  • Report:  #70605

Complaint Review: COUNTRY OAKS HOMEOWNERS - Naperville Illinois

Reported By:
- Aurora, Illinois,

1701 Quincy Ave. Naperville, 60540 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is the worst association I have ever had while living in a house! This place has caused me more stress then anything else right now. It all started with my dogs that for some reason my neighbor hates, actually I really just think she has some grudge against me, even though I've never met her and she's never met me.

Okay well I have two american pit bull terriers that are the friendliest sweetest dogs you will meet ever meet, they are big wimps and love attention and love. Now my neighbor who is a single female who is home all day because she has no job starts complaining that my dogs are constantly barking and then she had the nerve to say that they "attacked" her, she also said I chain my dogs out front keeping her and her company from coming in her front door? They have never been chained out front, all that is out back.

So I ask my other neighbors on the other side of me if they hear my dogs barking, they said no we've never heard your dogs bark once, I ask 3 more people, same thing. Okay so then the association replaces the grass in the back of our unit, (I live in a townhouse) with sod, they send us a letter saying please keep everyone off including pets for 10 days or until the sod has properly rooted into the groud, so I do. so then the dogs start going back out there after about a month. Sometimes when my female pees it leaves little brown spots, then I get a nasty letter from the assocation saying they are charged me 365.00 to replace the sod because my dogs pee killed it.

First of all I didn't want new sod back there, I knew that was going to happen, what I am suppose to do make them pee and poop on the sidewalk or street??? They also fined me for "letting my dogs run wild", however my dogs are always on leashes or tie outs. I wrote them a letter telling them I was not paying these ludacris fines because first of all I cannot control dog urine burning the grass and my dogs at all times are on leashes. Then some time goes by and they tell my grandmother who is on title with me because I am young so I needed a co signer to get a good rate, and they tell her that they are impounding my dogs because they attack some kid and that they are barking all day long.

My grandma has high blood pressure and she loves my dogs to death and this just puts her in tears and her blood pressure goes way up, and she calls me so upset, and I had to calm her down telling her that they cannot just impound my dogs. The worst part is there are no kids in the neighborhood and if there were the dogs would love it!! They like kids more then grown ups, I've taken them to kid hospitals were they have burned kids and mental kids and they just go nuts and love every minute of it and the kids love it even more, so to hear these things just really upset me.

Okay well none of that has happened, and I knew it wouldn't because they just can't do that. I am just so tired of the association fining me for things that I'm not even doing and I'm tired of the nasty letters they send me and then when they tell other people that they are taking the dogs away and all this other horrible stuff that's crazy! I've tried to solve things by meetings, we had a meeting not to long ago, but the neighbor that has a problem with me just is a real well you know what, she's like mid thirties and just has a lot of problems.

One of the people that live in the court that I am friends with use to be her BF and he told us about how she stopped eating for like a month and she was like 90 pounds and how she always is talking about me and how much she doesn't like me, and then she told him that she doesn't want him talking to me and this is after they broke up!! I'm friends with everyone on the court and she's not because everyone realizes how crazy this girl is, and I really think she hates that because she tries to get everyone to not like me, but that's just something she cannot do and I think that really bothers her.

The homeowners association does not listen to a word I have to say, and I really think that they are looking at my breed of dog and discriminating against them, just because they are a "pit bull" and then they see me someone who is young - early/mid 20's and then they think that I don't know what I am doing. oh yea and about the grass business I pay them a fee of 110.00 a month and that is for landscaping so that grass is there problem, all they do is mow our grass, that is some expensive grass mowing, I just don't know what to do anymore with this, any suggestions!?!?


Aurora, Illinois

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