  • Report:  #650384

Complaint Review: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company - Houston Texas

Reported By:
Littleross - Waco, Texas, U.S.A.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
4828 Loop Central Drive Houston, 77081 Texas, United States of America
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I was a single mom with two my children, almost 1 and 5, I wanted to give a good home which I had worked hard for since 13 years old. My dream one day have a home of my own. My children could have a stable life. Well my children were 16 and 12 when I finally was able to do that but I did it. I had a good mortage company here in Texas and was so happy. My children were glad no more moving! 1998 was my year.

Well in 2001 I had to have emergency surgery on my neck. No problem. I was back to work in 4 months!! But did not miss a payment on my loan. 2001 I met my to be husband. My payments were slow but I made them in the grace period. 2003 my husband lost his job. Still I sturggled, a way of life, but I made my payments. 2005 I lost my job of 14 years. My husband was not working a steady job and had child support to pay. I got so far behind at that point but I was trying to work with the mortage company to get back on track. I had another job finally. But by that point I found out my mortage was sold and no longer with the original lender the new lender lower my credit score due to deliquincy. That's okay I will pull it out. Not! They kept adding charges for everything they could find until I was so far behind I would never dig out!

February, 2007 I was in a bad car acident causing another set back. Still working though. February, 2008 another bad car accident. August, 2008 lost my job due to my health. I had been paying an additional 200 a month for the arrears and my normal payment. I was told that this would be for 1 year then we would renew the agreement. A year of no jobs I finally got on disabilty and my husband had a job. February, 2009 I had to emergency surgery for my gallbladder. No insurance, no income. But I made my payments! Then the layoffs started. My husband lost his job, but I had disabilty income and he was able to get unemployment. We struggled but made the payments. My arrears was getting higher though and they never showed my credit improvement due to their system of charging for the arrear payments while collecting extra for that! I was told it would be current payments plus arrears and it would show on my credit I was doing it. Not!

I went for a modification. It lowered my payments so I was able to pay on time! This month was a nightmare. I got a new modification. It had increased my payments by 400 a month! I called and explained it was impossible to pay that amount on my income. It is a fixed income. My husband and I are having problems and I could not count on him for help. One month I was not able to do it and now they are trying to say to bad. I sent all the letters I was told and all my financials. Wish I had sent them certified so I had a record and I didn't make copies of anything I sent. Stupid. Now they want me to sell or forclose. They told me not to contact my lender and I have that e-mail. They said they can't work with me because I don't have that much I can pay every month. Why did they do it in the first place then and get my hopes up?

Everyone I talk to with the loan servicing company tells me something different. Who knows what I should do? None of them, even if I ask for someone with authority. I am now being told I am not worth their trouble. Are they starving themselves too. I doubt it. If they are getting all these boggus charges from others then they are making a killing off us. Wasn't the mortage companies bailed out because of their exstravagate systems of operations. Isn't it fair to help me or anyone else as they were helped? Why when we live in a country of opportunity is there no opporunity for the low income persons. There are people who play the systems and spend themselves into this position but there are more of us that are just victums of it.

There is help for the person who over spends on a credit card. I don't have credit cards, cable tv, or a new car. I am not eligiable for food stamps. My education and jobs were in accounting and never have I seen such a wild bookkeeping system as loan companies and government. I am frugal with my little monies. And I am just asking to work with my payments not forgive them. It seems it would be to their advantage to do that instead of place another empty home in the neighborhood. I am told that since my home is not a 100,000 home and other loan companies will not lend on it. Not because of my credit but because I didn't buy something I wasn't able to. I love my old house and would love to paint and fix it up but can't but it is a nice home.

Though they say they are taking my home I am not giving up. Somewhere there has to be help for us. Can't afford a lawyer but I can still fight somehow. Someone has to care. I would run for office but because I am not rich I can't afford to do that either but I could sure show them how to balance a budget!

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