  • Report:  #1398260

Complaint Review: Credit Acceptance - Internet

Reported By:
Robert - brunswick, Maine, USA

Credit Acceptance
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 My vehicle was repossed today. My wife called me from work saying the tow truck was there taking it. I immediately called them to find out what was going on. I had done a promise to pay back on august 7th 2017 promising to pay $100 on the 11th. Well I was busy that day and completely forgot. I remembered the next day on the 12th and paid it. I have also been making weekly payments ever since so I figured I was all set. Nearly 1 month later, today on the 6th they repo it and tell me that I still owe $251 and I "broke" the arrangmrepoon the 11th so a repo order was issued. They are punishing me today for something that happened a month ago even though I paid it the next day and had been making weekly payments the next day. They repoed my vehicle a few months earlier which caused me to lose my job. This led to becoming homeless and it took literally everything I had to get it back. I am still homeless and was doing everything I could to pay them. I am currently living in a homeless shelter with my wife and 4 children. We lost nearly everything and now they took our van because of a stupid mistake. My wife cant get to work now so she will lose her job soon. We only owe $251 as of right now. Our monthly payment was $284.93. We owe them less than a single payment. We fell on some hard times but were doing what we could to make the payments and now they have not only destroyed our lives but wont even work with us to get this sorted out. I spoke to 3 different people and they want me to pay $251 that I owe and a $290 repo fee and the next months payment befote they will give us back our vehicle. We are homeless and my wife works at dunkin donuts. We dont have that kind of money. They took everything from us and should be held accountable.

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Takoma Park,
United States
One more thing....

#2General Comment

Sun, July 08, 2018

I note that you started this sob story by telling us that you FORGOT to make the payment on your car because you "got busy."  But when you were called on this, you went off on a rant about the economy and how hard it is to scratch out a living, suggesting that the missed payment wasn't the result of your poor memory, but of your inability to pay.  You couldn't even keep that part of the saga straight.  Every one of your posts after that translates into "the world owes me a living and if you don't agree with me you're a thug and if you continue to disagree with me I'd love to beat you up."  What a great husband and role model you are.  


Takoma Park,
United States
Having never met your wife and kids....

#3General Comment

Sun, July 08, 2018

I can just assume that they deserve much, much better.  I've already devoted way too much time to someone who thinks that it's someone else's fault when they "forget" to pay a bill.  I will add this, though: No, I'm not perfect.  I've made mistakes, including buying things I really couldn't afford and missing payments.  The difference between you and me is that I didn't blame anyone but myself for those mistakes, and didn't expect anyone to fix them for me or just ignore them.  I LEARNED from them and did not REPEAT them.  

You are a very sad case.  I hope you make one more small investment at the dollar store and buy yourself a cheap mirror.  Every morning, look into it and say "this person is the author of all my financial problems, and the only one who can fix them. Ranting at strangers on the internet will change nothing.  Only I can change my situation."  Good luck. 


United States
lick my b****!

#4Author of original report

Thu, December 21, 2017

 Ok empire, whatever you say. This is over and done with so lick my b****. You dont know me or anything about me so lick my b**** thats all Ive got to say. Just remember though, if the day ever comes when your life goes to s***, youve got nobody to blame but yourself. Now grow up and go f*** yourself.


United States
No one is kidding you.

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 21, 2017

Where people work, and who they work for, is irrelevant. Being "perfect" is not the issue here. YOU filed this report and this report is the issue; this is what people are replying to. You write a whole manifesto describing how difficult it is to find good-paying jobs and decent housing in your area and how do you react? By financing cars and having a bunch of kids. You then pay your bills when it's convenient for you and when your creditors react with not one, but TWO repossessions, you accuse everyone of being heartless and a rip-off. If you can't see the common denominator here, your own true selfishness, there's nothing I can say that will make you understand.

But I will say this: the only ripping-off being done here is by you and your failure to uphold your part of the contract you signed. Period. All of your other whining and accusations and entitlement? Bring it to Facebook because it doesn't belong on this site. In fact, Credit Acceptance should be here posting about YOU. So, go ahead, tough guy, threaten all the violence you want, but it won't change the truth: you have failed as a husband, a father and as a trustworthy human being. Please, continue to keep your head in the clouds as you blame everyone else for your hardships; after all, it's worked so well for you so far.

are you kidding me?

#6Author of original report

Fri, October 06, 2017

 Okay I'm going to "forget" that your comment was completely useless and unhelpful. Let me guess John, you are perfect in every way and have never forgotten a single thing in your entire life. WOW! What it must be like to be you. You are so perfect that you don't even mouth off in real life. You go on sites like this to belittle people and call them names. You're so perfect that you know that by doing it online there's no way anyone will track you down and put you in the hospital. You are a genuine piece of work. Do you have any idea what would happen if you said any of that to my face? I would end you. I would have no problem whatsoever with "forgetting" to knock your teeth down your throat. But that's OK because you're better than me and you are perfect. You never ever forget anything ever. Grow up and get a life. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. Wouldn't you be pissed if what happened to me happened to you? Oh wait I "forgot" you are perfect and would never ever find yourself in anybody else's situation right? That could never possibly happen to you right? Give me a freaking break....


Takoma Park,
Another "you must be one of them" post? Seriously?

#7General Comment

Fri, October 06, 2017

You knew you needed to make a payment, but you "forgot" anyway.  And then you thought it was outrageous that instead of the company just repossessing right away, they waited a month- I'm sure if they had repo'd the day after you "forgot," you'd have no problem, right?

I feel sorry for your wife and kids.  They are the victims- not of any company, but of you.  You are a whiny, finger-pointing, blame-deflecting loser who wants them, and us, to think that all of your problems are the result of some grand conspiracy against you.  Now you don't have credit- well, of course you don't.  Credit is built when money is borrowed and promptly paid back.  It's built when contracts are signed and honored.  You don't have any experience with such things because you "forget" inconvenient things like due dates and you'd rather rant against the Unfairness of It All instead of admitting your mistakes and getting your act together. 

Robert does a lot of posting here at Ripoffreport.com.  I suspect that it's his hobby.  He's been accused of being a "Rent A Center Thug" and an agent for pretty much every company imaginable by people who simply can't believe that anyone has the gall to hold up a mirror to the poster and ask them to take a good, hard look.  So have I.  Well, I don't think Robert works for the company you blame for all of your problems, and I know for certain that I don't.  Grow up and take responsibility for your own failings.  And good luck. 


You can spin this until you are dizy...but

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, September 10, 2017

You stated..

Yes you are correct in that banks don't want to deal with me. This is not because I don't pay my bills. It's because I have zero credit. I have no way of proving to a bank that I am not a risk.

-Of course you have a way of proving that you are not a risk...by PAYING your car payment. You FAILED to do that because you "forgot". Banks don't care the reason you aren't paying...they just care that you didn't pay. You had a very good opportunity to show banks that you are not a risk and you FAILED.

Sorry if this is too rough for you but you can try to spin it anyway you want it does not take away the fact that the car was repossessed because you failed to make your payments when you agreed.

You stated...

You say you don't work for them but you seem pretty heartless and maybe just maybe credit acceptance should be a little more lenient with their customers.

- The "You must work for them" is a standard response when someone doesn't like what they are told.  So no I do not work for them and can just about guarantee that Jim or anyone else does either. However, as Jim stated they are not your friend, parent, adviser. They are a company you made a legal agreement to make your payments at a specific date for a specific amount.  You already had "arrangements" with them meaning that they were already lenient because you were not making your full payments as agreed.

But we know "lenient" is code for "They need to let me pay when I feel like it and just be happy that they are getting something". While I do feel for you it just doesn't work that way...sorry.

Still Not a deadbeat!

#9Author of original report

Sun, September 10, 2017

 Yes you are correct in that banks dont want to deal with me. This is not because I dont pay my bills. It's because I have zero credit. I have no way of proving to a bank that I am not a risk. Ive never had a credit card. Ive never had a loan. Ive never even had a checking account. Banks dont care if you always pay your rent or your electric or phone bill. They go by your credit score and credit report. If there is nothing on your credit report then you basically have zero credit which means you couldnt get a bank loan if your life depended on it. It has nothing to do with being a deadbeat. You seem to be convinced that you know everything about a persons situation, that you are blind to the fact that you might even possibly be wrong. You say you dont work for them but you seem pretty heartless and maybe just maybe credit acceptance should be a little more lenient with their customers. Thats all Im trying to say. They should give people the benefit of the doubt. And so should you.


All They Want IS Their Money!

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, September 10, 2017

I mean...how OBVIOUS is that?  That's the ONLY reason you have this relationship with them.  They funded your purchase and you agreed to repay said funding.  Your did not agree to a deal for them to be your friend, your financial adviser, your mother, your clergyman or your charity.  All they want is your money!

They are a subprime lender with whom your were PLACED.  Clearly, a bank loan with a much lower APR would have been cheaper but the banks didn't want to deal with you, right?  Why is that?  

What makes you so perfect?

#11Author of original report

Sat, September 09, 2017

 Sometimes things happen in a persons life that is completely out of thier control. Millions of people live paycheck to paycheck. This is most often not by choice, but by circumstance. Just because people don't have enough money to pay for things doesn't make them a deadbeat. Sure, it would be different if they werent paying their bills at all for months at a time. But when somebody is paying everything they can and are at least trying, that does not make them a deadbeat. Alot of people have jobs that dont pay enough to survive on. Again, this may not be by choice. This may be the only type of job they can get. Most average jobs in my area pay around $10 an hour. Apartments in my area range about $900 and up. (And thats for a 1 bedroom.) Most of these apartments do not include heat, electricity, water, etc. You are expected to pay for literally everything. Imagine you had to pay $900 a month for rent and around $100 a month for electricity. Then winter hits and now you're paying another $200 - $300 a month for heat. There's also the issue of food. Food is expensive as well. Surviving on $10 an hour is almost impossible. In order to survive you have to have a place to live. In order to have a place to live you need to have a job. Most often, in order to have a job you need to have a vehicle. In order to have that vehicle you need to have a job. Life is a catch - 22. No matter what, you're screwed before you even start. Not everyone has the luxury of having rich family or friends to depend on. I dont know how many times I've had to pick up bottles and cans or scour parking lots for dropped change just to get gas money to get to work that day. These kinds of people are considered poor. That doesnt make them a deadbeat. These people cant get credit cards or loans. These people need vehicles. Having a vehicle is not a luxury, it is a necessity for survival. When a company like credit acceptance offers these people the ability to obtain a vehicle no matter what their financial situation is, most of them graciously accept. The added burden of making the payments can quickly become too much and its only a matter of time before you're spending money before you've even earned it. This does not make people deadbeats. They do what they have to do to survive. Picture this... Your car payment is due tomorrow. You had to pay your electric bill today because they were going to shut it off if you didnt. You cant have your power shut off because you have children in your house who would freeze to death because your furnace doesnt work without electricity. You have no savings at all and its another week before you get paid again. 2 days later credit acceptance repos your vehicle. Now you cant get to work. After 3 days most places will fire you. Credit acceptance wont give your vehicle back until you pay them $500 and gives you a week to do it. If you had $500 you would have paid the bill in the first place. Theres no way you can raise the money in time and now you've not only lost your vehicle but youve lost your job as well. Youve also lost the ability to find another job bacause you dont have a vehicle. Even if you did manage to find another job its going to be 2 weeks before you get paid. By this time theres probably no food left in your house. Your first paycheck pretty much goes to food. Then next week your rent is due. You have a very strict landlord who evicts you on the spot because you dont have all the rent. Now you are homeless. These types of things happen to thousands of people everyday. Does that make them deadbeats? No it does not. It shows that there are situations in life that a person cannot control. Credit acceptance should take this into account but it seems like they dont care. The moment you are late, thats it. Most times they wont work with you at all. They just want their money. They dont realize that they hold a persons life and well being in their very hands. By ordering a repo they could be in essence, ordering that persons execution. It says right on their website that they think people deserve a second chance by basically offering a vehicle no questions asked. The moment you are unable to make a payment on time, your life could literally end right there on the spot. So I ask you this... If we are deadbeats, what does that make credit acceptance?


Complete Garbage!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, September 08, 2017

Yes sir...straight from the "Deabeat's Handbook".  It was YOU who failed to make an on time payment.  It was YOU who "forgot" a promise to pay.  Bottom line...it was YOU who caused the repo and the other consequences. 


No, I don't work for them!

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