  • Report:  #99699

Complaint Review: CYDCor ComQuest Marketing - White Plains New York

Reported By:
- monroe, New York,

CYDCor ComQuest Marketing
106 Corporate Pk Dr White Plains, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
WE worked at com-quest a while ago and recently came across this website. WE should all band together and have our own ex-cydcor team night across the country.

Where to begin about Cydcor and Com-quest they are liars, anyone who does well in the field is a liar. you're trained to speak with ambiguiety when asked questions by business owners.

whenever someone "mysteriously disappears" it's b/c they actually quit, they were NOT fired, as chris would like everyone to think. and then you're told not to speak about them ever again.

you're made to feel bad if you don't hang out with those dorks

after work, that way you only see the people you work with and live with ever.

and nevermind the fact that whenever you make more that $1000 you won't get a paycheck over $600 roughly. Actually now that I'm reading this i realized that this company has made me dumber. not only are our cars shot but my whole college education is too.

two girls

westchester, New York

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Before I get involved.. I should ask if the company hiring is breaking the law

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 12, 2004

First off the company is shady. Second of all - could you please support your assertions that it isn't with actual evidence? If you read up on DS-max, and Cydcor, you'll find out that anyone who asks too many questions about what their job will be/how much they will get paid aren't called back. And you get a sense of that in your 15 minute interview where you're told that everything you want to know will be covered if you come back. The second interview, you obviously find out what you are doing since you start going door-to-door right away. but maybe you meant we should have asked in the first interview if people at Cydcor lie/decieve to get sales. that, I'm sure, is a great way to get a job working somewhere. As a new guy, it's hard to be insubordinate to your leaders... if you read up on how cydcor and DS-Max is structered you'll find out that anything having to do with "negative attitudes" will almost automatically get you the boot. When in training in any job, most people who want to keep the job feel a little uneasy reporting the people training them. who would Chris choose to fire - last weeks highroller, or the person he just hired two weeks ago. The only reason I stayed through training was because I wanted to make some money for my UNPAID training, and because I thought I could learn something. nothing I did on my own was shady - that's why the job wasn't profitable for me, and that's why I quit. plus you're only focusing on one way cydcor screwed us over. You said you know Chris personally. Chris told me to take a week off for having a negative attitude for a total of 5 minutes on a day he wasn't there. Does that sound like a person who thinks rationally? Anyway - how can you even know Chris. He spends all his time in the office. The point is - we all quit. I quit because I couldn't make sales. I couldn't make sales because I refused to decieve. A week later was when Chris asked me to take a week off the day before I planned on quitting. The company IS shady. If you want to give any real evidence in its support please do. But I don't see any real defense other than what you believe. See it's funny - because we ALL gave actual evidence and support for our assertions.


New York,
Glad we amuse you.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 12, 2004

So glad we amuse you Renee. Honestly, you must not have read our reports right. I brought everything i believed was wrong to Chris and he did nothing about any of it. I also had conversations with some of Chris' higher-ups and they also did nothing and explained nothing, so what else are we left with but to sit here and claim that this company and your friend both ripped us off. You don't know you're ripping off a customer until months later when you see their bill and realize everything you were told about the way the billing went was a outright lie. And Chris had no explanation for anyone. I know for a fact that my coworkers and I asked all the questions we thought necessary about the company when interviewing and then later when training. When answers are purposefully being withheld from you, the "new guy", as you find out when you become a leader and are told to withhold information about the company until later, it's hard to get those answers. For example, a coworker and I were told not to tell the new guys in the office that we (Com Quest) were part of Cydcor. Why not? They were hired, they were now working with us. Information was withheld all the time, there were DS-MAX plaques with pictures of Chris and Avie Roth holding them in Chris' office, yet nobody would claim to know what DS-Max was. And that's a load of bull. How do you get answers when your boss refuses to provide them? All this does not make US the dumbasses that you're so nicely insinuating that we are. Why don't you ask Chris about what really goes on at work BEFORE you get online and defend something you obviously know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. Ask yourself, how can this many of us have the same problem with them? The EXACT same problems. Even some people who worked for Chris in ATLANTA are on this message board commenting. Don't get me wrong Renee, I don't hate him as a person or anything, I just think he's a slimeball. Yes, blame all of it on the ex-reps... right? Not that I feel I have to defend myself to you, seeing as you seriously just sound like some female who has a thing for the man- must be because you'll get on this site and sit and insult people you dont know and blabber about how its all our faults when you so obviously know nothing about any of it- but I never did anything shady as a rep thank you very much. Seriously honey, get a clue. You don't work for him. Probably never have. Stay out of it. Cuz you're just making him look like a wuss who can't get online and stick up for himself. You have no argument. When you do, let us know.


This is really funny to me

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 11, 2004

All of your stories are really funny to me. I know Chris personally and you all did say some nice and not so nice things about him. The funny thing is.... if you are going to work for a company (Cydcor or not) wouldn't you ask the right questions before getting involved!!! Do you guys see how easy it is to point the finger when you feel like a dumb #$%? If I was working with a company where something shady was going on.. or I was being asked to do something I don't believe in... wouldn't I talk to the authority about it? But everyone of your comments talks about how you stood by and watched it and then did it yourself. I believe the company isn't shady.... maybe some reps there... and maybe some ex reps.. you!


New York,
Com Quest...Cydcor...why us?

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 09, 2004

Brian, Thomas, I completely agree with you both- i thought maybe it as just m,e until i found this website. They're not posting email addresses, although i'd love to talk to you both about it all. It seriously was the worst mistake of my life, i also screwed m own family over trying to put them on the unlimited plan on both lines and it came out to $250, but of course Chris had no idea why. And Matt, i didn't think he was all that bad until he just bagan to totally disrespect me- did you know that out in Ohio he got demoted from assistant manager BEFORE he came to NY? But whatever, the guy i thought deserved it isn't there anymore from what I hear anyway, although i believe he was when Chris promoted Matt. They all lay on the charm and think we're not going to see through their bullshit. There's so much i know that i probably shouldn't write just cause i don't trust them, but it would make me so happy to know that i stopped them once and for all, you have no idea the crap they've pulled in the past and gotten away with. A friend of mine interviewed for them a few days ago without realizing it's where I worked- thank god i got in touch with him before he was supposed to go on his day of O. Chris made him believe he was gonna get base pay. I have my leaders notebook right in front of me and i wanna scan every page and post it- just so people can see what bull it all is. For example, here's the page on "Building Relationaships" from the leaders handbook: "One of the most valuable lessons that a leader must learn is- whom to build a relationship with and how. As a rule of thumb, use these guidelines: -Always spend time with the people who motivate you -Always spend time with the people who are willing to learn -Always spend time with the people who are honest and sincere -Always spend time with the people who want and need your help" "The next major question is how to build a relationship. As a general rule, the best way to build a relationship with someone is to help him or her without asking for anything in return. A person will stick with you if you can show a sincere intrest in their success and not only your own. Here are a few of the most basic things you can to to build a solid relationship: -Saturday tem days (when held) -Retraining -Help set goals -Extra curricular activities (BE SMART) (Golf, BBQ, etc..) -Dinner/Breakfast -Spend time with them/Invest energy in them" It sounds like hes trying to teach a bunch of 6 year olds how to play well with others. Not that I disagree with some of what he has to say. But whatever... I'm working on scanning some pictures and more of the handbook and maybe for the hell of it some Cydcor times. I probably wasn't there when you guys were, but i might have trained some of the people who were.. who were your leaders? Mine left to go to Indiana with Jonathan (Chris' old a*s man LOL) Oh BTW, I know Chris liked that last part of building relationships- invest energy? Hmmm Stacy....? LMFAO.


New York,
Waste of Time ..CYDCor - Chris A-water CYDCor, ComQuest Marketing ripoff, lied, dishonest, misrepresented, took advantage, shady manipulation

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 08, 2004

CYDCor - Chris A-water CYDCor, ComQuest Marketing ripoff, lied, dishonest, misrepresented, took advantage, shady manipulation White Plains New York *UPDATE EX-employee responds ..I agree with you!!!! I worked there too and it was the worst mistake of my life thus far! Company CYDCor, ComQuest Marketing Address: 106 Corporate Park Drive Suite 108 White Plains New York 10604 U.S.A. Phone Number: 914-220-6785 Fax: It's amazing how many ads you find for Comquest Marketing online, without finding out what it is all about. They feed you the opiate of how you could one day be in management while at the same time telling you - though not directly that it is ok to lie to customers. Every single sales person I went out with on training lied in some way, or did something morally wrong to get a close. WE SHOULD have our own team nights and talk about how much comquest screwed us over with it's manipulative methods, like team nights. They pressure you into going - and if you don't they get pissed off. not to mention the Manager and Asst. Manager think that it's ok to hit on the girls constantly. The Manager even took two on a trip with him. Not only do the workers pitch, but they are constantly getting pitched to by managers, and just like the product we were selling - the managers are trying to build up something to be greater than it is. For example, telling us that most people make a certain amount of money a week - say 1000. In truth it'll end up being 600. They have childish rewards for those who close the most. The worst part is that they have these people working hard for their benefit while they keep promising management. Most of the people who have worked there a while will talk about how great the job is. And most of them are still living at home with Mom and Dad and don't own cars or are driving cars that are about to fall apart. No one gets fired from comquest they decide to leave. Then they want you to be dishonest with each other - never talk about how bad your day is. It's just another form of their control over the worker. They have you working sales in a market that's saturated with sales people. A market they move people through every 1-2 months. Everyone you'd end up trying to sell to has already been attempted by someone before you. The most obvious indicator of the shadyness of comquest marketing is that you don't veen find out what the job is about until you go on your second interview. While working there, I never witnessed a single sale made by another rep that I felt was made by honest means. Sadly, as I watched, and/or helped out in, these deceptions I idly stood by and accepted them. .... on a funnier note: Comquest sent me two checks for people I closed on training just because it was my agents ID on it. I even asked the people training me if it made a difference whose ID I wrote down on the paperwork, and they said no - that they would get paid and then pay me 25%. One Guy Westchester, New York U.S.A.


New York,
Shady Comquest

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 08, 2004

I just remember that every rep I went out with on training did something extremely shady. One rep pitched the 14.25 plan and said it included the free minutes. nah... that's not all I remember, but what I was going to get at is that everyone who was screwed over by comquest and quit should email me [DELETED] so we can get togetehr and do something about it. [Place your comments below and be sure to include your FULL contact information so Rip-off Report can contact you.]


White Plains,
New York,
Sick-Cor and CON-Quest Marketing...aka The Brainwashed Midgets

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 07, 2004

Ann, I know exactly what you are talking about right when I had started with his little company i heard so many great expectations and such...i was just notified by a customer as of 2 days ago well a friend of mine i had signed up to AT&T services...roughly with taxes for 2 lines shoulda been 70.00 with free minutes etc...this persons bill was 280.00 big jump off...Chris mis- represented us all...he stole money from me...for one...then when his plan was foiled..he then sent me 2 checks equalling 495.00...weird huh? and these checks came almost 2 months after i stopped working for chris...and Matt i swear he is obnoxious he thinks he is god's gift i swear...first he has no shoulders it's neck to torso...and his haircut he reminds me of eddie haskel...but anyways...Com-quest marketing i would love to gather up all the people who got screwed and have a meeting and just walk around with flyers and give them to business owners to tell them of the sort


New York,
I agree- i worked there too and am dumber for it!

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 06, 2004

They're all bad. And unfortunately all VERY SIMILAR. Bastards. I previously defended Cydcor, Com Quest Marketing,all over the internet, before and after i quit, thinking back on it all now i just feel silly. Looking back at it now i am beyond relieved that i quit and i look back at my time with Cydcor as a waste of time and energy, and there is still alot of amazing people working for them and its a shame because its a waste of talent as well. (You guys rock and i love you still and i wish you the best and hope you find what you're looking for without getting corrupted like our owners- i don't write this to bash you, you) are all hard workers and amazing people who i'll never forget- i give you credit for still plowing along through it all) I learned some simple sales skills that you can learn from a book, and though i made my share of money it wasn't worth it as i even cheated my own relatives by switching them to a service i thought and was told by my management was cheaper and better for them. So i must have screwed over a large number of people that i previously thought i was helping.When i brought it to my manager he informed me that he had no idea why the bill was like that. Nice. These people have no morals whatsoever and karma is a b***h. To this day i still regret that i hadn't looked up Cydcor on the internet earlier and saved myself the trouble. I'm not going to lie, i made a lot of money, but it's just not worth it in the long run. People may say "oh, you just couldn't cut it", i know, i said the same thing, but i DID cut it., i made a lot of money and i was very good at what i did, i was a leader and all that jazz, but i look back at it all with total shame. I should have thought things were shady when they told me i would have to pay for my own gas to and from the field, that i had no choice but to drive coworkers into the field and even home, that i should pay for my "day of o"s lunch, that saturday meetings were mandatory (although they were repeats of things we went over a million times), that we need to withold information about cydcor from our "new guys"... and the best... that we have to 'build break build" our new guys on our teams. I learned that when i became a leader and i look back on my leader breaking me and how i was in tears until he built me back up again. I was also told "why the hell not, we should hire them cuz they're hot". My boss dated his staff. Regularly. And loved checking porn where we all could see in his office. Smooth. Like sandpaper buddy. Girls were sexually harassed and nothing was done about it, the guy continues probably to this day to work there while 2 girls quit because of him. A coworker was told he had to have visiting road trip people stay at his place because it "would be a good learning experience"- the people were at his house before he had the chance to say no. We were told our friends stressed us out and they didn't understand and they'll be working at Papa Johns while we have our own office. I call bullshit on that. And one guy was even told his answering maching message on his personal cellphone wasn't professional enough and to change it. Oh yes, and boots my coworker had been wearing for 3 weeks in the field were suddenly not professional enough after she claimed a coworker had made unwanted advanced to her. All of a sudden it was "would Brandie wear those boots? I dont think so". Ummm sure buddy- We aren't Brandie Rucks, if you hadn't noticed. This mother of three that begam working with me thinking it was a legit marketing job ended up not getting a paycheck for 5 and a half weeks after being promised one after two, then got offered an advance of $100 just to get her by. Three kids on a hundred bucks for 3 weeks plus just does not work. The topping on the cake was watching our dear Avie Roth rip into my coworkers telling them that they don't know their goals so maybe they should rethink their job and they dont know their team members well enough (after only knowing them for a week) and you've been here for 4 months and you're not in assistant management...why? Maybe you should rethink your career oppertunities. These poor kids who ate slept and breathed Cydcor looked like they would burst into tears. It was their Siddartha telling them they sucked. So sad. Check out this website and you'll understand Cydcor and its little subsidiaries like Northside, CarterMorris, Pinnacle, Com-Quest (NY-Chris Auwarter, Jonathans promoting manager)Marketing Endeavors (GA- Brandie Rucks, Chris Auwarters promoting manager), etc... http://wolfram.org/scam/cydcor.html they are all the same, they just have different owners. check out www.cydcoruniversity.com as well for proof that they all go by the same crap, or just notice the similarities between: www.cartermorrisinc.com and www.comquestmarketing.com and www.marketingendeavors.com .... its actually kind of amusing! Or you can yahoo search for "DS-MAX the aftermath", that page is informative as well.... I'm just glad i can look back at it and laugh now, and i hope you all check this out it might save you the pain it caused me. We SHOULD have an ex-cydcor team night across the country. Maybe then this CORRUPT company will finally admit what they're doing WRONG! Oh and Matt should never have been assistant manager. Oh thats right, he LIVES with Chris...!

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