  • Report:  #24932

Complaint Review: Cross Country Bank - Boca Raton Florida

Reported By:
- Phoenix, AZ,

Cross Country Bank
P.O. Box 310711, Baca Raton, FL 33431-0711 Boca Raton, 33431 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our joy of purchasing a new home has been squelched because of Cross Country Bank. When we moved into our new home, we notified all of our creditors of our new address. Cross Country Bank is the only creditor to get our new address wrong. We did not receive an updated statement, so we missed a payment. Then Sept 11 happened, and our mail got all messed up. All the other credit card companies were sympathetic to this event, except for Cross Country.

By the time we realized that we missed ONE payment, and the address error was corrected, they required a $600 payment to bring the account current. In a normal, American household, that kind of payment is unreasonable. We attempted to negotiate a payment that we could afford, but Cross Country was not agreeable at all. Now, they want us to make a payment of over $1000 to bring the account current - for a credit card bill that is only $3000.

All attempts to try and work with this company has failed. We allowed them to automatically withdrawal a couple of payments - which they have not taken out on time which really complicates our checking account.

The collection representatives call everyday, sometimes 2 times a day. They are unknowledgable about their responsibilities, the law and their own computer system. They are rude. I am sorry we ever sign up for this card. It's the worst company I have ever had the mispleasure of working with.

And to respond to the person that wrote that those of us that have had problems with this company, all I can say is - most people I know do work hard and pay their bills and have a bad episode in their life which wrecks havoc on paying bills. That DOES NOT make that person lazy or irresponsible. What I have to ask is, How can YOU work for a company that encourages lying, harassment and out-and-out blackmail to get people to pay. I know it is that person's (my) responsibility to pay for my expenses - I am trying. Is it not the company's responsibility to assist if a consumer is trying to pay back and they continue to harass and cajole. In my case, it was Cross Country Bank that started this mess by entering my address incorrectly into their data banks. I will eventually fix this situation, but Cross Country Bank is not an innocent child. They are the monsters.


Phoenix, Arizona

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