  • Report:  #1073740

Complaint Review: DCF Lawrence/Boston MA - lawrence Massachusetts

Reported By:
Nancy Ray/Christopher Nuzzo - Seminole, Florida,

DCF Lawrence/Boston MA
15 Union Street #2 lawrence, Massachusetts, USA
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  Custody cp12bo285


I just received a notice from Dept of children and families that my children were going up for adoption. The children were taken from their mother Rita Sager the night before she and the children were to return to Florida, they had tickets the next morning. Elaine Diserio obtained a 51A because Ms. Sagers unknown cousin reported a false report to DCF. The judge asked "are there any filing in any other state that would supersede any ruling I would make. Ms. Diserio lied to the Judge saying "No there is not" knowing full well custody was previously filed in the state of Florida for the children to be in the fathers custody here.

There is 18 months worth of pediatric psychiatrist visits that were steady once to twice a month right up until the day the kids left for the MA. vacation. This fact has been hidden because the new social workers Habte ketema and Kim D'errico do not want it known that the older child Samantha Nuzzo had been under psychiatric care for ADD. It is a fact that a psychiatrist is well above expertise of any "DCF trauma counselor" Obviously had there been any reason to suspect abuse of any kind the psychiatrist would hgave known about it and reported it to DCF which was not done because there was no abuse.

My mother Nancy Nuzzo Ray has been asking for custody of my children since this tradgedy occured in MA. Ms. Diserio told her "we do not like Florida DCF and that is why we will not transfer the case to Florida" My daughter told her mother on one of the visitations she had with her in MA. that she had to tell the trauma counselor what they told her to say. My daughter asked if Lavinia Wergen (the person who filed the false DCF report and the same person DCF placed my children with) would know what she said to the trauma counselor and the counselor said "yes" so Samantha was unable to tell her she was being forced to lie. Samantha also told her mother and the counselor that she is always hungry because Ms. Wergen will not give her enough food to eat. My daughter told the counselor that Ms. Wergens live in boyfriend is always yelling and she is afraid of him. Please get in touch with Lawrence DCF 280 Mernmack St. Lawrence Ma. 01843 phone  978-557-2500 and have my children returned to Florida immediately.
 DCF is the “moving force” behind the on going violations of federal law and violations of the Constitution.  This idea of not complying to the 4th and 14th Amendment is so impregnated in their statutes, policies, practices and customs, it affects all and what they do and they take on the persona of the feeling of exaggerated power over parents and that they are totally immune and can do basically do anything they want including engaging in deception, misrepresentation of the facts and lying to the judge.  This happens thousands of times every day in the United States where the end justifies the mean even if it is unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Nancy N

St. Petersburg,
DCF failure and misuse of our tax money

#2Author of original report

Sun, December 08, 2013

 I Nancy Ray wrote both complaint reports regarding DCF Lawrence Ma. I wrote the first one using my sons name as if he wrote the report.  He had no knowledge I wrote it to help him and did not mean him any harm. The court in MA. has issued a restraining order against him demanding he does not wrote about DCF, court, the children, or the person who called in the report. He is no longer allowed to tell me or his other family members anything said or done in court or by DCF. There judge told him if he write anything about any of this or if he gives his family any new information and we write about it they will put him in jail in MA. (He lives in florida) and they will not let him out of jail until his hearing for breaking the restraining order goes to court.

This means he would miss all visitation with his children and all DCF meetings concerning his children.  I was told if I do not write an affidavit stating I wrote the report complaints, my son will go to jail. Even though the reports were written before the restraining order and the second report i do not know if they issued the restraining order before or after my second report. I was unaware either way if in case the second report was before or after they issued my son a gag order. Either way there was no new information in the second report so I do not believe the restraining order said no new information which at the time there was no new information written. My son has not updated me of any new developements since his gagg order went into effect. 

To this day I never received an answer from anyone at DCF or the Judge regarding myself having guardianship of the children and having the case transferred to Florida.  I feel it is fraud to force my grandchildren onto welfare and to pay the person who called in the false report to DCF with tax payer money. I am willing and able to support my grandchildren, do not want or need payment to let my grandchildren live with me. I do not believe it is legal to put people on welfare when they have other options. The welfare system is meant to help people who have no other option but welfare to live. That is not the case with these children and I strongly believe it is against the law to pay perople to have my grandchildren using our tax money, forcing tax payers to pay money to people to keep my grandchildren at their residence to me is abusing the system.

I prefer my family not collect welfare and other government money given to people under these circumstances takes money and benefits away from people who are truely needing assistance.  I believe this kind of waste is going on all over the country. DCF/CPS is unregulated (a breeding ground for abuse of funds) and must be audited also abolished or restructured. I believe billions in tax payer money is being taken fraudently. The current child protection service agency is a failure and an unnecessary burdon to tax paying citizens. The shameful failure of these agencies alone show they hurt more children than they help and the monetary waste these agencies are creating will continue to bankrupt this country.

Here are their failing statistics:


  I have some numbers on child abuse and neglect I want you all to take a look at. As you read  these numbers keep in mind the statistics cps shows to the public about child abuse and neglect.   It is sickening on how many children are subject to abuse, neglect and even killed at the hands of Child Protective Services.  These numbers include DCF in Connecticu...t.

Perpetrators of Maltreatment While In Custody of: Physical Abuse/Sexual Abuse/Neglect/Medical Neglect /Fatalities CPS                      160                  112          410            14                      6.4 Parents                59                    13           241          12                    1.5            Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the United States.  These numbers come from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) in Washington.

           Imagine that, 6.4 children die at the hands of the agencies that are supposed to protect, and only 1.5 at the hands of parents per 100,000 children.  CPS perpetrates more abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse and kills more children then parents in the United States.  If the citizens of this country hold CPS to the same standards that they hold parents to, no judge should ever put another child in the hands of ANY government agency because CPS nationwide is guilty for more harm and death than any human being combined.  CPS nation wide is guilty for more human rights violations and death of children then the homes they took them out of.  When are the judges going to wake up to see that they are sending children to their death and a life of abuse when children are removed from safe homes at the mere opinion of a bunch of social workers.

Just thought I'd share the reality of this.


St. Petersburg,
Apparently its not the Attorney Generals job

#3Author of original report

Thu, September 19, 2013

to protect our Constitutional Rights.  Here is the letter I recieved after filing a complaint with the Civil Rights Division.

Report Attachments


St. Petersburg,
DCF Lawrence/Boston Massachusette.

#4Author of original report

Wed, September 18, 2013

Anonamous: Expect us.

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