  • Report:  #1022356

Complaint Review: Custom Chopperwerks - Palmetto Florida

Reported By:
Truth Maker - Oakland, California, United States of America

Custom Chopperwerks
Palmetto, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Hey everyone - don't do business Robert Rowe or Custom Chopperwerks,

gripthis1.com, Chopperwerks International.  They're about to loose their federal DOT license.  Robert Rowe is posted multiple times on Ripoff Report and I have been one who has seen his lying and cheating ways in personally.

This guy Robert Rowe is a fraud, monster, cheat and about to go to federal prison for recent credit fraud.  And, Robert Rowe has no credibility, so be prepared to read below some wild and fake stories he puts out, but don't fall for it.  He lies and lies and that's all he does.

The problem is Robert Rowe has zero credibility.  First, Robert Rowe what you said about Tycoon Group is so fake and false.  You say Tycoon Group was run out of town and has lost it's BBB rating,  That the BBB has put out an alert on Tycoon Group is another lie.  You say this to hide your own short comings.  Hmm... I just checked and it looks like Tycoon Group in Beverly Hills has an excellent  standing with an "A Rating" and the only complaint in 7 years is from you.  Wonder why you lie so much Robert Rowe??  Wonder why you got 8 complaints on your BBB.

Second you haven't quite made it into the END ZONE cowboy.  You started celebrating to early with your lies and thought to be clever moves, while Curtis is right on your heels.  I little birdie tells me Paypal's attorneys will be turning on you in short order.  They won't there money you stole and my man Curtis ain't paying your bill.  It seems you actually breached the service contract and now you got other troubles brewing.

Third, there may be a little surprise personally for you this weekend, so check google under Custom Chopperwerks.  I hear a rumor that something is happening.

Fourth, I heard you cheated on your Ex-wife.  Wow, how many of the 10 commandments have you done!!!!  There's basically 1) adultery, 2) bearing false witness, i.e. lying, 3) stealing.  I'm trying to talk Curtis into posting everything about you, so that you can crawl back under that rock from whence you came.  Yeah, I like how you don't  post all three pages of your Agreement.  You don't want to show page one, because it clearly shows Curtis does not guarantee you funding. 

You said Curtis made you promises and guarantees - yet he's been in the industry for years without a problem until you snaked along and charmed him with your BS.  Then when another investor asked to see your financials and saw how broke you were and poor mishandling of your money the deal fell through. 

Fifth, you race to put up Paypals notice because you know it's about to change.  You know Curtis will make you pay.  I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.  I've said all along your like Wild E Cayote - constantly setting traps, thinking you're a genius but getting hammered and literally killing yourself in the process.

You don't sleep at night and you're living in hell and it's plain to see by everyone the way you carry on.  And, I understand
you are scared to get served, won't answer your door, much less go outside.  Yet you claim Curtis won't sue you.  You're just one bad apple.  You probably are an embarrassment to your family, I'm sure.  You don't even have anything to piss on with THAT little p***k of yours.

I have agreed to testify in court proceedings.  I like the fact that you will go back to prison where you belong.


7 Updates & Rebuttals

Truth Maker

Paypal Officially Goes After Robert Rowe for Fraud

#2Author of original report

Fri, June 14, 2013

Dear Mr. Exposefraudonline, aka Robert Rowe,

Well, as I've said before.  This whole thing started out as a lie.  The attached is proof now that Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group now has a zero balance and is completely exonarated.  Curtis says he'll be posting something a bit later on. 

Finally, the proof was in fact presented in front of the right eyes and determined through legal and civil channels that Robert Rowe of Custom Chopperwerks LIED and in fact had received checks totalling $5K.

How Paypal will treat this fraud is clearly outline in their Users Agreement. 

Robert Rowe if you ever, I do mean EVER come on this forum again and say that Curtis has stolen money from you or anyone else, I'm releasing those nukes I've been holding on you, Tom and Nancy.  I triple dog dare you to say you never got your checks last year.

This whole disgraceful thing was trumped up to make you look good.  That's all it ever was.   You ruined your business and Curtis' because you weren't thinking clearly and were so consummed by hatred and anger self generated based on LIES.  You lack true wisdom.

Problem is you've found out that when you intentionally go to hurt others, you ONLY end up hurting yourself.  You're learing this lesson late in life, but hopefully you will learn.

I don't ever want to see you on this forum again talking about my friend Curtis or Tycoon Group, because if you do - you will be sorrier than you are now.  The best thing you can do NOW is get to your credit card company FIRST, if isn't already too late and apologize to them, because your house of cards are falling.  You see, Truth will alway win, bank on THAT.


- Steve



Start thinking clearly of yourself better, Tom and Nancy before you decide your next move.  You could make things even worse for you and the others. Believe that!

Report Attachments


United States of America

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 09, 2013

Curtis brown alias Steve,

So you just got off the phone talking to yourself ? You must have taken my advise and stopped by one of those pot shops they have in California. It didn't seem to mellow you out much though. 

You also might want to try spell check. I think you meant to say QUIET instead of QUITE. Did you proof read your post because you seem very upset and appeared to have a problem writing a coherent sentence ?

According to you PayPal offered me what ? You have quite an imagination there Curtis Brown. PayPal never offered me anything and there is no reason for me to give my $5,000.00 back to anyone because it officially belongs to me. I'm not the one who owes PayPal $5,000.00 remember ? You are.

LIke I said, you have quite an imagination. Where do you come up with this garbage like a PayPal criminal investigation ? PayPal doesn't do criminal investigations. Curtis let me try again to give you a dose of reality.... Curtis Brown LOST the $5,000.00 PayPal/ credit card dispute with Robert Rowe and the case is CLOSED PERMANENTLY. Let me repeat that.... Curtis Brown LOST the $5,000.00 PayPal/ credit card dispute with Robert Rowe and the case is PERMANENTLY CLOSED. Just keep repeating that to yourself and maybe it will sink in. You can cry if you'd like, it's alright.

Now Curtis these delusions that you have about PayPal criminal investigations and credit card fraud just aren't helping your mental state. If you continue to have these delusions you will end up going through each day pissed of at the world because we both know that no criminal investigation by PayPal or any credit card company will ever take place.

So... you're going to try it again with the Florida Better Business Bureau and file a bogus complaint ? Curtis, you'd think the light bulb would come on for you as the Florida better Business Bureau threw out your other fraudulent complaint against Custom ChopperWerks, Inc..

Since you brought up the subject regarding complaints. Curtis... have you read the reviews on Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC on those "financial advisor referral" websites lately It looks like you and the businesses you won are NOT very popular. I'm willing to bet there will be several pages of reviews written when it's all said and done. It looks like a lot of people are reading The Rip Off Reports on you and your businesses. Not gooooood.

Geeez Curtis, how many clients of yours and how much money did you steal from these people. Man..... since your businesses are at the retail level reviews like that will kill business.  It's a good thing you closed your businesses and hid under a rock. In your line of work one or two business reviews like those and you're toast. I'm sure glad I do business at the wholesale level and not retail because someone can just make up something about your business at the retail level and ruin your business. I'm willing to bet if you wanted to continue as a so-called financial advisor you'll have to move out of California and change your name. WOW, I'm sure glad I'm not in your shoes.....

One other question.... I heard you are now living out of your automobile. Has PayPal been knocking on your card door to collect the $5,000.00 you owe them ? I only ask that because you mention something about metal and the sound it makes. LOL, LOL, LOL. Sorry, couldn't help myself. 


United States of America

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 09, 2013

Hey Curtis,

LOL, LOL. So Curtis......... you just got off the phone after talking to yourself ? I guess you took my advise about stopping in to one of those California pot shops. You must still really be upset about losing that PayPal credit card dispute because it didn't seem to mellow you out much. Oh, one other thing..... try spell check. I think you meant QUIET instead of QUITE. Glad to help you out there.

So....... your going to give it another try with the Florida BBB again huh ? You'd think the light bulb would have come on after having your first false allegations dismissed. Oh well, you do have a lot of time on your hands now that you don't have a job. Knock yourself out. They'll just dismiss that one.

Since you brought up the subject regarding complaints. WOW, I was just reading some of the reviews on some of those financial advisor referral websites about Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. You know what ? You and your businesses don't seem to be very popular with a lot of people. 

Geeez Curtis, how many people did you steal money from ? Judging by the number of people that have filed complaints it must be close to one hundred thousand dollars or more. It looks like some of your victims have been reading The Rip Off Report and posting complaints all over the internet for all the world to see. If you were still in business that would have to hurt.

Man..... there are numerous complaints on every financial advisor referral website I found. I'm willing to bet at the rate people are posting there will be pages and pages of complaints filed by numerous people against Curtis Brown, Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. before it's all said and done. Curtis, I'd sure hate to be in your shoes. You know Curtis ? You might have to move out of California and change your name. LOL, LOL.

You know Curtis, That's a real concern when your business deals at the retail level. One or two complaints and you're toast. Image is everything at the retail level isn't it ? That's why I only conduct business at the wholesale level. 

Ooooooooooo, federal prison ? That would sound scary if I had lost the PayPal/ credit card dispute. But the fact is I didn't lose. You did. LOL, LOL, LOL. So obviously, the alleged evidence you presented to support your bogus claim was not credible to PayPal or the credit card company because they ruled in my favor. If there had been any hint of credit card fraud as you claim, PayPal and the credit card company would have ruled in your favor, which they didn't. Nanny, boo, boo. 

Hey Curtis..................... since you appear to be living out of your automobile now, has PayPal started knocking on your car door yet to collect the $5,000.00 you owe them ?

Truth Maker

United States of America
Robert Rowe Wrong Again! But, Surely Headed for Federal Prison

#5Author of original report

Sat, March 09, 2013

Hey Robert Robert, Just got off the phone with my friend Curtis.  You definitely know how to LIE!!!!  First, you keep day dreaming I am him.  Well, that's OK, since where you're going end all nonsense soon enough.  The case with your credit card fraud is not only STILL open with criminal investigation, but your Florida Better Business Bureau now has caught wind you your shenanigans..... And your rating is about to go down the toilet along with you and your accomplice Cassandra. 

I hear you were offered a deal to walk or return the $5K you ripoff from Paypal.  Well, believe me, Paypal was the wrong source to mess with!!!!  I guess your bad mistake, calculation or whatever, eh!!!!  You are pretty tough behind the keyboard - you turned down a one on one with Curtis.  So, now, currently you have 8 complaints on your BBB, watch next week it will be at 9 and your rating goes down too. 

Oh, but that's just the least of your worries.  You got real federal prison time coming too.  Bad boy, bad boy, what ya gonna do?????  You're going to milk all this for a joke until you hear those metal doors slam.  Since you'll never call me direct or email direct and insist on calling me Curtis in this foruem, I think there is something you should Know.

Did it ever occur to you why Curtis is so quite?  Curtis explained it to me and wow aren't you stupid!!!


Grip This

United States of America

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2013

Steve alias Curtis Brown,

First of all, your name is not Steve. It's Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. The same Curtis Brown that swindles his own clients out of their money by engaging in fraud.

Curtis......... she's not a girl, she's a woman and a very attractive one at that. You made up lies against her business that she owns and she went on the record to correct those lies. I fully realize you're (Curtis Brown) extremely limited in the common sense department. However, even a moron like you (Curtis Brown) should have enough sense to go online and check with the Florida Secretary of State Division of Corporations to confirm the owner of a business. I also know you are easily confused, but if you had done this simple procedure you would have seen that Robert Rowe or Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. is NOT an owner of Grip This Motorcycle Products. Of course if you had done that, you (Curtis Brown) could not have made up the lies regarding Grip This Motorcycle Products. Grip This Motorcycle Products had nothing to do with the dispute between us.

Curtis Brown, I guess losing that $5,000.00 PayPal dispute I filed against you still has you kind of bent out of shape huh ? Oooooo... I'd sure hate thinking that every time someone knocked on my door it could be PayPal trying to serve you (Curtis Brown) a court summons. I bet that keeps you (Curtis Brown) on edge doesn't it ?

Curtis Brown, it has to be embarrassing for you as a life long con man after all these years of cheating, lying, etc. to provide you an income, that you finally run in to a guy (me) that you first considered to be an easy mark, only to find out that mark was a lot smarter than you and ended up having you "punked". Not only did this mark (me) have you "punked", he made it look so easy. LOL, LOL, LOL. I bet that really hits a nerve.

Curtis Brown, if you stop and think about it. This mark (me) exposed you as a con man, criminal, liar, thief, and above all exposed you as a very stupid crook. Not only did this mark (me) expose all that. This mark (me) made you close your business doors, dried up your victim base to swindle, and basically made you unemployed. To top it all off.... now you're in the hole $5,000.00 to PayPal for the credit card dispute you lost. LOL, LOL, LOL.

So Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, the question begging to be asked is.... do you kinda wish you hadn't tried to scam Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. out of their $5,000.00 like you did with your other clients ?

How about this question Curtis Brown. Has reality set in that the PayPal/credit card dispute is closed permanently and that you lost $5,000.00 ?

Truth Maker

United States of America
Robert Rowe Crony Friend

#7Author of original report

Thu, March 07, 2013

Hey Robert Rowe of Custom Chopperwerks,

Are you resorting to girls talking for you.  My goodness, how low will you go?  First Credit Card Fraud, now this????   Steve


United States of America
Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLCalias truthmaker

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 05, 2013

Curtis brown alias truthmaker,

Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC was exposed by Robert Rowe of Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. as a fraud, and crook, that swindles his own clients out of their money.

Custom ChopperWerks, Inc was looking for a $500,000.00 loan for it's business to purchase manufacturing materials. Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. was approached by the Curtis Brown owner of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC.. Curtis Brown who claimed he had investors willing to put up the $500,000.00 loan and that Curtis Brown already had $200,000.00 in place which could be closed and funded within 10 days. All Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. had to do was send $5,000.00 to get the loan. To make a long story short it was all lies (numerous) and Curtis Brown fabricated the investors and the loan never happened. Curtis Brown then attempted to keep the $5,000.00 that was sent to him by Custom ChopperWerks, Inc..

Since Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. had sent Curtis Brown the $5,000.00 through PayPal using a credit card, Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. filed a credit card dispute claim against Curtis Brown. PayPal and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.'s credit card company just ruled in favor of Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. and Curtis Brown lost. Curtis Brown now owes PayPal $5,000.00 which he can't pay because Curtis Brown doesn't have the money.

As our dispute continued three other victims of Curtis Brown appeared here on The Rip Off Report. Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC swindled and stole $5,000.00 from a Cassandra O'Donnell and Curtis Brown swindled Bill Yeager out of $5,000.00. They couldn't file a credit card dispute because they had bank wired money to Curtis Brown.

Right now, state and federal authorities are investigating Curtis Brown for criminal charges including interstate bank fraud.

There are several threads here on The Rip Off Report. Curtis Brown has been posting using several aliases in an attempt to discredit me. His claims are all lies. Curtis Brown lies and claims I've been arrested and put in jail. I've NEVER been arrested or put in jail and have posted official court documents that clearly show Curtis Brown is lying.

Curtis Brown has posted on The Rip Off Report posing as an alleged customer of Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.. The problem with that claim is we only sell at the wholesale level and only to licensed dealers. Curtis Brown poses as his clients, friends, etc. using several aliases attempting to rehabilitate his imager.

The Ca. Better Business Bureau dropped his business to a NR rating two weeks ago and that the phones had been disconnected. Curtis Brown contacted the BBB recently and told them he was only doing real estate now and not financial consulting. So the CA. BBB re-rated bTycoon Group, LLC to an A. However, there are now pending complaints against Curtis Brown so look for that rating to go down the toilet. For the record the BBB rating for Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. is A+.

Curtis Brown has now attempted to claim that PayPal consipred against him and that Robert Rowe had committed credit card fraud. Well................. if that were true Curtis Brown would have won the credit card dispute. The fact is Curtis brown LOST the credit card dispute, has been exposed a a swindler, fraud, liar, and thief. Curtis Brown is not happy for being exposed for what he really is, which is a crook. That is why Curtis Brown has posted on different threads he started attacking Custom ChopperWerks, Inc..

Look up Kim Burge, Cassandra O'Donnell, Bill Yeager, Curtis Brown, Tycoon Group, LLC, Curtis Brown USA, LLC, Custom ChopperWerks, Inc., on The Rip Off Report. There you can read and watch Curtis Brown get caught in numerous lies. Curtis Brown is not a very smart crook. DO NOT SEND CURTIS BROWN ANY MONEY !! 

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