  • Report:  #1087692

Complaint Review: David D. White - phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
Less than optimal. - Chandler, Arizona,

David D. White
3930 E. Ray Road, Suite 150 phoenix, 85044 Arizona, USA
(480) 664-4900
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Report Attachments

Mr. White represented a client that was willing to go to any length to win.

He would make up as many accusations as possible. However, he could not keep his accusation in order. He was more interested in bilking money from his client than the client and family he was dealing with. As of 2010 he has 8 ethic investigations with the Arizona State Bar.

6 months into the divorce he helped his client fabricate that the opposing party sexually abused both her client’s sons. A Custody evaluator was brought in (Dr. Moran, very good) and Dr. Moran branded Mr. White and his client a liar. Stating that Mr. White was less than truthful in Dr. Moran’s report.

In addition Mr. White is so sloppy in his work that he released confidential information to the opposite side during the course of the case.

From the time he took over the case of Ms. Thompson he dug her a big hole she could never get out of.

But he was able to bilk his client for over 100,000 before the house of cards came down around him.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Brian V

Dear Dustin White, Rebuttal

#2Author of original report

Fri, March 14, 2014


Dear Dustin White.

“especially if the outcome was not as they would have hoped for” does not apply as Mr. White and Mother lost. I was very happy with the results. Just not happy that our system of “Justice” allows people like Mr. White to profit from such behavior.

Reaching a “settlement” was because after Dr. Moran’s report Mr. White could not support his position and Mr. White wished to settle vs. go to court and have his “misrepresentations” exposed.

Time to move on, in three years not one of Mr. White’s accusation came true, the children of the parents involved are who matters and are happy. Good to keep that in mind when getting divorced.

If you want to “get along” with your EX and you have children, Mr. White may not be the best choice for a lawyer. If you want to win at any cost he will try very hard to make that happen.

Remember Dustin, keep to the facts.

“Less than optimal”


Mr. White

#3Author of original report

Fri, March 14, 2014

 Father cited several statements that he argued are

 inaccurate in Mother’s counsel’s letters. Father pointed out that Mr. White is

 responsive to Mother’s instructions to him and that she is responsible for

 misrepresentations and dishonest statements Mr. White makes regarding their

 case. Father is correct that Mother made inaccurate statements; for example,

 during her deposition, which she later corrected. It is not known whether or

 not Mother reviewed the documents from her counsel and specifically

 authorized him to issue statements and allegations that are inaccurate.


Austin White

Phoenix ,

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 14, 2014

To whom it may concern,

The initial Report and subsequent update were not authored by one of David White’s current or past clients. The author is the ex-husband of one of our current clients. It may come as no surprise, but divorces can be highly contested and many individuals are not happy with the attorneys of their ex-spouse, especially if the outcome was not as they would have hoped for. The individual that the author is referring to has been more than satisfied with Mr. White’s services and she continues to be a valued client.

Many of the statements made by the author are not true and are clearly made in an attempt to damage Mr. White’s reputation and to deter future client’s from retaining him as their legal representation. Also, many statements do not make any sense given the fact that the parties were able to reach a settlement. Since there are ongoing actions in this matter, Mr. White will not be specifically addressing the author’s untruthful allegations.

In over 25 years of practicing law, Mr. White has never been disciplined or found to have violated any ethical rules by the Arizona State Bar. It is recommended that individuals looking at hiring an attorney go to the State Bar of Arizona website to check the discipline history of potential attorneys. Mr. White has received complaints from the ex-spouses of some of his clients, such as the one received from the author, when the ex-spouses are unhappy with the results. Typically, this occurs when Mr. White zealously advocated for his client and was able to receive a favorable result for them. It should be noted that the author’s Arizona State Bar complaint was found to be unsubstantiated.

 Mr. White holds no animosity or ill-will towards the author of the post and understands that the divorce process can cause individuals to become upset. However, the posting of a report in such a way that a reader may think that the author is a client or someone acting on behalf of a client is extremely misleading.


Austin (Sundown) White, Esq.

Attorney at the Law Offices of David D. White


David D. White Mr. David D. White thinks nothing of accusing people of child abuse.

#5Author of original report

Sun, September 29, 2013

Mr. David D. White thinks nothing of accusing people of child abuse. He does not care if it is true or not. His client accused the other party of abusing one child. He upped it to both and threw in playing with their genitals for fun.

David Donald White Esq.:

Question:  Well, do you think it's appropriate to touch the children on their bottom or their genitals?

Maria P. Stein Esq.: Objection as to form.

THE WITNESS: I would have to know more, but it doesn't sound like it. Why would you be touching them?

David Donald White Esq.:

Question: That's what my client wants to know. Why were you touching them?

Maria P. Stein Esq.: Objection as to form.

THE WITNESS:   I have never touched either of my children inappropriately anywhere on their bodyAnd we have gone to three counselors and they never, ever said that I have -- that's never been discussed there either.





“Less than optimal”

Arizona State Bar

#6Author of original report

Sat, September 28, 2013

 Arizona State Bar will not disclose who filed the complaints against Mr. White so there is no way to tell who filed complaints against him. If corrective action is taken by an attorney (Mr. White) the Arizona State Bar will not disclose anything about an allegation or its resolution.



 You can email

 [email protected]

 and ask for “requested a discipline history” on any lawyer.

 That is how I found out about Mr. White record.

 “Less than optimal”


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