  • Report:  #1408502
Reported By:
Anonymous - Wexford , Pennsylvania, USA

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 First there was a box at a mall that said you could win a prize, free furniture, fill out info and then I received a phone call stating I won but that I had to go to their building and would receive a special key and if it unlocked the box, I could win several different prizes.I had to come on certain date, so on that date I went with a significant other at that time with my special key.But, upon arrival I was told that we would have to set through a special program where someone talked and showed a video saying if we pay so much money we will have access to purchase furniture etc at factory cost before any store would sell it.We sat through at least two hours of non stop brainwashing that we needed to pay over several years and by the end we would be paying $10,000 dollars but would have access to look through catalogs only they possessed to get furniture etc for a low price.Then, afterwards we had to sit down with separate representatives and they would get all of the financial stuff set up, but another hour went by with more brainwashing and still had to wait till they were finished and conned us into writing them a check for $200.00 or more...an then we were allowed to try the special key.Finally, I gave in after the harrassing and brainwashing and I wote thd check out, signed a contract that wasn't explained, I was young and dumb plus the non stop brainwashing, I just wanted the prize I was promised...I ended up not having that special key that would give me a lot of furniture (it didn't exist) and I was told my key unlocked a tennis bracelet with crystals..and after I left I realized what they talked me into and cancelled the check.I told them I wanted out of the contract because I found out they were scamming people out of thousands of dollars, I was told I wasn't allowed to cancel the contract and owed them $10,000, What!? No way, I was within the three days to legally cancel the contract yet they argued with me for several days after.I told them I was turning them in..and then I was told if I came back, returned the bracelet, and give them $100.00 in cash,they would cancel the contract.I did that and they said I wasn't allowed to bash their organization,(scam) but they need to be stopped.This happened to me at a young age so I didn't know what to do.I just wanted out and they scared me.I wish I knew what I now know.

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