  • Report:  #68015

Complaint Review: Direct Long Distance - Direct One - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- Carrboro, North Carolina,

Direct Long Distance - Direct One
9663 Santa Monica Blvd #124 Beverly Hills, 90210 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have finally gotten some answers and filed a complaint at the source...

After buying the handi-stitch (or any other similarly marketed product), your information gets put into a database. This database includes name, address, phone number, and last 4 digits of your credit card number.

However, it ALSO includes the ability to charge credit/debit cards (once 'authorization' is obtained). So, technically, your credit/debit card number isn't sold - because it is only the last 4 digits. BUT, in this database - which Direct Long Distance buys from HandiStitch/IdeaVillage - they have the ability to CHARGE your credit card.

So, Direct Long Distance buys the database and 'gains authorization' through a phone call to you. But of course, as we all know, they don't really. But it doesn't matter - unless an agency takes the time to go back and listen to their audio recording. They 'cover their bases' by calling, rattling off a bunch of stuff in an Indian accent at the speed of light, and then after-the-fact tell you that you've agreed to have your credit card charged for an exorbitant amount in exchange for nothing.

If you would like to TAKE YOUR NAME AND PERSONAL INFORMATION OFF OF THE DATABASE THAT IS BEING SOLD TO COMPANIES, call IdeaVillage's corporate headquarters at 973-808-7355. You should hit *2 for the company directory, and then dial C-O-R (2-6-7) and hit #. This will take you to the company directory, and then have you search for the name "Laura Corsey". Although IdeaVillage makes all their money off of the sale of personal info, you have a right as a consumer to demand that you are removed from the database they are selling. Tell Laura to remove you.

She should only need your full name (& then verifies your address). In addition to having Laura remove you from all lists and databases they are selling, tell her your story and why you think that IdeaVillage needs to do a little more research as to who they're selling our information to. Additionally, I'd ask to speak to a supervisor and do as much as you can to complain.

That's the only way this will change - that and spreading the word that IdeaVillage, HandiStitch, etc., is and will sell your personal information, including the ability to charge YOUR credit/debit card - to fraudulent companies.

Good luck. It took me about 10 calls to get her directly, and not her voicemail. Be persistent.


Carrboro, North Carolina

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