  • Report:  #471707

Complaint Review: Denise Wardwell - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Dickinson, Texas,

Denise Wardwell
6111 Fm 1960 Road West Suite 210 Houston, 77079 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I signed on with Farmers homeowners' ins several years ago. My first agent was several months late in submitting my payments for my coverage and eventually went out of business. I was informed I had a new agent, who did nothing but repeat the former agent's work and was generally ignorant regarding my policy. I looked for a new agent and found Denise Wardwell, who was very nice and efficient, at first. My brother signed on with her just before I did since he was purchasing a home. Shortly after I signed on with her, my brother told me she showed up at his job! He was not happy, she had no reason show up there since he had already submitted his payment to her.

I had a water pipe leak in my home. The pipe ran through the foundation and my plumber said it would be too destructive to locate so he rerouted the line through the attic. When I tried to file a claim, Denise Wardwell argued with me saying I could not file a claim since my foundation was not covered. No matter what I said, she insisted it was a foundation issue and my foundation was not covered! It was a plumbing issue!! She then advised me to insure my foundation and increased my premium.

Later hurricane Ike came and she informed me that I could not file a claim because my deductible was too high. I did not file a claim and then looked for another agent. When my brother tried to file a claim she told him he could not since his deductible was too high. In fact, my brother has a very low deductible. He searched for another agent and informed her she was no longer his agent. Denise Wardwell then called my brother, telling him that she did not like the policy the new agent drew up and that she was going to report the new agent to the insurance commission. My brother told her to never call him again.

I immediately changed agents to my brother's new agent as well. I sent a letter via email, letting Denise Wardwell know that she was no longer to be be my agent.

My Texas Windstorm was due after my renewal on my homeowners and anticipating Denise renewing the policy in spite of my 'firing' her, I called my mortgage company and my new agent. I instructed my mortgage company that Denise Wardwell was no longer my agent and to not disburse premium payment to her. As predicted, Denise renewed my homeowner's policy. I immediately called the mortgage company again, and they transferred the fee to my new agent. My Texas Windstorm was up for renewal several months later and in anticipation of the same issue, I called my mortgage co and instructed them not to pay Denise Wardwell and that she tried to receive payment previously when I had told her I had a new agent. Again, she CALLED my mortgage company and demanded payment. I did not know this until I recived my new policy with her name on it.

I called my mortgage company again. While I was on the phone with my mortgage company, they called her to confront her and instruct her to refund my money. She did not answer. I will be reporting her behavior to the insurance commission. She will not go away and I formally composed a letter to her when I met my new agent. My new agent sent her a letter as well.

This is unethical behavior and she has forced me to have her as my agent by renewing my policy in spite of my informing her that I changed agents.



Dickinson, Texas


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Result of filing complaint regarding Denise Wardwell


Thu, September 03, 2009

I received my response back from Texas Dept of Insurance.  All the complaints I had against Denise were dismissed based on her denial of what happened.  For example, Denise Wardwell claimed she showed up at my brother's job to help him with an Ike claim.  This is not true, as she knows.  She showed up on his job months before Ike, shortly after my brother bought his house (Sept 2007).  My brother was annoyed because he had already given her the check for required insurance, he did not know why she showed up. Ike did not occur till Sept 2008.

In response to Ms. Wardwell telling me on the phone that I could not file a claim for a pipe leak since it was a foundation problem (which is was not, and my plumbers were working on it while I was on the phone with her AND I offered to let her speak to them, which she refused), she simply says that I have had several agents and I must have gotten the agents confused.  She further states she was not servicing my policy till August, which is another lie.  She began working on a new policy for me at least a month earlier and I provided TDI with documentation of that email, which interestingly was not included in their response.  They provided her documentation, showng that I requested her to be my agent in August.  That was a letter she typed and emailed to me, asking me to put my name on it, in order to formally make the agent change.  I had received a renewal letter from the previous agent and did not realize that I needed to notify him formally.  TDI further, did not respond to my complaint about she tried to convince me to buy car ins through her when I repeated told her I did not want to change agencies for my car. This occured in July, not August.  The point of that email documentation was not to complain about the car ins offers, but to show that she was involved with my policies at the time the leak occurred.  Even sending the email showing Wardwell was active on my policies, was completely ignored.  They chose to believe her, in spite of the email from her to me.

She further denied speaking to me on the phone regarding the Ike claim she said I could not file.  She also denied telling my brother he could not file an Ike claim.  He immediately dumped her as an agent because of this.  She also did not address calling my brother threatening to report his new agent to TDI because the new agent gave my brother a discount.  She must have forgotten how my brother loudly warned her during that phone call, that she is to never call him again.

Apparently twisting the facts and denying her behaviors are acceptable behaviors for  TDI.  Why would I go to all this trouble to report someone I have never even met except through phone calls?

TDI decided that Wardwell's renewal of my windstorm policy, when I had informed her in writing, of my changing agents, was OK because I only stated I no longer wanted her to service my home owners ins.  My windstorm was not to renew for months after informing her that she was no longer my agent.  I assumed I would not have to tell her more than once.  My new agent and I were monitoring the date for the windstorm policy so that Wardwell could not renew it again, like she renewed my homeowner's policy AFTER I told her she was no longer my agent.  She called my mortgage anyway and asked for the payment for the renewal of the windstorm.  Her response to TDI was that she was only trying to help me and did not want to see me without windstorm ins.  The homeowners policy was to renew in April 2009.  I informed Wardwell in March that I no longer wished her to be my agent.  When she renewed the homeowners policy in April, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, that it was possibly already in the works.  However, the July renewal of the windstorm was deliberate ingoring that I have a different agent.  If TDI is so ineffective and ignorant, that they wish to believe she was trying to help me, then complaining to them is pointless.  If she so wished to help me, why did she keep the commission?  I cancelled my windstorm policy with her and received my refund from Texas Windstorm. She must know of this policy cancelation and choses to keep the commission.  In fact, due to her aggressive pursuit of the premium from my mortgage company, I actually had two windstorm policy coverages in place at the same time.

Wardwell also states that I never cancelled my policy but that I had 3 different agents.  This is the only true statement she made. What does that have to do with my complaint since my complaint was not regarding cancelled policies, it was regarding her continuing to renew my policy and receive commissions, when I had faxed her a letter telling her I have a new agent, which she ignored by renewing both my policies in order to receive the commissions, yet never service them since I have a new agent.

One can pardon one or two errors.  One can believe that she cannot recall one phone call.  But she says she never spoke to me regarding the pipe leak and she says she would never tell me I could not file a claim.  She has no "documentation" that she spoke to me.  What does that mean?  That it never happened?  She denies telling my brother he could not file an Ike claim.  Did she also forget threatening to report his new agent?




#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 05, 2009

I too have had problems with Denise regarding ethics but my problem was with auto insurance. On a side note I was paying $2000/year with her for auto insurance but got the EXACT SAME POLICY with another company for $800/year!! That's $1200 saved!! I have no accidents, no tickets... and I'm well over 25. So look elsewhere! For sure! My report can be found with the following title. Denise Wardwell Farmers Insurance Extremely Unprofessional Rip OFF Houston Texas Please contact the Texas Department of Insurance and file a complaint! File a complaint with the comptroller and follow the advice of the individual who replied to my report. Also write reviews on her google local, yahoo local and every other listing you can find!! Let's put her out of business for her unethical business practices!!!! Good luck with everything! I'm sorry you had problems. I do flood restoration for a living and I can tell you from the sound of it I would have billed the insurance directly and they would have paid! It's only Denise who is giving you problems. I'm willing to bet she gets some kind of bonus for policies vs. claims so she does everything she can to avoid a claim! It's unethical, dishonest and just flat out immoral! BTW. I worked Hurricane Icke and didn't have a single problem collecting from the insurance companies. Here is a little secret they don't want you to know about. In a disaster they have to contract out adjusters.That means the adjusters get paid a commission based on how much money they pay out. I kid you not. This didn't make any sense either until an adjuster friend of mine explained it to me. So the adjusters (in a disaster anyway) are there for YOU, not for the insurance companies. Of course, they aren't going to step out of their bounds but an adjuster would have paid for the damages!

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