  • Report:  #723462

Complaint Review: Dan Vega - Springfield Missouri

Reported By:
Truth About Dan Vega - Springfield, Missouri, United States of America

Dan Vega
Springfield, Missouri, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If you are reading this post, you have probably at some point either been invited to learn from or work with Dan Vega, Blue
Star Business Institute, Planet EHO, or The Business Ethics & Education Foundation (BEEF).

This post serves as a warning for you and anyone you know considering further opportunities with Dan Vega or any of these organizations, as it has been demonstrated that the factual accuracy of Dan Vega's claims are unsubstantiated, and in fact, outright false.

Recently there have been numerous consumer complaints against Dan Vega to the Missouri Attorney General. He is currently involved in a lawsuit alleging fraud, misrepresentation, and other charges. Other federal agencies are now aware of his activities. His brother Darin Vega is currently under investigation by the Springfield, MO Attorney General for FOREX
Trading Fraud.

If you have been offered an opportunity to work with Dan Vega, we HIGHLY suggest you read through this email completely, and forward this information to everyone you think may be at risk of losing a substantial amount of time, energy, and money to ANY business dealings with Dan Vega.

The purpose of this email is to bring to light the FACTS of Dan Vega's unethical business practices, as well as the damaging
misrepresentations about his background, alliances, and opportunities.

Dan Vega is currently launching two projects, Planet EHO and The Business Ethics & Education Foundation (BEEF), which will
separate a lot of innocent people from their time, energy, and money, delivering nothing in return but empty promises. Dan is working on a project with business men in Zimbabwe and other parts of Africa where he is seeking to raise a proposed $1 to $3 million in return for the false promise of providing a 15% return to go to hospitals, schools, and churches.

Here are the facts that Dan Vega would rather not have you know:

1.) Dan Vega claims to have been mentored by Bill Bartmann, and implies that they are close acquaintances. The truth is, Dan took one of Bill's business courses, and is now using the content of that course without permission as content for his own 1 and 4 day seminars.  

Bill Bartmann is not his mentor and does not endorse him. Dan has directly plagiarized Mr. Bartmann's information. Mr. 
Bartmann is aware of this, and we have email correspondence directly from Mr.  Bartmann specifically stating not to work 
with Dan Vega, and that Dan does not have permission to use any of his content.

2.) Dan claims that he had personal conversations with Donald Trump, and that Mr. Trump & Scott Stanwood gave him special permission to use the Trump Network logo for Dan's own school, Blue Star Business Institute. Dan claims that he was hired by Mr. Trump as a trainer for his network marketing company, the Trump Network.  Dan uses the Trump Network logo on his own business cards, websites, posters, flyers, seminar tickets and marketing materials without authorization.

Dan claims that one of the first investors into his Business Ethics and Education Foundation (BEEF) is going to be Mr. Trump

The truth is that Dan was a distributor in the Trump Network program. He does NOT have permission to use the Trump seal,
and in fact has received a cease and desist letter directly from the Trump Network to stop using it in any fashion whatsoever. Dan is not a sales trainer for the Trump Network, as they have explicitly stated that they do not hire outside sales trainers.

We have email correspondence directly from The Trump Network stating this to be the case.

3.) Dan Vega claims to have written the business plan for Peter and Tamara Lowe/Get Motivated Seminars. Dan Vega also claims to have spoken on stage as a speaker for the successful motivational speaking program Get Motivated, along with Donald Trump, Suze Orman, Colin Powell, Steve Forbes and Zig Zigler.

The truth is that the only connection Dan has to Get Motivated is that he was ejected by security during the Springfield, MO
event in 2009. 

We have email correspondence that comes directly from the Vice President of Get Motivated stating that they have never had any interaction with Dan Vega other than the incident with security.

Dan Vega has received a cease and desist letter from Get Motivated as well, whereby he is required to never mention and
denounce that he has ever worked with Get Motivated, or else there will be legal action taken against him.

4.) Dan Vega claims to having been the victim of a lawsuit in which a scamming seminar attendee asked him for advice only to sue Dan for giving poor advice. Dan paints this picture to be that he just wanted to help somebody in a tough place, but the person turned out to be an extortionist who has filed law suits against 17 other innocent speakers.

Dan is being sued, but the truth is a much different story. Dan is being sued by a graduate of his 4 day Elite Millionaire
Course because it was a fraud, for his involvement of a FOREX program with his brother Darin Vega & John Krause, along with other improprieties related to an unethical business venture that he sold.

In his 4 day seminars, Dan states he created a FOREX software that never fails and received a $100 million fee. He directs
people to Darin if they are interested in becoming millionaires trading on the FOREX. 

However, Darin and Dan were simply selling someone else's FOREX software, and they are not licensed to trade FOREX. This is the real basis of the lawsuit. They misrepresented the truth of their FOREX knowledge, expertise, and income. That is fraud.

5.) Dan Vega claims to have written over 6000 business plans and has an angel network of over 400 angel investors. He claims that he has consulted for some of the top Forbes 500 companies, and that he was the "secret weapon" that elite business people would use to have build their business plans.

He claims to have a nearly unexplainable mathematical ability to be able to look at a group of numbers and come up with a
mathematical formula to make a business successful every time.

There are no references from any companies for whom he has done business plans. There are no endorsements from Fortune 500 Companies. Not one of Dan's students has had an introduction to an angel investor.  

The truth is that Dan's business plan format that he gives away in his 4 day seminar is the same one he plagiarized from Bill
Bartmann without permission.

When pressed for more information, Dan is unable to name a single company who has benefitted from his business plan.  His only consulting project of record is his disastrous time with the Subway Slimdown Challenge, which was covered by the news in Missouri for the consumer complaints it generated.

Several graduates have written business plans and submitted them to Dan's funding organization, known as Executive Business Builders LLC. Not a single one of them has been funded even when all the proper steps and guidelines have been followed. Instead, those who complete the work are given the run around for months. 

In fact, one student learned that accepting money for funding business plans as Dan suggests is a direct violation of SEC 
regulations and can land well-meaning people in jail for following Dan's suggested business model.

6.) Many people come to Dan Vega's one day course because they are told that he is hiring speakers. He informs them that he is opening new franchises and will offer it to qualified people, but they must attend his 4-day workshop for $5970, in order to be eligible for a franchise.  He has been promoting this program since early 2010, yet to date he has not paid any speakers.
Although Dan claims to be a wealthy man, there is no evidence that he has created a support system capable of running a
franchise operation.  There is not even a franchise manual or proper guidance for people to follow.

7.) On his facebook site at www.facebook.com/danvega3, Dan has many pictures with famous and successful people and ties these pictures into his misrepresentations and stories of business relationships and associations that are not true.  He portrays imself as facebook friends with many successful entrepreneurs and famous people and leads you to believe that he has relationships with them, such as Donald Trump and Phil Town. You can see these images if you go to www.vegagroupinternational.com, and you will also see Dan is standing in front of a magnificent home and Maserati, which he does not own.  



Dan Vega is a very good storyteller, a master manipulator and a man whose only proven successful business acumen is that of a vacuum cleaner salesperson. He sounds sincere and delivers a great story about his unusual mathematical and business plan abilities.

He has an amazing ability to convince even some of the most business-savvy people that all of his experience is legitimate,
and that he can deliver the world as a man who "always hits his marks." The harsh reality of Dan Vega's results, pending
lawsuits, and intentions are a far cry from the persona he has spent so much time crafting.

Again, if you are considering doing business with Dan Vega, simply protect yourself as you would with any other potential
business partner. Ask him to verify WHO he has worked for. Ask for references other than Chase Barfield, Margo Bush, Adam
Tillinghast, Rebecca Tillinghast, or John Krause. They work closely with him and cannot be trusted to give an objective
opinion on Dan's abilities, background, or experience.

Ask for true business references, which companies he has achieved results for, which business plans he wrote and has
funded, and verify his claims.

He may provide a very convincing story as why he can't divulge that information. Consider that a red flag as you would with
anybody else, and refuse to take your business relationship with him any further unless his claims can be verified. Success
leaves trails, and all successful people have verifiable references and backgrounds.  Every testimonial on any of Dan
Vega's sites is for his speaking events.  He does not have a single testimonial for his business ventures.

Also, if you have heard Dan mention or suggest using FOREX as a way to make money, and that you should talk to his brother Darin about it, please file a consumer complaint with the Missouri Attorney General. The process only takes 5 minutes, and can prevent any more people from being removed from $1000s of dollars in false promises.

The link to submit a complaint is here:

(click on consumer complaints)

This email comes from a group of professionals who have been been harmed in some capacity by the unethical business practices that Dan Vega employs. We aim to bring light to the situation to prevent you and those you know from getting hurt.

This information is being spread across the internet to stop Dan Vega from hurting anybody else. Please do your part to
assist in this process from harming any more individuals, especially those in Africa who can't afford to be hurt by false
promises and fraud.

This email address will be checked irregularly, but feel free to reply with any questions you may have.

For additional information about the other fraudulent and misleading business practices Dan Vega has been involved in,
feel free to browse the following links that Dan would rather you not see.

This includes 12 individual entries posted across 5 reports on RipoffReport.com, one of which includes the Vice President of
Get Motivated explaining Dan Vega's lies about his connection with the program, a lengthy thread on ComplaintsBoard.com, and news coverage about consumer complaints for Dan Vega's involvement with the Slimdown Challenge.

Read Ripoff Reports here:



Report with Get Motivated's Vice President's comments at the bottom:



More compaints on ComplaintsBoard.com:



Slimdown Challenge Consumer Complaint News Article:



Slimdown Challenge Consumer Complaint Video Coverage:


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Dan V.

Setting the facts straight

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 18, 2017

Generally, I don't pay much attention to these type of false accusations since they are largely done by competitors or ex-employees that feel like they are entitled to something. Even though this report was filed years ago, I feel compelled to respond and set a few things straight.

First, the person that wrote this report was actually a manager for our company at one time. When we started gaining momentum in our seminar business, they convinced a few of our employees to split off and try to start another seminar business in competition to us. When this failed, some tried to come back and obviously we refused. In fact, at one point, the person that wrote this complaint approached me and tried to extort money from me. He said if I didn’t pay, he would ruin my reputation online, which is obviously something he has tried to do. I am not going to try to refute everything line by line because it is pointless and anyone that actually knows me knows these things are un-true. In fact, several of the businesses listed aren't even mine. I don't know what Planet EH is, I don't sell meat. I also never claimed to trade in the stock market or the currency market. There are many Dan Vegas throughout the country and rolling these things up into one is unfair, not only to me, but to them as well.

I will say that in the seminar business I see about 10,000 live people per year and have reached as many as 40 million households per week on television. I have had the privilege of mentoring thousands and helping people find their way to success. If there are a few people a year that don't like what I do, or want to accuse me of false dealings, it is a small price to pay for the good I believe I am able to do. Most people are smart enough to recognize a smear campaign when they see it and I encourage you to do your own research.

As a final point, the person that wrote this complaint, which I will not name, did call me less than a year ago and apologized. He asked me to forgive him and said that he was in a very negative place at the time. I have forgiven him and have completely let go of this. Unfortunately, once it is on the internet, there is no taking it down.

I want to thank all of our fans and supporters who have been so good to me over the years and wish everyone a record breaking year.

Reports & Rebuttal
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