  • Report:  #2780

Complaint Review: circuit city - culver city California

Reported By:
- moorpark, ca,

circuit city
culver city, 90202 California, U.S.A.
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I bought a NEC harddrive from circuit city. Since i didn't buy the whole system, they tried to give me a hard time. Anyway, i bought it and i didn't buy the 3 year warrenty. I figured , if it breaks down within that time, i'll fix it or get a new one. about 12 days later, i bought speakers for my computer only to realize that they didn't work. I then returned them and bought new ones....they didn't work either. I then tried the speakers out on another system and they worked. This led me to believe that the speaker setup in my computer was bad. I went to return it since it was before the 14 days they give you to exchange an item. Well they did'nt have another one in stock....of course....so they said that they would return it and have it fixed. I went to pck it up a couple of days later, and they would'nt let me have it until i paid the $55 repair fee. I was pissed!! They sold me a broken product but wanted me to pay for fixing it! I asked to talk to the manager and he was some low life that didn't even care about my problem. he just told me that i had to return in a couple of days because he had to call NEC directly for authorization to remove the charge!! Yeah right!!

i ended up getting it fixed for free but i continue to have problems with it! they refuse to fix some of the minor problems and just give me the brush off when i complain. I 've even called the corporate office and left several messages with the supervisor of that store...he's never called me back!! If this is n't lack of professionallism, i dont know what is!!

Bottom line: never buy from circuit city!!

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