was told I could justify since I was a victim or fight big legal battles, repairs and more. I chose to fight but I could not represent Advanta (Chase), my interests in the home, house my family and pay tons of money without a little help.

At the time I owed somewhere in the 152-156K left on my home. I was told by Advanta after explaining all the issues that my loan would simply be extended during the lawsuits and unlivable conditions. In short, I would pay legal fees, repairs and go through the stress and fights to protect the interest of the home and investors and in return, Advanta (Chase) would extend the loan. As it was explained by Advanta, it would just continue on. What really happened was I would receive foreclosure letters that I was told to ignore, I even received a letter from your attorney that the foreclose issue was reversed and without cause. In the meantime I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, court fees, repairs and so on.


Heather Thuermer

Chase Home Finance

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

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When all was said and done and my home became livable but not completely fixed, I notified Advanta (Chase) and was told I owed them 30K or more in interest, which was never told to me. My loan went from owing 152-156K to 185-188K which was never explained to me. Greg re-modified my loan and since I was tired of fighting. I agreed and Greg told me that if I ever refinance he would work on final payment. Well I did and I paid off the loan and in return, Chase dinged my credit file and listed me as late and in foreclosure. Some thanks.

In short, I represented Chase, Advanta, its investors, underwent numerous expenses from legal fees to repairs, went through huge ordeal that was quite stressful and in my eyes, I agreed to take a loss from you, not the other way around. Chase got all its money back plus some. Did Chase pay for attorney fees, repairs or suffer stress for its investment? Did Chase even say to me, Thank you Mr. K. for representing our interests and fighting our battle, protecting our investor's money and so on.. Not even close, I get a damaged credit file which is now affecting my finances and the future and safety of my children.

People tell me I should start another battle and sue Chase and go public. All I want was a clean reporting from Chase on my credit file. Is that too much to ask? I fight for you for years and you can give me two minutes to fix my report.

Did Chase, Advanta or its investors lose any principal money because of me? Nope. Did Chase, Advanta or its investors make money off the home? Yes. Has Chase, Advanta or its investors pay any legal fees, repairs or expenses to preserve their investment pertaining to my home? NOPE. Did Chase, Advanta and its investors cause me grief? YES. Did Chase, Advanta and its investors change the rules after I spent all the money on repairs and legal battles? YES

Look, I could spend a few more years fighting Chase, Advanta, its investors and such. I could go public and draw some bad PR for Chase, which may not be a bad idea, being that I have gone to hell and back. Do I want to do this? NOPE. However, as you can see and shown in the past, I do stand up for my rights and my name and right now I feel wronged by Chase, Advanta and its investors. So far I have not lost a legal battle and I believe and have been told I have good cause under the circumstances.

So please, help me like I helped you, well I helped you a lot more but please assist me in something so simple as to fix my credit file. Please show it in good standing. If not I will have to fight and I truly would rather spend time improving my life and my kids lives then fighting over something so petty but TRULY SO important as a bad listing. I am in the middle of a refinance and this is affecting it tremendously. I would hate to lose it for this then I will have suffered another loss based partially on how you reported me and that would not be good.

In closing, I asked Advanta, Chase and its investors to help me in delaying the loan so I could fight and protect all party's interests. I did not ask for money or ask for anything but time. I prevailed in my battles as well to be expected however, I did lose in some financial aspects. I ask now for one last final request to fix this credit issue so we can move on. Is that too much to ask?


San Francisc o, California

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