  • Report:  #415430

Complaint Review: C.R. England & Marten Transport LTD & USIS DAC REPORT - Mondovi Wisconsin

Reported By:
- Paducah, Kentucky,

C.R. England & Marten Transport LTD & USIS DAC REPORT
129 Marten St Mondovi, 54755 Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
@ C.R. England I went throu their school @ slcy,UT84120 worked for them for right @ a yr without a day off and they kept me too poor to get out of their trk w double deductions taken out w taxes ect then they said they were not taking out taxes devestating my 2007 taxes, aft i picked up ld @ laredo ,tx. to Chaigo,Il. that turned out to be 3800lb of COCAINE pre sealed trl from Mexico and turned it in they suddenly had a problemb w my logs and called me in for a logs retraining class but fired me and my dispatcher Kevin fleet A5 the same day 2 hrs appart.

it should be know also of how they book loads too tight and if your up you better be rolling and they threaten to fire you every trip , C.R.England said they fired me for logs. @ Marten Transport LTD freight was down ,I was sent to Akron , OH to fire a woman Ann and repower her Load, when I got their a wrecker was blocking Ann Henderson and Her passenger Calvin in the front and 2 wrecker service drivers were 1 on each door pushing aignst it not letting them out, the co had told her to go look for a trl, I had to pull out my flair gun to get them out and start to get info and calm everyone dwn .

the co had got them a bus ticet but station was colsed for 12+more hrs and would not get them a motel or provisions in cold weather,I had to use Ann's cell to talk to aft hrs sup Barry he refused any help and i was fired for not letting an good employee and her passenger get killed ect. in the hood of Akron,OH and taking them on to a safe location in Detroit,MI . Marten also put a backing accident on my report when their was no damage- just the right plastic bumper pushed in and i had used a load lock to push it back out and their was no damage.

I got into trking for a career not all this and now its ruined, so much for life liberty and the presuit of happiness, Wisconson OSHA backed me untill court action time then stopped and told me their was nothing they could do then said i needed to appeal then passed time limits for appeal and made it where i could not even find out how to file an appeal, The US Congress needs to shut down their mess if it continues our supply lines and infar streucture of our country will be shut down, no deisel = no USA.

Every GOV agency wants to pass the buck and if your not in the trucking industery you might still think it's a free country untill that load of food or medical supplies I or others cant get to you at that point you are the news. Tell Almighty God it was USIS and the good old boys and explain how legal it is then. Now thats a Cheated , wasted life.

Anthony ****

Paducah, Kentucky


11 Updates & Rebuttals


The Trucking Business Seems to Ruin Lives Just Like the Private Security Guard Contractors

#2General Comment

Mon, February 03, 2014

You said it started around the Nixon era. You could not be more wrong. History will tell you it started 200 + years ago. President Jefferson was not happy that Congressman and Senators were cozying up to corporations, which could lead too corruption in government. Here we are now living the life that Jefferson foresaw.


United States of America

#3General Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

   This is Corporate America For ya,it is ugly beyond anyones imagination.It's all about control.


United States of America
the truth and nothing but the truth

#4General Comment

Mon, February 21, 2011

Deb I'm having a hard time believing that you are a driver. First off you are very gullable to believe that you can actually believe that a company cannot ask a driver to fire another driver. Been there done that. You have been in this industry 15rs I have only seen you mention 6.5 of it.

I worked for cre as a lease op and ran dedicated conway and wal mart. If need be I can leave fleet, truck, and dispatcher name and number just contact me for it. I personally know that cre has booked and shipped loads of narcotics out of mexico. I have seen it personally. A partner of mine was given a load out of laredo and the load happened to be cocaine. He found this out afte he was pulled over on a back road in texas. The only reason he was not arrested was due to the trl being presealed and having the documentaion from the trl crossing the border.

 I also know a driver who worked at marten whom was fired for his rear axle breaking on his truck. They told him a good pretrip would have prevented that. So if you can explain that then I will never question you again. Have a nice day 



#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 11, 2009

Okay, first, shouldn't this be two reports (one for each company)?

Okay, I've worked for CR England, and quit after 19 months due to personal safety concerns and bigotry at their main terminal.  Given what I know about the company, and those who run it, I seriously doubt the claims about their somehow being involved with drug smuggling.  That kind of crosses the line, even for them.

But, I will buy the sudden interest in your compliance with USDOT regulations, given that I'm sure law enforcement had at least a few questions about you for them.  That inevitably your logs came under review is no surprise, given what you claim happened.  However, it is up to the driver to remain compliant with the law when it comes to the logs, since you are the one that fills them out.  Also, you drive the rig, it is impossible for them to control what you do remotely.  If they fire you for refusing to violate the Hours of Service (HOS) rules, you have a legal claim against them (and possibly a criminal complaint).  However, if you actually violate the HOS rules, you are the one who loses every time.  Sorry, that's the reality, and it stinks.  Hence why, if I get a bad fleet manager (or dispatcher, travel agent, whatever you want to call them), I refuse to communicate with them except by Qualcomm, to cover my butt.

The situation at Marten, however, is one I haven't ever come across, in 15 years of driving.

I've been with Marten for 4 years now, and have never heard a tale quite this bizarre.  I've talked to a couple of the senior drivers, and they know of no case where a driver was sent to fire another driver.  That part simply does not make sense, not from a business perspective, nor from a liability perspective (the latter one Marten would consider first).  I've been sent a few times to locate a driver who has "dropped of the grid," as it were, but that's as far as things would go.  I may or may not have to repower their load, or have them call dispatch (usually both), but fire them?  No.

Second, you claim the two men were holding the driver and her passenger in the truck.  I suspect, with the wreckers present, they were trying to either repo the rig on behalf of Marten and the drivers wouldn't get out, or they were trying to keep them from stealing it back.  The individuals you decided to threaten were likely trying to get the doors open, not holding them closed.  Either way, you're lucky you weren't arrested for brandishing a weapon or assault with a deadly weapon.  Given the circumstances, I seriously doubt she was told to go locate a trailer, especially if she'd been fired.

Third, you took on an issue that was not your business, and which you had no authority to be dealing with, in trying to secure lodging for the now ex-employee and her passenger.  I doubt your claims that somehow Akron was more dangerous than Detroit, btw, and I think crime statistics will bear me out on that one.

Fourth, and this is where you really screwed up the story, you took two unauthorized passengers (only one authorized passenger is allowed) in a Marten rig.  That alone is grounds for termination, a major violation of company policy.  Passenger policy is hammered on during orientation ad nauseum.  You may take one REGISTERED passenger only, and you must pay for the permit (insurance) for that passenger.

Fifth, just because you effected repairs yourself doesn't mean you didn't have an accident, or that there was no original damage.  Marten is very diligent in putting even the most minor at-fault accident on your USIS/DAC report (many companies are), and they don't consider backing accidents minor (most companies don't).

In the end, you were fired for carrying unauthorized passengers.  All it would have taken was for one of them to break a finger nail or stub a toe in your rig, and Marten would have been sued.  This was a major breach of company policy, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if those same people you tried to help burned you for it.

I suggest a major career change, because you have to be the most unlucky person in the trucking industry, if the stories you've told are to be believed.  Knowing what I know about the industry, and about Marten, I have my doubts.  None of it makes any sense, no matter how I look at it.


Lawyer needed

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 08, 2009

Contact the Paul Taylor at Truckers Justice Center in Burnsville, MN for further assistance. Type that company name in and you will get contact information for him. Call him and explain your problem(s) and he will advise you if he can help you.

Anthony David Reaves

wisconsin osha/ ky unemployment

#7Author of original report

Mon, January 26, 2009

wisconsin osha finnaly did send me info on an appeal to washing dc. but not able to get an attourney, ky unemployment denied and it will be 4 months and 1 week before i get a hearing with nothing coming in and kentucky state has run out of money. I need an attourney bad , if you can help call me (((Redacted))) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


More help

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 25, 2009

I can't post numbers or emails but try this: contact - Paul Taylor in Rosemount, MN he is an STAA/OSHA (driver) attorney that does cases like this pro-bono. Talk to him and if he doesn't answer leave a message with details and he will call you back or leave a message on how to contact you some how.


The Trucking Business Seems to Ruin Lives Just Like the Private Security Guard Contractors

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, January 24, 2009

It has been pointed out to me all of the horrible things that this trucking company and a couple of other have been doing to their employees. I wonder if they are doing this to them when they have a bonus or a raise or they are going to go off of probation and being full time employees with full time benefits or if they are going to put in for retirement AND THE COMPANY WANTS TO PREVENT ANY PAYOUTS WHATSOEVER! And I wonder how much longer it is going to be before these unfair and unethical and even criminal practices spread throughout the rest of American corporations and other smaller employers! It really makes me want to be a truck driver. This sort of thing happened all the time when I was working as a security officer in the private security industry. I saw people who thought they had a secure,steady job as a manager, a site supervisor, a post supervisor, a field supervisor, a dispatcher, a clerical worker in the office, an operations manager or all of the many other mid-level jobs in a private security company and then, their entire world is upside down for all sorts of petty reasons. I noticed that the people with integrity, with honor, were replaced by guys who stole from the employee paychecks and scammed from clients as well and split and shipped the proceeds between themselves and corporate and the private security industry began to go to hell sometime in the early 1990s and has gotten progressively worse. People are cheap, disposable garbage. You can always hire a hundred more if one doesn't work out, asks questions about the skimmed wages, hours worked but unpaid, and other abuses... If this is where our country is going... I would leave EXCEPT THERE IS NO PLACE TO GO IF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOES DOWN. This is an abuse of the people that is condoned by out of touch elites who are in Congress and think working people are nothing at all. instead of passing legislation and enforcing it that will prevent employers from exploiting their employees, it seems as if cheating employees out of wages they have EARNED by ACTUAL,HONEST WORK is becoming a corporate value. THIS STARTED SOMEWHERE AROUND THE TIME NIXON GOT INTO OFFICE... WHAT WILL PRESIDENT OBAMA DO TO STOP THIS? WILL HE STOP IT? WE ARE LIVING IN INTERESTING TIMES!


The Trucking Business Seems to Ruin Lives Just Like the Private Security Guard Contractors

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, January 24, 2009

It has been pointed out to me all of the horrible things that this trucking company and a couple of other have been doing to their employees. I wonder if they are doing this to them when they have a bonus or a raise or they are going to go off of probation and being full time employees with full time benefits or if they are going to put in for retirement AND THE COMPANY WANTS TO PREVENT ANY PAYOUTS WHATSOEVER! And I wonder how much longer it is going to be before these unfair and unethical and even criminal practices spread throughout the rest of American corporations and other smaller employers! It really makes me want to be a truck driver. This sort of thing happened all the time when I was working as a security officer in the private security industry. I saw people who thought they had a secure,steady job as a manager, a site supervisor, a post supervisor, a field supervisor, a dispatcher, a clerical worker in the office, an operations manager or all of the many other mid-level jobs in a private security company and then, their entire world is upside down for all sorts of petty reasons. I noticed that the people with integrity, with honor, were replaced by guys who stole from the employee paychecks and scammed from clients as well and split and shipped the proceeds between themselves and corporate and the private security industry began to go to hell sometime in the early 1990s and has gotten progressively worse. People are cheap, disposable garbage. You can always hire a hundred more if one doesn't work out, asks questions about the skimmed wages, hours worked but unpaid, and other abuses... If this is where our country is going... I would leave EXCEPT THERE IS NO PLACE TO GO IF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOES DOWN. This is an abuse of the people that is condoned by out of touch elites who are in Congress and think working people are nothing at all. instead of passing legislation and enforcing it that will prevent employers from exploiting their employees, it seems as if cheating employees out of wages they have EARNED by ACTUAL,HONEST WORK is becoming a corporate value. THIS STARTED SOMEWHERE AROUND THE TIME NIXON GOT INTO OFFICE... WHAT WILL PRESIDENT OBAMA DO TO STOP THIS? WILL HE STOP IT? WE ARE LIVING IN INTERESTING TIMES!


The Trucking Business Seems to Ruin Lives Just Like the Private Security Guard Contractors

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, January 24, 2009

It has been pointed out to me all of the horrible things that this trucking company and a couple of other have been doing to their employees. I wonder if they are doing this to them when they have a bonus or a raise or they are going to go off of probation and being full time employees with full time benefits or if they are going to put in for retirement AND THE COMPANY WANTS TO PREVENT ANY PAYOUTS WHATSOEVER! And I wonder how much longer it is going to be before these unfair and unethical and even criminal practices spread throughout the rest of American corporations and other smaller employers! It really makes me want to be a truck driver. This sort of thing happened all the time when I was working as a security officer in the private security industry. I saw people who thought they had a secure,steady job as a manager, a site supervisor, a post supervisor, a field supervisor, a dispatcher, a clerical worker in the office, an operations manager or all of the many other mid-level jobs in a private security company and then, their entire world is upside down for all sorts of petty reasons. I noticed that the people with integrity, with honor, were replaced by guys who stole from the employee paychecks and scammed from clients as well and split and shipped the proceeds between themselves and corporate and the private security industry began to go to hell sometime in the early 1990s and has gotten progressively worse. People are cheap, disposable garbage. You can always hire a hundred more if one doesn't work out, asks questions about the skimmed wages, hours worked but unpaid, and other abuses... If this is where our country is going... I would leave EXCEPT THERE IS NO PLACE TO GO IF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOES DOWN. This is an abuse of the people that is condoned by out of touch elites who are in Congress and think working people are nothing at all. instead of passing legislation and enforcing it that will prevent employers from exploiting their employees, it seems as if cheating employees out of wages they have EARNED by ACTUAL,HONEST WORK is becoming a corporate value. THIS STARTED SOMEWHERE AROUND THE TIME NIXON GOT INTO OFFICE... WHAT WILL PRESIDENT OBAMA DO TO STOP THIS? WILL HE STOP IT? WE ARE LIVING IN INTERESTING TIMES!


The Trucking Business Seems to Ruin Lives Just Like the Private Security Guard Contractors

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, January 24, 2009

It has been pointed out to me all of the horrible things that this trucking company and a couple of other have been doing to their employees. I wonder if they are doing this to them when they have a bonus or a raise or they are going to go off of probation and being full time employees with full time benefits or if they are going to put in for retirement AND THE COMPANY WANTS TO PREVENT ANY PAYOUTS WHATSOEVER! And I wonder how much longer it is going to be before these unfair and unethical and even criminal practices spread throughout the rest of American corporations and other smaller employers! It really makes me want to be a truck driver. This sort of thing happened all the time when I was working as a security officer in the private security industry. I saw people who thought they had a secure,steady job as a manager, a site supervisor, a post supervisor, a field supervisor, a dispatcher, a clerical worker in the office, an operations manager or all of the many other mid-level jobs in a private security company and then, their entire world is upside down for all sorts of petty reasons. I noticed that the people with integrity, with honor, were replaced by guys who stole from the employee paychecks and scammed from clients as well and split and shipped the proceeds between themselves and corporate and the private security industry began to go to hell sometime in the early 1990s and has gotten progressively worse. People are cheap, disposable garbage. You can always hire a hundred more if one doesn't work out, asks questions about the skimmed wages, hours worked but unpaid, and other abuses... If this is where our country is going... I would leave EXCEPT THERE IS NO PLACE TO GO IF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOES DOWN. This is an abuse of the people that is condoned by out of touch elites who are in Congress and think working people are nothing at all. instead of passing legislation and enforcing it that will prevent employers from exploiting their employees, it seems as if cheating employees out of wages they have EARNED by ACTUAL,HONEST WORK is becoming a corporate value. THIS STARTED SOMEWHERE AROUND THE TIME NIXON GOT INTO OFFICE... WHAT WILL PRESIDENT OBAMA DO TO STOP THIS? WILL HE STOP IT? WE ARE LIVING IN INTERESTING TIMES!

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