  • Report:  #1074001

Complaint Review: David Jones Lae Firm - New York

Reported By:
maryellen - Corpus Christi, Texas,

David Jones Lae Firm
New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I thought that was the end. Later that day my boss called me to let me know that they gad started calling the office non-stop all that afternoon. They were very rude, threating to take me to jail. Thebman calling says his name is David Jones. He has been calling everyday non -stop wanting to talk to my boss beeing very rude about it. I have reported them to Federal Trade Commision and my employer has reported them too. They have dissrupted my job and tying up our phone lines so that our patients are unable to get thru. I have repeatedly told Mr. Jones not to call my office but t ti no avail. I just want these phone calls to stop. 

Applied fir a oay day loan and was approved for $300. Filled out all paperwork and when  i gave them my banking information, I was told that they were not able ti accept my card because it was a prepaid card. Then a week later I receive a phone call from sn Officer Nash stating that my account had been turned iver to them fir non payment.  I told them wgat account and they tokd me US Cash Loans for $300. I told them that the loan was denied and tgat I never received any money and I told them I don't owe then anything.  

Then I got a csll from my boss letting me kniw that they started calling the office non stop threating snd being very rude. They have been calling non stip fir 5 days now. They tell me thru are taking mw to court snd that u should just pay what I owe. I reported bthem to the Federal Trade Commision, my employer gas reported tgem too. they are jeopardizing ny employment. They  are tying up our phone line by calling in repeatedly. Iur patients are ubable ti get thru because tge lines are busy from tgeir constant calling.  I want this to stop or I am afraid I may lose my job. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Angela B

San Carlos,
Spell Check....

#2General Comment

Thu, August 22, 2013

I know you're probably frusterated going through this but spell check - if you want someone to take you seriously spelling is very important. I wish you the best of luck in your situation.





#3Consumer Comment

Thu, August 08, 2013

 There is no law firm or lawsuit.  Tell the to $%#^ off

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