  • Report:  #222074

Complaint Review: Dillards - Tucson Arizona

Reported By:
- adsfsdaf, Colorado,

Tucson Mall Tucson, 85730 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked at Dillards for approximately one month. I know, many of you will think that is not long enough to get a feel for the place and that I probably didn't give it a chance. You see, I'm not the average retard and I can evaluate experiences almost instantaneously. I don't need to repeat terrible days at a work place for a year before forming an opinion.

First off, the HR people were some of the stupidest I've met. Good job, guys! I couldn't help but look around and wonder how everyone in the customer service area had gotten their administrative jobs. My interviews were pointless. Interviews at Dillards are not necessary. They are so desperate to hire anyone that interviewing with them is a joke. I hate how people waste my time like that.

The training was the very best part of my whole Dillards experience. It was 8 hours of being treated like a mental patient who didn't speak english or know how to write with a pen. I'm really glad they held my hand during the paperwork...you know, I've had 4 jobs and never had to do paperwork before. Right.

My first day on the sales floor, I had no idea what I was doing. I met my manager who looks like Shrek and she was the flakiest ditz I've seen in a while. Clearly she had some medical problems as there was hair growing all over her chest, which she loved to dress in low cut V necks. Yikes. Highly inappropriate.

The cash registers broke about once a day, usually in the middle of a credit card transaction, so that I would have to reassure the customer that their credit card would not be charged twice even though I had to move to another register. Who knows? Certainly not the tech guy who takes 2 hours to come up to help us and then has no idea what is going on.

All I ever did was stock work. I was not even on the floor the majority of the time, but stuck in the back room opening boxes, hanging things on hangers, price checking crap. The times when I was on the sales floor, I was so lost from the lack of on the job training that I just tried to hide, anyway. My coworkers were very bitchy and refused to help teach me anything. I was nice as can be, so they had no reason to act so snippy. Maybe they were worried that with only 3 registers and 7 people in our department that they wouldn't meet their sales goals. I knew I would never meet mine as it was rediculously high. A**holes.

I know my manager was only a manager because she had good attendance. What a pity. Surely they could have found some one with a brain to do that job. Every time I had to call a manager to ask them something, I would get yelled at for not calling MY manager who was, oddly, never around. "Where did Shrek go?" I would say.

I thought that I just hated retail and sales, but after reading everyone else's comments, I see that I just fell into a bad opportunity. That's what desperation gets me.

By the way, we resold everything people returned to us. I would even ask about items if they appeared dirty or harmed and I was told to just hang it back up. h*o hum.

We were allowed 3 absenses and 8 tardies in a one year period. It took 6 months for them to roll off. I did not abuse this, but I still think it's rediculous.

And what is up with the 11 hour days??? Not nice.


adsfsdaf, Colorado

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