  • Report:  #838559

Complaint Review: Christopher Bolden - fort walton beach Florida

Reported By:
Tired - findme, Florida, United States of America

Christopher Bolden
1329 green acres blvd fort walto beach florida fort walton beach, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I am writing to inform you of the less than honorable actions of SSG Christopher J.Bolden. As you may or may not SSG Bolden is married to N***** Bolden, the problem is SSG Bolden and I have a child together name Z S Bolden born on 8/17/2011. SSG Bolden did sign her birth certificate and he also added her to his tricare and SGLI.

The Courts of Okaloosa County has ordered him to pay child support of 738.00 monthly beginning this month and as of today Feb 13th 2012 he has not made a payment.

According to the Article 134 of the UCMJ Adultery reflects bad on the military and whoever commits adultery. Also that Adultery is clearly unacceptable conduct, and it reflects adversely on the service record of the military member.  This will strongly discredit the 6th ranger battalion that SSG Bolden is apart of.

Also SSG Bolden has started another relationship with another female named Laken*** and her number is 850-625-****. He also solicits sex off of craigslist.org. SSG Bolden is still legally married to N***** Bolden.
I believe that he has also used his gov't travel card to buy purchased unrelated to Military affairs.

Once I found out the SSG Bolden was still married, cheating with women from craigslist and had anotherwoman in Fort Walton Beach he abandoned me and my 3 week daughter in the house. Because of legal issue I cannot discuss what tookplace in the house but I will inform you that I during the course of my pregnancy I became very ill, my doctor put in a red cross message for SSG Bolden because he was TDY, SSG Bolden told me that command denied his red cross message. But after speaking the the prior 1SGT he informed me that SSG Bolden was put on leave.  To this day I do
not know where SSG Bolden went but he falsely used my red cross message to take time off of work.

Also last Dec or Jan Bolden was granted emergency leave because his father was very ill, and he did not use that leave time to go to Texas to visit his father for which the leave was granted instead he used the leave to come to Snellville GA and spent the time there at my residence. He said he never really knew his father anyway and if he died then he
just died and he would rather be in GA with me.

I am a Military Vet and I thought that the Military Service Members where held to a certain regard. After realizing that the 6th Ranger Battalion refused to acknowledge SSG Bolden's unhonorable character, I have to do something to get the story out. I will not let him destroy my life with his lies and false accusations.

I have emails between his wife andI that show his true character.If disciplinary actions aren't taken against SSG Bolden I will release those emails, the proof of him committing adultery, the proof of me trying to contact his Battalion, to the media and everyone else who will listen. I can no longer be silent and let SSG Bolden make me out to be the bad
person, and himself the victim.

I also believe that he is dating a woman in Atlanta, I do not know her name but I have pictures of her. So that is 2 women, 1 wife, 2 children all from one man. That is not honorable at all. And yet he continues to represent this country as a honorable military man, when will he be stopped? When will Military men that are not honorable be disciplined? They give the Honorable men who serve this country a bad name.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


fort walton beach,
Now he has 3 kids and 3 Baby Momma's I guess the woman that posted was right!

#2General Comment

Tue, March 04, 2014

All you that defended him should be ashamed of yourself. He now has another baby out of wedlock, denying that baby and isn't paying child support on her either. He is the a class act,  And the funny thing about it; the woman that was on here defending him, is the woman that he had the baby with and left her 2 months before she had the baby, and then kicked her out of his house 2 weeks after the baby was born. But you reap what you sow, she better file a child support petition, if he has any money left after paying child support on his ex wife's son, his 1 daughter's child support, the many debts he is owed to the IRS, and now this third child. 

Oh he is now stationed in Georgia it won't be long before he has a fourth kid, while only playing part-time daddy to the three that he already created. 

He is the disgrace to the Armed Forces, not the woman who brought light on this situation. And we all know it was his friends posting on his behalf, bet he won't post now since he found himself in trouble for sticking up for this coward.



oh no

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 15, 2013

people should not dk this 

B. Garrett

United States of America
Men in Uniforms are Mostly Whores...Everyone knows this

#4General Comment

Thu, November 22, 2012

Most men in Uniform are mostly whoremongering idiots. Everyone knows this. When I say "Uniform" I am speaking about Soldiers, Firefighters, Police Men, etc. Every military man I have EVER known has been an absolute w***e. I often wonder what on earth do they put in the drinking water on those bases.

My sister got pregnant at 14. Her son's dad was 15. When her son's dad went away to the military, he married a white woman who looked like a man and who had a shaved head. He brought her home and paraded her around the town. He eventually had four children by her in four years. Then they split up. He then married a black woman. He had two children by her in two years. He was then sent to Germany and he impregnated a German woman and by the time he was shipped out of Germany back to the U.S. he left two young children over there. After he made it back to the U.S. he met a  hispanic woman and he has three children by her in three years. It is also rumored he has children in Africa somehow. Two children in Egypt he has not visited.

And this is how he was forced to pay child support for my nephew.When he came to town when he was in the military with his new wife his family lied for him so that we never could serve the papers for him to appear in court to pay child support. Finally the lawyer my mom hired called his commanding officer and told him he had a child he was evading paying child support for. His commanding officer ordered him to leave and take care of his business. We found out that he was going to the local highschool the next day to visit with some previous teachers and the sheriff sent out two deputies to serve him with the papers as soon as he walked out of the highschool with his new wife by his side.

He now has around 14 childen and he is in his mid 30's. He has been busy. My nephew's child support went all the way down to $5.00 per month because the more children he had the less each recieved.

So yes.. Military men are whores. So are firefighters and policemen.


United States of America

#5General Comment

Thu, November 22, 2012

LOL ma'am please delete this it isn't that serious you know how many dead beat dads are in this world do you know how many women just pick up and keep on going with or without his HELP ma'am I believe this is about revenge and money your heart is broken and you feel like you have been played EVERYBODY who has fell in love has been there and done that you look a like a dang fool posting this on here...

This is so sad and your using your baby to make his life hell if you were a real woman you would say F him and keep it moving and take care you and yours and don't worry about the next MF. Its time to grow up and put on your big girl panties and get on with your life you aren't the first and you won't be the last but this is to far calling these women names like they did something to you and putting our people personal numbers...honesty if I was one of these women and I seen this post I would personally come kick your *** because that wasn't needed. 

I have to say it again you look like a DANG FOOL go on about your life and take care of your baby.


Reading Between The Lines

#6General Comment

Thu, November 22, 2012


Scroll back up and look at the name of the author who posted the comments about "women closing their legs" and "abortion".  It certainly wasn't me.  Being a single-mother myself, that's certainly nothing I would ever even think, let alone say.  That guy made a completely inappropriate and asinine comment.  If he stood in my presence and made that comment, I would have drop kicked him in the face.  Since he was not the person to make the initial complaint, I didn't even respond to him.

I'm very familiar with contraceptives and how they can be impaired.  Unlike Depo, Ortho's effectiveness can be lowered by a heavy dose of antibiotics....I know from experience.  I do not condone rape.  No means no and rape is rape.  I'm very pro-choice...women should have the tough option to decide whether to become a mother or not.  I do not like the fact that it is far more simpler for a man to decide whether he wants to be a parent or not than it is for a woman.  He can accept the responsibility or walk away.  The mother just can't walk away...it's either become a mother, abortion, or adoption.  I believe the options given to women are far more emotionally-involved than options given to the sperm-donor.  However, that's a moot point since that's the way we were created by biology, God, or whichever your choose to believe in.  No point in sulking in something your cant change...just stay strong, move on, and cherish every second with the wonderful child that was created inside of you, if your choice is to be a mother.  

I wrote "unknown" under the father's name on my son's birth certificate and have never tried to claim child support for a reason.  Why would you want to actively involve someone in your child's life who does not want to be there?  In no way do I condone a man for neglecting his responsibilities as a father; however, I also would not want a man in my child's life who sees his relationship with my child as a repercussion of a "mistake" he made..to come and go as he pleases.  My son and I have had a wonderful life without this guy having any involvement besides helping me to conceive my wonderful child.  My son is completely content with the understanding of "family"  No family is the same.  Not every family has a Mama, a Grandma, Papa, Uncle, Aunt, Great grandma, or nephews like his does. 

I have been humiliated, but I cut ties and moved on.  I didn't cause further humiliation upon myself or my child.  I honestly believe slandering your child's father's name all over the internet will eventually cause humiliation for that child at some point down the line.  That is a selfish move neglecting the child's best interest.  

I didn't miss her point.  Our military places their own lives on the line for our country at any given time.  However, they are the same as the next person when it comes to sexual relations.  They are either committed or they aren't.  The "Good Ole Boy" group can also be called "comradery".  Comradery is formed regardless of where you work, whether it be the military, Walmart, a gas station, doctors office, etc.  It's a part of human nature.  A person can still be honorable in the aspect that they place their lives at risk on a daily basis for the sake of others...considering plenty of people in this nation would NEVER do the same.  As well, inappropriate relationships occur regardless of where you work, whether it be in the military or at Walmart...why should double-standards exist?   I don't condone it, but that's the way it is.

I didn't miss her point, but it was easy to read between the lines.  Unlike yourself, one of the very first things she mentioned was child support payments with a specific monetary amount.  She posted the report after she didn't receive a payment for child support same day as the court order.  As I said before, this is due to the dept of treasury, and the time it takes for the court order to make it up to the dept of treasury.  It wasn't due to the military backing him up.  It was due to the military taking forever to make any monetary change....as they do with anything, not just child support payments.  I can guarantee you she has been back-paid for the delay.  Unlike you, I don't think she really cares about his lack of responsibility to their child.  She cares more about her humility and money.  In my world, my child always comes first.  I'll sacrifice my own humility and money for son, when needed.

I normally dont respond to anyone other than the person who initially complained, but your response inspired me, too.  You've been placed in some pretty tough situations and I do feel for you.  Reading between the lines, your situation is in no way the same as the chick who made the initial complaint.  You never once mentioned child support payments.  Sounds to me like you are simply trying to figure out the true identity of the father of your child.  I can't blame you for the cancer treatment situation you are facing.  That's a tough one.  Nearly 2 weeks in isolation away from your children...the thought has to be unbearable.  I have the friends and family who would watch my son for me, but I don't know that I could bring myself to be isolated from him.  Eventually, you'll have to do so, in order to extend your life with your children.  I hope you have a good trustworthy circle of friends and family to help out when the time comes.


North Carolina,
Your screen name "SUCKA" says it all.....

#7General Comment

Wed, November 21, 2012

I normally just read on various topics without responding, but your ignorant and conceited nature inspired me!!

First of all, I commend her for coming forward and posting the ad.  You obviously have NO IDEA how humiliating it is to find out you have been taken advantage of in such a intentional and premeditated manner, especially when children are involved.  Obviously, you are the type who would blame a victum of rape as "asking for it" if she was dressed in a sexy manner!  The comment you made about her keeping her legs closed was ENTIRELY in appropriate as well.  Before you rush to judgement, you should consider the fact that multiple people can end up in the same place, but it doesnt mean they all got there by the same route or in the same car. Contraception does not come with a 100% guarantee.  Suggesting that she have an abortion tells me where you fall into what I call the 30%/60%/10% breakdown of human nature.  Roughly 30% of people never stop to consider whether an action is right or wrong; they just do what they want with no regards to the outcome.  Next would be the 60% population who are ethical; meaning they know something is wrong, but do it anyway.  Sadly, only about 10% of the world is moral; meaning they dont do things because they are simply WRONG. I doubt I have to indicate exactly where I believe you fall in this equation.

To top it all off, you COMPLETELY missed the point she was trying to make.  She is exactly right that the military is more of a "Good Ole Boys" club and will protect their own, at any cost.  At least until it is brought out in the media, which has been more than proven with recent media about adultry in the military.  I can relate to her situation to even further back her point.  I am currently in a similar situation.  I spent 15 months and had a baby with an Army officer.  It wasnt until after I lost contact with him 2 months after my son was born that I called the local IG office and found out that the SS# and all other information that he FREELY and HAPPILY provided me was false.  For the entire 9 months I was pregnant, he kept in touch and told me stories of going to various locations to ensure our son was taken care of.  The IG office offers their sympathy, but they wouldnt help locate him.  The State CCE didnt want to use their resources to track him down.  My only recourse was to borrown money from family to make a $3000 down payment for a lawyer and another $750 for a private detective.  Just to be clear and before you say anything, I am self-reliant and have a 9-year-old daughter I have raised on my own and without state assistance.  On top of that, there is a good chance that this pregnancy caused a recurrence in my thyroid cancer.  Since part of the treatment requires radiation therapy and 10 days in isolation, do you really think I have been able to followup on this condition.  Yes, he was aware of the situation he would be leaving me in if he didnt follow through with his promises; but obviously self-preservation was more important than his own flesh and blood (and only son).  If I thought you had a conscience, I would tell you the degree in which this whole thing has effected my whole life, family, etc., but most importantly what it has done to my daughter (just so you know, I did say "no" the night she was conceived).

In the end, at least in my case, it is not about the money......Its about the lack of obligation men ( and women) seem to have towards their children.  If it doesnt bother you that society has made it acceptable for either a father or mother to neglect their children, then perhaps you should take a good long look at yourself before judging others!!


You Define "Ghetto"

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2012

I have absolutely no relation to this dude, his kids, you or your kids.  I have no idea who any of you are.  I simply typed in "Fort Walton Beach" into the search browser of Ripoff Report and you came up.  I only clicked on your initial comment because I thought it was a joke.  I couldn't believe there was actually a category for "dead beat dad".

You claim you do everything for you and your kids on your own, but that's untrue.  You rely so heavily upon this dude's child support that it triggers you to trash him, yourself, and your children all over the internet.  If you truly loved your children, you would write this guy out of yours and your children's lives, since he apparently isn't a part of it.  You would spare your children the embarrasment they will eventually feel down the line.  If this guy is the piece of **** you claim him to be, why do you keep involving yourself with him?  Why not write him off?

The fact that you were triggered to further engage yourself in this dude's affairs because of a comment I, a complete stranger, made online shows you are completely out of your wits.  If I were him, I would steer clear of you, too.

You are downright crazy.  I feel for your children and their future.  I have absolutely no desire to call Georgia, follow this guy, or track any of your dirty laundry down.  Get over your d*mned self.


United States of America
Get Over Yourself

#9Author of original report

Sun, November 11, 2012

I see you are still believing his lies. Our court day was for Dec 8 2011, that is when he was ordered to pay child support. He paid the month of Dec, Jan and Feb he did not pay and the allotment was started in March, he is still currently 2 months behind in his child support and his GA driver's license is currently suspended. And if I catch him driving I'm calling the PO PO's on him, and yes I do have people in Fort Stewart looking for him driving. 
You think you know everything but you do not, he is currently in arrears $1,458.16 but it's all good once he files or his wife files (because yes they are still legally married ) their income taxes this year it will be garnished and paid out to me.

And if you knew anything about the military you would know that an allotment takes time to start, that is why the judge ordered him to go to the court house and pay the child support directly to them but he failed to do so. 

I have no reason to lie and if you try me I will be informing his command staff at Fort Stewart of his current situation if I was you I would let things die, but do know that the court order will be changed again since he got promoted. 

Just had to wait for him to physically get in Georgia before I could slam him with another increase in child support, but since he has been here since Oct I think it is about time. 
And don't you dare say the father of my child, he isn't SH*T to my daughter but a sperm donor. He hasn't seen this child since she was 4 months she is now 15 months, he didn't see her walk, crawl, her first birthday he was too busy playing daddy to your kids; but you know what I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't have to worry about my mate paying women off of craigslist for sex, (don't believe me ask his wife) he did the same thing to her. He tried to ruin my life by spreading lies, to make him look like the "good" guy. But no good would be "laid" up with another woman while one is in the hospital having his child. If I was you I would let this thread die, before I start posting pictures, emails, and text conversation between him and I, his wife and I, and his mother and I. 

You have no idea what kind of web you entangled yourself in. Me and my girls are happy, we depend on no one, I have MY own everything!  He wasn't a asset to my life he was mydownfall, girl boo you keep that mess and him over there. Because no matter what he put me through I am still standing and I am still strong. My daughter talks now and she calls my fiancee daddy. Christopher is WEAK and always will be. He has self esteem issues and uses women to make him feel worthy. He still hasn't realized that his children should come first, and by the time he does it will be way too late. Keep an eye open for her, she will on the cover of children's magazines.
And the only way I embarrassed myself was sinking so low to sleep with him in the first place when everyone in our unit told me how he was. You concerned about my rank ask him what rank was on my chest when we met, when he was lying saying he was divorced bringing me to his wife's home, lying to her telling her he had extra duty so he could spend the weekend with me. Ask him about that or better yet ask her because he will just lie. And ask him how he likes those DNA reports, just like he told you she wasn't his but DNA don't lie!! 

I'm great over here you should google her name and see all of the things she has accomplished at 15 months. Too bad he will never be apart of her life and that is my choice, I don't want his negative influences on her. She might think it is okay to be married and have a baby with someone else. 

IF you must know I was an E5, when I decided not to re-enlist. Uh duh if you decide not to re-enlist you get an Honorable Discharge what I have. Lol he probably lied to you about that as well, but none of that matters to me, I haven't seen or heard from him in over a year and I plan to keep it that way. The only way he will see me is in court, for my child support. Look up the Okaloosa County files for December, while your on their look up his divorce files as well and you will clearly see he is still married. 

AND now you would need to look in Georgia for my child support information but i provided you a picture of my arrears. See I was good till you posted this post now I think I will call the Child Support office and have a warrant issued for his arrest because its been well enough, and since he is behind that is my right to tell them I want a warrant and I know his unit to have him picked up  and you know my number you gotta something to say to me dial it.....thought so


Are You Really A Military Vet?

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, November 10, 2012

Hanging your dirty laundry out to dry all over the internet is incredibly classy!  Wow, kudos to you!

If you are truly a military vet, I highly doubt you made it any farther in rank than E-3, nor lasted very long before you were involuntarily separated for medical, performance, or financial reasons.  You should also know how military pay-periods work.

Okaloosa county court-ordered him to pay child support in Feb, some point between Wednesday 01 Feb and Sunday 11Feb.  Since courts are closed on weekends, I'll  presume the court date was sometime between 01-09Feb.  You posted your complaint on Mon 13Feb.  Military pay day was 01 feb and 15 feb that month. 

Since he was court-ordered to pay child support, that $738 per month is directly allotted from his pay and paid directly to you...he never sees it.  But, it takes a couple weeks for that to reflect.  He had no control over that.  You should have posted your negative comment about failure to pay child-support so quickly against the US Dept of Defense, since they were ultimately responsible for that allotment to you.  You obviously have no concept of how a military pay-period works.

Good job humiliating yourself, your child, and the father of your child and discrediting the US Armed Forces!  I hope you're proud of yourself. 


United States of America
Your business?

#11Author of original report

Tue, February 14, 2012

If you must know we dated for a year before I found out he was married we where living together and he told his wife he was on deployment. She found out the truth by calling me and it was to late i was already pregnant. Your a devil for saying I should of had a abortion and its bc of people like you who condone his actions is why women don't speak up. First of all UCMJ no longer applies to me as a vet if you would research  instead of inserting your ignorant comments you would know that. I cannot be charged with a military crime as I am no longer a military member. You act as if I had a one night stand sorry it didn't happen that way my daughter was actually planned by me and him. My ony mistake was believing that he was a honorable military man and I should of done a background check but after a year to find out he was lying the whole time and dude even took me home to his mothers house for Christmas and she sd tha t he was divorced for over two years so apparently you should get the whole story before you try to condemn me for falling in love and giving this many everything 


Hold the phone!

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, February 14, 2012

If you (as you stated) are a Military Vet then you are subjected to the same sanctions as he is.  IF you knew he was married then what is the reason you slept with him in the first place with NO protection?  Take a look in the mirror because you are just as guilty as he is.


Here's your answer

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, February 14, 2012

"So that is 2 women, 1 wife, 2 children all from one man. That is not honorable at all. And yet he continues to represent this country as a honorable military man, when will he be stopped?"

When women like you either keep their legs crossed or learn how to use birth control, or at least have enough sense to get an abortion. Ever thought about waiting until you are married to have a kid? Nah, I didn't think so. 

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