  • Report:  #683423

Complaint Review: Christina Y. Amezola - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Vikki - Rancho Palos Verdes, California, United States of America

Christina Y. Amezola
7137 Alvern Street Los Angeles, 90045 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Christina Y. Amezola, 25-years-old, Mexican, currently attending Cal State Dom Hills, Carson, CA, in the Master's Degree program in Psychology, conns people out of their hard-earned money and has no conscious and no morals about what she is doing. She does not have any feeling for the people that she is conning the money out of. She is cold-hearted!

And I am not talking little money! I'm talking BIG MONEY! Hundreds of thousands of dollars! To the tune of $400K!

Married Men - do not fall for her sob stories! Walk away from her! Rather, run as fast as you can away from her!

She is a hustler! She is an experienced conn artist.

She prays on weak-willed married men. She cries to them and tells them sob stories of how bad all of her boyfriends treat her. She begs married men to help her. She has a little daughter. The married men feel sorry for her and helps her.

She plays up to their egos and the married man falls for it every time. She "gets a little friendlier than she needs to be" with the married men! That's how she gets them to give her money.

She starts off with any amount she can get out of them! Then, the amounts she requests from them get larger and larger!

She conned one poor sap - my soon-to-be-ex-husband,actually - out of his entire bank account! She says that she will pay them back but she never does. She never intends to pay them back.

She dumps them as soon as the money stops flowing! And leaves them with her bills! She will not return phone calls or e-mails once the money has stopped flowing! As soon as the money stops flowing, she kicks the poor married man to the curb - leaving them heart-broken and broke.

She has absolutely no feelings at all for the married men. She pretends to. But she doesn't. She only pretends to have feelings for them as long as they are giving her money. Once, the money stops flowing, so do her "feelings" for the man. All of a sudden her "feelings" for the married man stop to!

She has no feelings whatsoever for anyone else but her greedy-little-self!

Because of her greed, she broke up my 15-year-marriage! She conned my husband out of $300K cash, he co-signed a $26K student loan for her and he bought her a $60K brand new red convertible BMW! All totaling about $400K!

When we appealed to her for help in our marriage, she would not return our calls. We called the Dr. Phil show. They wanted us very badly to be on the show.

She would not do it. So, she was not willing to help us repair our marriage - for which she destroyed because of her greed!

She cares for no one but herself!


Wives - check this post out! Make sure you man does NOT KNOW HER! If he does, get him away from her as fast as you can - if you want to save your marriage!

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