  • Report:  #1050448

Complaint Review: Digital Crew Network - Seattle Washington

Reported By:
Herbert - Seattle, Washington,

Digital Crew Network
DCN 800 5th Avenue Suite 4100 Seattle, 98104 Washington, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This employer consistently missed her payroll dates which caused all employees to be hurt financially. When asked about it we were consistently told tomorrow and I promise. All pay checks have been late since this company started and continue to be late including the one that was due this past Friday. When confronted the Owner of the company Kim Kelly, On Air Personality of the Kim and Good Company Show and My Crew Magazine, retaliated with anger, frustration and blame to the point of lashing out in company wide e-mails to the employees. 

Thank you to everyone who helped put on the show Wednesday.  Those who pushed on through adversity, even so and did not shut down and complain 8 hours of the day and refused to work.  I have received so many wonderful emails already and FB private messages from people who love the show already. 

Thanks again!


Well Miss Kelly I would first like to say congrats to u and every staff member that put on a great show on wed. I was very reluctant to attend the viewing but out of respect for u as a mentor and leader of the company I showed up. Did I complain hell yes I did and have been upset but just like other staff members I took your word that the payroll situation would've been taken care of days ago. So I'm not sure why u had to mention that only a few ppl helped put on a great Show when I personally seen that the dcn staff was coming together as a team before all of this took place 2wks ago.  I can't just tell bill collectors oh I don't have the funds to pay my bills and still smile while I'm tellin them that. That's not reality. So yes my negative attitude came from being mislead about the actual pay date. As the leader of the company and a woman I admiredI expected to be led in a better way by you plain and simple. Whether or not my time is up at dcn to be determined. Ive never lived my life in fear nor will i start now. But u can't expect ppl to smile and dance while there personal livelihoods are hangin in the balance. This email was written by me (Removed to protect the Individual) and does not reflect any other staff members ideas or thoughts just mine!!!

On May 10, 2013, at 8:14, "Kim Kelly" <[email protected]> wrote:


Name Removed to protect the individual 

I appreciate your honesty and courage to craft this email to me as well as your team.  You are 110% correct that by now everyone should have been paid, that is completely accurate.  But, quite frankly (removed) there were members of your team that did refuse to work, and if they did it was limited at that.  The amount of ,time and energy spent in complaining all day long was not a good use of anyones time, whatsoever. The belief and maturity of some who continued to do their job 100% through it all even when their bill collectors  were also calling shows great loyalty and courage to this company, as well as to the human being that they represent.  What I will tell you is unacceptable is a group of people sitting in a back of a studio with an audience and guest angry and laughing and talking so that others ears could pick their continued and countless angry words about DCN and myself.  In addition, what is not acceptable is the rude behavior of some who gathered in the back of the room immediately after the show as if a May Day protest were beginning.  Not one of the angry team members came up to the guest and thanked or said "great show" except for the continued few who  were there from start to finish with this very important show taping.  What you don't realize is that it is ok to be angry but do this privately, and not especially in an open forum such as the DCN studio where those who were not associated with your hostility could see and hear what you all were doing.  That is inappropriate, rude and extremely unprofessional and embarrassing.  Quite frankly none of that anger should have been present in a forum such as Wednesday.  I am not dismissing the delay in pay, as I have continued to say over and over and over.  But,  I will guarantee you Lacey will have a ton of help when (removed) shows up behind stage with many of your team members dressed up and ready to greet the man,  and I am quite certain the tweets and Facebook pics with (removed) with some of the angry folk will be present throughout the taping.  And I am quite certain many will run up to this man to shake his hand and tell him great show.  But, I saw none of that to (removed)  All these mentioned, (Removed) may I remind you have not been paid either.  The lack of respect has been astonishing.  The behavior at the studio was inexcusable and shocking.  Because no matter how mad you are, you don't reflect in an open forum in front of guests and audience members like all of you did.  

And for the record, you have NOT been misled.  I have been absolutely without a doubt upfront, and rather too upfront each day with everything that has been taking place on my end.  Again, assumptions will go nowhere.  I don't expect people to smile and dance but don't come to work or a public place DCN is displayed and continue your childish and very very angry open and hostile behaviors.  So as I said earlier do not come into work today and sit in that cess pool of negativity and continue to fuel the negativity.  Wait at home and I will bring your check to you.  

This delay in checks has not been acceptable and everyone has a right to be mad, however there is a level of which some rose and some did not except to continue to fuel the fire.

I will never be ok with what happened at the studio, ever.



Kim and Team,


I personally believe these e-mails are encouraging negativity. What has been said, needed to be said and (Removed), don’t think you are alone for one second in your thinking. I have all the respect in the world for you Kim , but let’s be honest, you have mislead us multiple times, promise after promise after promise and at the end of the day you have many of us wondering do we have jobs, should I be looking for work, what the hell is going on? You are right we all have a right to be angry, and yes you are right there is a place and a time for that anger, but I also think that maybe some priorities need to be put back in order. Our pay, should be the number one priority right now and everything that can be done should be getting done to make sure that happens. Our pay is 14 days late and you are right again this is unacceptable. I received my notice of eviction last night, my refrigerator is empty, my pantry is empty, my parents sent me money for diapers because we ran out again. My car insurance is over a week late, this is the second month in a row my electric bill is late, and none of these companies care about the reason I don’t have any money. They still want to get paid! I understand that problems occur but I feel like every e-mail you write you are disregarding our personal concerns for our own wellbeing and putting yours in front of ours. I don’t appreciate the pot shot that you took about us complaining 8 hours a day and refusing to work. Do you have any idea what toll this has taken on many of us? I went to the Dr. this morning, they had to hook me up to an EKG for the first time in my life, they are concerned that I had had a nervous breakdown and they tested me to see if I had a stroke because my vision was impaired and the whole right side of my body went numb. So before we all add fuel to the fire can we please take a minute to realize that this isn’t just about bills, and complaints, it’s also about our health. People are depressed and sad, anger is just a side effect that goes away after the adrenaline is gone. E-mails like this will not bring a team back together, we are an amazing, awesome team and I am sure we will be again soon. Let’s all stop this non-sense, give each other a d**n hug, and move on before one of us has a heart attack or worse!


Removed for protection of Individual


Name removed to protect the individual

Thanks of your email and the assumption this has not been top priority to me, it  has been.  Your email regarding the priorities of this company and that perhaps that the show should have been cancelled to take care of the priority indicates to me you don't have a clue as to what we do here at DCN nor do you have a clue as to how we make money.  Also,(removed), bills do not get shut off if they are not at least a month behind, evictions do not take place until you have gone to court and that would mean, (removed) that rent has not been paid for some time long before the delay in pay.  I clearly know exactly how folks feel, (removed).  So your shout out to the contrary is also hostile and immature.  You reference to the the show being a priority upfront before YOU is not at all what that was…and quite frankly shows a lack of on your part again to what we do here.  I highly commend those who rose above all of this even so and did their jobs, (Removed).  I will not get into your financial affairs or work status prior to you coming to work for DCN as none of that is anyones business nor is it appropriate to once again bring upon others and shout to the rooftops and especially in this forum.  Regardless, the right to be paid is the bottom line.  That (removed) has never be disputed, period.  



As you can see from this series of e-mails Kim Kelly is not a good leader and does not take responsibility for her own actions. It is sad to say that after this group of e-mails employees were terminated as well in retalation for their openness and attempt to understand the situation better. Instead of bring a team together she decided best to insult them and move on. 

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