  • Report:  #157398

Complaint Review: Consumer Health Benefits Association - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Beloit, Wisconsin,

Consumer Health Benefits Association
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Just a few minutes ago a man named Gary from Consumer Health Benefits Association contacted me over the phone trying to sell me what he said was a health insurance plan. It was in response to an inquiry I filled out online. He was somewhat pushy and wanted me to make a decision on the spot and pay over the phone. He said this was a special deal only made available to the public once a year and today was the last day of the offer. I first asked very clearly if this was a HEALTH INSURANCE plan or a MEDICAL DISCOUNT plan. He said this was most definately a HEALTH INSURANCE PPO. I then asked if there was a website I could go to to review the details of the plan benefits. He said it was under construction and there wasn't one right now.He asked if I had access to a fax machince, and only after i told him I did not, he said too bad because he could have faxed me some information. I asked if he could please e mail the same information, he said it it would take to much of his time. Strange, wouldn't someone trying to sell a policy want to make the sale by taking a little time to email someone details. He then wanted to talk to my husband because in his words, " I really need to speak to the decesion maker" I had alredy told him we make decesions together, as if he thought a woman wasn't capable of doing it. He said well if you don't want this or need it I guess... ok give me your number I said, I will call you back. My husband is still alseep from working night shift. We'll talk it over when he gets up.He gave me the phone number. But I came straight downstairs to my computer and did a search for this company. What I found didn't suprise me. There are lots of compalints on many sites. I also found through the consumer complaints that this is most definately NOT a health insurance plan but a discount program. I'm just glad I checked it out for my self and didnt let this man push me into buying anything. If something sounds to good to be true it probably is, like the $129.95 monthly premimum they were offering for our family of 6 with preexisting conditions. He also told me that they have worked with somelarge national compaines like SC JOhnson and some others I cant remember( not sure if he was trying to insinuate they provide coverage for them or what). Frankly if I was on of these large companies I would be very upset to know my company name was being used in this guys sales pitch. So please check out all details before you buy anything. I will not be doing any kind of bussiness with Consumer Health Products Association.


Beloit, Wisconsin

2 Updates & Rebuttals


I see no factual evidence of wrongdoing here...

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

I cannot believe I actually read that entire collage of opinioned hogwash! A miserable waste of time! And then, to top it off, there is not one substantial statement about this insurance company's business ethics. What are you on about lady? Ok, I get it. The salesman was pushy and perhaps condescending, but that has nothing to do with the insurance coverage that you obviously didn't buy. You file a negative report on the internet based on your FEELINGS toward a salesman??? Thanks for wasting my time. I am thoroughly disappointed. However, kudos to the other rebuttal!


How is this useful ?

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 17, 2008

Look, this company very well seems shady. But, posting complete opinion like this is an insurance witch hunt is completely counter productive. If you didn't actually get denied coverage... you have nothing to complain about other than the status of your own ego. I'm sorry you don't grasp that discount plans and insurance and one in the same these days. Many, insurance plans will charge you 300-400 a month, have a deductible AND have a 20-30% co-insurance. It seems to me, you falsely assume that health insurance means 100% coverage, this is simply not the case. I agree, based on operating practices and the companies web site, they seem untrustworthy. But, you must be living under a rock to not realize that's how insurance is sold these days. Insurance vs deductible is not the simple comparison you make it out to be. There is no real difference. A company can call themselves insurance and set the rules as they please... that's what private health care is all about. There is no qualification of what defines an insurance company. The basic concept is that a group of people leverage their health care costs as a shared liability. In all reality a discount plan is health insurance. Just look at the insurance plans Carefirst or United Health care have. Most of them expect you to pay a deductible AND co-insurance. With energy cost going up and medical industry profits some of the highest in the nation... you should expect the definition of 'health insurance' to mean less and less coverage than previous years. If you don't like that.... become active in your local, state and federal government or just shut up and be another undereducated whiner. Insurance IS a discount plan... they contract discount and they think up clever ways to leverage costs. A discount plan is really no different and in many ways it's the fairest way to charge people with bad health more... since they will cost more. Insurance companies do the same exact thing when you stop and really think about it... At least most discount plans don't entirely cut you off for pre-existing conditions... they can do this because their business model is more straight forward and transparent. However, in the end they can all deny you.... AND it takes REAL PERSONAL ACCOUNTS of the program to determine the reliability of any given company. Sadly... too many people like you post BS reviews which are nothing but paranoid opinions with ABSOLUTELY no facts or detailed accounts of usage of the plan. These factless reports about how the company ... gave you a bad feeling ... are entirely detrimental to informing people as to what plan will work best for them. There is no magic bullet of health care. Different pre-existing conditions, ongoing health, cost factors all determine what plan is best for you. I hear NOTHING but complaints about Mega Health for instance. YET in REAL LIFE... I know people who use this plan and are very happy to save hundreds of dollars per month. If you don't go to the DR's often... discount plans might work great for you. However, they will never protect you from major accidents or health complications... but neither will half the so called 'insurance' plans out there. This is why national health insurance cost half as much as the American system of high priced endlessly variable private options. The plans confuse people and rip them off simply through the way they are worded... basically requiring a lawyer or insurance broker to decrypt the meaning for you. Paperwork alone accounts for hundreds of billions of wasted dollars in our overly privatized... entirely profit based system. National health insurance would save this country over a trillion dollars a year. That's enough to pay for the entire Iraq war... EVERY YEAR... and still have a few hundred billion left. The problem is American's are sadly uneducated about simple comprehension of their finances and good businesses models. You can't hope to pick out a good insurance plan without a clue of how the industry works. Why would you think you could ? Why does anyone on here think they are getting 100% coverage for 120 a month ? It's laughable really.. that you'd pay 120 and think you were getting the same benefits as some 400-600 dollar a month insurance plan. Like you discovered the magic well of insurance and the rest of the America are all just suckers.. No, most American's get health care through their businesses, which has the sense to only pay for the most cost effective plans, or through the government... which effectively already have national health care. Just ask yourself... what kind of assholes pay twice as much for 37th ranked health care ? Only one kind.... Americans. I love my country and that is why I must be critical of it.

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