  • Report:  #133613

Complaint Review: DMA (Direct Marketing Association) - New York New York

Reported By:
- Morgan City, Louisiana,

DMA (Direct Marketing Association)
1120 Avenue Of The Americas New York, 10036-6700 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
A little over a year ago, I started receiving postal and e-mail solicitations. I tracked the postal solicitations down to a company called Atriks, LLC (atriks.com or better know as the SendMail Corporation). The company is supposedly a "leader" in marketing. I found that the company obtained my information via my domain information (i.e. via a WHOIS query). I done some research and found that it was illegal and a violation of ICANN policy to use WHO IS information for "commercial solicitation purposes", even more so to take that informaiton and sell it to others for advertising purposes.

I found out that the company, Atriks, LLC was a member of the DMA (Direct Marketing Association). I have seen the DMA mentioned on the media, government websites, etc as an organization consumers can turn to if they want their information removed from mailing lists. Consumers can also "trust" members of the DMA since they "supposed" to follow DMA guidelines.

However, I have found that the DMA does nothing more than protect rogue marketers. The DMA supposedly takes actions against members that violated the guidelines. Nothing was ever done to Atriks, LLC. I provided the DMA with a large amount of concreate evidence. It took me countless hours to track down domains, address, and other data, then organize the data. The result was a 60+ page packet of concreate evidence proving that Atriks, LLC not only used my personal information for illegal purposes, but has done so (including spamming) for a long time.

Mr. Haberstroh, owner of Atriks, LLC stated in a letter to the DMA and I that his company "does not engage in e mail marketing whatsoever". Guess what?! The DMA bought it, hook, line, and sinker. Their response was the following:

"Dear Mr. Hillebran,

I've looked over the information you provided to other DMA staff. Atriks has responded to the DMA when contacted, specifically that it did not originate postal and e-mail solicitations. The company has also stated that it removed your name from any internal list and other mailing lists it operates. I realize that you are not satisfied with this response, but we cannot do anything further re: this complaint (unless you receive additional solicitations, which would be contrary to your request and the company's stated action).


Marsha Goldberger

Director, ethics and consumer affairs

Ethics & Consumer Affairs Dept.

Direct Marketing Association

1111 19th Street NW

Suite 1100

Washington DC 20036

Ph # 202-955-5030

Fax # 202-955-0085"

I was completely amazed! Atriks, LLC has a very long track record on the Internet as being rogue spammers. I even submitted as part of the evidence an e-mail Mr. Haberstroh sent to me admitting what he had done (e-mail with full headers).

I still have all of the evidence on file. I have contacted 60 minutes via e-mail. It is my hopes to expose the DMA and Atriks, LLC to the public. This website speaks of the "Bad Business Bureau"? Well, guess what? Add another one to your list. The DMA is just as bad, if not worse than the BBB.

I have created a website on which I post my evidence. I do hope the editor allows my site to go through to the final publishing of this report.


I decided not to get a domain name and hosting because I cannot afford it at the current time nor do I feel like dealing with wasting my money on such a company.

If any reporters, media, or attorneys would like to contact me for more information, please e-mail the owner of this website. All of my information is on my profile.

I feel that consumers are given false security by the government and other people putting faith in the DMA, which only has a goal of making money and hiding the truth. I think the government and anyone else that feels "secure" with the DMA needs to read this report to learn the truth.


Morgan City, Louisiana

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