  • Report:  #475176

Complaint Review: Countrywide Home Loans Maria Rodriguez Bank Of America - Lancaster California

Reported By:
- Palmdale, California,

Countrywide Home Loans Maria Rodriguez Bank Of America
countrywide.com Lancaster, 93552 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for countrywide from 8/2005-5/2007, I started as a shipper/ admin, within 2 months I was promoted to LSI (loan Processor) and within 3 months I was promoted to and LSII I felt great and loved my job, the benefits and the bonuses. After being with the company for 10 months I was requested by a branch manager to come work for them as there personal assistant being that I really enjoyed my job, I declined unfortunately because he had power he requested I be transferred, I walk into work one day in June of 2006 and I am told congratulations I was confuse for what I asked. You've been promoted to Office Administrative assistant. And you're getting a raise! a raise! hey who can decline a raise? So I went along with the transfer although I would call my old manager almost every other week begging him to take me back the manager I was working for was lazy and never in the office. I was running the office, doing commission, employee reviews and dealing with angry and upset clients, my bonus stopped because it didnt matter how many loans I submitted I wasn't the manager so I wasn't getting credit for them. It was night mare. Working for him, Then in January of 2007 after being there for a 7 months I was laid off because our office had to under go budget cuts. I understood. Although I still believe that the cuts should have been with the manager first. Any how back to my situation in April, 2007 I applied for a postion at the countrywide in Lancaster, Ca. in the loan service center. I thought I can do this I took a big pay cut but I hey who am I to complain I had a job!! The on may 2nd I'am on my way to work and car breaks down mind you where the company is located and I live there is bit of desert in between and my phone service at that time is Nextel so guess what I have no network. No service I had to walk at least 3 miles to get service. I call my trainer and inform her that I will make every effort to make there. Now being that I have only lived in the area for 5 months am still not familiar with the area and have yet to make many friends so now I have no way to pick up my kids from after school care. Or take them to school the next morning, being single parent isn't easy. So I rented a car. And the next day after I dropped off my kids at school, and left to work I decided to go a different route where I knew I would have network just incase. Well just incase was right! The rental car I was driving the engine set fire. And I called work I was told just take the day off and we will see you tomorrow. So I did!

That day I called and left my manager and the instructor a message asking if they knew anyone in my area who might be able to give me a ride. I would pay for gas. No one ever returned my call. On Friday I get a ride to work I' am there all day and remind my manager that I will not be in on May 7th or 8th because of my court hearing for custody and divorce. He states ok I'll see you on May 9th however on May 7th I get a letter from human resource manager Maria that says you have not reported to work or have not contacted your employer. If we do not hear from you! We will consider this as job abandonment. I called in immediately she tells me. Your managers states that you have not been in. i explained that I was in on friday and that I did call in on the 2nd and 3rd. she said both the trainer and my manager said the same thing well in addition to leaving my manager a message that morning I also sent him an e-mail I had proof atleast I thought.

to make a longer story short the company is no longer owned by countrywide and it's now owned by Bank of America. I have applied to several positions and have gotten calls from the recruiters of the company, I submit my information and no one ever returns my call.recently I decided to call and find out why if I have experience I was told you are not rehire able! I've never worked for Bank of America. How can I not be rehire able? Well Maria (from Human resources) put me on a no rehire list while I worked for countrywide. Which really bites because now I can't work for Bank of America in any area? Thank you Maria!!!!! I was last told that a manager would have to take a chance on me and really want me to work for them! Thats great! that wont happen because my application will never make to a manager because my application has to go to human resources first and they will shut me down before anyone can even look at it .so I really seem to have no fighting chance... Bank of America is unfair they are treating me like I robbed the bank!!! When the reality I feel like they robbed me!!!!I didnt quit!! they quit me......


Palmdale, California


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2 Updates & Rebuttals

Best Boss

I Know It Has Been Years, But..

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 09, 2015

I am aware your report was written eight years ago and you have probably had employers since, but I have suggestions that may help someone who reads your post and is in a similar situation.


It would have been brilliant if you had indeed located the e-mail you had sent your employer, but apparently it had not been saved as you had thought.  The IT department at Countrywide should have been able to locate it.  But for future reference and for anyone going through a similar situation, here is my advice:


1.  ALWAYS follow up your phone call to employer with an e-mail re-iterating what has happened, why you can't be at work when you are supposed to be, when you will return to work, and put in the  body of the e-mail what you were told during your phone call to your employer.  Put that content in quotes.  If they do not reply to your e-mail, then it may  be considered as "gospel" or a valid quote from the person you spoke with.

2.  If your rental car had an engine problem, there should have been written documentation of this.  

3.  If you called your employer from a cell phone, there should have been a paper trail of phone calls to them. It may not show who you spoke with, but it is something.

4.  I would have put together all written documentation I could put my hands on, no matter how weak it may appear to you, and at the first hint of a problem sent all of this to the head of Human Resources.  This "Maria" person sounds like a lower level employee who probably didn't think about or care about the consequences of putting someone on a DNH list.  When lodging a complaint, always go higher than the person who created the problem for you in the first place.

5.  Always save any documentation you receive from the person with whom you are lodging the complaint.  If they should happen to call you to discuss the problem, before you end the call ask them to send you a letter or e-mail outlining what has been discussed and any possible resolutions they have offered.

I worked for Countrywide Home Loans for seven years as a Branch Manager.  I loved my job and thought they were the greatest employer ever!  I only left because I became disabled and could no longer work.  With ANY large national employer, there are going to be some bad eggs.  I do not think that Countrywide had a pervasive policy of treating their empoyees like this.  You, unfortunately, just happened to run into some people who treated you badly.  I hope and assume you have gotten employment since this unfortunate incident.  Remember, in the work force, you are your best and most times, only advocate.  And - DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT.

Hugh Jass

New Hampshire,
Unfair? Bull

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 31, 2009

No one wants an employee who can't show up on time. If you worked for me I would've canned you too. I find it hard to believe a rental car would catch on fire.

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