  • Report:  #46311

Complaint Review: Cosmic Consumers - ICS Imperial Consumer Services - North Palm Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Seattle, Washington,

Cosmic Consumers - ICS Imperial Consumer Services
772 US Hwy. 1 #200 , North Palm Beach, 33408 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Cosmic Consumer took $269.00 out of my account. They are affilliated with ICS Imperial Consumer Services as tehy have the same phone number.

They are a credit card scammng operation offering to get you a credit card, despite having poor credit. I responded to an internet ad and I do not recall the web address as it was spam into my email account.

They withdrew, via ACH, promising to help me get a credit card. After withdrawing the money and waiting to get the said credit card, I called the number listed on my bank statement from the company taking the ACH withdrawal. Customer Service Plus answered the phone and said they were contracted by the company but not affiliated with it. They would not give me the number of Cosmic Consumer but said they would contact them and someone would then ontact me. After 2 weeks more of calling (their "customer service" line is a recording 90% of the time, I have still not been contacting. They said that I should file an affidavit with my bank saying the I did not authorize the withdrawal. They still would not give me the contact address or phone number of Cosmic Consumer

My bank has not be helpful. They have not reimbursed me because they said I should not have given my account number out over the net.

I searched the Better Business Bureau website for info on this company and there was no information under Cosmic Consumer; howevr, I did a phone search on the "customer service" phone number and loe and behold, I got several matches on companies that are on the Ripoff Report. I've include all 9 of the companies below:

Merchants Active Sollutions

294 Washington

Boston, MA 02108

(800) 844-9377

Global Collections

1334 N State Rd 7

Margate, FL 33063

(800) 844-9377

Florida Yard Dogs

772 US Hwy. 1 #200

North Palm Beach, FL 33408

(800) 844-9377

Consumer Credit Service

772 US Hwy. 1 #200

North Palm Beach, FL 33408

(800) 844-9377


772 US Hwy. 1 #200

North Palm Beach, FL 33408

(800) 844-9377

ICS Imperial Consumer Services

772 US Hwy. 1 #200

North Palm Beach, FL 33408

(800) 844-9377

Do not do business with any company with this phone number. They are crooks!

Ripped Off

Seattle, Washington

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