  • Report:  #907283

Complaint Review: Data Compliance Services - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
DUPEDbyQB/INTUIT/DATACOMPLIANCESERV - sacramento, California, United States of America

Data Compliance Services
7349 N.VIA PASEO DEL SUR #515 Scottsdale, 85253 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

thank you for the opportunity to report a company's questionable business practices.

to date (as of this morning, 7/5/20012...DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES continues to charge and overdraft my account for services NOT (and never) rendered.

they have cost my business, including the choice to terminate my Point-of-Sale system with Quickbooks after the gross mishandling of my complaint and the service of their third-party (mis)-representativesapproximately, $6,000. The amount of money, extracted/extorted from my PERSONAL, PRIVATE, WELLS FARGO BUSINESS OPERATING ACCOUNT has been, to date, $1,200.

here is one of several 'summaries' i've posted...either with the Better Business Bureau, the FTC, the Attorney General's office and other 'forums' in an effort to make this business accountable for it's gross negligence, aggressive misrepresentation and egregious actions against businesses that trusted them with sensitive and vital information.

Anyone's feedback or suggestions is welcome. I'd even be willing to hear from SOMEONE from this ORGANIZATION, as I've made COUNTLESS attempts to reach all parties, with calls going UNANSWERED, messages UNRETURNED and actions (on the VERY limited times there was contact) NEVER FOLLOWED THROUGH.


I'm posting to this conversation, as I'm an outraged victim of CONTINUED SCAMS, A REVERSAL OF AN AGREED-UPON REFUND TO MY BUSINESSES' OPERATING ACCOUNT, and CONTINUED UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO MY FUNDS from both Data Compliance Services AND now, from what I can see by other consumer complaints filed, by QUICKBOOKS/INTUIT, as well.

This all began around the same time Mr. or Ms. MDANK filed their complaint. I was using the Quickbooks POINT OF SALE software and called their company (the 800 number provided on their customer service link on their website). I expressed my interest in combining my POS with my Merchant Card Services to save money AND to have a comphrehensive system which might provide much-needed marketing and customer outreach.

I was contacted by who I thought was a QB/INTUIT employeeonly to find out, after more than ONE YEAR of DCS not meeting the criteria promised for my business to utilize their services (a 'compimentary pinpad' AND what would have been one year of 'complimentary tech support so my staff and I could learn the system and benefit from the features they claimed came with this package).

 IT IS NOW ALMOST A YEAR AND A HALF since I inititiated the relationship between my company and who I THOUGHT was QUICKBOOKS/INTUIT, only to find, after much aggravation and run around, that the company EXTRACTING MONEY FROM MY BUSINESS' OPERATING ACCOUNT FOR SERVICES NEVER RENDERED, is DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES, a third-party company who's employees DO NOT RETURN PHONE CALLS (unless it's in their best interest. in this case, i DID receive a call back only AFTER FILING COMPLAINTS with the ARIZONA BBB, and the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. 

Cutting to the chase (which, in this matter, is practically impossible as it's been 18 months of sheer hell, none of which, as far as I can tell, is ending any time soon), this DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES has used the access I originally granted them to my businesss operating account for the sole purpose of processing credit cards.

This was initiated but never completed as I didn't receive equipment or call backs in order to fully implement a changeover from my existing Merchant Card Service with Wells Fargo.

 HOWEVER, subsequent to the MUTUAL TERMINATION of our business relationship and DCS' willingness to grant me a refund for the months and bank fees I was charged for a service that was never fully activated (they had clearly 'activated' the billing procedure on their end but failed to follow up by providing me the equipment and/or training required to safely terminate my credit card system with Wells Fargo and begin utilizing the services of..NOT QUICKBOOKS, NOT INTUIT...but DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES...who by the way, up until the point I discovered it was THEM and NOT QB/INTUIT I was doing business with...they added the QB/INTUIT logo as part of their signature line (...my representatives were Dave Pringle and Missy Munoz...are these familiar names to anyone in this forum?)...in order to falsely lead me to believe THAT was the company I was doing business with.

 Again, cutting BACK to the chase, to date, this business 'relationship' has cost me almost $1,000 in unauthorized charges and subsequent bank overdraft fees as, quite naturally, not being privvy to the fact they were debiting my account monthly, despite my request to 'terminate' our relationship. I must mention, after much aggravation, phone calls and being passed around like a bad cold they did FINALLY agree to refund me the $365 in fees which they acknowledged had been wrongfully debited.

 Imagine my complete and utter surprise when, their company, seeing I had filed a complaint with the FTC and the BBB, they unilaterally 'retrieved my bank account information' (as they apparantly NEVER destroyed it, per my request), but RESCINDED the ORIGINAL REFUND (without warning and without my authorization. 

To date, THIS MOST RECENT EGREGIOUS ACTION on the part of DCS has again, compounded damages with weekly overdraft fees from the extraction of the oringal refund, to the point my operating account has not had a consistent positive balance in over 6 weeks.

ANYONE in this discussion board wondering whether DCS is possibly conducting shady, illegal or such as bait and switch business practices and the illegal use of highly private, highly sensitive information like social security numbers and bank account numbers should be WARNED...this COMPANY IS CRIMINAL.

 If ANYONE would be interested in seeing ANY of the evidence I've saved to  prove that this is so much more than a disgruntled complaint, but a situation that might warrant class action, is welcome to contact me via this 'network'.

My only concern is if DCS/QUICKBOOKS/INTUIT are monitoring this discussion board, my post MAY be deleted and never reach it's intended audience (other naive and vulnerable small business owners). However, I assure you, I'm copying this and saving it along with all of the other hard evidence, data and proof of 'extortion' I've been forced to endure during this 18-month business owner's worst nightmare.

Thank you for opening this discussion. I hope I've made a valuable contribution to the group conscience.

Audrey Wells



[email protected] 

In the event you have further questions or comments.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


La Mesa,
Get facts straight

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 25, 2016

The company oner states that thay are BBB rated A+. If you take the time to look them up on BBB you will find that they are in fact rated F. Nothing but lies from another business scam.

r u kidding me?

#3Author of original report

Sat, July 04, 2015

please kindly explain what i, a small retail business owner—have to gain for 'slandering' this company's name?

IF you've had a stellar experience—then BRAVO—but frankly, i don't think me—or the many individuals who contacted me directly to AFFIRM SIMILAR NIGHTMARE SCENARIOS—all strikingly similar in tone—this company and their executive staff are as close running a white-collar, bait and switch (USING THE QUICKBOOKS/INTUIT LOGO ON THEIR SIGNATURE LINE TO MISLEAD POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS INTO BELIEVING THEY'RE DEALING WITH A 'FINANCIAL BRANCH' of the QB/INTUIT organization.

using this logo and NOT disclosing WHO you're REALLY doing businesss with is deceiving—specifically when you're trying to get to the bottom of a problem. in my case—they continued to bill me and withdraw money from my bank account long after i had TERMINATED SERVICE with their organization.

it was difficult to 'track' these withdrawals as the 'debit' on my online bank statements were often inconsistent so it was easy to miss these withdrawals until i did a more detailed search and follow up.

very VERY disconcerting to have a company i had LEFT was still using my bank account to collect their monthly 'fee'.

writing these REBUTTALS is exhausting and whiplashes me back to a time that was both stressful and mortifying when phone calls weren't returned, my rep EVAPORATED and i was sent an email stating i could get a refund ONLY AFTER i deleted my complaint to the BBB in california and arizona.

so...i have NOTHING TO GAIN other than the marginal satisfaction that DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES does NOT continue to rip off small businesses with their smoke and mirrors tactics and they're WEAR YOU OUT RUNNING YOU IN CIRCLES style of problem-solving. as for the 'extortion'-like email (refund in exchange for dropping complaints) is ON FILE with the state's attorney general's office in both california and arizona, as well as the BBB in those states.

this is NOT ANYTHING i, or anyone else for that matter, do for a good time on a friday night.

best of luck to you, until something goes SOUTH...then you'll understand there is NO GAIN...only unnecessary PAIN—period.

audrey/california small biz owner



#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 04, 2015


I am the CEO of this company that has been slandered in these posts, we have over 12,000 happy customers, and can offer multiple testimonials and our A+ rating at the BBB.

We have multiple brands and products that are sold through our channels whether it be our Intuit products, merchant processing or PCI-DSS compliance. Our information and staff is always available and here to care for any issues that may arise from our loyal customers or employees.

These posters may have alternative agendas and misleading facts and statements and will lead to a negative perception of our company, when in fact they may have violated thier agreements with us and do not want to honor or take responsibility.

We will make an arbitration and file a suit with our attorneys to clear our name so we can show the facts and hold these negative slanderous disgruntled indvidual posters liable for thier attempt to smear our company.

Please reach out to us through our website and or 24/7 customer support and ask for me, I will personally contact you to provide you with any facts regarding our company and our policies.

happily EMPLOYED? that's NOT THE ISSUE...

#5Author of original report

Thu, July 02, 2015


you are happily employed...why bite the hand that feeds you?

the fact that DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES or whatever other 'name' they're operating under—USED the QUICKBOOKS/INTUIT LOGO to 'appear' to be part of THAT COMPANY and would not disclose their actual identity and changed their signature line only AFTER me...their 'customer' had to waste precious time, money and resources to get to the bottom of their unauthorized CONTINUED ACCESS TO MY BUSINESS BANK ACCOUNT is THE ISSUE.

you've either drank the kool-aid or were paid to write this rebuttal...it won't take much 'probing' to find—god knows how many businesses—tossed into chaos—a DIRECT RESULT of their sleazy, slimy business practices.

people who were your 'reps' GO AWOL...don't return phone calls...don't return emails (if you're having a 'problem')...and go from a great sales pitch to ABSENTIA or throwing up so much smoke and mirrors—as a business it's 'easier' to just drop your 'beef' than to try to get them to square up with you—their customer—someone you've entrusted to 'manage' your credit card processing.

i have documents which include an email basically telling me they'd refund my money ONLY AFTER i remove my complaint to them with the BBB in california and arizona where they squat.

i've had other customers reach out to me and tell me they literally had to DRIVE TO THEIR HEADQUARTERS and DEMAND to see whoever was 'in charge' as their efforts to disengage with the company was fruitless and they were taken down the same rabbit hole of money/time suck my company was (they still retain my information and oddly their company info 'pops up' periodically as a 'default link' when i'm doing financial transactions. 

this has been very disturbing...but frankly...they've got themselves so well-buried and 'protected' by loopholes they can continue to PREY ON NAIVE OR UNINFORMED businesses and steal your hard-earned money.

a solution was simple...REFUND THE MONEY YOU TOOK OUT OF MY BANK ACCOUNT w/o MY APPROVAL...stop running me and countless others in circles until we're exhausted and find it easier to move on then continue to chase a thief who has no intention of ever getting caught as it's easier to find a new fool to RIP OFF.

so...you're either part of the problem, are incredibly ignorant (and if that's the case...sorry...you need a paycheck, i get it)...but DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES and their CEO, LMNOP, XYZ...Richard Cohen...have a lot of customers (and EX-EMPLOYEES) to answer to...but they won't...because, as PT BARNUM SAID...there's a sucker born every minute...and your 'superiors' are likely laughing their way to their bank while we 'complain'...they could CARE. LESS.

good luck with your career at DATA COMPLIANCE SERVICES...may you prosper...just NOT at the expense of your customers, PLEASE?


Very Happy

Happily Employed for Years!

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 02, 2015

I have been employed for this company for over four years and I could not be happier. River Cohen has given me an opportunity that no other employer has. If it was not for this job I would still be stuck in the same rut that I know many are still in.

I started out working part time handling only PCI compliance. I am now managing the in house administrative staff and earned myself an office. This job has taught me a lot of self discipline and self worth.

I do handle the training for the administrative staff here, while it may be unorthodox, it works for our organization. We have a very free and welcoming environment. There is little to no supervision, we can wear whatever we want and we encourage the staff here to be themselves as we find that is more productive.

We do have a number of different companies that operate under one roof. We ask people who they are and what they are calling about so we can track and handle the messages accordingly. If we accidently give someone the wrong company name that could be detrimental to the relationship and the business.

I could not speak more highly about this company and believe in all the services we have to offer.  I don't know of any company that does not have disgruntled ex employees. I hope all who read these posts know to look at all sides of the story before passing judgement on another.

Thank you River Cohen and Jennifer Clennan for giving me an opportunity. I hope there are many more years to follow.

Happily Employed for Years!!


Jason West

Impressive Organization

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2015

Jason here, business owner from Connecticut.


I have been using Dataqom for my business for the last 2 years now, none of the above complaints seem legitimate. 


From what i can read the reports seem to have no means to verify their claims, and it hurts to hear their name slandered when they have helped me so much in the last couple years


I Have had nothing but positive interactions with this team, in fact i owe them a debt of gratitude for getting my business secure.


First, i have been able to prevent my company from dealing with a Data Breach through the Data Compliance program they provide, even educating me on the requirements i was completely unaware of.


Second they routinely confirm that my trust has been well placed by reviewing our statements for accuracy, and even refunding my account without question when there are any errors.


Third, i have referred Dataqom to several of my friends who have also had excellent dealings with this company. None of the above complaints seem accurate based on my and my friends experiences. 


I hope anyone reading this will realize that there are many businesses in competition with Dataqom, who would love nothing more than to disparage the name of a good company for their own benefit. 



Jason West - Owner

Perpetual Advertisements LLC



Disgusting Company

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 07, 2015

 I am so sorry to hear about this. I wish I would have done some research about this company while I was employed. I was hired by a company called "The Book Balancer" who has several complaints of unethical business practices against them as well. I was hired to work for what I was told as PCIHIPAA. As I went through my training, if you even could call it that, I noticed that this business had many other names to it. As my position was to assist clients with their technical services as you mentioned above, I was required to use the logo of quick books and intuit. I had access to personal information all the time and as I was learning my "job", I realized that this was all a load of crap! They have another office in Denver, CO and I was flown out there to "train" more. First of all, I had never been to Denver and I was alone with only the address to this place and one contact number to a person who took forever to text me back with directions. I was late my first day since my plane landed late and getting dropped off my the shuttle took forever since it goes in order of who is closest to drop off. After ariving to the office I noticed there was basically all female workers just like the location in Scottsdale. My "training" there was not even training as they didn't teach me anything. I met the co-owner for about a minute and then I was told I was going to be on the next flight out. I believe this was because I was questioning their practices and people didn't like that. This company just wants pretty faces that don't know any better than their clients. As soon as I got off the flight back in Arizona, Jennifer "The Book Balancer" advised me that I was fired because I didn't fit in with the company. Strange that you would fly me out to Colorado, then fire me as soon as I step off the plane. This company is a rip off and honestly the entire time I really didn't understand what the hell they were doing there. And that's how they want it. They want you to do A, B, & C without asking any questions and want you to be ok with not knowing exactly what they do. The more questions I asked, the more enemies I made at that company. I hope that they get what they deserve and I hope that all the clients get back the money this company steels. Also, when I would answer the phone, I would have to ask the reason for the call and that would determine what company name I would state. This company is known under Data Momma, PCIHIPAA, CSI, Dataqom. I'm sure there are other names too. This is just what I know of while working there. Also, the owners are two males that obviously love hiring females as this made up 85% of the staff. They also are so unprofessional and used vulgar language all the time. I would also witness Jennifer "The Book Bakancer" and the co-owner River Cohen have very unprofessional, public fights in the office. I'm sure they were involved personally at one time with each other. I've never seen such disorganized, unprofessional group of people in my life! Still is the #1 story I tell people when they ask me what my worst job was.

jay chase

United States of America
Is the source credible

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, August 30, 2012

i have personally worked with Data Compliance Services and they were a delight to work with.  I have been taken advantage of before and this is the First company to ever take the time and explain all the fees----they even sent me a complimentary copy of Quickbooks! 

DCS was the first company that ever pointed out the exposures that exist in the marketplace and they facilitated my PCI-DSS compliance certificate.  This is not a scam and the best decision i have made for my company. 

Thank you DCS, and i strongly recommend them!

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