  • Report:  #492112

Complaint Review: Cydcor Smart Circle Quantum DS Max Innovage - New Brunswick New Jersey

Reported By:
Mike - Fairfield, New Jersey, USA

Cydcor Smart Circle Quantum DS Max Innovage
Many addresses New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I just recently began looking for work in the Central New Jersey area and came across these job postings for a few companies that are involved in the DS Max, Cydcor, Smart Circle, Quantum, Innovage network.  The job postings and the descriptions you will be given when interviewing for this job are very misleading.

I'm not going to go as far to say that these companies are all scams but I do believe people need to know what they are applying for when they come across these company names.  They all consist of Door to Door sales work in either a Business to Business or a residential setting.  It is pure cold calling on these homes and businesses, many of the ads will say face to face presentations giving you the impression it's a regular sales job with preset appointments.  The posting will say pay by performance base, that means that it is 100% commission.  I do know people can misunderstand this as a sliding salary scale based on your performance.  The turnover is extremely high, probably about 80-90% in most of them.  They are willing to hire about 80% of the people that walk through their door so if you do decide to interview do not let them give you the impression that positions are filling up quickly as they will be hiring new people everyday.  They are really looking for people to get to management by building and recruiting a team of sales reps but the people who do get there are few and far between. 

Anybody who does feel like it is the type of work for them I encourage them to go out and do it.  This posting is to let people know what is going on before they feel they have been misled. I have placed the websites for the companies below so you can see the consistency in their messages.  Best of luck.










7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Relax, just don't take it seriously!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 23, 2010

I have something to add here, I think. I worked for about 6 months for one of these evil Cydcor/Innovage/Smart Circle firms (it doesn't really matter which, almost all of them are the same), and I gotta say, it can actually be kind of a cool job, IF you do two things:

1.) treat it as a temp job - it is not a career, you WILL NOT make it to management no matter what they say (even if you do there's a 95% chance of closing within 9 months because they don't support you, and then you'll be a few grand in debt). It is a job to do for a few months, at most, if you're looking for some quick cash and good experience.

2.) don't follow their ridiculous rules and regulations - they are all designed to keep you in line, and people don't violate them because they want to make it to "leadership" and then on to management. So take whatever territory you want, change into comfortable clothes and shoes when you leave the office, work the hours that you want to, hell, smoke some weed while you're out in the field. Basically, have fun with it, and if you have some natural sales skills, you'll make money and enjoy your time there.

Basically, don't buy into what they say about leadership and management. Just do your own thing, if they want to promote you to leadership, just decline and say you're not ready for the responsibility (your boss will most likely be a moron, if he's fallen for the whole thing, so he'll probably believe you). You'll get some good sales experience, some good exercise, and definitely some self-confidence. Just don't worry too much about it, then after a few months, move on to something else.

THIS IS NOT A CAREER, IT'S A TEMP JOB. Just remember that and you'll be fine, you might even have fun!


New Jersey,
Believe all of what you hear and all of what you see... Cause it's true

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 15, 2010

What was said in my earlier report that is not true?  I didn't bash the company, just brought out the facts of the process.  In your 4 months are you saying you didn't see people come in and out of the company everyday?  Are you really going to try to convince people that these were just the lazy people?  I will guarantee at least 75% of the people that come and go move on to their next job and make more if not double what the owner makes of these companies.  

I hope you did realize that I encouraged people to go out and apply for them if they feel that 100% commission door to door sales is what they have been planning on doing with their lives.  

I don't see why you have to embelish and say you made 1100 a week there.  If you were good you probably made 600 and that is before the personal expenses you incurred.  If it was so lucrative then I must assume you are in the affiliated Cydcor/Smart Circle/DS Max office in California right?  Are you still making this supposed 1100 a week out there?  The average rep makes about $300 a week at these positions with top "leaders" making around 600.  

I still encourage people to apply, I just hate seeing people walking into these companies blindfolded.  Good Luck to all


South Dakota,
United States of America
Beleive none of what you hear and half of what you see.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 19, 2010

I worked for one of the companies listed below.  I did B2B sales on commission for 4 months before moving to California. I averaged about $1100 dollars a week and loved the team of people I worked with. 

I don't think I would cite Mike as a source for a research paper in school, and I don't think people should believe everything they read online when there's no accountability for the author.  That said, I was happy in my job. 

Every company has people who leave unhappy.  If I were still in NY, I would still be working there.  I encourage anyone interviewing to see things for themselves.  And bring up this website, bring up these diatribes.  Looking someone in the eye and asking good questions is the way to get to the truth. 


New Jersey,
shady behavior to watch out for . . .

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, February 18, 2010

I worked in part of the Hepp Org and in California, under whats now part of The Phoenix Group in Fairfield, NJ. I was often a top rep on my campaign and had a large team. So, why did I leave? It has something to do with business ethics.

After my experience, Id advise you not work in this business if you find any of the following behavior or scenarios inappropriate . . .

1. A 30 something year old assistant manager in Seans LA office sleeps with a teenage girl on his team . . . and gets her pregnant . . . about 15 feet from where the boss sleeps.

2. Your boss actually argues with you that when a girl says NO she usually means Yes . . . and then tries to prove it to you.

3. Your boss refers to the admin as the third base coach in reference to her sexual activity before her boyfriend.

4. Your boss says to you, I want to f*k you!

5. Your boss tells you that every guy in the business wants to f*k you.

6. Your boss refers to a girl on your team as c*-dumpster

7. The new admin freaks out in response to the pornographic photos floating across your bosss laptop.

8. There is no HR.

9. You hear a 19 yr old pot head slur a speech about how hes going to be a millionaire in 4 years . . . and hes convinced that its going to happen . . . even though the manager has been doing his job for years and barely breaks even.

10. A superior calls you late at night to get you to come over to his hotel room.

11. You tell a superior you arent interested and he is then a complete d*k to you

12. Your boss asks you or the admin if youve ever kissed a girl. . . . or asks if youd have a threesome with one of the Cydcor employees.

13. Your boss says he wants to f*k Vera

14. Your manager and another manager frequently joke in front of you about one of them screwing the others admin.

15. Your manager cheats on his wife with an employee.

16. A manager/owner asks you for a 1 on 1 . . . you think it is because you high rolled the office that day by making $250 . . . you then realize that he simply wants to hit on you.

17. Your boss tells you that you should expect to be hit on at work and, when you ask why, he says Have you looked in the mirror? You dont look like [them]

18. You complain about office behavior and your boss tells you your idea of a professional environment doesnt exist.

19. You lose money out of your commission to pay people who make you nothing (this is true in some offices).

20. At a manager conference, a guy asks if he should consider firing someone who does drugs on the job

Furthermore, my time in this business taught me never to work for someone who . . .

A. Tells you hes changing locations for a great new opportunity when its really because he cant make overhead.

B. Doesnt pay you when he says he will

C. Teaches you to fudge #s in Merlin and yells at you when you do it correctly.

D. Owes you money

E. Lies to you

F. Lies to a new hire right in front of you

G. Preaches about a great future and then plays video games instead of working

H. Tells you he is hitting the field and goes home


Good Luck!


New Jersey,
Jade Development, The Marketing Professionals, Eagle Eye Expectations all at the same address

#6Author of original report

Tue, December 15, 2009

I just wanted to update that I noticed all 3 of these Cydcor companies have been posting all over and are located at the same address.  Please be aware that these are 100% commission, door-to-door sales companies.  They do not say which company you are calling when you try to contact them.  The address of these door to door sales companies is 120 Albany St., New Brunswick, NJ. 


Pyramid God

New York,
The Top Ten signs you are involved with Cydcor, DS-Max, Granton, or The Smart Circle

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, November 24, 2009

Top ten signs you are involved with Granton Marketing, Cydcor, Innovage, or The Smart Circle:

#10: You've been employed by your company for four months but the parent company has changed it's name three times

# 9: You tell relatives and new acquaintances you are working on an 'advertising campaign' but you really sell stuff  door-to-door

# 8: You produce over $200 worth of sales - but only get about $70 of that for yourself because the pyramid gods yank the rest before it gets to your check.

# 7: Your 'management training' involves buying lunch for interviews that you'll never see again out of your own pocket - and you're not a manager, or doing any management training.

# 6: You look down on '9 to 5 schmucks' that have secretaries that make more than you and your boss combined.

# 5: You espouse the principles & theories of the most successful people on Earth - who would be absolutely repulsed by the business you're in

# 4: You work 75 hours a week but still quietly bum money from your 16 year-old neighbor that works at McDonalds

# 3: You eat fast food more than 10 times / week . . . or cant afford to eat

# 2: You live in a one-bedroom apartment with 12 other co-workers . . . and your boss is one of them.

and the number one sign you are involved with Cydcor, Granton, Innovage, The Smart Circle . . .

# 1: You work for a company that has in just 26 years employed 3 million people - and only the original 6 employees are able to support themselves with money they make there.


Top ten signs you are involved with Granton Marketing, Cydcor, Innovage, or The Smart Circle:

#10: You've been employed by your company for four months but the parent company has changed it's name three times

# 9: You tell relatives and new acquaintances you are working on an 'advertising campaign' but you really sell stuff  door-to-door

# 8: You produce over $200 worth of sales - but only get about $70 of that for yourself because the pyramid gods yank the rest before it gets to your check.

# 7: Your 'management training' involves buying lunch for interviews that you'll never see again out of your own pocket - and you're not a manager, or doing any management training.

# 6: You look down on '9 to 5 schmucks' that have secretaries that make more than you and your boss combined.

# 5: You espouse the principles & theories of the most successful people on Earth - who would be absolutely repulsed by the business you're in

# 4: You work 75 hours a week but still quietly bum money from your 16 year-old neighbor that works at McDonalds

# 3: You eat fast food more than 10 times / week . . . or cant afford to eat

# 2: You live in a one-bedroom apartment with 12 other co-workers . . . and your boss is one of them.

and the number one sign you are involved with Cydcor, Granton, Innovage, The Smart Circle . . .

# 1: You work for a company that has in just 26 years employed 3 million people - and only the original 6 employees are able to support themselves with money they make there.


New Jersey,
the truth


Fri, September 11, 2009

it would be great if people went on an interview before they decided what a company does, Empire does not go door to door or even go do residential sales!! it is amazing that an individual person make a judgement on what a company does without seeing it for themselves. I have worked with empire promotions for the past 4 months and have NEVER went out and sold anything, let alone went knocking on doors or even going business to business!! i actually work inside of a home depot to promote home depot products to the customers, and i am not paid on a commision basis!! i get a guaranteed salary every week plus i get bonuses for setting up appointments for home depot. now i cant speak for any of the other companies that i have seen on this sight cause i dont work for them nor have i ever interviewed with them, but if u are on this site to do some research before going on an interview, dont believe everything u read on the internet, go down and check it out for yourself. 

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