  • Report:  #581936

Complaint Review: Soni Interiors AKA Rug King - Sanford Florida

Reported By:
Biff - , Florida, United States of America

Soni Interiors AKA Rug King
201 Hickman Dr. Sanford, 32771 Florida, United States of America
407 323 5444
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Soni Interiors AKA Rug King, needs to stop helping Danny-Daniel Lee Batterbee of dlb Flooring source 3118 Corrine Drive Orlando bait and switch people on flooring.



In case you did not know Daniel Lee Batterbee of dlb Flooring source 3118 Corrine Drive uses your products to bait and switch people on flooring materials. If you practice ethical business you will stop distributing your products to this con man and his accomplice Mark Langlois. I understand that times are tough right now and you need to sell as much product as possible but I can guarantee you that nothing good will come out of continuing to do business with Danny and his shop. You will be doing yourself a favor now by dropping him.


As you know he sells and advertises your products on Craigslist. What you may or may not know is that Danny sells people brand name materials then sends his installers with your less expensive product to install.


More evidence of this can be seen here on the ripoff report by searching for his name or business or you can just click this link




Daniel Lee Batterbee was caught baiting the Exposito family by selling them an Armstrong flooring laminate at a price they could hardly afford. Then he switched the material he sent with his installer Mark Langlois (lois) with your much cheaper Sonitex laminate.


It is defiantly not an Armstrong product there is no way either could have confused the two.




"After five years of saving and doing research, we decided to replace our carpeting with laminate flooring by Armstrong. It was expensive but came with a warranty, and we fell in love with it. We shopped all over Orlando for 1,000 square feet in our price range and chose DLB Flooring owned by Danny Batterbee. The day he delivered our flooring it was in boxes labeled Sonitex, which we found is an inexpensive laminate made in China. Danny assured us he ordered the flooring from Armstrong directly. We contacted Armstrong and they told us their flooring always comes in Armstrong boxes with their name labeled on the back of each board. Our receipt from DLB states that we purchased Armstrong flooring, and Danny still claims that's what he sold us. Now we're stuck with 1,000 square feet of flooring without a warranty."





Dear Danielle & Alex: Danny Batterbee was floored when I reached him, saying this was the first he heard there was a problem. "I will call everyone I need to in order to make this right," he promised. That was Nov. 5. Since then he has continued to work with Armstrong to get you what you paid for. "I'm waiting on them for the next step," Danny told me last week. "But the Expositos won't have to do anything or pay out of pocket." The next shipment Batterbee right.




Dear Greg: It's been more than two months since Danny Batterbee promised in your column to deliver 1,000 square feet of Armstrong flooring that we bought from his company, DLB Flooring. Never in my life have I had such a bad experience with a purchase. This fiasco seems to go on and on with no end in sight. We have been more than flexible and patient with Danny agreeing to wait for the flooring, then when Danny said he couldn't get it, agreeing to a refund of $2,500 (about half what we paid). Now he wants us to wait until he gets money back on his taxes. We feel this is yet another stall tactic. Frankly, I have had it and want to put an end to this.



Dear Danielle: Ditto. Actually, I have to put an end to this. I've given Danny Batterbee so much slack, I'm out of rope. In his umpteenth promissory e-mail to me since November, Batterbee wrote: "I don't have the extra $2,500 right at this moment, but I can do a little. I do want to take care of them very fast. I will get some tax money in very soon. I will get back to you soon. Please don't write another article." Sorry, Danny my rope is gone, and the Expositos are tired of being strung along.


Your help in stopping this Craigslist crook will be appreciated. You can do this by not helping him. Stop selling him your products. You really want to separate yourself from him and his installer Mark Langlois right now.

Report Attachments

12 Updates & Rebuttals

Hanover Fist

re: Love thy neighbor

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, November 26, 2012

I think you're missing the point entirely, author of this report.  You have the inherently pragmatic ability to report Mr. Batterbee, that's one thing, but please don't associate a company that he is not directly employed by with HIS actions.  Many people buy from Soni, home owners, contractors, rental property managers, etc.  Is it Soni's fault for all the different things those people do in their lives once they leave the warehouse?  If a sub contractor buys 1000 square feet of floating wood flooring and then turns around kills the contractor that hired him in Lake Mary does that make it Soni's fault?    If a home owner buys laminate from Soni and then tells his wife it's Pergo and his wife castrates him, is that Soni's fault too?  What people do with the materials that Soni sells are on their own after it leaves the building, he's grateful to accept returns and restock items even.

As for Ford Prefect's alleged "name calling" it appears to this writer that he merely suggested that you're not exactly among the brood of citizens that make up our intellectual portion of Seminole County, but rather, you're part of a back woods community of toothless vagrants that might not possibly understand logic and common sense.  He referenced several television programs from the latter half of the 1970's and early portion of the 1980's in the Southeastern United States to achieve this similarity in your character traits.  It's not your fault, you're simply born that way, and you have no control over your emotional attachment to the conduct of slander.

You're slandering a warehouse and it's owner for what someone else did with materials from that warehouse.  It's the exact same thing as if I purchase Dr. Check from Winn Dixie and fill all the cups at the party offering "Coke".  Not Winn Dixie's fault for my chicanery and subterfuge.   It would be most astute of you to apologize for bringing Soni into something that seems to me and others as if it is entirely surrounding this Bumble Bee character you seem to have a hard on for.


United States of America

#3Author of original report

Tue, February 14, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor then you go on to name call. Soni distributed to Danny-Daniel Lee Batterbee of dlb Flooring source

3118 Corrine Drive Orlando. Soni's materials were used in bait and switch scams on people looking for name brand flooring.

Dannie's mugshot

Report Attachments

Hanover Fist

Love Thy Neighbor

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, February 12, 2012

Why is this ripoffreport here?  Did Soni steal anything from anyone?  Has it been proved in a criminal court in Seminole county?  No.  The truth is, Soni receives high marks on the google review page.  People who KNOW Ashok and Amit know that they are honest business people.  

When are people as a society going to stop publicly slandering other businesses without due process?  
The fact of the matter is no one cares, Durk, or Dork, or whatever the hell your name is.  Oh, I'm sorry, Duke.  Are you from Hazard County by chance?  Seen Boss Hog around?  How about Daisy?  DO you have all of your teeth?  Are you Cooter?

Stop slandering the good people at Soni.  


United States of America
Saving people from getting ripped off is better then a cheap rug.

#5Author of original report

Wed, November 16, 2011

Dear Greg: After years of saving, my husband and I decided to build a dream home a timber-frame home, really unique, with Douglas fir beams throughout. Wood floors were a natural complement. In June, after searching as far as Miami to get the best price, we decided to buy local at DLB Flooring on Corrine Drive in Orlando. Owner Danny Batterbee promised to beat any price. The total cost for 2,800 square feet of solid oak flooring was around $12,500. His associate came to
measure and I asked him about Danny since I was a little wary of a small business. He gave Danny glowing reports. I made a deposit of $2,500.
Right before it was time to install the wood, I went down to the supplier's warehouse to make sure it was what I had ordered. I also asked about Danny and they vouched for him as a businessman. Satisfied that everything was in order, I gave Danny a check for the balance on Aug. 3. When the day arrived for installation no wood! It turns out
that Danny never paid the supplier for the wood either the deposit or the balance. He claims that the state of Florida has taken the money because he did not pay sales tax. Each day for the past two months we have hoped and prayed that Danny would do the right thing. So far our prayers have gone answered. KATHLEEN ROY ORLANDO

Dear Kathleen: Sometimes it takes less-than-divine intervention. I left Danny several emails and phone messages, and he got back to me with this response: "I'm working on getting their money or wood to them and they know that. I've already given them $2,500 back. So do what you want to do, but I plan on taking care of them." I sent Danny a similar complaint a couple of years ago and he ultimately took care of it, so I'm optimistic this also will end well. Knock on solid

Ford Prefect

New Smyrna Beach,
United States of America
Who cares?

#6Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 11, 2010


Have you considered the imminent possibility that Mr. Soni doesn't care?  He doesn't need to respond to your attack of another company that may or may not have been purchasing flooring products from his company.  There doesn't need to be warranties on laminate and wood flooring that is wholesale anyway.  

So in essence, who really gives a s**t?  Find something better to do with your time.  Say, how about taking a trip down to Sanford and buying a rug?  Jeff will hook you up with a good deal.  Go see Jeff.


Ford Prefect


United States of America
Interesting that soni never came back with a good answer to his nonexistent warranty

#7Author of original report

Tue, July 06, 2010

Interesting that soni never came back with a good answer to his nonexistent warranty. He instead spent much money and had his team of craigslist spammers/scammers spend many hours burying my ripoffreport under pages of review sights with good reviews left by them. That was just a waist of their time. They should have addressed the actual problem. Instead of giving me more avenues to inquire about and post their fake warranty!


Interesting that soni never came back with a good answer to his nonexistent warranty. He instead spent much money and had his team of craigslist spammers/scammers spend many hours burying my ripoffreport under pages of review sights with good reviews left by them. That was just a waist of their time. They should have addressed the actual problem. Instead of giving me more avenues to inquire about and post their fake warranty!


United States of America
No lets get something straight Daniel you are a bad liar.

#8Author of original report

Wed, April 28, 2010

NO. Last month you were selling the discontinued sonitex piano finish laminate that you purchased off Soni. You publically tried to sell it on Craigslist claiming a 30 year warranty.  That is fraud.

On this rip off report about you


You claim

i dont sell anything here without a warr from the manufactors!!!!!!!!!  the pictures on my listing are from suncrest with a 15yr warr!!!!  everything i sell is first quality!!!!

Then Danny why did you claim it had the old Soni 30 year warranty and not the 15 year warranty that Suncrest offers on their generic laminate products? This picture I will repost again from your Craigslist ad is showing Soni Inferiors sample boards in your shop.  

Yes you do have brand name sample boards that you use to bate people with before you switch it out with the generic laminates and tiles you also sell. Not long ago before they stopped working with you because of stuff like this started becoming public you did have those shady installers working with you. Even they had to separate themselves from you!

Perhaps I need to be contacting them to get there side of the story. See what they have to say about you.

On this very report post #3 even Amit Soni your distributor for this inferior product is calling you a liar!!  

And so am I, along with so many others. That can be read about you here on this link.


I have nothing to gain from this other than the satisfaction of exposing what looks like a ring of consumer fraud happening on and off Craigslist.  It has been easy and entertaining so far. What do you think would happen if I actually put a little time and effort into it?


NO. Last month you were selling the discontinued sonitex piano finish laminate that you purchased off Soni. You publically tried to sell it on Craigslist claiming a 30 year warranty.  That is fraud.

On this rip off report about you


You claim

i dont sell anything here without a warr from the manufactors!!!!!!!!!  the pictures on my listing are from suncrest with a 15yr warr!!!!  everything i sell is first quality!!!!

Then Danny why did you claim it had the old Soni 30 year warranty and not the 15 year warranty that Suncrest offers on their generic laminate products? This picture I will repost again from your Craigslist ad is showing Soni Inferiors sample boards in your shop.  

Yes you do have brand name sample boards that you use to bate people with before you switch it out with the generic laminates and tiles you also sell. Not long ago before they stopped working with you because of stuff like this started becoming public you did have those shady installers working with you. Even they had to separate themselves from you!

Perhaps I need to be contacting them to get there side of the story. See what they have to say about you.

On this very report post #3 even Amit Soni your distributor for this inferior product is calling you a liar!!  

And so am I, along with so many others. That can be read about you here on this link.


I have nothing to gain from this other than the satisfaction of exposing what looks like a ring of consumer fraud happening on and off Craigslist.  It has been easy and entertaining so far. What do you think would happen if I actually put a little time and effort into it?

Report Attachments

danny batterbee

United States of America
Lets get something straight

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, April 24, 2010

Soni Interiors is not helping me bait and switch people!!!  i dont even sell their products anymore..  Yes i did when i first opened the business up, but i quit selling their materials after i got the first complait!!!  i sell armstrong, shaw, mohawk, southland, daltile, mannington, anderson and more of the first quality materials,by the top of line brands....

So again i dont use Mark anymore and Luis does not work here as well, so get your story straight before you go and bad mouth people for trying to make a living.. so again why dont you quit hiding behind your computer and tell us who you really are???  if not then i will just assume your just another flooring store trying to make yourself look good..


United States of America
So again Mr. Soni what is your warranty??? And are you a man of your word???

#10Author of original report

Sun, April 18, 2010

Hello Amit

I emailed you an anonymous email when I posted the original post and I was under the impression that the rippoff report contacts the companies through email after a blog is made about them or updated. Perhaps you were not ignoring this as I suspect, but the emails went to junk emails. Or perhaps its just that you spam Craigslist so much they were just lost in all the emails you must receive when your bad ads get flagged down.

Make no mistake every other business like you and DLB are not supposed to Spam craigslist or use picture ads its against the craigslist tou (rules). It is also against the rules for you to post anywhere other than in services. Services are where businesses like yours belong. Not in general for sale/materials. That is why your ads are flagged off by the Craigslist community.

By continuing to post on craigslist knowing that you are not supposed to shows what kind of business scruples your company has. By breaking the Craigslist rules you are obviously desperate but that doesnt change the fact you are not supposed to be doing what you are doing on Craigslist. The economy is showing signs of recovery you will make it without spamming Craigslist with your bad ads. There are plenty of other advertising avenues for businesses like yours.

I will be honest here I expected a better reply from you then this. You have lots to do with DLB you are a distributor to Danny he has your sample boards in his shop (pictured) and has done plenty of business with you in the last two years. So I am left with no choice but to call B.S. on you.

Danny isnt selling someone elses materials and putting your name on the boxes. He is selling your materials with your name on the boxes.

Here is where you get shady. I spoke with you a while back you of coarse had no idea who you were speaking to and you claimed your products had a 10 year warranty. I was told by a different shop that caries your laminates that you used to tell people you offered a 30 year warranty just like Danny implies when selling your piano finish laminate.

Even though I think you are not telling the truth about doing business with Danny in the last two years I have to give you the benefit of the doubt. That would mean that he would have had no idea that you discontinued the piano laminate and not only does it not have a 30 year warranty like you used to claim but you are not even offering the 10 year warranty I was told you are now claiming. That would also mean that every person that has your product installed in their homes they are going to get screwed over if/when the product fails to perform as expected.  It looks like not only do you owe Danny money back but plenty of other people as well.

Like I said before you could do the a good thing and help save your reputation by offering on this blog to take back at the very  least your shady piano finish laminate so he can pay back at least something to someone he owes money to. He should be able to return any product of yours he has in stock.

 I asked posing as a potential customer not only what your warranty is but if laminate can be returned the response was in unopened boxes and no restocking fee. Of course I was more than likely told this just so you could make a sale. But I will hold you to it.

Now are you a man of your word? Or are you just another shady Craigslist spammer? I guess we will find out.

The truth is since you apparently do not have a real warranty every little shop and peon installer on Craigslist that sells your flooring materials claiming the warranty you claim is shooting themselves in the foot because if anything goes wrong o well right, blame it on the installer or shop for selling it to the customer with no legal binding warranty.

So I guess you would be taking advantage of every customer that walks through your doors.

It sort of looks like you are just as bad if not worse than Danny you just rip people of differently.

So again Mr. Soni what is your warranty???  And are you a man of your word???



Spam = Forum spam is the creating of messages that are advertisements, abusive, or otherwise unwanted on Internet forums. ...

The Craigslist TOU = Tou is an acronym for the Terms Of Use that all the Craigslist community members are supposed to obey.


Report Attachments

Amit Soni

United States of America

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 18, 2010

One of my customers brought this to my attention, so I will respond here. Im sorry to hear about what DLB did to these people. It is unfair and he should refund all the money that was paid to him to his customers as he knowingly lied.

There is no excuse on selling one product and saying its another. 

This being said, this has nothing todo with Soni Interiors. For example, if a car dealer purchases a car from Honda, relabels it a Toyota and then further sells it a customer, is is Honda's fault for selling the car? We are not helping him cheat people. It is his own wrong doings and dishonesty that have brought his customers to the situation they are in now.

I had no idea that DLB was cheating people like this. 

We have not sold any items to DLB or anyone associated to him in almost 2 years. We have not even communicated to him within 2 years. To be honest, I dont understand how he is even allowed to be in business after something like this.

Our laminates are covered by warranty. Piano is not covered by warranty and is discontinued not for wear purposes but because of supply issues. Piano is not covered by warranty because our manufacturer does not offer it. 

Please send me any questions to [email protected], but please keep in mind that I did not sell the customer the wrong floor. Also, please beware that DLB is in no way shape or form associated with us.


United States of America
So what is your Warranty on your laminate products?

#12Author of original report

Fri, April 16, 2010

So what is your Warranty on your laminate products?

Its not on the box or in the box. I am starting to think you are also a Craigslist conman. Wow, there are a bunch of you crooks spamming Craigslist on flooring. It appears you are actually helping people like Danny Batterbee and All Floors of Orlando Bait people with your materal.


United States of America
Danny Batterbee of DLB Flooring Source 3118 Corrine Dr. is selling your discontinued piano finish laminate claiming you are offering a 30 year warranty on it

#13Author of original report

Mon, April 05, 2010

Hello again Mr. Soni, The Craigslist thief Danniel Lee Batterbee of DLB Flooring source at 3118 Corrine DR. Orlando is at it again. He is selling your discontinued piano finish laminate claiming you are offering a 30 year warranty on it. Since you have not responded to the first post it can be assumed you are still doing business with this crook.

Since you discontinued that product for surface wear resistance issues (quality) perhaps you should offer to purchase back all your discontinued piano laminate he has left in stock so he can pay back the Exposito family the refund he owes them. They are the people he ripped off using your materials.

That way instead of Danny ripping more people off using your materials you can be responsible for helping to do the right thing for some people that got taken advantage of, even if you were not directly responsible for the offense. You could also take this time to explain to the public and the Expositos what exactly your warranty on their new Sonitex floor is.  You could also come out looking like a great stand up company instead of perhaps being a witness explaining your product and products warranty in court because of one of Daniels former tricked customers.






Date: 2010-04-03, 10:49AM EDT
Reply to: [email protected]
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