  • Report:  #869590

Complaint Review: Direct Express Debit Card Service - Internet Texas

Reported By:
Direct Express Debit Card - brant rock, Massachusetts, USA

Direct Express Debit Card Service
Internet, Texas, United States of America
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Hi, I am reporting fraud regarding Direct Express debit card service.  I've been ripped off several times by Direct Express within their own infrastructure.  The reason that I know this is that I kept getting transactions of so called ATM withdrawals from a so called ATM machine in Worcester, Massachusetts.  That is over a 2 hour drive from my home, and I don't drive.  I've had this happen to me on the first of the month, at least seven different times. 

 First of all, I checked out who owned the ATM machines and it is a company called Columbus Data, who is affiliated with Direct Express.  I know this, because I have a friend who is a journalist and is now doing a story on corruption that goes on within the Direct Express Company and their so called affiliates.  When I had originally gotten Direct Express, I had called Social Securities 800 number and they had stated, "Would you like to have direct deposit".. Now that is much different than a preloaded card, that was never stated.  And when I was first stolen from through this so called ATM machine, at an address and company that this ATM doesn't even exist.  And that is another reason why I know that first of all, I don't drive and never took money out of an ATM in Worcester, Massachusetts, ever.  I've also seen on the internet of people complaining as to how this same thing has happened to them.  How they are being ripped off by ATM machines that they've never taken money out of. 

Now I did a little bit of research myself and found that not only does this ATM company, of is located in Texas, as is Comerica bank, who just makes the plastic???  And they say that they are FDIC insured?? Even when I called Comerica, and asked for the manager, they were very hesitant to say the least.  Why is that?  Also, why is it, when I've filed fraud reports on this, that I never get my money back, from and ATM that doesn't even exist, but is affiliated with Direct Express.  Direct Express uses this companies software.  Sounds a bit peculiar, doesn't it?  I've called the Inspector General, and am doing an article with the Associated Press. 

 I've also reported this to my congressman, among other politicians.  Not only is Direct Express a fraudulent operation, they are not following any kind of banking or credit card rules and laws.  In the beginning especially, when you would call Direct Express, they were so rude, you couldn't get anything out of them at all.  I've heard of people being hung up on.  And why is it that they will not give you the owner of Direct Express's name?  That is against my civil rights, as a U.S. Citizen.  There is much more that I have found out about this business, and their tactics, which to me are downright illegal to say the least.  And for me to have been ripped of by some ATM machine that doesn't exist, tells me that their employees, or whomever, is within their system is also ripping off others.  Now how can this be a safe system?  This is the worst system, that I have ever seen.  I've worked as an accountant and in banking for years, and this is not the way to do business, and say that this is safe.. It is far from safe. If you drop your card, then anyone can pick it up and have a fine time spending all of your money, because you have that mastercard logo on there,which merchants will accept.  This is the most unsafe and unsecure card that has ever been made.. and eventually it will be costing the Government a lot of money in lawsuits. And can you explain to me how it is that I am ripped off by an ATM that doesn't exist, but on the first of every month, that this happens.  And that is when these cards are loaded.  Am I correct on that?  Of course I am.  I've called Direct Express on this, but to no avail.  Now you tell me how safe this is. 

 I am very angry with this company and how stupid the government really is.  If they wanted a card to be safe, why not just drag and drop a photo of the recipient of the card.  I'm pretty sure that most all people in this country have computers.. Come on, this is the computer age.  That is the only safe way to have a card, with your picture on it.. And it is the easiest way of doing business safely and for sick people on social security.  It makes me more ill just to think that someone with let's say Alzheimer's disease and doesn't remember much of anything and someone is having a party with their social security benefits.. that is how easy it is to steal from people.. Get back to me on this.. it will be in the Associated Press as an article of fraud in Direct Express.  They are not a reputable company.  I can't believe that they got the bid.. And Comerica bank, forget that.  And all of these companies are located in Texas.  What were they George Bush's cronies?? Did he owe them a favor?

I've had over 1,000.00 stolen from me so far.  Now how much more do you think that Direct Express is going to steal from me?  I mean it came from an ATM that Direct Express has dealings with??? yes, there was plenty of research done on this one, and it should really go under the Federal Whistle Blower Act.  We have more proof.  get back to me with solid answers please...

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