  • Report:  #449687

Complaint Review: C.N. Brown - Lewiston Maine

Reported By:
- lewiston, Maine,

C.N. Brown
248 Main Street Lewiston, 04240 Maine, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have had it with this company. C.N.Brown, when I worked there, used to force me to work 48 hours a week but i could only get paid for 24. The District manager, and the manager, Lorraine was all for this, and told me if I didn't like it, many people needed jobs around here. I'm surprised she's still there. She smells like underarm sweat all the time, and is one of the most NONPROFESSIONAL people I've ever encountered. She yells at employees in front of customers. Rose, her assistant manager is EXTREMELY rude. Moreso than even Lorraine is, Or that gay guy that worked there a few years ago. I thought he was rude. I will never buy another thing at Big Apple again as long as I live, they have gone DOWNHILL AND FAST.

Seems all we can do is Boycott Big apple, and C.N. Brown Heating oil, Gas heat is MUCH cheaper anyway. My highest gas bill last winer was $88.

C.N. Brown will lie thru their teeth, however, claiming oil heat is cheaper. Even in the 1990s when I did have heating oil, My bill would average $200 a month (and I thought this was a good deal), I switched to natural gas, and it more than halved the bill.

We cannot trust a company that lies about Oil heat being cheaper than Gas heat. I don't mean propane, either, I mean Natural Gas under the ground. I have all my bills for the last thirty years to prove which is cheaper. Do yourself a favor and call Northern Utilities and if you live 500ft from a gas main, they will convert you to gas for free and you will save a fortune.

If MODA were smart, they'd kick C.N.brown out for their bad business practices.

I also want to add, if you buy C.N. Brown heating oil, the most expensive one you can buiy, and your furnace breaks down in the middle of the night, they do NOT have technicians to come and fix the problem. On the other hand, if you have guardian care with northern utilities you are protected 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

This winter my furnace stopped running. I called Northern Utilities. 15 minutes later they were at my house and they fixed the problem, my grandchild turned off the gas burner switch thinking it was a lightswitch LOL

If I had still been buying heating oil from cnbrown, they would do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help me.

I forgot to mention, when I went to gas heat, I switched the hot water and the dryer from electric. In the summer I pay less than $30 for gas. Switching from oil to gas was the best decision I have ever made.

It's awful when I have complete trust in a utility, yet I can have no trust in a local company.

When was the last time you ran out of heating oil in the middle of the night when the temperature was thirty below? With gas, there are no worries, there is no tank you can run out of.

In conclusion, I wish that I could get every one of you to stop patronizing CNbrown. If you only knew of the slavery that went on there, and if you complained about working for free what would you hear? "you know that many people want jobs right now and in the state of maaine I don't need a reason to fire you (true)"

The drive off thing is the same way. They can just fire you cause they don't like the way you look. It's Maine State Law. You or your employer may terminate your employment at any time for any reason. Only thing good about it is that they cannot EVER use it against me if I don't give a notice, and I would never give a notice unless I had it in writing that if I was gonna get fired, I'd get a 2 weeks notice or severance pay.

I urge anyone not to do business with this company unless you believe in slavery.


lewiston, Maine


6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
I guess we can see where this is going..

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 07, 2011

I came across this "report" by accident.  When I read what this person had to say, frankly, I was appalled.  What kind of company was this??  Then I read further and discovered that "esther" was making comments that were homophobic in nature, inciting people to "boycott" using baseless examples, etc.  Clearly this couldn't be the same company I worked for, or was it?  Have I ever seen an instance of people working 48 hours and being paid for 24? No.  They are super vigilant about making sure their people are paid for every minute they work.   Ok...  Next.  You attacked someone for..let's see...smelling?  I have two kids that wouldn't use that argument, lets move along.  Do YOURSELF a favor Esther, and price out the value of oil.  I can't be bothered to go into statistics here because you don't warrant my time to that degree.  Suffice to say, if you look at the value of oil with someone that is able to do the math, you might be surprised. Finally, I must work for a different CN Brown then you did.  I worked for them til my store closed down about 5 years ago, after that they offered me a position in another store..I wasnt able to do that but the offer was there.  More recently, I was offered another local store to manage and accepted the position.  Since taking that position I have been helped by numerous people within the company that want to see me succeed. Maybe you couldn't do the job you were given? Maybe you got too sidetracked with your homophobia or perceived injustices?  I havent a clue, all I can say is, you need to get over your online rants and take ownership for your personal failures.


Minor Hill,
I know what it is like working for a crooked DM

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, July 13, 2009

I basically know what y'all are going through. I have worked for a crooked DM myself. I worked for a convience store called Stepsaver over 25 years ago. All the employees @ the store I worked @ would have meetings with this DM he would make all these promises to all employees but later on 1 of the other employees would remind him what he said he would denys saying it. 1 time 3rd shift was 30 dollars short on thier shift. They took the money out of the shift and tried to accuse the 1st shift employees of taking it. That DM came back to the store I was sent to the cooler to stock it . I came outside and asked what was going on the 2 employee told me they were quitting and why so to make along story short my 2 fellow employees had enough working for someone with a crooked outfit after the DM left all 3 employee including myself clocked out and walked out @ the same time. We left the manager there.


Minor Hill,
I went to a right to work state website

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, June 29, 2009

I recently checked out a right to work state website and I did not see y'alls state(Maine) listed as a right to work state but as a union state. I know whats its like to work for a crooked company I have been there myself. It is not y'alls fault if some one drives off with out paying. Check ou the right to work state surf the net y'all wont see the state of Maine listed as a right to work state.


Steve Lawrence is the most crooked man with expensive lawyers sleeps with his dms

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 25, 2009

I've been there too, when I refused to work for free for them any longer they got rid of me fast. Whoever is reading this from tennessee needs to keep their nose out of this, the state of Maine will do little to this company. What I'd like to know is why do they never ever ever defend themselves? Are they that much of a fly by night company that they cannot even provide an explanation for this treatment of employees? In Maine they do NOT need a reason to fire you. It's a right to work state. This is not Tennessee. We don't have the same rights as you. All we can do is go to the media and show the state who CN Brown really is The biggest problem is Steve Lawrence. Ever since he was caught sleeping with Tina Chasse, they swept this under the carpet and transferred her 200 miles away. He is a TAX CHEAT and a PIG. CN Brown is no company to do business with. Every other store on here provides an apology or some kind of explanation, where they say NOTHING. I'm glad they fired me, I paid an arm and a leg in gas drive offs cause we would be fired for making them pay first, as Steve Lawrence says they cannot "browse" when they pay first. I have also heard the president, Jinger Duryea say that help for these places comes "a dime a dozen" and that "heating oil is important to the company, she could care less about big apple stores" Another tax cheat. I do know that when Jinger read this article, her response was "we have much more expensive lawyers than any of these people can EVER afford". Is that how you treat employees? This company has no honor, and needs to get put under ASAP. I have inside information about sales and liquor tax cheating, but I cannot prove it, so it would go no where. I agree with the other writer that says, when someone drunk off big apple's beer kills a politician's kid, something will be done about this most lawless company. I hope the people of the state of Maine remember this next winter when they buy heating oil. Another big problem is Doreen Walters, another one that sleeps with Steve Lawrence. I've seen it myself. She is the most 2 faced dms there ever were to be. Doreen is a THIEF and gets away with it by pinning it on others. I happen to know of a safe robbery she was in on, seriously, but if you think I would do anything to help CN Brown, you got another think coming. In a way I'm glad Doreen and Tina split that 4500 dollars. It's the company's fault for not putting a camera in certain stores. That is the only safe robbery I personally know that Doreen was in on, but there were more that I strongly suspect. Funny how it always happened in a store where Doreen COULD NOT STAND the manager. When I was asked about Doreen from Jinger herself, I told her, "I think you have a serious problem", but she did nothing, preferring to get the money back from the insurance company I would not be the least bit surprised if Jinger herself was a thief, there has to be a reason so many thieves are there. I know employees that hit no sale then when the customer leaves, they pocket the money. With losses like this, Jinger can write it off on her taxes for the company and their precious heating oil. If you believe in slavery, keep patronizing the company, there are many that could care less.


Minor Hill,
Call the laborboard and turn him in

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, May 08, 2009

Estrher, Do you keep track of your hours? I would contact the labor board about this and turn him in. They will invesigate this and if the laborboard sees you have not been paid for the hours you worked they will make him give you back pay plus fine him. Do not worry he cannot fire you if he finds out you turned him in. Keep me posted Steph



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 08, 2009

I worked, as well, for this company for over seven years, I was "part time", more like I got paid for part time, and worked off of the clock for the rest. If you tell them you can work by law only so many hours a week, their answer is, "just don't punch in". So i'm not the least bit amazed, just happy that someone at last has spoken up about this. I know who you are, and you know who I am, I think we can get something going on channel 8 if we do it together. We need to let the people of the state of Maine know what's going on with their largest heating oil and convienience store. Give me a call and I'll be glad to help in any way whatsoever I just called the labor board this morning. It feels good to see what goes around REALLY comes back around. I kept my mouth shut for three years, no more. CN brown you are getting what you deserve. You also put a sign on my dad's car when he went to see me for about a minute. He couldn't believe it. Whoever started this movement has lost even more heating oil customers.

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