  • Report:  #1128372

Complaint Review: Dell Inc. - Round Rock Texas

Reported By:
Laringold - LaVergne, Tennessee,

Dell Inc.
One Dell Way Round Rock, Texas 78682 Round Rock, 78682 Texas, USA
1-800-822-8965 ext 454005
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From the start. I pruchaced a dell laptop in july 2013. When shopping I wanted Windows 7 but all DELL was selling at that time was Win 8 so I let them talk me into it. After a week of problems I called to return it, but they offered a 100.00 off to give it another try, I did get used to the Win8 but to try to make this story less of a novel lets just say the win8 was not working with the DELL laptop and after a difficult discussion they agreed to replace the win8 with a new win7 in the same model. I was grateful for that and that went down in Sept 2013.

All was well until Dec 2013 when the inspiron 15z started to freeze up and slow down and even crashed once. A 2 hour call to a service tech and he claimed there the lap top was in good health and nothing to worry about. The next week the computer crashed and was totally frozen. I spent 3 hours being bouncede around from department to department and finally a tech, he knew some English but was not able to understand that the laptop was frozen and I could not log on to the computer. I had to end that call and the next day I called back and after being put on hold for over 45 min I got a tech that decided that the mother board was out. I disagreed but he insisted that they send a tech to replace the mother board. So I agreed. He came, nice fellow, replced it and it did not repair the laptop. So I had to call back and go through the 2 hour call again to try to get someone to understand that the computer was not repaired and after a difficult 3 hour discussion they now want to send a tech to replace my hard drive.....really....but I agreed and he came back and another day wasted on a tech to replace my hard drive. It was faulty. So I think, what else could go wrong.

Now I had been without my laptop that I depend on for work for 2 weeks now and lost a lot of time and the hard drive was so corrupted that I was unable to salvage it but Im just going to move on. Well, here is where it gets really bad. The mouse pad goes out. I am now looking at a computer that is 4 months old and has lost a MB, a HD and now the MP. SO, I call DELL and they sent me around and around and around and hours and hours later they agree to replace my computer. I get it and open it up and it is a Windows 8, totally unexceptable. I got an email from someone who said "I sent the windows8 becasue I did not think you would want to wait for a 7 since they areon backorder, and get this it was a refurbished windows 8....who would want that besides I paid for a new computer with windows 7 and it should be obvious that I did not want an 8 I sent the first one back...so I call and spent 5 hours getiing transfered from department to department and being put on hold for 45 min at a time (once you invest this much time in a call hanging up is hard to do because you just have to start over again) and after all this time on 2/14/14 I get a tech named John W who takes his time and gets all the facts and after another hour he promised a "supervisor" would call me the next night at 7pm 2/15/14. It was a Saturday night and I waited and no call came. I got an email from him and instructions as to how to contact him with a 7 digit extension. After a few days I started to call him and between 8am and 8pm I get a message that all agents are busy and the line disconnects. So after a few more days I started to call late at night and I got voicemail so I began to leave messages. No one ever called.

So Monday 3/3/14 I am tired of being ignored so I start the DELL marathon all over again. I start at 1130am. I get put on hold 30 min to get a rep who tells me he is transfering me to a supervisor and after waiting for 45 min I get, not a manager but another customer service rep who after looking at my service number informs me Im on some employee purchase program and I need to call a different number. I talked to him for about 10 min so in all I spent 1.5 hous and talked for maybe 15 min and after calling for 2 months I am told I need to call a different department and to top it all off, I am not a DELL employee and I didnt buy some employee purchase computer....full price. So, I call the number and after another 30 min I get a rep who I guess just did not want to deal with me so she just disconnects. I call back and am again put on hold and in 45 min I get a rep and they look up my file and I get transfered again to another person who then tells me he needs to connect me to another person but he will call them and get them on the line before he hangs up. Well I waited another 20 min and finally he comes back and says he has hamid on the line and he is going to disconnect and I asked him not to. He said he had other people to take care of and I asked him to wait until the hamid talked to me. Hamid came on the line and said he neede to read by service ticket and the rep kept saying, hamid are you there, hamid, hamid......hamid are you there....well he then says Im going to put youback on hold and after another long hold....he comes back and says he has hamid on the line and after hamid begins to talk to me the other rep leaves the line and I give hamid my number and he promises to call back if we disconnect. He asked me again for my service tag and says he is going to talk to a manager about me and....guess what....we disconnect. I wait 5 and no call back, so...yes, I call back. It is 3:30 pm now and I am calling back.

This time Im on hold for 55 min. Now everytime you transfer or speak to another rep they have to reidentify you even though they do it on the initial call and every time you get passed along.....well I let them read again my story from the service request number and guess what.....they disconect again. I am not giving up. I call back and its not 5:45 and I finally get Kriss and she promises to help me. She hears me out, goes to a manager and after a long hold she offers to send a replacement......but I can not guarentee it will be Win 7. I said that was unexceptable and wanted to know why she could not replace with a win7 and all she could tell me was that is what they are telling her. So I said no, please allow me to speak to a manager and she put me on hold for a long time...it is now 6:30 pm....hard to believe but true. Well, she came back and said that was all she could do and I asked again to speak to a manager and was again put on hold and this time she came back and said they will call me tomorrow and I am like ...no way, I have herd that before. So she promises that someone will call me about this time tomorrow....that was 7pm. In the end all I could do at that point was just agree to have a manager call me. I hang up. I get another email with all the same information and contact number with 7 digit extension (exactly the same extension as before). I get home at 630 to mke sure I am in a place where I can take that call DELL promised again and....you guessed it, they did not call. \

I again sent them yet another email but this is a joke and from a company that at one time had it together. I trusted DELL but they have let me down and I am sure there are a lot of people out there with similar issues and that is why there are up to one hour hold times to talk to someone and why no one calls. The lap top is freezing and the mousepad does not work and this computer is now pieces and parts and junk to me. I guess I would take another laptop but at this point I just want a refund really. I never would have thought that DELL would make a ripoff website from a patient and reasonable person like me.

So if I were you, I would think long and hard before I bought anything more than a mouse or a set of seakers from DELL.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Dell came through

#2Author of original report

Sun, March 09, 2014

DELL is disfunctional with their call in sysyem. India customer service is lacking to say the least, I never got a call back but I did fimd an old email and after one simple email I found out that they approved a new replacement but just failed to call and tell me.

 I strongly recomend this.

 Find a person in the DELL customer service that can recomend a manger and get them to send an email and be sure to look in your spam folder. Also, be polite and let them know exactly what you expect and give them a time frame. Exhaust all your efforts and be sure to get names and employee ID numbers and document them. In the end I believe DELL wants to protect their name and unfortunatly India support is just not where it needs it needs to be.

 There are also other options if DELL or any company that wants to keep their reputation in line and that is BBB. I did not need to get them involved but tht would have been my next step. Again be sure to document all your calls and people and be clear about your issue and your expectations. BBB will not help unless you can verify tht you have exhaused all your efforts and really gave them a chance to get it right. I believe if you really have been wronged DELL will come through in the end.



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