  • Report:  #301292

Complaint Review: Coastal Vacations / Al Romine - Internet Internet

Reported By:
- small town, Other,

Coastal Vacations / Al Romine
Internet/ Telephone Internet, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Where do I start?

Back in June 07' we found what we were told, and we believed "Is the best business in the world".

We checked into C.V., and read all the rip off reports. We questioned them, only to be told over and over "these are just individuals who are doing their business illegally." They are-but the reports ARE true, we have since found out.

I can't stress enough- DON"T get into this. You WILL loose your shirt.

We have the best director there is. We trust and love her-she is a dear friend. I know she wouldn't purposely lead us astray. She has told us what she was told.


To begin with- it is impossible to sell these packages. Oops! We are told we aren't salesmen. We are "tour directors". We direct people to our websites! They see the "value" in this, and buy it! Ya right!!!!!

I joined the Wealth Builders team. We are encouraged to "join at the highest level in order to build your business the fastest." Ha Ha!! What a scam!! I forked out $11,000 then,and since then, I have put out another $3000.00 in leads and business cards ect. I am over $14-15,000.00 in debt. To this date, I have brought in $00.000.!!!!!!!! My phone bills are 34 pages long with 7000 minutes of calls on them. I have worked every waking moment from June to mid *Dec. when I finally shut down. I didn't "give up" I quit. When I spoke to the leader of our group, and told her how discouraged and disgusted I am, and told her that I am not spending anymore money because my husband is so upset with the amount of $$ I have put out- she actually told me to "quit listening to your husbands negative talk." !!!!!!!! It is HIS money!!!!!

The CARDS they give us for all the "additional benefits and discounts" are a HOAX. There are a few "access" cards, which may be OK, because you have to belong to some kind of organization to have them. But the rest are useless. I have just spent the last couple days calling all the contact numbers on the cards, and finding out (in writing from them) that these prices "are the same as the general public gets, and that company can be easily found on google." Why would we pay all this $$ to get these useless cards that are so highly advertised? The hotel access card gives us UP TO (we are told that we get 50%) 50% off the HIGHEST rack rate!! The regular rates are cheaper than 50% off the rack rate!! for the exact same room!

The cruise card is a joke. When I called the contact number, the man actually laughed at me when I told him that we are told that we get a reduced rate with this card! Once again, it is the same price as the general public.

The Roadside Assistance card is really sad!! The lady there told me (and emailed the same) that CV is for access only. That means "no reduced prices-they will just give us the phone number in the area we are in, for what we want. We pay full price! Wow! that is such a help!!

The ski card is USELESS in Canada. There are 2 places in Canada, and 1other, very famous place offers 20% off rentals! Isn't that helpful!

Don't let them tell you that Canada is included. It is, enough to barely be able to include it. There is basically nothing in Canada.

The "tour" card is more than a laugh! One phone number has not dealt with CV for over 1 year. The other number is for the same place!And the 3rd. number is for Russian speaking tours ONLY! she told me that! The website is for www.travelnow.com which is on-line. Helpful????

The car rental card, for Budget-the discount # on the card means nothing to them.

The COMPLEMENTARY cruises DO NOT include CHILDREN. We were told that children would be "a small fee extra". They must pay the same price as the general public gets when they take their children. It is NO small fee!!

I am trying my best to get Al Romine to give me my money back. HE doesn't have it-my director does. But it is HIS business. We are told that there is NO head office, and that Al R. is just on the board of directors. He is-BUT he is also the OWNER OF COASTAL VACATIONS. The "shipping center" is at HIS HOUSE!!!!


I would like any of you who are in the same boat as I am, to contact me so we can all get together and do something about this rip off scam company. I have checked off the box for the media/lawyers to contact me-I hope you can too.

For everyone reading this who has not yet gotten "sucked in"-count yourself lucky and get running! You will thank us later-believe us.


small town


8 Updates & Rebuttals


Know what you need to know before getting into Coastal Vacations!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 25, 2008

I am x coastal member and was one of those who had made money in coastal too....for a while. Tell I started to see that what most of what you're told is really not all what is true. Like if you plug into the system and teams in Coastal you will not fail. It broke my heart so many times to watch a lot of my team members "fail"when they where plugging into the system and doing everything that we all where doing and told to do. To watch others and at times including me run out of money.(highs and lows) Feeling if we just keep buying those expensive leads we will get back up again. It at times became almost a sickening addiction. Then there is all those seminars they tell you that you really need to go to to become successful. Yeah not all that do go do become successful. I have seen those who did attend and "fail" ended up feeling bad about themselves.. and then to hear it coming from others that it's their fault and that they didn't do their business like they where told..is a bunch of crap and down right heartless to say such a thing! The heart braking thing is that most who don't make money their first month will then start to wear down and feel if they can't make money in this business how can the person they are bringing in make money too. What I had found out is you will need to grow a very thick skin if you want to do this business and to become very successful in it. What I mean by that is buying a lot of that BS "stuff" (you people in Coastal know what I'm talking about) I won't say more about that because there is just way too much of it to go into all of it. I have belonged to a few groups while I was with Coastal and then decided to even go solo with just plugging into the offical CV tools thinking maybe it was the groups that had gossipy issues. That is when I found out what really was going on at the top. Yes Al runs the shipping center. No it's not at his house. Yes it's at a UPS store(look up the address on google map. N.B. Management 7862 West Irlo Bronson, Suite236, Kissimmee, FL,34747) His daughter helps him put the packages together. Does Al own Coastal. No I don't think so. Or so not legally. But maybe he makes profit on what the packages cost..hum? There is also price nagotating with in the directors too even though they say that's not ethical and they will not shut down people like David hart with his slashing prices on his Coastal packages.(why, because the BOD does it too) The gold seal is worthless, if you even can get it .. even after having the offical website for more then 6 months. But hey don't worry because it's WORTHLESS. There has been whole groups leaving Coastal because they could no longer stand all the BS that goes on with in Coastal. There has been some really awesome top Platinum directors who where making multi six figures and stop their coastal business cold just this last past year because things just keep getting worse and worse with in Coastal. As I have learned.. I truly believe Coastal Vacations at one time was a very good business to be in. I believe one time the vacation packages where worth what they said they where. Well level 1 anyway. I have all 3 packages and trust me the Premier and Platinum are worth much less then the level 1 package for as the vacations and products are concern. As for the business side you make more money but I beg to ask .. is that legal? I have used my package for traveling and some was good. The access cards where good too. But I hear you can get them now for only $5. The condo card I used was great but guess what.. it doesn't work anymore. The packages change all the time. Which means you never know unless your always keep up and reordering. So where is the value in that? No wonder when people go to use something in their package it may not be good. That isn't life time. That's a mess. I'd say the BOD of coastal needs to get it together and keep up with the times if they want to say Coastal is a worthy business and having travel products you can rave about. "Ethical".. oh and that is such a big word that is always thrown around in the Coastal business. Funny because truthfully there is a lot of things NOT ethical with in Coastal Vacations and how the BOD are running it. If you really are in this business to help others then it will be very hard and you. If you are in it to make money and only to make money then it will be a good business for you. I would not call Coastal a Scam. You can make money in coastal. You can use the package sometimes on some things. If you are looking for a group to go with, DFI or Coastal Wealthbuilders are my suggestions. Both use to be as one tell they split. DFI will be mostly promoting Dani Johnson and the Coastal business as second. If you like running to seminars all the time and being a part of a huge personal growth type group they would be a good pick for you. Coastal Wealthbuilders are great if your looking for a loving and nurturing family type group. You will get all the support you could ever handle with them and just make sure you are plugged into all their training calls all the time and never get on their bad side because if you do they will also do their best to make you feel worthless. (Has not personally happened to me but I have seen it over and over again. Why I ended up leaving that group because I didn't want any part of that behavior) Both groups are christen based. There are other teams like the call centers too. A huge group called CSG was one that had left Coastal to start up another travel business because they no longer wanted to deal with some of the BS I had mentioned. As I see it either Coastal Vacations will see a better day some day or it will die out very soon. If your looking to be in Coastal I'd wait a year to see what happens before investing in this home based travel business. Not a good idea to invest when it's on such shaky grounds. One who has some years of experience and had also invested great amount of money with in Coastal, take care and best regards to all. :-)


San Mateo,

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 23, 2008

First, I am in complete agreement with Anonymous, and her report on Coastal Vacations. I also choose to be Anonymous, mostly out of respect for those who still choose to be in Coastal, for there are many good people. Just because we are anonymous, doesn't mean we aren't legitimate.... I am a member of Coastal Vacations who no longer runs my business. I joined with much hope and enthusiasm, and was also with the Wealthbuilders, which is a great team. The people are honest, the systems are real, everyone has the best intentions. Unfortunately, that's not enough. I made my training sales, I made some profit. But something kept me from being really successful. I lost faith in the product; the reports listed prior to this regarding the "smoke and mirrors" aspect of the product are true. The discounts are ridiculous. I did try to use the package, with plenty of notice, after having had the education on how to use it, etc, etc,. The bottom line: in a 2 minute internet search you can pull up hundreds of bargains that are better discounts at better properties, cruises, etc. One of the main sales lines is that we're safer because we're run by a board of directors, rather than being a company that could go bankrupt at any time. Think about it; would you rather have 3-4 people, grand-fathered in, running things behind closed doors, or a corporate structure with transparent reporting standards running the "headquarters" of your business???? I once tried to get back a credit from the shipping center, and basically they threatened to "bring in their legal team" if I pursued it further. (Even though they tell us again and again that the shipping center isn't Coastal...why would the shipping center "care enough" to bring in their legal team? What a joke!) I ended up getting my money back, but if it had been up to the BOD, I wouldn't have gotten a dime. I followed directions, I spent thousands of dollars on additional training, I spent hours a day, making hundreds of phone calls. The sales-to-calling ratios just aren't worth it...and I believe that if the product were better, more people would want to buy it. Shana, who is new to the Wealthbuilders--I wish you all best. But I did put in my time. I am a natural leader and was learning and growing, etc. Ultimately, I decided I could not sell this product. I am not saying that the people who sell it are scammers--they just have a different standard than I do, and selling with clear consciences, they somehow make it work for themselves. The problem is, you don't know how you'll feel about it until after you've made your investment. I would not recommend this business to anyone--despite the lives it's changed for the better...because no one ever hears about those lives it did nothing for, or those lives it burdened. Stay away, stay away, stay away.....


The Coastal Wealth Builders are a godsend not a scam

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 20, 2008

I recently joined the coastal wealth builders team and I am absolutely amazed at the opportunity that this company represents. I made my first 2 qualifiying sales plus one that came directly to me in my firt week. I made $1000 in my first 8 days with this team. I don't know of anywhere else you can make this kind of money, and the support network is awsome. As far as what is being said about this being a scam, obviously the person who wrote it didn't put in the work but expected to get paid. You are responsible for your own success!


British Columbia,
Read my written proof from vendors

#5Author of original report

Thu, March 20, 2008

I feel really bad that this didn't work out too! I am $15,000.00 in debt, and extremely devistated that something that was suppose to be SO good, is actually a rip off. Lets' change the word "scam" in my first letter, to "rip off" from now on. My plan was to make an awesome living for our family, and enjoy a lifetime of holidays. The report that I wrote about all the cards, is ACTUALLY STRAIGHT FROM THE VENDOR. I didn't make it up-I copied and pasted it. How can anyone say that CV gives discounted rates on these cards, and charge people up to $11,000.00 for the cards, when the vendor gives the SAME discount and guess what! They don't charge anything!!!!!!!!! As far as spending "all that time searching the net" for these vendors-really now! I have enough time, even if I was working my business full time, to spend an hour searching the net, rather than spending that much $$ to do it for me-only to find something that is no different price. I was so excited, and had an extremely good attitude, and was enjoying being on the phone for 7000 mins. a month, dialing people. I BELIEVED in the product. I had good visits with them-I used the script as a guide, practiced on the forum calls-only to get no answers 95% of the time when I called back for the follow up. My dad just went to Hawaii last week and used the condo form. We activated a "condo". I called the number on the brochure that CV sent us. The condo we were told it would be was a very old place in Waikiki. He sent in his $149.00pp. Got a phone call back from the vendor and was offered an upgrade for ANOTHER $180.00pp to a much "nicer place, closer to the beach". He said he would take it, even tho it was MORE than double the price. When the confirmation was sent to him, and all confirmed with NO changes, it turned out to be a "studio" in the first old place!! We called and were told that he agreed to it, and that the brochure said it would be a condo OR a studio. Fortunately, it was clean. The point is- he activated a "luxury condo"! this was no luxury condo! He paid $97.00 per night, and FULL rate at that place with no discounts, is $99.00 + tax. He saved a grand total of $67.00 over 1 week all because of my "great CV discount"! That is only 1 of the many deceitful things we have come across. Call it what you want folks- but BEWARE.


New Jersey,

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 20, 2008

I feel so bad when someone just can't make a go of it with Coastal. I have been a Director since Feb 2006 and I can't even begin to tell you the success I have had and the opportunities now open to me. What I can't stress enough is to set up you 90 Day Action Plan. If someone is making dials day in and day out and NOT getting the results, something isn't working right. I know in this case the Director was a friend, but if you invested that much money, maybe an outside trainer in the industry would make the difference. First off, you know they have the experience, secondly it's not your friend and will not sugar coat something you might be doing wrong. I started out recruiting, then when I went full time, I moved to market the products B2B. I had one issue with a package complaint where one of the travel providers refused to provide a quote and had a few disparaging remarks to make in the process about. I made an inquiry and within 3 hours, the issue was addressed and I happen to know that vendor was removed and replaced shortly there-after. I had a plan, and I revisit that plan every 30 days and check daily to make sure I am on track. I am an indepenent travel agent and certified in Ski Resorts. When I went to check out the resorts, I did not go on a FAM trip, but independently using the Coastal package and was very pleased with the costs/experiences. Never a problem using the package in Canada. In fact I flew up to Toronto using frequent flyer miles so the airfair was just taxes and stayed at the Wyndham by the airport to see a Maple leafs game and a long awaited visit tot he NHL museum. Used the package, paid $45 a night Canadian and yes, I had my Guest Basket with Chardonnay and fruit waiting for me upon my arrival. I also got a discount for my Spa Treatment. I also give away a lot of vacations for Promos and fundraising. Never heard a complaint on the vendors or the vouchers which are $6.95 S&H.

Charlotte Blanchard

Fort Nelson,
British Columbia,
Listen to Learn and then Fit In

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 05, 2008

I am writing in response to Linda's disappointing experience with our Coastal Vacations Travel Membership. WOW!!! This report was drawn to my attention by a friend who couldn't believe that Linda wrote this. I know Linda must have been VERY upset to have written this but I am her Director plus a very good friend and she is a very wonderful woman keeping a beautiful home with her husband and three dynamic young children. I feel that she just ran into too many things from our Package that didn't work the way she wanted them to and that would make me very upset too. I want to point out the bigger picture and I feel it is like those 6 Blind men who all felt the Elephant on different parts of his body and every one was completely right in what they felt but they couldn't SEE the whole thing. I know lots of people in our Coastal Wealth Builder Training program who have used our Package and saved lots of money and had really good experiences. There is over 400,000 Coastal Vacation Members so that would never be if it wasn't a Valuable Product. Most of the Cruises and Flights require you to leave from a US International City and that is a bummer when you live in Northern Canada. It is just Honky Dory if you live in Los Angeles though!! It originated in the US and most of the Vendors are in the US but I can get Domino's Pizza's 2for ONE price anywhere where there is a Domino's pizza Business. There is a way to get more use out of it by learning more about it and we have three live calls a week where Stephanie ( one of our Top leaders) has been doing Coastal for 9 years and has taken her family on many of the trips and saved Thousands of Dollars. She teaches all about how to use our package and I feel most of the disappointments come because people are not taking the time to learn how to activate the trips and which one to use etc., and then Fitting in to the Requirements from the specific Vendor. I have a lovely Electric Lotion Warmer from the Quixtar Business so I went to get one for a gift for someone and they no longer make them.. that doesn't make ALL the Quixtar Products Bad!! I know people who Really Hate Herbalife but I also know that a lot of people LOVE it and are making really good money with it. That doesn't make everything about the business Bad. If you trace back the History of any Churches that have a name to them their origin was because they broke away from the Instructions that Jesus set out for all of us they didn't want to make themselves fit in to how He told us to live---- That does not make His Teachings wrong. There are over 60 Vendors that we have access to and the fact that they are all there together in ONE Package gives us a real benefit over everyone else who has to go searching for these deals on line ONE by ONE. A lot of our Membership Cards and Holidays are available to everyone but I would have never heard about them if they weren't in our Package. I do not feel like I have been misled at all and I LOVE making $10,000.00 in ONE transaction. How many Home Businesses have that kind of Income attached to them?? I will leave you with a verse from the Bible that says, Great Peace have they who love thy ways and NOTHING shall offend them. So that goes for those who are offended about the Travel Membership.(There IS something good in it for everyone) and it goes for those who are offended in what Linda wrote ..she was just upset at that moment and it doesn't mean she'll feel that way forever. Just see what kind of things we say when we put our feet on a Majestic Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and sit in the heat beside the Pool gliding over the Blue waters of the Pacific Ocean , eating and eating and eating!!! HA!! It is wrong to offend someone AND it is wrong to take offense. Coastal has given me a Better Way To Work from Home and the Coastal Wealth Builders have a Training and support program in place that is second to none. What other home business has a 70% success rate amongst its members?? Now I will Love you and Leave you. Adios Amigo!! Charlotte Blanchard Fort Nelson, BC CANADA --- YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Canada!! Come and have some Soup and Bannock at my house way up here on the Alaska Highway!! ..and by the way just in case you are Interested ??? here is my Website : www just joking!!


British Columbia,
Not worth arguing

#8Author of original report

Sat, February 02, 2008

This may go in twice=I got started and accidently lost it. I realize that you and Shawn have made a lot of money. But what about all those people you sold to? As far as the cards=I have written proof from those vendors, and my cards are obviously new! Good try! There are people who can sell ice to eskimos=so you are most likely one of them. I stated in my report that I ran my business as I was taught, and discussed that on the forum calls. Good try! I WAS also extremely excited about it. You have seen all the reports out there against C.V. Does that not say something? Prove something? I have reasons for not putting my name on here-but the reason has nothing to do with your comment on how valid my report is! I just don't want my name all over the internet. My report is VERY valid. Enough said! If you chose to continue marketing this=so be it. My conscience won't allow it.


Mission Viejo,
In response to your accusations about Al and Coastal Vacations

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 01, 2008

First of all, let me take the time to express to you that Coastal Vacations is not a SCAM. You know it is so easy for individuals to come to this site and post comments that are untruthful so I will set the story straight on what I know. What I know is first of all, My name is Crystal and I hold a position on the Official Board of Directors Leadership Council in Coastal and also have a position with the Coastal Wealthbuilders myself. What I do know is I hold training conference calls for this company and alot of people are making alot of money! I looked for over 10 years for a business that was solid, stable, lucrative and one that delivered what it promised and I found it here with Coastal Vacations. Al Romine is a decent man and very professional and just for your information he is not the sole owner of Coastal. Mind you, my success did not come lightly over the last 10 years, it was a long hard road of being in 16 other business opportunities and spending over 40,000 over a 10 year period. The last business I was involved with I grew a data base and team of over 468 people so believe me when I tell you I know a good business model when I see it and Coastal HAS changed my life. I started Coastal 16 months ago with the Coastal Wealthbuilders, the same group that you are saying is a SCAM!!!!!!!!!!! My very first month of starting I profited $8,000 cash and was able to quit my full time job. 3 months in to the business I went to the Seminar in Los Angeles and was recognized on stage and was telling people what I did to make the income I had made in those 3 months. It was nothing but plug in to the system in place! My fiancee came home from his job as well at the end of that first month and we both have worked coastal from the comfort of our homes and made no less then $10,000 monthly. We passed $100,000 in six months and over $200,000 our very first year in the business. I hear it all the time...............if someone is not coachable and trainable and does not follow the system in place and they try to re-create the wheel so to speak, they start pointing the finger and having to blame someone else. Being a true leader is one who can acknowledge and point the finger at themselves. I have not had one issue with any of my travel packages and I am a Platinum Director as well. The I have used it repeatedly without any issues at all. It is well worth the money. As for the cards, there are over 23 membership cards to be exact and they are not a hoax! They are engraved with your lifetime membership number and resemble credit cards. As for the vendors in the packages and those who represent the cards and coastal as a whole.... We have over 60+ vendors in our packages. Our stability lies and rests with these vendors and most are licensed, bonded and traded on the stock market. Royal Carribean, Carnival Cruise Line, Hilton, Mariott, Walt Disney World, Universal to name a few. With companies as this our credibility us NEVER an issue. The membership cards and phone numbers on the cards are always being updated so of course if you were not plugging in to the training calls you would not have known this as well. The issue here is plain and simple.......Coastal Vacations is an Association , not a Company. They are governed by a Board of Directors who ensure the product, vendors and business meet the high standards that they set. Each individual Coastal business owner can list their business with the BBB, if they choose. For this reason, you can see bad reports.......(such as the one that I am taking the time to write this rebuttal for) specific to an individual business owner, but you would be hard pressed to find a complaint about the product and that this business model. There are way too many multiple six figure and even seven figure income earners in the Wealthbuilders (Yes, the group you were with that said was a scam) and I am one of them. So to all of you out there that are looking at Coastal

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