  • Report:  #62626

Complaint Review: Cydcor - Cincinnati Ohio

Reported By:
- Columbus, Ohio,

www.genxpromotions.com Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Gen-X Promotions, Inc. is an independently run affiliate of DS-Max/Cydcor. It is based in Cincinnati, OH, but had an office open in Columbus, OH as well when I worked for them briefly from Nov-Dec. 2001.

I had the same horrible DS-Max experience as many other contributors to this site, but with a few twists:

1. I had to drive to Cincinnati at least once a week so that I could "train" with more experienced leaders.

2. I did receive a paycheck for just over $60 after about two weeks. That check bounced (I should have run then), so I returned to my manager and was assured that I would be issued a new check and reimbursed for the bounced check fee.

3. I didn't receive another paycheck for a month, so I quit. When I got my next check, it was considerably lower than what I was told it would be, and did not include the reimbursement from the bounced check.

4. I was coerced into attending a rally in Detroit, with the owner telling me she would pay for my trip and any expenses while I was there. None of that ever happened.

5. I attempted several times to dispute my pay with the owner, who insisted that I was just bitter and was trying to scam her out of money (how ironic). I only received my check after threatening to report her to the Department of Labor, the IRS, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State.

6. At my "interview" I was promised health benefits, and did not discover until a couple weeks in the business that they did not exist.

7. My "manager" lied about her age and education to every potential employee.

Run far, far away from any "business" associated with DS-Max, Cydcor, Granton, etc. I realize that each office is run independently, but I have done my research and seen very few positive comments, and a huge number of negatives. There is definitely a trend here.


Dayton, Ohio

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Perhaps I won't let bygones be bygones, shocked that a person as educated as you play a role in this scam

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 15, 2004

Sherry, I know how Cydcor works. My owner told me a different commission scale everytime I asked him about it. After going to www.dsmaxtheaftermath.com I realized that, ultimately, the commission scale was up to him. I consider that to be a bit unfair, especially when money managing and "covering your nut" was the weekly anthem. Oh yeah, and the fact that you have to wait four weeks to get your first paycheck puts you in a pretty bad situation if the campaign sucks, or the rest of the office sucks, or if your owner decides that he needs to cover for his unjustified spending. You have no idea what you are going to be paid in Cydcor, despite your honest efforts. Speaking of honesty, there was a proceedure to follow. That proceedure was in place to ensure legitimate applications. However, despite the best efforts on behalf of the "employees" to maintain a standard of legitimacy regarding the filing of applications, it was never disclosed to the employees what standards were in place to assess such legitimacy from the client's standpoint. Nor was the fact disclosed that, despite strict adherence to proceedure, fraudulant applications could be filed. In the end, the client's rejection of applications at will, coupled with the unbeknownst fraudulant applications, potentially weigh entirely on the distributor. I was never made aware of any of this. It is unfair to say the least. I am honestly shocked that a person as educated as you play a role in this scam. You admitted to housing employees. While that may be admirable it also indicates their total dependancy on you. Either you hired vagrants, or you created them. I am curious as to which it is.


Let bygones be bygones!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 09, 2004

Sherry-- If you'll notice, I posted my final rebuttal almost 9 months ago. It's interesting that you're just now answering it. I'm sorry that you still seem so upset about this situation. To address your comments, it was not worth my time and energy to fight somebody who wouldn't admit that something dishonest might be going on in their company. I understand now that the Assistant Manager running the Columbus office was doing some shady things, but I wasn't aware of it, as you weren't initially. Anything I did was at her direction. As a new employee, I assume that the procedures I am being taught are correct. I never misrepresented the client to my knowledge, and have never misrepresented my experience with Gen-X, from my perspective, on this or any other site. You, as the business owner, had a responsibility to make sure the Assistant Manager was training her new people correctly, and that these people and the client were being treated fairly. That being said, let's let bygones be bygones. It's been way too long since all this happened for us to keep rehashing it. I've moved on to a very successful career, and I learned some valuable lessons from my experience with Gen-X. I wish you the best, and hope you've learned some lessons from the Columbus situation.


Not True, If Gen-X owed you money, how come you didn't press charges.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 31, 2004

Deena: If I remember correctly, I sent you a list of applications to your mother's work via fax that were legitimately approved. You had a list of applications you said you had submitted, but no one, including the client you represented had any record of these mysterious applications. You lied to me, you've lied on this site and you misrepresented the client. I will not stoop to your level to list the things you did or didn't do while at Gen-X. Just a question. If Gen-X owed you money, how come you didn't press charges. The state is happy to press charges against companies that do not pay their employees. It puzzles me that you wouldn't do this if you were so positive that these things went on. You wouldn't even have to pay an attorney. The state assigns one for one. I sent you the list of what was due to you and you agreed and that was it. I cut the check and you cashed it. Good Luck!


I would urge anyone considering employment with her organization to look elsewhere.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 31, 2003

Sherry claims that the reason my check bounced was because a stop-payment was placed on it due to the fact that I was writing fraudulent applications. This is the first I have ever heard of this accusation (almost 2 years after I left Gen-X). From the first time I brought up my bounced check, I was assured that this was a one-time mistake and that I would be reimbursed accordingly. If a responsible business-owner was truly concerned that one of her employees was committing fraud on her behalf, she would confront that employee and address the issue directly. This never occurred. Regardless of what Sherry says, I was required to travel to Cincinnati once a week. Maybe she is so used to lying in her line of business that it just comes naturally when attempting to defend her way of doing business. Sherry herself, not her assistant manager, also promised to cover my expenses for the "opportunity meeting" (read brainwashing convention) in Detroit. All in all, I lost over $1,000 during my 1 1/2 month employment with Gen-X, and I would urge anyone considering employment with her organization to look elsewhere.


Points taken Sherry...

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 28, 2003

"The check never bounced." Had I realized that you were the owner in question, I wouldn't have been so quick to defend the original poster. If I jumped the gun on that point, I apologize. I just hope that the poster truly did get paid for the legitimate ones. Secondly you stated-->"I don't know where you are getting this independent contractor thing because there is no one in Cydcor who is. We are all employee/employer," and also, "Cydcor is a huge company. They are not legally or financially related to DS-Max or Granton. They are affiliates. I don't understand why people have this misconception unless they are not familiar with the company." To my knowledge the two companies have everything to do with each other. Therefore one of us is wrong. So not on here but by email I'd be grateful to exchange information to figure out THE truth. Anyway, in the other divisions of Cydcor, they have independant contractors. That makes the worker as opposed to the company responsible for paying the taxes and benefits. Thirdly-->"I am not the type of person who is weak, feeble-minded or easily swayed. ("brainwashing" is not the case)" I do not consider myself to be either. Maybe you're not brainwashed but with the tactics the divisions use it seems as though that is the goal. It's like you spend 24/7 at work or thinking about work. You go in for what seems to be a brainwashing meeting very early. You're out in the field for long hours only to come back, talk more business, settle up and go home basically drained from the long day. The thing that I just recently realized is that even the fact that you're not able to sit down or even lean against the walls and if you even yawn, your peer pressured into doing push ups, seems very much like behaviors you'd find where someone was trying to brainwash someone else. In a cult, one way they get your attention is to deprive you of some basic necessity, sleep, food, etc. until you're too weak to see it any way but theirs. Fourth-->"I have never insulted someone because they decided that Gen-X Promotions, Inc. was not for them. I have in MANY cases that I can document, helped them find new jobs, let them stay at my house until they got their first check from another job and hell, I have even fed them. I have never had an incident or complaint against my office, except the one about the check, for the way I run my company (interviewing, training, etc.). I think that I treat my employees better than any other company that I know of." One thing I've learned in these few days of my enlightenment to the ways of this "company" is that there appears to be some up~front, honest owners who treat their employees the way they should be treated. It's weird though because overall the company just stinks of corruption. By the way, congratulations on abbreviating etc. correctly. It cracks me up that most people spell it ect.! Fifth-->"I have never given up time with any of my family and friends. I help to support my mother and my father, who I love dearly. I have two nephews that I have watched grow up. They are 3 and 4 years old. I have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend that travels with my sometimes and instead of yelling when I work late, he makes me dinner and asks how my day was." If this is indeed true, you are EXTREMELY blessed. It seems that that is not the norm. My offices owner, for example, even moved two states away from his newlywed wife and her two kids. Sixth-->You stated that what I was doing is equivalent to, "judging people by the color of their skin or religion or anything else." Of course, I strongly disagree. It's especially not the same as judging someone on their skin color. The way someone was born is not for me to judge. I also don't think that I am judging you. Like I said earlier, I really just don't get it. I don't get how it seems like in this extremely corrupt "business,' there seems to be a few people who have managed to stay above that level. Seventh-->"I would hope you would not practice such hate as trying to discredit my company, Gen-X to universities " That was something I fully intended to do. However, at this point, I'm going to take you at your word and I won't do that. You stated-->"The beautiful thing about our country is that we are free to do whatever we want, unless it infringes upon someone else's right to do the same." Of course, that's true however, maybe you personally aren't deceptive in your hiring, training procedures, the treatment of your employees, etc. but, I've read and dealt with the company enough to know that that makes you the exception. People at other locations are having their rights infringed upon. Of course, you already know that because you stated-->"some things I have heard of and those people are wrong." I know more than anyone that I don't have the right to judge you based on other peoples actions and that isn't now nor was it ever, my intention to do that. So many people here have just lost so many things by chasing that imaginary pot of gold at the end of God's beautiful rainbow, that's illuded to everyday basically from day one. Also, since you know of places where people's rights are being infringed upon, are you doing anything about it? It's been said that doing something wrong yourself is just as wrong as not doing anything when you know others are doing things wrong. In closing you stated, "I hope you have found something to pour your energy and passion into. You seem head strong just like myself. You will be successful, I am sure. I wish you the best and hold no ill feelings." For that and also your response in general, I thank~you. If you truly are one of the exceptions to what seems to be the rule, I thank~you for that as well.


Hel~lo Sherry, I'm glad I decided to read our exchange to someone because I didn't know until then that you had responded on here. I got your email and have tried to respond 4 times, believe it or not! The first time was the worst because I got all the way through it before it got lost in cyberspace. I was also glad to read my rebuttal over because I found a few grammatical errors. I must of been tired when I wrote it. I wish there was a way to fix them:( I do appreciate your well thought out and from the heart reply. I myself am a very open minded person and more than anything a searcher of the truth. Not your truth or my truth but THE truth. All my readings and postings are to gain that knowledge. First of all you stated-->"The check never bounced." Had I realized that you were the owner in question, I wouldn't have been so quick to defend the original poster. If I jumped the gun on that point, I apologize. I just hope that the poster truly did get paid for the legitimate ones. Secondly you stated-->"I don't know where you are getting this independent contractor thing because there is no one in Cydcor who is. We are all employee/employer," and also, "Cydcor is a huge company. They are not legally or financially related to DS-Max or Granton. They are affiliates. I don't understand why people have this misconception unless they are not familiar with the company." To my knowledge the two companies have everything to do with each other. Therefore one of us is wrong. So not on here but by email I'd be grateful to exchange information to figure out THE truth. Anyway, in the other divisions of Cydcor, they have independant contractors. That makes the worker as opposed to the company responsible for paying the taxes and benefits. Thirdly-->"I am not the type of person who is weak, feeble-minded or easily swayed. ("brainwashing" is not the case)" I do not consider myself to be either. Maybe you're not brainwashed but with the tactics the divisions use it seems as though that is the goal. It's like you spend 24/7 at work or thinking about work. You go in for what seems to be a brainwashing meeting very early. You're out in the field for long hours only to come back, talk more business, settle up and go home basically drained from the long day. The thing that I just recently realized is that even the fact that you're not able to sit down or even lean against the walls and if you even yawn, your peer pressured into doing push ups, seems very much like behaviors you'd find where someone was trying to brainwash someone else. In a cult, one way they get your attention is to deprive you of some basic necessity, sleep, food, etc. until you're too weak to see it any way but theirs. Fourth-->"I have never insulted someone because they decided that Gen-X Promotions, Inc. was not for them. I have in MANY cases that I can document, helped them find new jobs, let them stay at my house until they got their first check from another job and hell, I have even fed them. I have never had an incident or complaint against my office, except the one about the check, for the way I run my company (interviewing, training, etc.). I think that I treat my employees better than any other company that I know of." One thing I've learned in these few days of my enlightenment to the ways of this "company" is that there appears to be some up~front, honest owners who treat their employees the way they should be treated. It's weird though because overall the company just stinks of corruption. By the way, congratulations on abbreviating etc. correctly. It cracks me up that most people spell it ect.! Fifth-->"I have never given up time with any of my family and friends. I help to support my mother and my father, who I love dearly. I have two nephews that I have watched grow up. They are 3 and 4 years old. I have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend that travels with my sometimes and instead of yelling when I work late, he makes me dinner and asks how my day was." If this is indeed true, you are EXTREMELY blessed. It seems that that is not the norm. My offices owner, for example, even moved two states away from his newlywed wife and her two kids. Sixth-->You stated that what I was doing is equivalent to, "judging people by the color of their skin or religion or anything else." Of course, I strongly disagree. It's especially not the same as judging someone on their skin color. The way someone was born is not for me to judge. I also don't think that I am judging you. Like I said earlier, I really just don't get it. I don't get how it seems like in this extremely corrupt "business,' there seems to be a few people who have managed to stay above that level. Seventh-->"I would hope you would not practice such hate as trying to discredit my company, Gen-X to universities " That was something I fully intended to do. However, at this point, I'm going to take you at your word and I won't do that. You stated-->"The beautiful thing about our country is that we are free to do whatever we want, unless it infringes upon someone else's right to do the same." Of course, that's true however, maybe you personally aren't deceptive in your hiring, training procedures, the treatment of your employees, etc. but, I've read and dealt with the company enough to know that that makes you the exception. People at other locations are having their rights infringed upon. Of course, you already know that because you stated-->"some things I have heard of and those people are wrong." I know more than anyone that I don't have the right to judge you based on other peoples actions and that isn't now nor was it ever, my intention to do that. So many people here have just lost so many things by chasing that imaginary pot of gold at the end of God's beautiful rainbow, that's illuded to everyday basically from day one. Also, since you know of places where people's rights are being infringed upon, are you doing anything about it? It's been said that doing something wrong yourself is just as wrong as not doing anything when you know others are doing things wrong. In closing you stated, "I hope you have found something to pour your energy and passion into. You seem head strong just like myself. You will be successful, I am sure. I wish you the best and hold no ill feelings." For that and also your response in general, I thank~you. If you truly are one of the exceptions to what seems to be the rule, I thank~you for that as well.


My experience is different!

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 24, 2003

Ann: First of all, I would like to say that this is not a hostile letter. I am sure that everything you have experienced is accurate. I am not telling you that you are a liar or anything of this nature. But,I would like to clear up a couple things that are very inaccurate about your statement. 1. The check never bounced. Some of the applications were legitimized and the rep was paid on the ones that were legitimate and not paid for the ones they had signed fraudulently. 2. I don't know where you are getting this independent contractor thing because there is no one in Cydcor who is. We are all employee/employer just like any other company. 3. I am an extremely well educated person with two degrees in International Studies and Political Science and a completion certificate from University of Oxford in London, England in Prelaw. I am not the type of person who is weak, feeble-minded or easily swayed. ("brainwashing" is not the case) 4. I have never insulted someone because they decided that Gen-X Promotions, Inc. was not for them. I have in MANY cases that I can document, helped them find new jobs, let them stay at my house until they got their first check from another job and hell, I have even fed them. I have never had an incident or complaint against my office, except the one about the check, for the way I run my company (interviewing, training, etc.). Actually, I have remained friends with many (more than 20) people I have met over the last 4 1/2 years and these people come to promotions and going away parties of the people who are relocating. At this very second, I have a former employee that moved back from another office to be closer to his girlfriend who is living rent free at my house and has been for over a month. I think that I treat my employees better than any other company that I know of. 5. I have never given up time with any of my family and friends. I help to support my mother and my father, who I love dearly. Thank God I make the money I do because last year my dad was forced into a medical retirement about 2 months after my parents bought their new house. They still have the house, but only because I help. I have two nephews that I have watched grow up. They are 3 and 4 years old. I have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend that travels with my sometimes and instead of yelling when I work late, he makes me dinner and asks how my day was. He's not involved in Cydcor at all. He's outside the company with an open mind. And yes, he has seen the site and disagrees too. 6. You asked for a company that operates under different alias' and I don't know why. I am not Cydcor and Cydcor is not me. I have never even met anyone in Seattle and am not even sure we have an office there. (I think you were involved with another which is not Cydcor and definently not me) For a great example though: Daimler Chrysler makes Chryslers What else do they make? Jeep? Is a Jeep a Chrysler? It's not right? What about Buick? They are separate brands that are supplied by the same company like our offices. I am sure they buy parts from the same distributors. We have the same licensor, but we are separate. How can you even compare me with a company I have never met? It's like saying," OK Kroger buys their bananas from XYZ company and so does Big Bear. I got crappie bananas from Kroger and I think they are a crappie store so Big Bear must be also crappie." It makes no sense. Judging all stores by where they get their bananas is wrong. Same as judging people by the color of their skin or religion or anything else. I am not the company you had an experience with. Why are you judging me and attacking everything I have worked for almost five years to build? 7. Very reputable companies like CNN are also attacked on this site. I am sure the person complaining was offended by a story that was written, etc. Does that mean that CNN has never reported good news? I don't think so, but you may disagree. 8. I would hope you would not practice such hate as trying to discredit my company, Gen-X to universities that have obviously already done their research. The difference is that they have researched the good and the "not so pretty" info and they have decided that the good outweighs the bad two years running. My interns are great and they are having a great summer. They will be going back to school soon and I am sure their schools will hear all about their adventures this summer. I know they will all be positive and educational. 9. Cydcor is a huge company. They are not legally or financially related to DS-Max or Granton. They are affiliates, more so in the past. I don't understand why people have this misconception unless they are not familiar with the company. If that were the case, then how could they make a statement on anything? It puzzles me and defies logic. You know, what this article has taught me over the last two days, which is when I discovered it. It has taught me that I must even be more professional than I already am. I am not going to correspond to these things after this because it's like religion, people will never agree. I don't think people who are catholic are "brainwashed" I just think they have a different faith. The beautiful thing about our country is that we are free to do whatever we want, unless it infringes upon someone else's right to do the same. If anyone, inside or outside our company, infringes upon someone else's right to enjoy a healthy and happy life, then they are wrong. Some of the things you are saying I have never even heard of and some things I have heard of and those people are wrong. Once again, it has nothing to do with Gen-X Promotions, Inc. I love my company and my employees. They are full of heart and soul and they match my spirit. We are striving to be excellent examples. I have never forced them to do anything and I think they would tell you the same. We are the educated, young professionals of the future. Maybe not yours, but for 15 plus Major Brand companies, we are their future and more to come. I hope you have found something to pour your energy and passion into. You seem head strong just like myself. You will be successful, I am sure. I wish you the best and hold no ill feelings. Sincerely,


Wake up Sherry! ... This website is the screwing over "your" "companies" getting for the screwing over they've given!

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 24, 2003

Sherry, Let me preface what I have to say by saying, I have no respect for someone who hears one side of a story and runs with it therefore, I'm not asking you to believe anything that's written here because you're in the usual dsmax brainwashing mode. All I ask for your sake and the sake of countless others is that you find time, {which is something in this "business" you don't have much of,} to please do as I did and read the reports listed on this site. I just found this website a few days ago and believe me I thank God everyday that I did or I would've made the huge mistake of getting back in. The things I have read here are incomprehensible, unfathomable and unconscionable! As for what you said, your quote was, "Unfortunatley, this site doesn't monitor the trash that is posted or verify the legitimacy of these former employee's accusations." That may or may not be true but,it is somewhat overwhelming when you look up all the different names that "your" "company" goes by. How many other companies do you know of that feel the need to go by so many different aliases? Here is the breakdown of aliases and how many reports there are of them being a faulty company: D-S Max~32 entries...and counting DS Max~34 entries...and counting DSMAX~21 entries...and counting Granton~28 entries...and counting Cydcor~a whopping 55 entries and you guessed it... counting. In fact I haven't looked for a couple days and now it's 58! I'm sure they're even more by people that only used their offices name. Before you can even come back with this detective work information...yes, SOME of the posts are cross referenced but what you won't come back and point out is that under each of those 173 complaints are countless other rebuttals from people from every aspect of those "companies," including ex~owners who got tired of getting screwed over and/or screwing other people over! I take it that you're saying that ripoffreport.com is the scam. That is so typical of the canned responses that "your" "company," is so good at. As to your answer to the person who wrote in after getting ripped off...Even if that did indeed happen, that doesn't mean that the person who originally wrote in was guilty of that and therefore shouldn't be punished if other people did. Then, the check bounced on top of it. What is your excuse for your supposedly rich company letting that happen? I don't even know what you're refering to when you say, "The driving to other offices blurb is contradictory to how my business runs. When we open a satellite office, we typically will send people to the new office to help out in training, etc. We don't take people from their office, but nice try." Maybe that's not how you do things but that doesn't mean other offices don't so why assume the person is lying? Next you said, "Typically, voluntary conventions are at the expense of the employee and mandatory trips are at the expense of the office." When you're in this scam, nothing is made to seem voluntary. To be promoted, which is the carrot that gets dangled in front of you, you're made to believe that you're a complete loser if you don't do each and every thing they want you to do. As for your last statement, "Our office runs by the letter of the law. We have an acredited intern program with The Ohio State University, Ohio University, Miami University, Xavier University and The University of Cincinnati. We work with the most popular telecommunications company in Cincinnati and one of the largest bottling companies globally. I am sure that it makes perfect sense for companies like these that pay billions of dollars a year to protect and build their brand to contract with a company that would operate like this person is accusing. It's common sense. They wouldn't!" Thank~you because that gives us "free cows," some places to go to inform their intern program about what they're setting their students up for! I guess that's all that would count as a rebuttal to this report. I know I came off as hard and that's not in my nature. I just feel sorry for the brainwashed employees, I mean, "independant contractors," the term the scam "company" uses to exonerate themselves fron ANY liabilities that they would otherwise encounter from their despicable practices. I feel even sorrier for the countless people that they'll continue to scam with their numerous deceptions. If you run an up~front office which is extremely rare then you have nothing to lose by reading the other reports I've referred to. If you indeed read the reports, I'm proud of you. Please let them serve as a wake up call as to the evils you may encounter or maybe have already encountered and/or subjected other unsuspecting people to. Let them serve as a moral indicator. A moral person would not knowingly lead others down roads where they know most probably will lead them to nowhere or even worse! If you don't have time to go through the reports, I'd be happy to cut and paste the ones from people that you would relate to the most, the horrors that ex~owners have to tell. My email address is [email protected]. I don't think this site will allow me to put it on here but, if I see that they cut it out, I will give you another way to get it. In other reports where people say that this scam isn't for everyone, they're absolutely right. One of my ex~"leaders" will make it all the way and do great. Of course, he's scanless in every way including the night we went to work extra hours after work {ask any of this scams workers why I'm not still with them and they'll say I was lazy or unmotivated. My working extra hours after our unusually long hours really shows that, doesn't it...lol}. He no sooner told me stuff about his fiance then he hit on me! That is the type that excels at this scam. If that's the "company" you want to surround yourself with, so be it. After what I've read on this website and to a lessor extent the msn group dsmaxtheaftermath, I could go on and on. Come on now, how many legitamte jobs have websites dedicated strickly to picking up the pieces after their employees time has been wasted with them? Instead I'll just encourage the people reading this, in the scam or not, to please, please for your own sake, read as many of these reports as you can stomach. They're all great but pay special attention to the ex~owners who actually caught that proverbial carrot and found out it isn't what they had been programmed to think it was. It isn't their own business. It isn't usually particularly money ~ making and it certainly isn't something that will allow you take ANY time off or retire from. Most importantly, it usually comes at too high of a cost. Time, family, friends and when you wake up to the reality, you realize that you lost yourself and self~respect in the process.


Here are the facts

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 22, 2003

I am writing this report to simply tell the truth about this situation. This office in Columbus was shut down because there were a few employees there that were signing fraudulent applications for business customers. They were lying and jeopardizing our relationship with our client. The checks didn't bounce, they had a stop payment put on them until these applications could be legitimized. The reason the amount was less after the initial check was because we obviousley did not pay these individuals on applications that were signed under false pretense. The people responsible for this are lucky they didn't have charges filed against them. Perhaps that is why they have excluded their name. The driving to other offices blurb is contradictory to how my business runs. When we open a satellite office, we typically will send people to the new office to help out in training, etc. We don't take people from their office, but nice try. I cannot speak about the reimbursement for the trip to Detroit because I did not make the promise. I assume this person is speaking of the Assistant Manager in that office at the time. Typically, voluntary conventions are at the expense of the employee and mandatory trips are at the expense of the office. Our office runs by the letter of the law. We have an acredited intern program with The Ohio State University, Ohio University, Miami University, Xavier University and The University of Cincinnati. We work with the most popular telecommunications company in Cincinnati and one of the largest bottling companies globally. I am sure that it makes perfect sense for companies like these that pay billions of dollars a year to protect and build their brand to contract with a company that would operate like this person is accusing. It's common sense. They wouldn't! There are always two sides to every story. Unfortunatley, this site doesn't monitor the trash that is posted or verify the legitimacy of these former employee's accusations. Sincerely,

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