  • Report:  #975113

Complaint Review: chaturbate - Internet

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chaturbate sucks hard - stockholm, , Sweden

ca usa Internet, United States of America
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REVIEW UPDATE: October 11 2018: Chaturbate remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Chaturbate is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Chaturbate has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business™.

Over time and since becoming a member, Chaturbate has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Chaturbate remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected].

Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW:

EDitor’s UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to Chaturbate.com for its commitment to excellence in customer service.

Ripoff Report’s discussions with Chaturbate have uncovered an ongoing commitment by the company to total user satisfaction. This means that users can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. Chaturbate listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the services offered and the support for those services.

Chaturbate’s executive team has informed us that their personal philosophy is that their users are a precious resource. As successful online entrepreneurs, Chaturbate's founders feel it is critical to listen to their user community and respond properly. By always putting their customers first, Chaturbate hopes to maintain the website as a successful enterprise both now and for many years to come.

Our goal is to provide the best user experience of any live cam site on the Internet." Some of the other things Ripoff Report learned in the course of its investigation: typical customer feedback reads: “I registered for free and had a good time ;) exacty what I needed”

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by Jason during an onsite inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Chaturbate.com.
Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Chaturbate.com aims to offer their customers a broad spectrum of opportunities. Like their competitors, they want to be successful and make money, but what sets them apart from others is that they offer live cam services to a diverse consumer base, including those who may not be interested in using video chat as a source of income. They believe that the public perception about adult sites is that they engage in shady billing practices, or they allow their sites to contain some kind of malware. Chaturbate.com does not do any cross sales, hidden rebills, or anything of that sort.

When they got started, they envisioned a site that would be free for everyone, but still had the ability to generate revenue without bombarding the end user with up sale requests or shady business practices. They envisioned a market of live cam consumers that engage with other members, creating a better cam site. These type of services are what they work on a daily bases to improve upon.

Their company is constantly evolving their platform. They plan to add messaging to their site; they are constantly improving the video quality and the aspects of chatting. They really value their user and broadcaster base and they listen to their input. They do surveys and are looking to improve their software staff. In the near future, they hope to improve their scalability issues as they grow and improve the chat experience.

They generate a lot of growth for their site virally, essentially people telling people. They also have an affiliate program that pays commissions for bringing on paying members or allowing people to try the site.

In order to set themselves apart from competitors in the industry, they do not engage in shady business practices on the billing end of their company. Their site is 100% free; you only pay if you want to. They strongly feel that they have a better product from others in the industry which includes the quality of the video streams, the chatting experience, and the variety of people broadcasting.

During the interview their team was asked to address specific complaints made on Ripoff Report that dealt with users who were angry about not receiving payments. Jason described a specific situation stating, “A guy contacted us because he had referred an independent performer and he had questions about what he should have received for the referral. The performer he referred did not use the proper affiliate code, so we could not properly track that she had been referred by this man. We were able to fix that and get him associated with the correct performer and he was pleased after that.”

The Chaturbate Team agrees that their most common complaint relates to the payment issue with the affiliate program. The independent marketers are given a wide variety of tools to promote their product, but sometimes link codes are copy and pasted wrong which leads to errors. They work with the marketers and the consumers to fix these issues.

When handling a complaint, their office uses a software stack from sales force called desk.com which is a ticketing system. Tickets are answered on a last in, first out basis. They prioritize specific key words so that if someone sends in a message asking about a billing issue, it gets routed to a slightly higher priority division. Essentially, they have a team of people that is responsible for responding to all incoming questions or concerns.

Their office does not capture credit card payments. All such transactions are done through third party payment processors for security purposes. They issue refunds when there are technical issues with the system or services that prevent users from accessing the site or using tokens that they have been issued. If a member is not satisfied with their services and wishes to close their account, they honor that and provide a refund. Being such a large site, they have had problems with unauthorized charges being made to a user’s credit card or Chaturbate account, but they have refunded those cards and are working with consumers to effectively resolve these issues.

When an individual wants to close out their Chaturbate account, their team takes immediate action. They close the users account and delete any photos that would have been visible for that user on prior broadcasts. They make their best effort to erase the user’s footprint from their website.

Since reports were made on Ripoff Report, their company has been working to improve some of their current internal processes and procedures. Jason explained: “The site has been growing pretty steadily for the past couple of years and as the user base grows, customer service has always been something that we’ve had to keep up with and expand upon. We’ve been successful in keeping up with the demand from the site. We have brought on new developers, we’re growing our customer service staff, and we’ve expanded our technical feasibilities to service the market.”

whatever it takes to make the client happy

In order to “do whatever it takes” to make the client happy, Chaturbate has made some changes within their company. An executive with Chaturbate.com stated, “I think that one of the things that we’ve done to resolve complaints on Ripoff Report is to reach out and start this dialogue. If you look at the cases, we really do go out of our way to make sure whoever is complaining, is happy. In some cases, we wonder if it is a competitor site because with some people, you really can’t satisfy them. We want this to be a win win, we don’t want people to be unhappy, and it’s not good for our brand. We’re going to do everything in our effort to make things work out.” Jason added, “One thing we are particularly proud of if the fact that we are such a large site and we have such a huge user base and we only have 15 Ripoff Report complaints total. We think that demonstrates that we usually go above and beyond to satisfy everyone’s needs and goals.”

Chaturbate.com is excited to be a part of Ripoff Reports Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. They look forward to working with ED and the rest of his team in order to resolve these complaints. They believe that Ripoff Report has really great search engines and they are looking forward to working with them over the next several years.

CHATURBATE / Statements from the owner.

We watched the decline of the paysite model as tube sites became huge. We also weren't happy with the existing free cam sites and thought we could do a better job. Chaturbate is the result of our efforts.”


Over the past few months, Chaturbate has hired a dedicated staff of customer support specialists and implemented a comprehensive support ticket system to ensure that no complaint goes unanswered.

Chaturbate recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Report’s Investigation Chaturbate has made organizational changes allowing its users and employees a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a commitment to a great user experience.

In summary, after our investigation, which included discussions with Chaturbate's executive team, Ripoff Report is convinced that Chaturbate is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total user satisfaction.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.



chaturbate adult this b a long letter then ,first they stole money from my card whitout my permission because lm a vasic member and no paying member so l mail them but get no answer this time either they never answer Internet

then when l mail them again l wrote that l gonna report this to the policee they answer for the first time in 1 year since l begin to b there and they wrote they gonna send back my money to my card and they did but- thay did also same time so my account get minus 195 tokens -195 exaxtly the money they have stolen and send back before this l have +5 so the mone they send me the stolen ones was l forced to buy tokens for to get away from the minus whith my money that they have send back and stole so l didnt get any money back so that is fraud ok, and 3days ago l were in there and buy tokens because l gonna give them a last chance ,l knw the money l was force to use was the stolen money ,ok and yesterday l was minus 295 -295 on my account and l woundering wtf is this and how can l b -295 tokens when l must buy the tokens first before l get them so l mail them and no answer then l get mail from securegareway billings and they say that my membership was canceled because thet couldnt bill me and l mail back and say-wtf r u totally iq zero in here u and chaturbate support?? l have say 1000 times lm a free member and no paying member and anyway the should bill me so nw have chaturbate stole money fropm me 2 times and fraud on that when l suddenly get -295 on my account ,and hw that is possible is a mystery because u must pay before u get tokens u dont borrow and say-l pay tomorrow so chaturbate have 2 times now stole and fraud me l have the mail from securegateway billing left also ,this site shall to court and b sued and b close down this is not accepible someone layer in here must agree and see this crime for god sake do everything to close down the site and go to court whith it u can not get moore strong evidence to get them 2 prison this -295 that was the last chanche they get hop0e someone can take this scammer fraud stole money site to court or have a judge to close down the site .thanks sorry for my bad english hope someone understand what l write . thanks

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