  • Report:  #212100

Complaint Review: CITGO Petroleum Corporation - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Red Bank, New Jersey,

CITGO Petroleum Corporation
1293 Eldridge Parkway Houston, 77077-1670 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Did you get a load of Hugo Chavez's "speech" at the United Nations yesterday?

This guy is a piece of garbage. I hope that Iran is stupid enough to go ahead and place their Shahab-3 missiles on Venezuelan soil so that the United States can have a good reason to bomb Venezuela back into the Stone Age!

Did you know that CITGO is owned by Petrs de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) , which is owned by the Venezuelan State? (Since Chavez is the dictator of Venezuela, HE IS THE STATE!) Please spread the word about how America hating, terrorist supporter Hugo Chavez is profiting everytime ignorant American consumers buy CITGO products!!!


Here is the text of an email which I just sent to Chavez at [email protected] with a cc to CITGO at [email protected].


Hugo Chavez,

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

P. O. Box 62291

Caracas 1060-A

APO AA 34037

email address: [email protected]

Hey you tin-horn South American dictator,

Just a note to let you know that I will not be buying gasoline at CITGO. I don't want my money going to someone who hates America and supports terrorist nations such as Iran and Cuba and who calls the President of the United States "The Devil".

I suggest that you stop acting like such an a*****e and grow up. Stop blaming all of your country's problems on the United States!

The United States will only put up with the psychotic rantings and threats of insignificant cockroaches like you and your buddy Ahmadinijad for only so long, you despicable scumbag...

cc: CITGO Petroleum Corporation

P. O. Box 4689

Houston, TX 77210-4689

email address: [email protected]


Please click on the link below for more information about CITGO:




Red Bank, New Jersey

33 Updates & Rebuttals


South Plainfield,
New Jersey,
Elaine, the potato headed fool from Boise, Idaho

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 23, 2006

Did you ever hear the old saying: "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, then don't say anything at all", Elaine? You are very obnoxious and you have a big mouth. If you like Chavez so much, then why don't you pack your bags and move down to Caracas, Venezuela? I'm sure that it's a lot warmer down there than it is up there in Potatoheadland! Maybe you're right, Elaine. I guess that Corzine and the other ultra-liberals who run the People's Republic of New Jersey have a lot more important things to talk about... like gay marriage and raising taxes!


It's a gift, of course you take it.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 22, 2006

It's going to cost Venezuela for us to burn their oil that they could've sold for full market price. So that is the patriotic thing to do if you don't like Venezuela. I think Chavez did this for entertainment: he'll enjoy watching Americans lie, cheat, and kiss political a*s to get their hands on a few gallons of cheap oil. As if he was expecting anything different.


The Reason your comments are ridiculous:

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 22, 2006

1. All Americans are looking for bargains. They will keep the oil and more people than are eligible will try and get it; hence the popularity of Walmart. 2. It's a gift! You don't refuse a gift! 3. Bush has admitted his little war is about keeping oil at $2 a gallon. Finally. He's making this war up as he goes along. 4. Venezuela's Chavez wants to make Bush and his cronies look like money hungry fools, which in many, but not all cases, they are. Free oil will make Bush look bad and he look good. You go, Hugo! 5. Bush and the neo-cons have never been at a lower point and Americans as a whole are fed up with the war, the lies, the deaths, the destruction of our civil rights and our constitution at the hands of those we elected. The people of America are facing hardships we brought on ourselves by voting in these imbeciles you support. The people and government of Venezuela are looking pretty good in comparison (on its face). Why not accept a gift? With all that's going on in the world and our own country, you seem pretty consumed with Citgo oil and Hugo Chavez. Is there nothing else you can focus on in New Jersey? PS: Congrats on your esteemed state leaders permitting civil unions. It's the right and civil thing to do. This is a movement that needs to make its way across the country.


South Plainfield,
New Jersey,
Just say NO to the "Joe 4 Oil" program!

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 22, 2006

Have you seen those television commercials for CITGO's discounted heating oil program featuring Joseph P. Kennedy II? In the commercial, Joe Kennedy states that families that have been awarded a federal fuel assistance benefit automatically will receive a letter from Citizens Energy Corporation (a front for CITGO) informing them of their potential eligibility to receive a one-time delivery of up to 200 gallons of heating oil at 40 percent off retail price. He says that this program is "a gift from the people of Venuezuela to the people of the United States". The commercial ends with Kennedy urging viewers to call a toll-free telephone number (1-877-JOE-4-OIL) for more information about this program. I know that Joe Kennedy is a publicity seeking, ultra-liberal fool, but this time he's gone too far! This smug, sanctimonious, millionaire has got a lot of nerve sponsoring Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez's latest attempt at class warfare. I guess that Chavez figures he can further insult the Bush Administration and at the same time look like the good guy by offreing subsudized home heating oil to low income Americans. I hope that most people who are eligible for this program see it for what it is and say: "Hey Joe, take your buddy Hugo Chavez's discounted home heating oil, and shove it"!


River Edge,
New Jersey,
you cannot honestly believe that Chavez calling Bush the devil is that bad.

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, October 02, 2006

Toni, you cannot honestly believe that Chavez calling Bush the devil is that bad. If it was, why do our leaders insist on calling people names. For example... Rush Limbaugh calling Chelsea clinton a "Dog" Rush Limbaugh referring to Daschle as "El Diablo" Along with "Devil in a Blue Dress" theme music, Limbaugh would carry on at length about how Daschle may well be Satan in soft-spoken disguise Funny how we didn't hear any outrage from the "liberal" media on these things huh....


River Edge,
New Jersey,
you cannot honestly believe that Chavez calling Bush the devil is that bad.

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, October 02, 2006

Toni, you cannot honestly believe that Chavez calling Bush the devil is that bad. If it was, why do our leaders insist on calling people names. For example... Rush Limbaugh calling Chelsea clinton a "Dog" Rush Limbaugh referring to Daschle as "El Diablo" Along with "Devil in a Blue Dress" theme music, Limbaugh would carry on at length about how Daschle may well be Satan in soft-spoken disguise Funny how we didn't hear any outrage from the "liberal" media on these things huh....


By Toni's logic, Bush is the biggest traitor of them all.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, October 01, 2006

President Bush has the power to stop importation of Venezuelan oil with one stroke of a pen. He hasn't done it. He could commandeer the CITGO refineries and hand them over to good American oil compaines. He hasn't done it. He hasn't even formally declared Venezuela to be an "enemy." That would be kind of hypocritical considering how much oil we buy from them, but he's done it with Iran. Bush may have realized or been told that even after someone calls you a "devil" and makes friends with your enemies, it may not be in your best interest to punch him in the face for it. At least not right away. People who think that it is wrong to buy oil from Venezuela and CITGO should write letters to the White House and Congress, not 7-Eleven(*) and Hugo Chavez. (*) As an aside, 7-Eleven LAST YEAR decided not to renew their contract with CITGO, which was set to expire Sept. 30, 2006. They did it for business reasons (they decided they could make mo' money selling a different brand or generic gasoline). Both companies publically announced the decision LAST YEAR. Blow-hard conservatives were encouraging their followers to waste ink and vitriol lobbying for what was already A DONE DEAL. Then when the Citgo signs were inevitably removed from 7-Eleven, they would proclaim it as a great victory, even though it was going to happen anyway.


Chill out Toni !

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, September 30, 2006

I respect different views and opinions, even if they don't agree with me. If you lived in Venezuela, and stated something negative about Chavez, you would probably be jailed or killed. This is not what freedom is about, those who have different opinions should not be tortured or killed for expressing their feelings. One can label me with whatever name or group you feel is appropriate, but I feel all the oil companies are exploiting the American consumers in the current situation. Unfortunately, some of these oil companies are based right here in our country.


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
You liberals are so stupid!

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 30, 2006

You liberals are so dumb! You think that just because I live in New Jersey, I should be a left-wing wack job like you are. Sorry, but I'm not a mindless Kool-Aid drinking fool like the rest of you Bush hating liberal DemoCRAPs are. I don't know if you are aware of it, but not everyone in a Blue State is a DemoCRAP, and not everyone in a "Red State" is a Republican! Elaine is a left-wing nut job in a Republican stronghold (Idaho), and I am a Conservative Republican in the People's Republic of New Jersey! Anyone who continues to patronize CITGO is not only a dictator and terrorist supporting scumbag, but an America hating traitor. You are the kinds of verminous swine that would have bought from the Germans and Japanese during World War II! I have no respect for people who support the enemies of our country, be it politically or economically. In my opinion, you are the scum of the earth!


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
You liberals are so stupid!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 30, 2006

You liberals are so dumb! You think that just because I live in New Jersey, I should be a left-wing wack job like you are. Sorry, but I'm not a mindless Kool-Aid drinking fool like the rest of you Bush hating liberal DemoCRAPs are. I don't know if you are aware of it, but not everyone in a Blue State is a DemoCRAP, and not everyone in a "Red State" is a Republican! Elaine is a left-wing nut job in a Republican stronghold (Idaho), and I am a Conservative Republican in the People's Republic of New Jersey! Anyone who continues to patronize CITGO is not only a dictator and terrorist supporting scumbag, but an America hating traitor. You are the kinds of verminous swine that would have bought from the Germans and Japanese during World War II! I have no respect for people who support the enemies of our country, be it politically or economically. In my opinion, you are the scum of the earth!


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
You liberals are so stupid!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 30, 2006

You liberals are so dumb! You think that just because I live in New Jersey, I should be a left-wing wack job like you are. Sorry, but I'm not a mindless Kool-Aid drinking fool like the rest of you Bush hating liberal DemoCRAPs are. I don't know if you are aware of it, but not everyone in a Blue State is a DemoCRAP, and not everyone in a "Red State" is a Republican! Elaine is a left-wing nut job in a Republican stronghold (Idaho), and I am a Conservative Republican in the People's Republic of New Jersey! Anyone who continues to patronize CITGO is not only a dictator and terrorist supporting scumbag, but an America hating traitor. You are the kinds of verminous swine that would have bought from the Germans and Japanese during World War II! I have no respect for people who support the enemies of our country, be it politically or economically. In my opinion, you are the scum of the earth!


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
You liberals are so stupid!

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 30, 2006

You liberals are so dumb! You think that just because I live in New Jersey, I should be a left-wing wack job like you are. Sorry, but I'm not a mindless Kool-Aid drinking fool like the rest of you Bush hating liberal DemoCRAPs are. I don't know if you are aware of it, but not everyone in a Blue State is a DemoCRAP, and not everyone in a "Red State" is a Republican! Elaine is a left-wing nut job in a Republican stronghold (Idaho), and I am a Conservative Republican in the People's Republic of New Jersey! Anyone who continues to patronize CITGO is not only a dictator and terrorist supporting scumbag, but an America hating traitor. You are the kinds of verminous swine that would have bought from the Germans and Japanese during World War II! I have no respect for people who support the enemies of our country, be it politically or economically. In my opinion, you are the scum of the earth!


Our Fore Fathers Would be So Disappointed

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, September 28, 2006

Why is that whenever someone disagrees with our opinion it is the "American way" to just scream "shut up you liberal whacko" or "you uneducated Republican, just stop talking!"? Where does that hatred come from? Why can we not just accept the fact that we have different opinions, and that does not make us crazy, or whackos, or nazis, or commies, that makes us normal, productive Americans. Whether those ideas be well educated or not, it is still our Constitutional given right to spout off at the mouth with them. Regardless of how silly they seem. There have been so many times I hear someone say something and my first thought is "wow...what a nut" but then I stop and realize they have a darn good reason for thinking that and while I don't agree, that is ok. That is why I love America. Because I can say Bush is a n**i and I can say Kerry was a commie and I can say Clinton was a w***e and Reagan was inept. (by the way I say none of this, because I believe none of it, but I COULD say it). If I could get one thing, and one thing only out of this life, it would be to see America united, not politically united, or ideologically united, but united under the idea that no matter what someone says, they can say it and we will not throw a fit and call them names (even though we can) and act like a child, thus dividing our country. This goes out to Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and everyone in between. I, personally, choose not to affiliate with a party. I find out everything I can about a certain politician (usually way too much info so I don't really think anyone should win), and I base my vote on that. Used to be Republican, saw too much corruption. Then I was a Dem, didn't see enough action. Now I am myself, Nicole, and I vote for who I want, and do not let anyone tell me to shut up when I spout off my opinion. By the way, I expect someone to call me a hippie Dem, or a raging Republican, a traitor, or just tell me to shut up. Because that is all most Americans know how to do right now. And that is a shame. Last, but not least, God Bless America, I hearby pledge to see you through these hard times of trial and error, of prosperity and decline, of sadness and joy. I will not leave, like some, I will not abandon hope. And when America finally returns to her former glory (*cough* isolationism *cough*), I will once again stand proudly, as I do now, and proclaim, "I am an American".


You're correct. Blame 7-11

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, September 28, 2006

"Citgo was founded in 1910 as the Cities Service Co., according to the company Web site, and 7-Eleven's predecessor, The Southland Corp., bought Citgo from Occidental Petroleum in 1983. 7-Eleven sold half its interest in Citgo in 1986 and the remaining stake in 1990 to Petroleos de Venezuela SA." 7-11's are now owned by a Japanese company and their 20 year agreement to sell only Citgo gas expires next month.


Diplomacy is apparently no longer necessary.

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, September 28, 2006

First as far as over the top language, it is clear that President Bush has no concept of diplomacy. Trying to make a forceful point couched in the polite diplomatic language that is usually the norm among world leaders just isn't going to work. This guy brought us "Axis of Evil," "bring it on!" and "you're either with us or you're against us." Expressing discontent with nice words is not likely to make a dent in his thick head, or just go right over it. There are two words that start with "T" that have been misused so much by Toni and others that they have lost all meaning. I remind Toni that the Founding Fathers put a very strict definition of "treason" in the Constitution for that very reason. Back in those days used to be the fashion to call everyone who disagrees with the government "traitors." The writers of the Constitution wanted to make it clear that that is not the case. Toni and his ringmasters should be writing letters to President Bush asking him to embargo Venezuelan oil. The address is easy to find, though I think that "Hey tin-horn dictator" remains the apropriate salutation. It's going to be a much more effective campaign than driving your SUV past the local 7-11 to refuel somewhere else. But really, this problem is a lot bigger than Hugo Chavez, Iran, etc. It is actually by design of the West that the world has ended up this way. They wanted to make sure that poor countries had no choice but to lie down and w***e out their natural resources, or starve. The money passes thru the country's leader or pimp, which invariably results in massive corruption. Again, this is by design. The corrupt disfunctional country is incapable of any sustainable economic development. The pimp is a single point of contact for oil needs. And if he gets out of line, the superpower(s) will point at him and say "look at this corrupt, ruthless dictator!" Then they act like they're doing the world a favor by forcibly replacing him with someone more oil friendly. So to yell about Venezuela and CITGO in particular and ignore the big picture of the macroeconomic conspiracy that led to it is very shortsighted. Which is what these conservative ringmasters on the radio do. They act like they know everything, present a few facts, then make the conclusion that everyone should follow them. The problem is that that conclusion is often outright asenine and ludicrious if it were considered in light of other somewhat well-known facts that the host simply fails to mention. And that sort of propagandistic misleading of public opinion is just plain evil.


Virginia Beach,
I agree with the last poster....

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, September 28, 2006

I wont boycott Citgo because of Chavez. Im going to continue to buy gas from them. But I'll tell you that Im going to boycott 7-11.


I've apparently touched a nerve...

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Actually, you need to read more and spout off less. LEARN what you're talking about. Attend speeches, read books, form your own opinion, not depend on Rush etcetera to 'teach' you. While I'm not saying that all Chavez is doing is correct, he's supporting his countrymen by turning the oil profits around. Venezuelans pay approximately 20 cents a gallon for gas. Do you remember the last time we paid that much for gasoline? Or are you not that old? As for the president of Iran and others, while they may be kooks, they are absolutely correct in their assessment of Bush trying to take over the world and force both Christianity and democracy on countries that may not want either. We have no right to interfere with the sanctity of other countries. Actually I think they are correct; it's not the American people, per se', it's the US government, and the nuts that put these bullies in office (like you, Toni) and keep them there that are the problems. As for your comments about me and Idaho...you know nothing about Idaho. This state is so conservative if Jesus Christ himself ran on a ticket as a democrat he would lose. The moronic voters here simply look for the R for republican, nothing else, not qualifications, nothing. Kind of like you people in Red Bank, New Jersey. Fortunately, the rest of New Jersey isn't so backward minded.


I've apparently touched a nerve...

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Actually, you need to read more and spout off less. LEARN what you're talking about. Attend speeches, read books, form your own opinion, not depend on Rush etcetera to 'teach' you. While I'm not saying that all Chavez is doing is correct, he's supporting his countrymen by turning the oil profits around. Venezuelans pay approximately 20 cents a gallon for gas. Do you remember the last time we paid that much for gasoline? Or are you not that old? As for the president of Iran and others, while they may be kooks, they are absolutely correct in their assessment of Bush trying to take over the world and force both Christianity and democracy on countries that may not want either. We have no right to interfere with the sanctity of other countries. Actually I think they are correct; it's not the American people, per se', it's the US government, and the nuts that put these bullies in office (like you, Toni) and keep them there that are the problems. As for your comments about me and Idaho...you know nothing about Idaho. This state is so conservative if Jesus Christ himself ran on a ticket as a democrat he would lose. The moronic voters here simply look for the R for republican, nothing else, not qualifications, nothing. Kind of like you people in Red Bank, New Jersey. Fortunately, the rest of New Jersey isn't so backward minded.


I've apparently touched a nerve...

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Actually, you need to read more and spout off less. LEARN what you're talking about. Attend speeches, read books, form your own opinion, not depend on Rush etcetera to 'teach' you. While I'm not saying that all Chavez is doing is correct, he's supporting his countrymen by turning the oil profits around. Venezuelans pay approximately 20 cents a gallon for gas. Do you remember the last time we paid that much for gasoline? Or are you not that old? As for the president of Iran and others, while they may be kooks, they are absolutely correct in their assessment of Bush trying to take over the world and force both Christianity and democracy on countries that may not want either. We have no right to interfere with the sanctity of other countries. Actually I think they are correct; it's not the American people, per se', it's the US government, and the nuts that put these bullies in office (like you, Toni) and keep them there that are the problems. As for your comments about me and Idaho...you know nothing about Idaho. This state is so conservative if Jesus Christ himself ran on a ticket as a democrat he would lose. The moronic voters here simply look for the R for republican, nothing else, not qualifications, nothing. Kind of like you people in Red Bank, New Jersey. Fortunately, the rest of New Jersey isn't so backward minded.


I've apparently touched a nerve...

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Actually, you need to read more and spout off less. LEARN what you're talking about. Attend speeches, read books, form your own opinion, not depend on Rush etcetera to 'teach' you. While I'm not saying that all Chavez is doing is correct, he's supporting his countrymen by turning the oil profits around. Venezuelans pay approximately 20 cents a gallon for gas. Do you remember the last time we paid that much for gasoline? Or are you not that old? As for the president of Iran and others, while they may be kooks, they are absolutely correct in their assessment of Bush trying to take over the world and force both Christianity and democracy on countries that may not want either. We have no right to interfere with the sanctity of other countries. Actually I think they are correct; it's not the American people, per se', it's the US government, and the nuts that put these bullies in office (like you, Toni) and keep them there that are the problems. As for your comments about me and Idaho...you know nothing about Idaho. This state is so conservative if Jesus Christ himself ran on a ticket as a democrat he would lose. The moronic voters here simply look for the R for republican, nothing else, not qualifications, nothing. Kind of like you people in Red Bank, New Jersey. Fortunately, the rest of New Jersey isn't so backward minded.


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
Sign Grassfire.org's "Boycott CITGO" petition!

#22Author of original report

Wed, September 27, 2006

Please forward this email to all of your friends and family: ?????????- From: Steve Elliott Subject: Governor Pataki joins Citgo boycott Date: Tue 09/26/2006 01:38 PM Update: Governor, legislators call for Citgo boycott Thanks in large part to citizens like you, momentum is building for a boycott of Citgo as outraged citizens take action against the Hugo Chavez-owned company. Florida legislators are considering canceling a contract with Citgo while Boston leaders want the giant Citgo sign outside Fenway Park removed. Also, New York Governor George Pataki announced his personal boycott of Citgo and reports are starting to come in from business leaders pledging to boycott Citgo. I am so glad to hear that you have personally joined the Citgo boycott. Like you, I don't want my money in any way benefiting a totalitarian thug who called our President ?the devil? and made a mockery of the sign of the cross! We still need about 15,000 petitions to reach our goal of 50,000 for immediate delivery to 7-Eleven, a leading distributor of Citgo. Please forward this message to your friends with a note from you explaining your support for the Citgo boycott. Your friends can go here to join: http://www.grassfire.org/80/petition.asp?PID=11184195 Also, we have posted the Chavez video at that site. Thanks for your help! Steve Elliott, President Grassfire.org Alliance


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
Shut up, Elaine, you stupid potato headed fool!

#23Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 26, 2006

Elaine, you are nothing but an ultra-liberal fool! I always get a laugh out off all of you Kool-Aid drinking liberal shmucks. You think that Bush is responsible for all of the ills in the world, and you praise anti-American dictators and terrorists. I bet that you agree with Chavez's "friend and brother", third-rate actor Danny Glover who says that Bush is the "biggest terrorist in the world"!!! In Glover's warped, America-hating mind, President Bush is even worse than Osama bin Laden!!! Did you know that Hugo Chavez has allied himself with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinijad, Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro, and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Il? Hugo Chavez is an enemy of the United States. If you support him, then you also support Ahmedinijad, Castro, and Kim Jong-Il, and you are a despicable traitor to your country. It's as simple as that! I have no respect for traitors, and in my opinion, they should be lined up against a wall and shot!!! As for Bill O'Reilly, I believe that he is a hypocrite for calling for a boycott of France and ExxonMobil, but not supporting a boycott of CITGO! What's wrong, Billy Boy? Does CITGO run commercials on the Fox News Channel, and has Rupert Murdoch ordered you not to criticize them?


I had no opinion of Chavez until his speech

#24Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 25, 2006

Now I wonder what all the uproar is about... WHAT (if anything) he said is untrue? The US under Generalissimo Bush IS a hegemonious country. The US IS bullying other countries to get in line or else. While it can't be reliably proved Bush is the devil, it can't reliably be disproved either. What a legacy he leaves as the worst president ever. What a shame that our kids - and their kids - are going to be paying for Bush's blunders for generations to come. My sympathy to those who are following in lockstep to Rush, Michael Savage and Reagan, Sean and Bill O'Reilly, and are clueless to what's going on in the world.


I had no opinion of Chavez until his speech

#25Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 25, 2006

Now I wonder what all the uproar is about... WHAT (if anything) he said is untrue? The US under Generalissimo Bush IS a hegemonious country. The US IS bullying other countries to get in line or else. While it can't be reliably proved Bush is the devil, it can't reliably be disproved either. What a legacy he leaves as the worst president ever. What a shame that our kids - and their kids - are going to be paying for Bush's blunders for generations to come. My sympathy to those who are following in lockstep to Rush, Michael Savage and Reagan, Sean and Bill O'Reilly, and are clueless to what's going on in the world.


I had no opinion of Chavez until his speech

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 25, 2006

Now I wonder what all the uproar is about... WHAT (if anything) he said is untrue? The US under Generalissimo Bush IS a hegemonious country. The US IS bullying other countries to get in line or else. While it can't be reliably proved Bush is the devil, it can't reliably be disproved either. What a legacy he leaves as the worst president ever. What a shame that our kids - and their kids - are going to be paying for Bush's blunders for generations to come. My sympathy to those who are following in lockstep to Rush, Michael Savage and Reagan, Sean and Bill O'Reilly, and are clueless to what's going on in the world.


I had no opinion of Chavez until his speech

#27Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 25, 2006

Now I wonder what all the uproar is about... WHAT (if anything) he said is untrue? The US under Generalissimo Bush IS a hegemonious country. The US IS bullying other countries to get in line or else. While it can't be reliably proved Bush is the devil, it can't reliably be disproved either. What a legacy he leaves as the worst president ever. What a shame that our kids - and their kids - are going to be paying for Bush's blunders for generations to come. My sympathy to those who are following in lockstep to Rush, Michael Savage and Reagan, Sean and Bill O'Reilly, and are clueless to what's going on in the world.


The American oil companies are just like CITCO.

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, September 25, 2006

I think I remember our President calling other nations "axis of evil" not so long ago. This is where Mr. Chavez may have gotten the idea. The American oil companies are doing the same thing CITCO is doing, "exploiting the market place by ficticiously controlling the supply and demand factors". I do not see any difference in CITCO, MOBIL, EXXON, SHELL, VALERO, or any of these huge corporation, in that when the price was @ $3.00 plus a gallon, not one American oil company tried to keep their prices lower to help out this great country of ours. In fact, I remember them all going along with this great opportunity to make huge corporate profit at the expense of us consumers. The resources of Venezuela is being extracted using American labor and technology, and the mineral profits do go to the leaders of this country. Is this any different from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, or Mexico?


I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil

#29Consumer Comment

Sun, September 24, 2006

Chavez lives at the Army Post Office (APO)? I don't think that is the right address... I do not think he needs our Army Post Office to deliver his mail. Maybe I am confused about how international mail works. But my understand always was that APO FPA and AE AP AA were only used in military addresses (US military). Either way, while I disagree that Chavez is a "dictator" (technically they DID hold democratic elections and he WAS elected) I am no fan of the guy. He is slapping America in the face with his "oil for the poor" program (giving oil to poorer American communities...now including Alaska villages). And, although, I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil. But it is STILL not a ripoff. No one is making you buy CITGO gas.


I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, September 24, 2006

Chavez lives at the Army Post Office (APO)? I don't think that is the right address... I do not think he needs our Army Post Office to deliver his mail. Maybe I am confused about how international mail works. But my understand always was that APO FPA and AE AP AA were only used in military addresses (US military). Either way, while I disagree that Chavez is a "dictator" (technically they DID hold democratic elections and he WAS elected) I am no fan of the guy. He is slapping America in the face with his "oil for the poor" program (giving oil to poorer American communities...now including Alaska villages). And, although, I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil. But it is STILL not a ripoff. No one is making you buy CITGO gas.


I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil

#31Consumer Comment

Sun, September 24, 2006

Chavez lives at the Army Post Office (APO)? I don't think that is the right address... I do not think he needs our Army Post Office to deliver his mail. Maybe I am confused about how international mail works. But my understand always was that APO FPA and AE AP AA were only used in military addresses (US military). Either way, while I disagree that Chavez is a "dictator" (technically they DID hold democratic elections and he WAS elected) I am no fan of the guy. He is slapping America in the face with his "oil for the poor" program (giving oil to poorer American communities...now including Alaska villages). And, although, I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil. But it is STILL not a ripoff. No one is making you buy CITGO gas.


I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, September 24, 2006

Chavez lives at the Army Post Office (APO)? I don't think that is the right address... I do not think he needs our Army Post Office to deliver his mail. Maybe I am confused about how international mail works. But my understand always was that APO FPA and AE AP AA were only used in military addresses (US military). Either way, while I disagree that Chavez is a "dictator" (technically they DID hold democratic elections and he WAS elected) I am no fan of the guy. He is slapping America in the face with his "oil for the poor" program (giving oil to poorer American communities...now including Alaska villages). And, although, I HATE Bush, it was rather rude to call him the devil. But it is STILL not a ripoff. No one is making you buy CITGO gas.


Simple choice

#33Consumer Comment

Sat, September 23, 2006

Politics aside, his comments were way over the top. Period. Even though I cannot stop Venezuelan petroleum products entering the U.S. supply, I CAN pass up the Citgo station and purchase my gas somewhere else. Which is what I do.


Kudos to Chavez! Chavez is clearly not a nice guy, but at least he has the balls to try and control his country's oil resources and stand in opposition to Bush and others

#34Consumer Comment

Fri, September 22, 2006

The rich countries of the world, led by the USA, have conspired to keep oil-bearing third world countries as poor as possible. Those countries then have no choice but to sell lots of oil at whatever price they can get, ensuring plentiful cheap oil for the rich countries. They can't even afford the technology to drill and transport the oil themselves. Instead, US oil companies come in and basically steal the oil, keeping the profits from the drilling phase for themselves. Chavez is clearly not a nice guy, but at least he has the balls to try and control his country's oil resources and stand in opposition to Bush and others who think that they "own the world." For some reason (because there are lots of idiots like Toni that ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT) anyone who opposes Bush can be labelled a "terrorist supporter" and it will stick. Then Bush will have license to "bomb the country into the stone age" with nary a whisper of dissent. It would make sense, if Bush really doesn't like Chavez' policies, for the US to not import any oil from Venezuela. Fat chance of that happning. Everything that the administration does, and this includes the "war on terror," is founded on one principle: CHEAP OIL, WITH BIG PROFITS FOR OIL COMPANIES. As a practical matter, it is not possible for a consumer to boycott a particular oil company. The gas you buy at an Exxon station may have actually been produced in Venezuela and refined by Citgo. Once oil enters the supply chain it is an interchangeable commodity. There is no way to be sure where a particular gallon of gasoline came from.

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