  • Report:  #295925

Complaint Review: Dr. Janice Duffy - Adelaide, South Australia Nationwide

Reported By:
- Riverton, Wyoming,

Dr. Janice Duffy
Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide, South Australia, 5041 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dr. Janice Duffy P.H. D has been stalking psychics for a long time now and she must be stopped. Her harassing emails have caused many psychics to go into hiding because of her blackmailing and forcing psychics to respond to her emails. She is from Adelaide, South Australia and has made numerous rip off reports and has lied about many psychics online. She has a dog named Jake and and she is obsessed with an African American boyfriend that she only met online and through the internet. Her story is very familiar to most psychics since she usually says that she is either from Australia, Toronto or Skyville Australia. Her real name is Janice Duffy and she also uses the name Lucy as you can see in her previous rip off report. She creates numerous rip off reports about psychics claiming that they somehow wronged her or caused one of her friends to die. She likes to go to psychic websites and harass psychics for free updates and to listen to her story over and over again. If you dont do what she says, than she is known to use blackmail and says that she will write rip off reports about you. Her personal website is on the dogster website as she stated on a previous rip off report #268343. Janice wrote Alternatively they can view my page on the Dogster site just put in Jake as the dogs name and Adelaide in the city in the find find by dogster search. Janice Duffy is known for creating internet anti psychic groups and she tells her information to many of her anti psychic friends. She is an easy woman to track because she leaves a paper trail behind herself wherever she goes. Its a shame that a P.H.D. is a stalker. However, Dr. Kevorkian was also a doctor as well. These people have powerful minds and can be very crafty at doing bad things. She works as a senior researcher and posts her picture on the internet for all to see. She is a very lonely woman who comes to psychics very kind at first and then after a few psychic readings, she begins making her threats of blackmail. Psychics can best protect themselves by knowing this information before you give a reading to Dr. Duffy. She always has the same story of herself being in love with an African American man that she met over the internet and who she has not met yet in person. She is extremely obsessed with him and asks questions like, when will he come back to me and is he thinking of me. She often sends her picture and the picture of the guy that she is in love with. She also has a dog by the name of Jake that she sends to psychics as well and also posts a picture of them together on dogster. Dr. Janice Duffy has tried to blackmail numerous psychics begging them for free updates and email updates and if you dont respond to her, she starts creating rip off reports with many lies to try to gain sympathy from people who will respond to her posts. Dr. Janice Duffy also has dyslexia. In many of her posts, she will often misspell words because of her dyslexia. She is someone that every psychic should know about. She takes psychic readings extremely serious and she doesnt know what the words entertainment purposes only actually means. Its shocking since she is a researcher and a P.H.D. holder from Australia. This amazes me because she should know better and she gets medical insurance to see professional doctors in Australia. We have numerous emails and other stalking information about Dr. Duffy. She forms several online anti psychic internet groups and uses her threats to let psychics know that she will destroy their reputation unless you give her exactly what she wants. Its time that psychics know all about this woman. She also uses several different email addresses that all link her back to Dr. Janice Duffy and she has slipped up far to many times online with people that she thought were her anti psychic friends. In actuality, half of the people that she thinks are anti psychic are all actually psychics themselves. She fell into her own game and now this stalker is being exposed to stop her. Psychics, please avoid this stalker if you happen to see her online or tries to get a psychic reading with you. Of course she is all sweet in the beginning, but then her emails begin to get more and more demanding and she begins the blackmailing process. I am just as shocked as you are that she is a P.H.D. and a researcher. However, stranger things have happened. Dr. Janice Duffy likes to use the website Kasamba amongst other psychic websites and makes numerous user accounts to try and trick psychics because she is often blocked by many psychic advisors. This is not the first time that Dr. Duffy has done this. She has done this numerous times and she has also written fake and deceptive rip off reports about psychic websites. I ask you to stop Dr. Janice Duffy now by not giving her anymore psychic readings. She needs serious medical help and is actually harming herself more than anyone else. Please remember the facts once again. She is a Caucasian woman and from Australia. She has a dog named Jake and has an obsession for an African man and and she uses the names Janice, Lucy and other names. However, she usually writes that she is from Australia, Toronto or other places. After the first few psychic readings, she tends to write emails to psychics for updates and when she doesnt hear back from you fast enough, she begins to send you hate mail which usually says that she is going to ruin your name and reputation online as a psychic. In my opinion, she is out to get any psychic that she can and she uses rip off reports so that it can show up in the search engines so that when someone types in your psychic name or handle, it will show a rip off report about you. She should be stopped and the only way to stop Dr. Janice Duffy from Australia is to not give her anymore psychic readings. Save your reputation. You know the facts, now its up to you to stop the psychic stalker.

Mary anne

Riverton, Wyoming


75 Updates & Rebuttals


All is quiet now

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 06, 2008

Victim Janice and all her personalities have gone quiet. It also looks like everything has gone quiet now that LivePerson is checking on people and requiring them to use their own photograph. An even greater chance for ammunition that the experts use on each other. It looks like things got a little too close to home for that Yahoo group when fire started breaking out when Iris the Messenger began to out people and their circumstances. Like David James' connection with Janice through his wife BohemianMoon. Any expert going to him for a reading now would be insane so I'm sure his readings have dropped.



#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 29, 2008

A lot of the types of things that go on in these reports are making me more and more sorry that I've joined liveperson as an expert. I know that there are some genuinely good people there, but that they are fairly few and far between; they are sadly over-shadowed by the huge amount of mud-slinging and name-calling that goes on in places like these or even in their own forums. I love to deal with clients and to do the best I can for them; but I don't love dealing with complaints about other members, whether FROM clients or in various places such as here and elsewhere. I'm sorry that there has to be so much of this stuff to wade through. I don't think I'm going to be staying at the site for much longer; like I said, I like to help, but I can do without the pay and I can CERTAINLY do without the drama.


Interesting post.

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

1. It states on the front page of ROR that filing reports about non US businesses is strictly forbidden. 2. I have quite a serious head injury about 2 months ago. I had to undergo all sorts of tests and am required by my lawyer to see a counselor in order to document any effect on my work. For example, I still get blurred vision. The tests included a psychiatric ecaluation and now I have a piece of paper to prove I am sane (I think the opinion of two psychiatrists would over-ride that of these pkebs). 3. I can prove many of the livellous staements in the reports are false. 4. I can and will do something about these reports soon. 5. I may be volatile but I am productive and have a mountain of research that proves LP engages in unethical and fraudulent practices which benefit the company to the detriment of the clients. 6. Some harrassing phone calls were made to my work while I was in hospital. they had switched it through to our admin team. 7. If you knew about the scams that occur on LP you would not think they are ethical. Come and join the group and see for yourself. 8. While those who regulalry vilify me have been chasing theior butts I ahve ben working. If it were just me who had such a bad experience i eould have walked away, But it is nt only me, Our group is fukllof people telling the same story. Finally am going to do something about these reports soon. .


Interesting post.

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

1. It states on the front page of ROR that filing reports about non US businesses is strictly forbidden. 2. I have quite a serious head injury about 2 months ago. I had to undergo all sorts of tests and am required by my lawyer to see a counselor in order to document any effect on my work. For example, I still get blurred vision. The tests included a psychiatric ecaluation and now I have a piece of paper to prove I am sane (I think the opinion of two psychiatrists would over-ride that of these pkebs). 3. I can prove many of the livellous staements in the reports are false. 4. I can and will do something about these reports soon. 5. I may be volatile but I am productive and have a mountain of research that proves LP engages in unethical and fraudulent practices which benefit the company to the detriment of the clients. 6. Some harrassing phone calls were made to my work while I was in hospital. they had switched it through to our admin team. 7. If you knew about the scams that occur on LP you would not think they are ethical. Come and join the group and see for yourself. 8. While those who regulalry vilify me have been chasing theior butts I ahve ben working. If it were just me who had such a bad experience i eould have walked away, But it is nt only me, Our group is fukllof people telling the same story. Finally am going to do something about these reports soon. .


Interesting post.

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

1. It states on the front page of ROR that filing reports about non US businesses is strictly forbidden. 2. I have quite a serious head injury about 2 months ago. I had to undergo all sorts of tests and am required by my lawyer to see a counselor in order to document any effect on my work. For example, I still get blurred vision. The tests included a psychiatric ecaluation and now I have a piece of paper to prove I am sane (I think the opinion of two psychiatrists would over-ride that of these pkebs). 3. I can prove many of the livellous staements in the reports are false. 4. I can and will do something about these reports soon. 5. I may be volatile but I am productive and have a mountain of research that proves LP engages in unethical and fraudulent practices which benefit the company to the detriment of the clients. 6. Some harrassing phone calls were made to my work while I was in hospital. they had switched it through to our admin team. 7. If you knew about the scams that occur on LP you would not think they are ethical. Come and join the group and see for yourself. 8. While those who regulalry vilify me have been chasing theior butts I ahve ben working. If it were just me who had such a bad experience i eould have walked away, But it is nt only me, Our group is fukllof people telling the same story. Finally am going to do something about these reports soon. .


Interesting post.

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

1. It states on the front page of ROR that filing reports about non US businesses is strictly forbidden. 2. I have quite a serious head injury about 2 months ago. I had to undergo all sorts of tests and am required by my lawyer to see a counselor in order to document any effect on my work. For example, I still get blurred vision. The tests included a psychiatric ecaluation and now I have a piece of paper to prove I am sane (I think the opinion of two psychiatrists would over-ride that of these pkebs). 3. I can prove many of the livellous staements in the reports are false. 4. I can and will do something about these reports soon. 5. I may be volatile but I am productive and have a mountain of research that proves LP engages in unethical and fraudulent practices which benefit the company to the detriment of the clients. 6. Some harrassing phone calls were made to my work while I was in hospital. they had switched it through to our admin team. 7. If you knew about the scams that occur on LP you would not think they are ethical. Come and join the group and see for yourself. 8. While those who regulalry vilify me have been chasing theior butts I ahve ben working. If it were just me who had such a bad experience i eould have walked away, But it is nt only me, Our group is fukllof people telling the same story. Finally am going to do something about these reports soon. .



#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 11, 2008

After reading these reports about Kasamba/Liveperson and Dr. Janice Duffy, I wanted to make a few observations in the hopes of straightening out a few things. Most importantly, I fully agree with what xpsychicvisionx wrote in her well-stated post. Even if there are grievances against Dr. Duffy, laying out all of her personal details for all the world to see does not remedy the situation. It makes you liable for any harassment she may face from a stalker who decides to locate her and the rest of her household. I cannot attest to the allegations about her stalking the Kasamba/Liveperson psychics. Nevertheless, two wrongs don't make a right. Secondly, if what you say is true with regards to Dr. Duffy's mental health and her need to receive attention from the community through her fictitious stories and pseudonyms, then why are you choosing to fuel the fire? It would appear that you receive some type of satisfaction by continuing this, despite your protestations to the contrary. If what Dr. Duffy states about the ROR terms of service is true, then filing this report serves no real purpose. It could, in fact, be viewed as libel. It was my understanding that ROR was designed for consumers to warn one another about fraudulent or poor quality businesses and service providers. Reporting a Kasamba/Liveperson reader as fraudulent would be valid. However, filing a report about Dr. Duffy, whether or not she is a "psychic stalker", needs to be done in another venue. It doesn't appear that she [Dr. Duffy] has swindled any consumers. This type of report would best be filed with a forum for psychics and other spiritual practitioners. I am sure there are communities where this type of report would be welcomed and dealt with accordingly. I cannot and will not make any judgements about Dr. Duffy's mental state as I am not a qualified professional. However, I will agree that some of the posts were out of line and unprofessional. This to me suggests volatility, and it might be to her benefit to take a few deep breaths and count to 100 before posting. If she has been defrauded out of thousands of dollars by charlatans on Kasamba/Liveperson, I can see how that might make her angry and wanting to seek justice. If that's what will help her to receive satisfaction and come to terms with what happened, I highly suggest she do so. Seeking support from friends, family members, and possibly an attorney and a counselor might not be a bad idea either. My last point is about Kasamba/Liveperson itself. To be fir, I cannot agre that the company itself is a scam. I equate the service with the Yellow Pages. It is simply a directory of experts who charge for various services they offer. Some are excellent and others are not. It's up to the client to make those determinations. Of course, with something like psychic abilities, it isn't as cut and dry as looking for a doctor. If you came to a doctor with frostbite and he told you to stick your hand into a tub of dry ice, you probably would know from the get-go that he was a fraud. If a psychic predicts that you will meet your soulmate in 2010, it isn't as easy to make that determination. Although I am not a frequent client, I have had one psychic reading. Was she genuine? I have no idea, but I walked away from the reading feeling empowered and revitalized. I felt that I would never need another psychic reading for the rest of my life. This isn't to say that this is how all readings should feel, but I can say that if a psychic claims to be able to cast spells to bring wealth or reunite you with a lover, claims to be able to heal you of a terminal illness, or reports that you are cursed, it probably is a fraud. I believe that we all have a sixth sense and we can tell (in our gut) if an expert is a fraud. It's just a matter of listening to our gut feelings rather than our heart.


New York,
New York,
Not true

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, October 19, 2008

For Shining More Love, you did indeed tell me things would happen before the end of August in my situation. And if I chose, I would be back with my ex. You said he would contact me and discuss things openly, and he'd want me back, etc etc. I have all the transcripts. You also predicted another person/another choice for me who would be a "permanent fixture" in my life if I chose him. All of this was to happen before a trip I took at the end of that month. There was no contact from my ex. There was no other man who could have been permanent. It's now mid-October and from what I know through "real life" contacts, things are so far from all you told me that it's almost funny. I do know my ex still has feelings for me, but I also know he would never act on them or admit them. The things I hear about him are heartbreaking, but they are REAL facts. Not the fantasies I was fed as a client looking for insights from both you and others. I was actually being realistic and trying to remove myself from him when I first saw you. I remember asking about me and my future, but you're the one who told me not to give up on him and to not fight my feelings. You seemed so right on, and due to that I ended up back on the merry go round. You caused immense damage to me and the others you gave SCRIPTED reads to, and you didn't care. I've seen a number of your reads for others, and we all got the SAME SCRIPT. This was outlined in another post on the ROR, but it's such a clear case of fake reads. It's painful. I don't think you even care to understand the damage this causes people. If you did you'd not be doing this for money. But it's painful and can destroy people. I took advice from you a few times and made contact with my ex. This got me a negative result. You also didn't see the girl around him who he cheated on me with and who was around the entire time...because you can't see anything psychically. I was the one to tell you about her. Direct questions about certain things and her were always ignored. You stuck to the August predictions, and you'd contact me the same as you'd contact other clients via email every so often with "more info" or "updates". That would usually spur me into going into session with you. The same for others. I always hired right away as well. I don't know what to say other than there's all sorts of evidence against you, and I don't understand why you feel the need to keep claiming the same old stuff. You can't hear the tone of which I write these words in my head, but trust me, it's not angry or bitter -- it's HURT. A lot of things are still ongoing that are connected to the false hope I was given by you and others, and a lot of real life things are going on which are painful still. You seem to still be doing good business, so just go on with that. You seem to have escaped any real damage despite the info being out there....just go and leave the clients you've hurt alone.

Shining Love

Sorry sweety I am not sickofpsychos

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 18, 2008

Keep my name off the post sweety......I havent been here, dont have the time...Unfortunately I have a life to live. As for you Janice I have never told you once that you and your "love" was going to be together nor did I tell the other girl from JH so you two need to get it right. Also for whomever the clients in the group on wekaguy claim to have read with me, I will tell you right now that 3 of them are still clients of mines...I actually made a account to join the group and realized that 3 of my current clients are members of weakguy... There is also someone apart of the group that says half the members are wackos, its all fake and noone is there to stick with each other, Psychic readings are a want not a need, so its nothing to get so serious over, when its clearly your choice. I dont scam people, and half the time chat live for logn periods of times with clients out of hire. My ratings speak for themselves, I may have 6-7 bad ratings but who dont and noone is perfect, but my clients are consistent and long time clients. I used very traditional and regular vocabulary Yes I do....Alot of times the situations are tied to one another...I dont have time to type people names into search engines to compile there info, that is a bit impossible when you dont have their last names isnt it? Even so If I dont know something or dont pick it up I will tell you, so I have no reason to lie and keep you hanging on. As for me being logged on when I am I have in person clients, and other ventures in my life, Liveperson isnt where my whole life is, but I have people there that depends on me. I was very generous and understanding towards Janice and JH and would occasionally send emails to JH to check up on her not for her to come to me again Why do I need that when I have regular clients. What gets me is oen client came to me and I said arent you apart of that group, she then states, I was wrong and what you said was right! and I am going to continue coming to you. This was just one week ago and that would tell you alot. I actually feel that you all have ever right to be against those whom scam you. Scamming and lying are two different things. Scamming is continually getting money, offering spells etc, lying is telling you what you want to hear and delivering false hope. I dont do that, and I have a very high accuracy rate. I am not perfect yet I am not God either, but if I didnt have a gift trust me I wouldnt be on the site, I dont play games or play with others life. COld readings are very different, with details and reason that wouldnt fall under cold readings. DOnt get me wrong I am sure there are many scam artists out there, but I am not throwing stones at anyone. I can count on my hand how many times me and Janice has sessions...Yes you had a connection to that man, but just because you connect doesnt mean you are meant to be or the feelings are necessarily mutual. Remember Janice you contacted me, and wanted a reading, which I refunded you the first time...and you insisted....I guess that was a set up- Anyhow throw stones at me if you will, I will stand for mines and I dont have to hide, lie, cheat, or steal. I know who I am and who I am not. If you choose to come to me then great it you dont then , hey its your choice, I am not out to make all this money from selling lies, I dont read for co-dependant clients, most of the times I turn away my regulars especially when they are spending too much. I do care and I have a heart. SO for whomever wants to come after me then hey its your time and energy. I can care less, go after the ones that hurt you and even so what would that prove. Just let it go....The whole psychic things is funny, because legally you cannot be brought up on charges if the disclaimer is in bold letters. I dont tell you that I can bring your lover back and make someone love you, just not be. So please refrain from posting my screen name on these post. As for what I know..its not even worth it.Its getting very old and tiredsome....... I get the feeling that some of these people are not all clients, but experts to :-) And no I have no multiple profiles and dont share info....Thank you........(((((((hugs))))))) Blessings to you everyone and Good luck!

Shining Love

Sorry sweety I am not sickofpsychos

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 18, 2008

Keep my name off the post sweety......I havent been here, dont have the time...Unfortunately I have a life to live. As for you Janice I have never told you once that you and your "love" was going to be together nor did I tell the other girl from JH so you two need to get it right. Also for whomever the clients in the group on wekaguy claim to have read with me, I will tell you right now that 3 of them are still clients of mines...I actually made a account to join the group and realized that 3 of my current clients are members of weakguy... There is also someone apart of the group that says half the members are wackos, its all fake and noone is there to stick with each other, Psychic readings are a want not a need, so its nothing to get so serious over, when its clearly your choice. I dont scam people, and half the time chat live for logn periods of times with clients out of hire. My ratings speak for themselves, I may have 6-7 bad ratings but who dont and noone is perfect, but my clients are consistent and long time clients. I used very traditional and regular vocabulary Yes I do....Alot of times the situations are tied to one another...I dont have time to type people names into search engines to compile there info, that is a bit impossible when you dont have their last names isnt it? Even so If I dont know something or dont pick it up I will tell you, so I have no reason to lie and keep you hanging on. As for me being logged on when I am I have in person clients, and other ventures in my life, Liveperson isnt where my whole life is, but I have people there that depends on me. I was very generous and understanding towards Janice and JH and would occasionally send emails to JH to check up on her not for her to come to me again Why do I need that when I have regular clients. What gets me is oen client came to me and I said arent you apart of that group, she then states, I was wrong and what you said was right! and I am going to continue coming to you. This was just one week ago and that would tell you alot. I actually feel that you all have ever right to be against those whom scam you. Scamming and lying are two different things. Scamming is continually getting money, offering spells etc, lying is telling you what you want to hear and delivering false hope. I dont do that, and I have a very high accuracy rate. I am not perfect yet I am not God either, but if I didnt have a gift trust me I wouldnt be on the site, I dont play games or play with others life. COld readings are very different, with details and reason that wouldnt fall under cold readings. DOnt get me wrong I am sure there are many scam artists out there, but I am not throwing stones at anyone. I can count on my hand how many times me and Janice has sessions...Yes you had a connection to that man, but just because you connect doesnt mean you are meant to be or the feelings are necessarily mutual. Remember Janice you contacted me, and wanted a reading, which I refunded you the first time...and you insisted....I guess that was a set up- Anyhow throw stones at me if you will, I will stand for mines and I dont have to hide, lie, cheat, or steal. I know who I am and who I am not. If you choose to come to me then great it you dont then , hey its your choice, I am not out to make all this money from selling lies, I dont read for co-dependant clients, most of the times I turn away my regulars especially when they are spending too much. I do care and I have a heart. SO for whomever wants to come after me then hey its your time and energy. I can care less, go after the ones that hurt you and even so what would that prove. Just let it go....The whole psychic things is funny, because legally you cannot be brought up on charges if the disclaimer is in bold letters. I dont tell you that I can bring your lover back and make someone love you, just not be. So please refrain from posting my screen name on these post. As for what I know..its not even worth it.Its getting very old and tiredsome....... I get the feeling that some of these people are not all clients, but experts to :-) And no I have no multiple profiles and dont share info....Thank you........(((((((hugs))))))) Blessings to you everyone and Good luck!

Shining Love

Sorry sweety I am not sickofpsychos

#12UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 18, 2008

Keep my name off the post sweety......I havent been here, dont have the time...Unfortunately I have a life to live. As for you Janice I have never told you once that you and your "love" was going to be together nor did I tell the other girl from JH so you two need to get it right. Also for whomever the clients in the group on wekaguy claim to have read with me, I will tell you right now that 3 of them are still clients of mines...I actually made a account to join the group and realized that 3 of my current clients are members of weakguy... There is also someone apart of the group that says half the members are wackos, its all fake and noone is there to stick with each other, Psychic readings are a want not a need, so its nothing to get so serious over, when its clearly your choice. I dont scam people, and half the time chat live for logn periods of times with clients out of hire. My ratings speak for themselves, I may have 6-7 bad ratings but who dont and noone is perfect, but my clients are consistent and long time clients. I used very traditional and regular vocabulary Yes I do....Alot of times the situations are tied to one another...I dont have time to type people names into search engines to compile there info, that is a bit impossible when you dont have their last names isnt it? Even so If I dont know something or dont pick it up I will tell you, so I have no reason to lie and keep you hanging on. As for me being logged on when I am I have in person clients, and other ventures in my life, Liveperson isnt where my whole life is, but I have people there that depends on me. I was very generous and understanding towards Janice and JH and would occasionally send emails to JH to check up on her not for her to come to me again Why do I need that when I have regular clients. What gets me is oen client came to me and I said arent you apart of that group, she then states, I was wrong and what you said was right! and I am going to continue coming to you. This was just one week ago and that would tell you alot. I actually feel that you all have ever right to be against those whom scam you. Scamming and lying are two different things. Scamming is continually getting money, offering spells etc, lying is telling you what you want to hear and delivering false hope. I dont do that, and I have a very high accuracy rate. I am not perfect yet I am not God either, but if I didnt have a gift trust me I wouldnt be on the site, I dont play games or play with others life. COld readings are very different, with details and reason that wouldnt fall under cold readings. DOnt get me wrong I am sure there are many scam artists out there, but I am not throwing stones at anyone. I can count on my hand how many times me and Janice has sessions...Yes you had a connection to that man, but just because you connect doesnt mean you are meant to be or the feelings are necessarily mutual. Remember Janice you contacted me, and wanted a reading, which I refunded you the first time...and you insisted....I guess that was a set up- Anyhow throw stones at me if you will, I will stand for mines and I dont have to hide, lie, cheat, or steal. I know who I am and who I am not. If you choose to come to me then great it you dont then , hey its your choice, I am not out to make all this money from selling lies, I dont read for co-dependant clients, most of the times I turn away my regulars especially when they are spending too much. I do care and I have a heart. SO for whomever wants to come after me then hey its your time and energy. I can care less, go after the ones that hurt you and even so what would that prove. Just let it go....The whole psychic things is funny, because legally you cannot be brought up on charges if the disclaimer is in bold letters. I dont tell you that I can bring your lover back and make someone love you, just not be. So please refrain from posting my screen name on these post. As for what I know..its not even worth it.Its getting very old and tiredsome....... I get the feeling that some of these people are not all clients, but experts to :-) And no I have no multiple profiles and dont share info....Thank you........(((((((hugs))))))) Blessings to you everyone and Good luck!

Shining Love

Sorry sweety I am not sickofpsychos

#13UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 18, 2008

Keep my name off the post sweety......I havent been here, dont have the time...Unfortunately I have a life to live. As for you Janice I have never told you once that you and your "love" was going to be together nor did I tell the other girl from JH so you two need to get it right. Also for whomever the clients in the group on wekaguy claim to have read with me, I will tell you right now that 3 of them are still clients of mines...I actually made a account to join the group and realized that 3 of my current clients are members of weakguy... There is also someone apart of the group that says half the members are wackos, its all fake and noone is there to stick with each other, Psychic readings are a want not a need, so its nothing to get so serious over, when its clearly your choice. I dont scam people, and half the time chat live for logn periods of times with clients out of hire. My ratings speak for themselves, I may have 6-7 bad ratings but who dont and noone is perfect, but my clients are consistent and long time clients. I used very traditional and regular vocabulary Yes I do....Alot of times the situations are tied to one another...I dont have time to type people names into search engines to compile there info, that is a bit impossible when you dont have their last names isnt it? Even so If I dont know something or dont pick it up I will tell you, so I have no reason to lie and keep you hanging on. As for me being logged on when I am I have in person clients, and other ventures in my life, Liveperson isnt where my whole life is, but I have people there that depends on me. I was very generous and understanding towards Janice and JH and would occasionally send emails to JH to check up on her not for her to come to me again Why do I need that when I have regular clients. What gets me is oen client came to me and I said arent you apart of that group, she then states, I was wrong and what you said was right! and I am going to continue coming to you. This was just one week ago and that would tell you alot. I actually feel that you all have ever right to be against those whom scam you. Scamming and lying are two different things. Scamming is continually getting money, offering spells etc, lying is telling you what you want to hear and delivering false hope. I dont do that, and I have a very high accuracy rate. I am not perfect yet I am not God either, but if I didnt have a gift trust me I wouldnt be on the site, I dont play games or play with others life. COld readings are very different, with details and reason that wouldnt fall under cold readings. DOnt get me wrong I am sure there are many scam artists out there, but I am not throwing stones at anyone. I can count on my hand how many times me and Janice has sessions...Yes you had a connection to that man, but just because you connect doesnt mean you are meant to be or the feelings are necessarily mutual. Remember Janice you contacted me, and wanted a reading, which I refunded you the first time...and you insisted....I guess that was a set up- Anyhow throw stones at me if you will, I will stand for mines and I dont have to hide, lie, cheat, or steal. I know who I am and who I am not. If you choose to come to me then great it you dont then , hey its your choice, I am not out to make all this money from selling lies, I dont read for co-dependant clients, most of the times I turn away my regulars especially when they are spending too much. I do care and I have a heart. SO for whomever wants to come after me then hey its your time and energy. I can care less, go after the ones that hurt you and even so what would that prove. Just let it go....The whole psychic things is funny, because legally you cannot be brought up on charges if the disclaimer is in bold letters. I dont tell you that I can bring your lover back and make someone love you, just not be. So please refrain from posting my screen name on these post. As for what I know..its not even worth it.Its getting very old and tiredsome....... I get the feeling that some of these people are not all clients, but experts to :-) And no I have no multiple profiles and dont share info....Thank you........(((((((hugs))))))) Blessings to you everyone and Good luck!


Beverly Hills,
Janice Duffy: Part Deux or Part Doo-Doo?

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 16, 2008

Somehow my no longer supporting Janice's insanity has turned me into a target here on ROR. With all the horror going on in the world, one would hope there would be better things to do than run here and "hate" someone. Usually when you claim that "everyone" hates someone, you are really expressing self-loathing. I can only hope that this person turns on the lights, uncovers the mirrors in her house, and takes a long hard look at herself... And then goes about putting her energy toward making the world a better place... One can only hope.


North Carolina,
S from London

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 07, 2008

I don't give a care whose posting what and from where. ITS COMING FROM THAT STUPID jANICE group! Fake readers have nothing better to do than past fake messages about janice and her group because they are JUST THAT IMPORTANT. You're getting dillusional again. Shows how stupid YOU ARE for still associating yourself with the nonsense! I guess you're helping the victims of LP/Kasamba too huh. Convinced your sad self that's what's going on huh. No S the ONE who is STUPID around here is YOU for constantly sniffing janice's butt when she continuously makes FOOLS OF YOU AND HERSELF. NO HUN, "YOU" ARE THE STUPID ONE! PATHETIC!!!!! Take the d**n cape off already. It could use a wash.


New York,
This is a thread about Janice!

#16UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 07, 2008

I wanted everyone to see the great work she's doing. Not just here but what's going on over at the group. Even though she doesn't want me posting here as Joy, I think at the end of the day she knows it's good that I add a lot to her group. Being a reader on the site I know first hand how some of these people operate so I can share my experiences and support Janice's cause in the group! I don't think Joy is janice but actually another person in the group that asked me not to admit to being a reader here. Oh well too late, but it's important that these people know that I have first hand, inside information on how some of these scammers work and I can expose them in the group! Being a reader there these people give us all bad names. I was never comfortable revealing that I was a reader in the group but since Janice says it's ok for readers to be in the group the expose of of the others then I figured it was ok to say here!


United Kingdom
Karen from Henderson...

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Your posts show how much you know...nothing. No client is pasting from the group here...just some fake scammer from LP. They are pathetic for doing it, and your pathetic for believing it.


United Kingdom
To who ever you are.....

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Why do you feel the need to keep cutting and pasting posts from the group? People who read here, are quite capable (and do) of reading it first hand from there. You silly billy.


New York,
to sassyattic

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

To the poster here better known as sassyattic (pretending to be joyaura17) on weakguy who came in and tried to target and lie about people and was kicked off of weak guy --- you know you are a liar and you know that NO one ever said that readers told them they were NOT psychic --- but rather that ONE reader said they were not A PSYCHIC - that they were merely a medium for guided messages. That is a vast difference to what you are trying to portray. Seeing how you lie, manipulate and pretend to be someone else - you are a classic example of a demon. Be wary as your dark energy is ready to rebound on you.


New York,
to sassyattic

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

To the poster here better known as sassyattic (pretending to be joyaura17) on weakguy who came in and tried to target and lie about people and was kicked off of weak guy --- you know you are a liar and you know that NO one ever said that readers told them they were NOT psychic --- but rather that ONE reader said they were not A PSYCHIC - that they were merely a medium for guided messages. That is a vast difference to what you are trying to portray. Seeing how you lie, manipulate and pretend to be someone else - you are a classic example of a demon. Be wary as your dark energy is ready to rebound on you.


New York,
to sassyattic

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

To the poster here better known as sassyattic (pretending to be joyaura17) on weakguy who came in and tried to target and lie about people and was kicked off of weak guy --- you know you are a liar and you know that NO one ever said that readers told them they were NOT psychic --- but rather that ONE reader said they were not A PSYCHIC - that they were merely a medium for guided messages. That is a vast difference to what you are trying to portray. Seeing how you lie, manipulate and pretend to be someone else - you are a classic example of a demon. Be wary as your dark energy is ready to rebound on you.


North Carolina,
What The Hell

#22Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 06, 2008

WHY are you posting stuff on this site from the group? Do you think anyone cares about what you are doing in the group? What janice and anyone else is posting? This is called RIP OFF "REPORT"! This site IS NOT your personal blog. Further proof that there is nothing in that group but a bunch of opportunist manipulative sickos. No one cares whats going on in that group. The group topics are for GROUP MEMBERS NOT rip off report readers! You people are whacked. With the brain of a grape!


New York,
More from Janice, changes to the group

#23UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 05, 2008

Things have changed a bit in the group. But it's still a great place for readers like me to expose some of my competition. Check out my posts where I expose some readers who have actually told me they weren't psychic! It's amazing that they make a living or try to make extra cash doing this but they choose to tell only me that they aren't psychic! Anyway here's the update from Janice it's so good that she's back: I have made some changes to the group settings. Mostly they concern the uploading of files. Only moderators are now per4mitted to upload, edit or delete files. I noticed that some people (we know they are) had created so much work for the mods - i.e. uploading the same old garbage over and over again under different names and this takes up the valuable time of the moderators. If anyone has anything they would like loaded please just send it to the mods. J BTW...these people seem t be doing the things that they accuse me of...oh well...it will be a little more difficult for them now. One person repeatedly joined wrte garbage to incite trouble her and was removed almost 10 times...and they say I am deranged...lol....


New York,
More from Janice, changes to the group

#24UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 05, 2008

Things have changed a bit in the group. But it's still a great place for readers like me to expose some of my competition. Check out my posts where I expose some readers who have actually told me they weren't psychic! It's amazing that they make a living or try to make extra cash doing this but they choose to tell only me that they aren't psychic! Anyway here's the update from Janice it's so good that she's back: I have made some changes to the group settings. Mostly they concern the uploading of files. Only moderators are now per4mitted to upload, edit or delete files. I noticed that some people (we know they are) had created so much work for the mods - i.e. uploading the same old garbage over and over again under different names and this takes up the valuable time of the moderators. If anyone has anything they would like loaded please just send it to the mods. J BTW...these people seem t be doing the things that they accuse me of...oh well...it will be a little more difficult for them now. One person repeatedly joined wrte garbage to incite trouble her and was removed almost 10 times...and they say I am deranged...lol....


New York,
More from Janice, changes to the group

#25UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 05, 2008

Things have changed a bit in the group. But it's still a great place for readers like me to expose some of my competition. Check out my posts where I expose some readers who have actually told me they weren't psychic! It's amazing that they make a living or try to make extra cash doing this but they choose to tell only me that they aren't psychic! Anyway here's the update from Janice it's so good that she's back: I have made some changes to the group settings. Mostly they concern the uploading of files. Only moderators are now per4mitted to upload, edit or delete files. I noticed that some people (we know they are) had created so much work for the mods - i.e. uploading the same old garbage over and over again under different names and this takes up the valuable time of the moderators. If anyone has anything they would like loaded please just send it to the mods. J BTW...these people seem t be doing the things that they accuse me of...oh well...it will be a little more difficult for them now. One person repeatedly joined wrte garbage to incite trouble her and was removed almost 10 times...and they say I am deranged...lol....


New York,
More from Janice, changes to the group

#26UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 05, 2008

Things have changed a bit in the group. But it's still a great place for readers like me to expose some of my competition. Check out my posts where I expose some readers who have actually told me they weren't psychic! It's amazing that they make a living or try to make extra cash doing this but they choose to tell only me that they aren't psychic! Anyway here's the update from Janice it's so good that she's back: I have made some changes to the group settings. Mostly they concern the uploading of files. Only moderators are now per4mitted to upload, edit or delete files. I noticed that some people (we know they are) had created so much work for the mods - i.e. uploading the same old garbage over and over again under different names and this takes up the valuable time of the moderators. If anyone has anything they would like loaded please just send it to the mods. J BTW...these people seem t be doing the things that they accuse me of...oh well...it will be a little more difficult for them now. One person repeatedly joined wrte garbage to incite trouble her and was removed almost 10 times...and they say I am deranged...lol....


New York,
Tsk tsk.

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, October 05, 2008

""To Susan, Robert, Patti, Karen..etc...before you go and get f%^&*$% I suggest you disassociate yourself with the person who instigated and carried out the threats, I notice you do in fact support her,,.....you said so in a rebuttal....."" And just when, pray tell, did I state I supported ANYONE? I don't support charlatons and I don't support someone who CLAIMS to be a doctor but won't state the degree and the university that awarded it. ALL of you are behaving like folks with OCD.


North Carolina,

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

To the persoN who urged people to harrass me and published my contact details I spoke with the American embassy FBI representative BEFORE MY ACCIDENT and will speak with our feds after the long weekend-YOU ARE F&*^%$#. SENDING PEOPLE DEATH THREATS IS A CRIME IN BOTH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA, MY TELEPHONE SERVICE HAS BEEN MONITORING MY CALLS AT MY REQUEST. To Susan, Robert, Patti, Karen..etc...before you go and get f%^&*$% I suggest you disassociate yourself with the person who instigated and carried out the threats, I notice you do in fact support her,,.....you said so in a rebuttal..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STOP HARRASSING "US"! YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO NO ONE AND NO ONE IS HELPING YOU WITH A GODAMN THING! STOP HARRASSING US BEFORE YOU FIND YOURSELF SUED BY ALL THE AGENCIES YOU ARE HARRASSING WITH BOGUS COMPLAINTS! ALL YOUR DOING IS CALLING UP SEEKING INFORMATION FROM THEM. PLEASE GET YOURSELF SOME HELP! I BET YOU'RE HARRASSSING YOURSELF!


North Carolina,
Comedy at its best. Entertainment purposes only

#29Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

NO ONE is interested in stalking or harrassing janice but HERSELF! She is the one posting her personal information to invoke attention to herself. NO ONE is worried about anyone you contacted janice. NO ONE. The FBI and embassies have MORE IMPORTANT issues to investigate other than a nut case talking yang on a rip off report. NO ONE CARES AND NO ONE IS WORRIED. You went to a shrink and they told you that you were not insane? You know what that says about australian doctors? It says they have NO CLUE in what they are doing. I doubt you had it done anyway. You sueing and having people investigated. lol. Well I am sure this site would be more than happy to provide them with ALL of your posts . They may take your calls and give you information but they are NOT investigating anything. They are trained in recognizing crazies when they hear them and I am quite sure your complaints are in the crazy pile. lmfao. Entertainment Purposes Only. THAT is what jaince's posts are groups are about.


North Carolina,
Comedy at its best. Entertainment purposes only

#30Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

NO ONE is interested in stalking or harrassing janice but HERSELF! She is the one posting her personal information to invoke attention to herself. NO ONE is worried about anyone you contacted janice. NO ONE. The FBI and embassies have MORE IMPORTANT issues to investigate other than a nut case talking yang on a rip off report. NO ONE CARES AND NO ONE IS WORRIED. You went to a shrink and they told you that you were not insane? You know what that says about australian doctors? It says they have NO CLUE in what they are doing. I doubt you had it done anyway. You sueing and having people investigated. lol. Well I am sure this site would be more than happy to provide them with ALL of your posts . They may take your calls and give you information but they are NOT investigating anything. They are trained in recognizing crazies when they hear them and I am quite sure your complaints are in the crazy pile. lmfao. Entertainment Purposes Only. THAT is what jaince's posts are groups are about.


North Carolina,
Comedy at its best. Entertainment purposes only

#31Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

NO ONE is interested in stalking or harrassing janice but HERSELF! She is the one posting her personal information to invoke attention to herself. NO ONE is worried about anyone you contacted janice. NO ONE. The FBI and embassies have MORE IMPORTANT issues to investigate other than a nut case talking yang on a rip off report. NO ONE CARES AND NO ONE IS WORRIED. You went to a shrink and they told you that you were not insane? You know what that says about australian doctors? It says they have NO CLUE in what they are doing. I doubt you had it done anyway. You sueing and having people investigated. lol. Well I am sure this site would be more than happy to provide them with ALL of your posts . They may take your calls and give you information but they are NOT investigating anything. They are trained in recognizing crazies when they hear them and I am quite sure your complaints are in the crazy pile. lmfao. Entertainment Purposes Only. THAT is what jaince's posts are groups are about.


North Carolina,
Comedy at its best. Entertainment purposes only

#32Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

NO ONE is interested in stalking or harrassing janice but HERSELF! She is the one posting her personal information to invoke attention to herself. NO ONE is worried about anyone you contacted janice. NO ONE. The FBI and embassies have MORE IMPORTANT issues to investigate other than a nut case talking yang on a rip off report. NO ONE CARES AND NO ONE IS WORRIED. You went to a shrink and they told you that you were not insane? You know what that says about australian doctors? It says they have NO CLUE in what they are doing. I doubt you had it done anyway. You sueing and having people investigated. lol. Well I am sure this site would be more than happy to provide them with ALL of your posts . They may take your calls and give you information but they are NOT investigating anything. They are trained in recognizing crazies when they hear them and I am quite sure your complaints are in the crazy pile. lmfao. Entertainment Purposes Only. THAT is what jaince's posts are groups are about.


To the persoN who urged people to harrass me and published my contact details

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, October 05, 2008

I spoke with the American embassy FBI representative BEFORE MY ACCIDENT and will speak with our feds after the long weekend-YOU ARE F&*^%$#. SENDING PEOPLE DEATH THREATS IS A CRIME IN BOTH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA, MY TELEPHONE SERVICE HAS BEEN MONITORING MY CALLS AT MY REQUEST. To Susan, Robert, Patti, Karen..etc...before you go and get f%^&*$% I suggest you disassociate yourself with the person who instigated and carried out the threats, I notice you do in fact support her,,.....you said so in a rebuttal.....


United Kingdom
Shining More Lies strikes again....

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

As she is "sickofpsychos". Well here is some news for you SHINING MORE LIES....we are sick of fake scamming psychics like yourself. You were caught out. There is evidence of your lies and scams that could warrant a book. Yes...you are a darn good cold reader. Very clever. But not clever enough to not get caught out. And not clever enough to keep your head down whilst the "dust blows over". Your just not as clever as some of us.


United Kingdom
Shining More Lies strikes again....

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

As she is "sickofpsychos". Well here is some news for you SHINING MORE LIES....we are sick of fake scamming psychics like yourself. You were caught out. There is evidence of your lies and scams that could warrant a book. Yes...you are a darn good cold reader. Very clever. But not clever enough to not get caught out. And not clever enough to keep your head down whilst the "dust blows over". Your just not as clever as some of us.


United Kingdom
Shining More Lies strikes again....

#36Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

As she is "sickofpsychos". Well here is some news for you SHINING MORE LIES....we are sick of fake scamming psychics like yourself. You were caught out. There is evidence of your lies and scams that could warrant a book. Yes...you are a darn good cold reader. Very clever. But not clever enough to not get caught out. And not clever enough to keep your head down whilst the "dust blows over". Your just not as clever as some of us.


United Kingdom
Shining More Lies strikes again....

#37Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2008

As she is "sickofpsychos". Well here is some news for you SHINING MORE LIES....we are sick of fake scamming psychics like yourself. You were caught out. There is evidence of your lies and scams that could warrant a book. Yes...you are a darn good cold reader. Very clever. But not clever enough to not get caught out. And not clever enough to keep your head down whilst the "dust blows over". Your just not as clever as some of us.


New York,
New York,
Well as I said

#38Consumer Comment

Mon, September 29, 2008

In my previous thread Pattie, I stated that, Jh is a client that is psychic addicted, she starts off liking them and praising them and then turns on them like some bi-polar disorder is taking over her. Then they all share their personal transcripts now how can you trust anyone to do something that deep? And then Janice is like 53 posting on these sites like she is 15 years old attacking readers that she still tries to get readings from. Now I am proving a point here that is all, How intellingent can these women be to continuously get readings if they claim that this site has so many fakes...I would think there is more to this....look at the facts now, How could one share transcripts in less they were living in the same household or near the same rank? Most of the readers there dont have the same clients, yes people like JH (guac) have been to many readers, but come on what are the chances of that, and why would they be so silly to repeat what the other would have said?? THink about it? How could you buy a cold reading, I mean read between the lines, why would you keep going back, so either its truth, they like being lied to, or they are in fact addicted with some serious issues. Can it be that some of these readers can actually have a gift and the fakes have made it bad for the others? I mean making mulitiple accounts is a bit strange to do, what would you be proving? you would have to go through great lengths to do so, meaing paypal accounts, tax forms different times to log in etc...Liveperson system isnt equipped to do such a thing. Even if David James is related to Bohemian Moon, they are not having the same clients and he gets loads of new clients constantly come on people, alot of these things are rumors, false info, and twisitng facts. Again I wouldnt take what Janice duffy says with a grain of salt... As for Iris she was a reader on Liveperson, I only question how real she is, she admitted to be a client turned reader, what type of guidance were you giving people if you indeed were a client? Yes we all all human but a psychic addiction turned expert...hmm Then you bash all these experts as if you are scorned, very evil comments from readers I doubt you know, so what is your motive, you have many post floating around RIp off report, and then is it really to help people or is it a revenge on your part, Did someone hurt you? I dont know you personally I think what you are doing is a waste of time, because people will still get readings and this cycle will never end, Do you see people not buying Chrysler cars because they give out quicker, No, people will do what they want to do when they want to do it, so posting twisted info etc is not going to stop Liveperson. Janice needs to give up, I mean she is making up stories about death, still making accounts on Liveperson, making multilple accounts, I mean she is out there...and whom ever follows her, what does that say about you. I just cannot wait to see how this will die, Rip off versus Liveperson and the stuff that is posted will never turn people away....I am sorry, In fact this is nothing but a rumor Mill and a place for vengeful people to post hurtful lies, and no truth. Jh is know as (guac) psychic addicted, many readers have experienced her, and Janice is blocked but still is seeking readings, she is after front page readers. And those that have been extremely nice to her. She isnt happy with anyone, in due time she will turn on everyone here, you will see for yourselves she is sick, I was surprised that she was even around this has been going around for almost 3 years Yuck!



#39UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 28, 2008

Give Iris a break. At least she's trying to walk in the light and sees things how they really are now. Iris does know alot. I really look forward to what information she has that she can share with us all. We already knew Janice and S were hiding something. Now we know that S is Bohemian Moon and she's married to David James. Now we know why David is on top. He and she have to be sharing the account for him to be on so many hours of the day and night. Talk about fraud!


New York,
New York,
About time! I knew it would happen

#40Consumer Comment

Sat, September 27, 2008

Iris did it take you that long to realize that Janice was a wacko! Half of the allegations she post regarding experts isnt near to the truth. In this case, some may be true, but how could you trust a wacko, she is nuts. And she has all those women following her, and they all are still getting readings. So you were a client turned reader??? That would explain why you know so much hmmm Bye for now!


New York,
New York,
About time! I knew it would happen

#41Consumer Comment

Sat, September 27, 2008

Iris did it take you that long to realize that Janice was a wacko! Half of the allegations she post regarding experts isnt near to the truth. In this case, some may be true, but how could you trust a wacko, she is nuts. And she has all those women following her, and they all are still getting readings. So you were a client turned reader??? That would explain why you know so much hmmm Bye for now!


New York,
New York,
About time! I knew it would happen

#42Consumer Comment

Sat, September 27, 2008

Iris did it take you that long to realize that Janice was a wacko! Half of the allegations she post regarding experts isnt near to the truth. In this case, some may be true, but how could you trust a wacko, she is nuts. And she has all those women following her, and they all are still getting readings. So you were a client turned reader??? That would explain why you know so much hmmm Bye for now!


New York,
New York,
About time! I knew it would happen

#43Consumer Comment

Sat, September 27, 2008

Iris did it take you that long to realize that Janice was a wacko! Half of the allegations she post regarding experts isnt near to the truth. In this case, some may be true, but how could you trust a wacko, she is nuts. And she has all those women following her, and they all are still getting readings. So you were a client turned reader??? That would explain why you know so much hmmm Bye for now!


New York,

#44Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 27, 2008

Anyone can claim to hold a doctoral degree. This war between the "doctor and the charlatons" is somewhat amusing. There are credibility issues from both sides of this feud. The charlatons are...well...charlatons. I haven't seen a single psychic PROVE his/her abilities. All the Uri Geller types probably should stick to bending spoons and "repairing" old watches. The doctor is a doctor of what? What is the doctorate and what university granted it?



#45UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 27, 2008

I don't know what those recent events were, but welcome to the light. You are right, it would have to be a monumental matter for Janice to wangle an international law suit. Most of her proof is nothing more than her disappointment and it would be laughed out of court if it ever got there. I again beseech those experts who have been targeted by Janice's disappointment to make sure these threads that bear her name stay at the top. Post often!


Beverly Hills,
The Janice Show

#46UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 24, 2008

I wanted to bump this thread as well, so that people can CLEARLY see that Janice is off her rocker, and that's putting it mildly. Her lengthy rants are indicative of a highly volatile and unbalanced mind. Now I WAS an advocate. I had been in support of what she claimed to be doing. I thought it was great that someone was going to actually compile evidence against the fake psychics and do something productive. But in light of recent events, I have come to realize that the only thing Janice cares about is being the center of attention. She currently has a group of women in her Yahoo group, who are all vulnerable and in need of guidance. They have all spent way too much money on psychic readings, and need to seek addiction counseling. Instead, they have Janice as their "leader," MISLEADING them. She still gets readings on the site regularly. These people are addicts. I know this, as I was one in the past. The only way to get better is to go 100% cold turkey and stop using psychic services. The only way to get healthy is to get away from Janice Duffy. I KNOW for a fact she'll be targeting me here now that I am publicly being vocal, and now that I am eating MAJOR humble pie in terms of my previous endorsement. This woman is a loose cannon. True, she threatens to do things that she really can't do. (1) If she could sue, she would. (2) No one would take her seriously.


North Carolina,
Yes Its Ridiculous

#47Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 02, 2008

Yes the rants and threats of of lawsuits from this Janice person is most definitly insanity. No one is afraid of any lawsuits being filed around here. It it comical to read at times. You have to admit. This Janice stuff is whats "entertainment" around here. You talk about psychic for entertainment only crap. Just get on this site and read this mess.


New York,
Guess we aren't gonna find out.

#48Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

I'd like to know what the doctoral degree is for. Anyone can go online, or TV for that matter and CLAIM to be a doctor (PhD.) It's another thing to actually have a doctoral degree. If Janice is a doctor, I'd like to know. Most doctors are more than willing to identify their PhD, including the university that granted it.


I think the only thing that is clear here

#49Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 22, 2008

Is that Janice is absolutely insane. No one reading this would read two sentences from her without coming to the conclusion that she is unbalanced, and possibly dangerous. If there is any "investigation" going on with authorities (that no one believes either) it should be an investigation into her poor elderly father who she probably has chained up in her basement, feeding him cat food while she demands he gives her "readings" Regardless of the comments from the OP I can't even believe this woman holds a PHD, except maybe in crazy. Its more likely thats just another facet of her on-line persona, part and parcel with her imaginary dog "Jake", her war hero father, and her negro "boyfriend" I'm sure her family and neighbors get down on their knees everyday thanking God there is an internet, so she has another outlet for venting her toxic waste.


Gee Susan-you have made some mistakes here

#50Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

1. According to the ROR guidelines you are expressly forbidden to file reports about non US citizens and non-buisinesses. Of course that means I shouldn't have filed reports either. I will write to ROR and admit my mistake. We will see what happens. 2. Only the original author can file updates. Therefore, legalidiot from Paris, you are also Mary-anne from Southhampton or Susan from Wyoming, oh I know you are actually Susan McDowell from Southhampton New York. The problem for you is that under the conditions of use of the this site, these are not legitmate reports. They are defamatory. Maybe you should check out Australian Law. Since you are obviously no too bright I will remind you that your comments that I have broken the law with respect to copyright cannot be proven because I have not recieved any money for the files. I AM going to pursue you through legal and/or criminal channels. The trouble is you cannot prove any of the defamatory remarks that you have made are true. See I only have to pick a couple of the more outrageous ones and I can drag you into an Australian court. I have 12 months in which to do it. So you had better prepare your proof that I am hacking your computer using govenment software and all the other defamatory remark including that I am breaking the law. Karen, you support a person who is stupid enough to post more defamatory remarks under an alias, yet use a process that only the author can access?


New York,
Just curious.

#51Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

What discipline is the doctoral degree that she claims to have?


New York,
Just curious.

#52Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

What discipline is the doctoral degree that she claims to have?


New York,
Just curious.

#53Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

What discipline is the doctoral degree that she claims to have?


New York,
Just curious.

#54Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

What discipline is the doctoral degree that she claims to have?


Gee Karen, better watch what u write-the law is on my side-can easily sue 3 as 2 people

#55Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

What I cannot get over is the fact that you congratulated me when you thought I was someone else. I was simply doing the same thing that I have done for a year and 3 months. While you have been putting your energy into feeding your twisted perspective on life, I have been doing some work. You really need...I dunno, something because I didn't write the report. I didn't bring it up again. I have a right to be angry. You see Susan has NEVER produced a shred of proof about her allegations. I on the other hand am loading the work slowly into the group. This is the work you have said that I didn't have. Sure I get angry when those posts go up because i worry about my family but that is human (something about which you appear to have little knowledge). So, a year you and Susan from Paris are still swimming in your sick little views and I am starting to disseminate the research. Know this. When this is finished I want you to know Karen that I am going through ALL your posts and see whther there is anything defamatory.


WIPO policy: Fair Use

#56Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

The World Intellectual Property Organization states with respect to copyrighted material: Fair use is primarily for the use of copyright-protected work for commentary, parody, news reporting, research and education. The U.S. Copyright Act lists four factors to help judges determine, and therefore help you determine, when a usage may be fair use. These relate to the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit, educational purposes; the nature of the copyright-protected work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyright work as a whole; and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyright-protected work. Commercial uses are less likely to be considered fair use. Examples of uses that may be fair use are excerpts in a review or criticism. Even you said in yet another defamatory report, Susan McDowell from Paris, that my motive wasn't money. I actually discovered this because I am collecting all the information to send to the authorities. Apparently, you can incurr a heavy fine or prison if you publish this sort of garbage. Moreover, only one of the parties needs to be a US resident. I WILL sue you in civil proceedings but right now it is relatively easy to put all the information together and it is going to be passed on to your local authorities. YOU are the one who is comitting a crime and I am gathering the information together and it is going to be sen to your local authorities. Don't believe me? Wait and see.


WIPO policy: Fair Use

#57Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

The World Intellectual Property Organization states with respect to copyrighted material: Fair use is primarily for the use of copyright-protected work for commentary, parody, news reporting, research and education. The U.S. Copyright Act lists four factors to help judges determine, and therefore help you determine, when a usage may be fair use. These relate to the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit, educational purposes; the nature of the copyright-protected work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyright work as a whole; and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyright-protected work. Commercial uses are less likely to be considered fair use. Examples of uses that may be fair use are excerpts in a review or criticism. Even you said in yet another defamatory report, Susan McDowell from Paris, that my motive wasn't money. I actually discovered this because I am collecting all the information to send to the authorities. Apparently, you can incurr a heavy fine or prison if you publish this sort of garbage. Moreover, only one of the parties needs to be a US resident. I WILL sue you in civil proceedings but right now it is relatively easy to put all the information together and it is going to be passed on to your local authorities. YOU are the one who is comitting a crime and I am gathering the information together and it is going to be sen to your local authorities. Don't believe me? Wait and see.


WIPO policy: Fair Use

#58Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

The World Intellectual Property Organization states with respect to copyrighted material: Fair use is primarily for the use of copyright-protected work for commentary, parody, news reporting, research and education. The U.S. Copyright Act lists four factors to help judges determine, and therefore help you determine, when a usage may be fair use. These relate to the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit, educational purposes; the nature of the copyright-protected work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyright work as a whole; and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyright-protected work. Commercial uses are less likely to be considered fair use. Examples of uses that may be fair use are excerpts in a review or criticism. Even you said in yet another defamatory report, Susan McDowell from Paris, that my motive wasn't money. I actually discovered this because I am collecting all the information to send to the authorities. Apparently, you can incurr a heavy fine or prison if you publish this sort of garbage. Moreover, only one of the parties needs to be a US resident. I WILL sue you in civil proceedings but right now it is relatively easy to put all the information together and it is going to be passed on to your local authorities. YOU are the one who is comitting a crime and I am gathering the information together and it is going to be sen to your local authorities. Don't believe me? Wait and see.


WIPO policy: Fair Use

#59Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

The World Intellectual Property Organization states with respect to copyrighted material: Fair use is primarily for the use of copyright-protected work for commentary, parody, news reporting, research and education. The U.S. Copyright Act lists four factors to help judges determine, and therefore help you determine, when a usage may be fair use. These relate to the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit, educational purposes; the nature of the copyright-protected work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyright work as a whole; and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyright-protected work. Commercial uses are less likely to be considered fair use. Examples of uses that may be fair use are excerpts in a review or criticism. Even you said in yet another defamatory report, Susan McDowell from Paris, that my motive wasn't money. I actually discovered this because I am collecting all the information to send to the authorities. Apparently, you can incurr a heavy fine or prison if you publish this sort of garbage. Moreover, only one of the parties needs to be a US resident. I WILL sue you in civil proceedings but right now it is relatively easy to put all the information together and it is going to be passed on to your local authorities. YOU are the one who is comitting a crime and I am gathering the information together and it is going to be sen to your local authorities. Don't believe me? Wait and see.


Janice is commiting a crime

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 16, 2008

This woman Janice is obsessed, and is taking out her bad circumstances on the people who have tried to help her. Anyone who bases their life on a psychic reading, needs to get some professional help. I mean, they are only meant to be used as a guide and for entertainment purposes. I have the feeling that what she is doing is highly illegal, in that she is publishing on the internet intellectual property that belongs to Liveperson. " Expert agrees that any information or content that Expert posts or transmits through LivePerson.com will not be considered Expert's confidential information, but rather this information, whether personal in nature or not, shall be owned by LivePerson. Expert further agrees and consents to the Expert's chats or transcripts, being captured in any format, controlled, processed and shared by LivePerson with third parties as designated solely by LivePerson; Expert grants LivePerson an unlimited, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, edit, copy, transmit, process, control, publicly perform, and create derivative works communicate to the public or any third party any such information and content on a world-wide basis" Surely this would also apply to clients. In any case, I actually feel sorry for this Janice person, because she is obviously obsessed and unbalanced. I also feel sorry for the people whose reputations she is destroying, when all they are doing is trying to provide a service and make money for their families, like we all are. She carries on about being dishonest, and yet, she is the one who is being dishonest. Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.


North Carolina,

#61Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 15, 2008

Everyone should really report these kinds of insane rants to the rip off report administrators. How long do people have to read this crap. This is NOT what this forum is for.


I assume you have no proof

#62Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2008

I have consistently asked for proof of these (and other) allegations that actually amount to defamation as well as putting my family at risk. It seems that no-one has offered any. That is because the nasty statements are false. Where do you people get such evil souls?



#63Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 01, 2008

I had for gotten about these posts and the information that was actually provided until I read everything again. Andrea is/was right. It puts me in danger from some psycho. As my work is not with drugs but looking at disease managemnet programs etc to assist elderly people with a particular chronic disease that causes significant disability, improve their quality of life for the remaining short time they have left, I recognise the physical decline that is common in the last stages of life. My father, who is nearly 87 lives with me. He is very frail and barely able to walk now. SO LET ME SAY TO THE STUPID, VINDICTIVE, EVIL BUNCH OF SCRAGS WHO PUT UP ENOUGH INFORMATION TO ENABLE SOME PSYCHO TO FIND OUT MY ADDRESS AND MY FATHER IS HURT THAT YOU WILL PAY. If, because of this, I am deprived of 1 second of time with a man whom I love, a decorated war hero who risked his life by flying bombers over Japan, because he believed in ensuring YOUR freedom, I will find out who you are, hunt you down and make sure EVERYONE in your community knows that not only are you a criminal (libel is a crime) BUT I WILL ENSURE THEY KNOW WHAT YOUR EVIL AND STUPIDITY DID TO A DECORATED WAR HERO. I WILL PREPARE ALL THE DOCUMENTATION REFUTING YOUR INITIAL CLAIMS AND I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOUR REPUTATION IN YOUR COMMUNITY IS RUINED. I WILL NOT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES, OR HOW MUCH IT COSTS ME. I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL HURT YOU BY RUNINING YOUR REPUTATION. I WILL TELL YOUR FRIENDS PLASTER THE TOWN WITH POSTERS OF THE RESULTS OF YOUR VINDICTITIVE STUPID ACTIONS,,,LOL,,THAT PROVE YOU ARE FAKE PSYCHICS DO NOT FORGET THAT I AM A HIGH LEVEL RESEARCHER. I WILL PAY SOMEONE TO FIND YOU AND THEN I WILL PUT TOGETHER THE A PACKAGE THAT DEMONSTARTES IN THE MOST DRAMATIC WAY WHAT YOUR EVIL AND STUPIDITY HAS DONE. I WILL GO TO YOUR KIDS SCHOOL-WHATEVER IT TAKES. YOU BETTER HOPE THAT NOTHING HAPPENS TO A FRAIL MAN WHO FOUGHT FOR YOUR FEEDOM. BECAUSE YOU HAVE PROVIDED ENOUGH INFORMATION FOR SOME PSYCHO TO FIND MY HOUSE. The thing is that I actually posted here with sincere intentions and in shock at how I had been treated by these sweet supportive people who on Kasamba who turned into cold monsters when I confronted them and they realised they couldn't get any more money out of me. Despite all the criticism I have maintained my original perspective. That not all of the psychics are frauds but the company enables the fraud to keep on ripping off innocent clients. It has become far worse since Liveperson took over. I actually DO have evidence of fraud and unethical behaviour by both some psychics and the compnay. I will finish the report. HOWEVER, IN THE MEANTIME I AM GOING TO START PUTTING UP EVIDENCE REGULARLY THE NAMES THE FRAUDS AND PROVIDES PROOF. THIS IS THE LAST STRAW. I WILL WORRY ABOUT MY DAD EVERY SECOND THAT I AM OUT OF THE HOUSE. HE HASN'T GOT LONG-I WORK WITH PEOPLE IN THE LAST YEAR OF THEIR LIFE AND I RECONISE THE SIGNS. NO, those accusations in the posts were NOT true. But I am GOING TO BE FAR WORSE. I KNOW A LOT MORE ABOUT HOW YOU RIP PEOPLE OFF NOW AND I CAN PROVE IT. I KNOW HOW YOU TREAT CLIENTS. I WAS A CLIENT. I HAVE JUST POSTED A COUPLE OF SCREENSHOTS OF CURRENT PSYCHICS NAMING AND DEGRADING A CLIENT ON AN INTERNAL FORUM. BUT I HAVE HAVE SO MUCH AND IT IS ALL WRITTEN UP AND I AM GOING TO MAKE IT PUBLIC FOR CLIENTS. IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE THE COMPANY KNOW ABOUT THE RESEARCH BUT THEY ARE STUPID AS THEY DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE GOT. YOU SEE A DISCLAIMER WILL NOT PROTECT THEM FROM FALSE ADVERTISING AND FRAUD. IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT TRYING TO PROVE THAT-I WAS NEVER INTO PSYCHIC STALKING-WHY BOTHER-IT IS NOT A SOLUTION AS IT TAKES UP TIME AND THEY HAVE A DISCLAIMER. BUT ALONG THE WAY I COLLECTED A FAIR BIT OF PROOF. THE FACT THAT THIS WAS POSTED AGAIN JUST SHOWS ME HOW EVIL SOME OF THE SO-CALLED 'REAL' PSYCHICS ARE. SO YOU SEE -YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE THIS TIME-I AM BEYOND ANGRY-I AM OUT FOR REVENGE NOW AND I HAVE THE INFORMATION TO GET A LOT OF THE FRAUDS-NOT LEGALLY BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS THERE IS ENOUGH TO SCARE OFF THE CLIENTS I WILL WORRY ABOUT MY FATHER WHOM I CAN SEE IS IN THE LAST STAGE OF HIS LIFE EVERY SECOND THAT I AM AWAY FROM HIM. YOU VINDICTIVE LIBELOUS EVIL STUPID SCUMBAGS ARE GOING TO HURT AND HURT BECAUSE EVERY BIT OF INFORMATION THAT GOES UP ON THAT BOARD WILL BE DAMNING AND IT WILL BE BECAUSE OF YOU - ALL OF YOU - YOU HAVE GONE TO FAR. THINGS HAVE CHANGED. HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ANYONE. I NOW KNOW HOW BADLY THE FRAUDS TREAT ALL CLIENTS: CLIENTS: GO OVER TO THE YAHOO GROUP: weakguyonkasamba and join. you don't need to be 'accepted' or say anything, you can just join and get files sent to you automatically when i load them-which will be often from next week. THESE ACCUSATIONS ARE ACTUALLY A PACK OF LIES BUT THEY ARE ALSO WRONG. I AM GOING TO BE FAR WORSE THAN I WAS PORTAYED IN THESE. I AM GOING TO HURT YOU BACK THIS TIME. So Roadkill, I'm sure this was a set-up...you cannot be a 'real' psychic or very bright as it doesn't taket much to figure out you were trying to hurt me and Melodie. Surely if you were a 'real psychic' you would be able to see that things have changed since this was first posted. I HAVE THE INFORMATION AND I AM GOING TO HURT YOU BACK OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. EVERYTIME I POST A PIECE FROM THE REPORT I WILL POST HERE. AND EVERYTIME I POST PROOF OF FRONT PAGE PSYCIS WHO USE SCRIPTED READINGS, FOR EXAMPLE, ALONG WITH THEIR NAMES OR EXCERPTS FROM TRANSCRIPTS IN WHICH THEY TRIED TO FLEECE CLIENTS BY TRAYING TO TALK THEM INTO DOING A 20 MINUTE MEDITATION, PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS WILL BE WARNED. For the record, I have never had a reading with Melodie-that could be easily proven, OR ever been in a PSYCHICS group but I have read the psychics forum and there were a few who were clearly ethical. I wasn't surprised because u know what, I am thorough in my research and even spent hours going through feedback of a lot of the psychics to see if any of the early ratings gave any indication of fraud and I couldbn't find a scrap of evidence about the psychcis that I thought were ethical. However, the feedback of the frauds told a different story. I AM GOING TO MAKE EVERY FRAUD THAT I CAN PAY FOR EVERY THING THEY HAVE DONE TO CLIENTS-I HAVE ALREADY STARTED POSTING LITTLE BITS BUT i STILL HAVEN'T GOT THE DATA OFF MY OLD HARD DRIVE - BUT WHEN I DO EARLY NEXT WEEK IT WILL BE GOING UP VERY QUICKLY. I would never do what you are trying to do to me. I am not sick-you are - or evil. I would not and have not even mentioned the name of anyone who i am not 100% sure is unethical or a fraud. The company practices are now so bent that they are assisting the frauds to rise to the top. I think you'll see in a few weeks when you realise the amount of information that I have on the frauds that I have actually been chipping away slowly at this. the differnce is I can prove the company are breaking the law and, when it is edited properly, I will. BUT IN THE MEANTIME I AM INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU EXPECTED TO GAIN FROM BRINGING THIS THREAD UP ROADKILL. Let me give you a lesson in logic. 1, You work on the platform so you would know Melodie was online. 2. You, like all the frauds, are jealous vindictive scrags and vermin and you are jealous of Melodie. 2. You read Pattis post that said I had disappeared and Maybe I was Melodie-not those words-but the implication was there 3. You decided to get at Melodie by REALLY linking her to me in the worse way possible BUT YOU SEE-IT BACKFIRED ON YOU BIG-TIME Firtly I was ill, then destroyed my laptop, and had to catch up and finish this huge review for THORAX (which I finished at 3 am this morning -at my home, on MY EQUIPEMENT using MY SERVICE, and MY EMAIL, to communicate with my boss.) SECONDLY-IT BROUGHT THESE POSTS TO MY ATTENTION. SINCE THEY WERE FIRST POSTED MY DAD HAS BECOME VERY FRAIL. I REPEAT: YOU VINDICTIVE LITTLE s**t-YOU'RE NO PSYCHIC YOU ARE A JEALOUS, TALENTLESS, SCRAG WHO HAS NOW PUT THE LIFE OF A GREAT MAN, A WAR HERO WHO DEFENDED YOUR COUNTRY AT RISK. I can defend myself, I will NOT shove him into a home. Despite all the security he sometimes forgets to close the doors or the gate. I have alarms and he has an emergency call service BUT he is an adult whom I respect and I will NOT tie him to a chair or something or lock him in. I will NOT degrade him. We live in an upper class suburb but YOU bunch of SCHEEMING JEALOUS EVIL STUPID TALENTLESS EXCUSEs FOR A HUMAN BEING have now put someone who is moral and who belived in helping people-like yoiu and your cronies live in a free society even though he was born in another country at risk. I AM GOING TO HURT ALL OF THE FRAUDS BECAUSE OF YOU AND THOSE WHO WROTE THESE POSTS. I READ ALL THE VINDICTIVE POSTS WRITTEN ABOUT ME AFTER I FINISHED WORK - I FELL ASLEEP WITH THE LAPTOP NEXT TO ME AND YOU KNOW WHAT. NONE OF THEM MADE ME ANGRY-NOT EVEN THE FIRST TIME THIS WAS POSTED. BUT THINGS ARE DIFFERENT NOW-AND I AM SCARED ABOUT OUR SAFETY. YOU DID THIS TO GET AT MELODIE, DIDN'T YOU. I HAVE NOT MET HER, NOR HAD A READING, BUT I CAN TELL YOU FROM READING THE FORUM AND MY RESEARCH SHE IS ONE OF THE ETHICAL PSYCHICS BUT SHE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE-THERE IS A YOUNG GUY, SOME WOMEN, A COUPLE OF MEN WHO i WOULD TRUST 100%. Ethical doesn't mean 100% correct-it means that they won't scam you, lead you on, try to extract more money etc. But Roadkill, you wouldn't know the meaning of ethical. So, you have crossed the line this time. If you were psychic you would know that I would not take this well because of the security risk you have created and which only just hit me after I read the replies to the post. I WAS NOT THIS VINDICTIVE INSANE STALKER. THAT WAS NOT TRUE. NO, YOU SEE I AM FAR MORE PRACTICAL THAN THAT. I JUST KEPT ON DOING THE RESEARCH. BUT NOW I AM INSANE-WITH WORRY AND ANGER AND THIS WAS THE LAST STRAW. I NOW KNOW THAT CLIENTS ARE BEING RIPPED OFF, DECIMATED EMOTIONALLY AND FINACIALLY AND THE COMPANY SUPPORTS THE PEOPLE WHO DO IT AND HAS SET UP STRUCTURES SO THAT THE GARBAGE RISES TO THE TOP. THE ETHICAL PEOPLE, AND THERE ARE SOME, ARE PUSHED TO THE BOTTOM. IF THEY COMPLAIN THE COMPANY THREATENS TO THROW THEM OFF THE PLATFORM, IF CLIENTS REPORT FRAUD THEY ARE BLOCKED. I intend to do both. I will deposit information about the frauds in an open space so that clients can pop by and check it out. They can join and I just do the autosend wheneve a new file goes up. they don't have to 'particpate' they can just register with any email they lie and recieve files. I will finish the last section of the report - it is written but needs editing. It is on how the comany engages in illegal activities such as false advertising, supporting fraud, rigging ratings-i have proof of all of this and more. It is 100 pages long so it might take a bit of editing...but you see, i found out a lot of illegal activities are facilitated by the company. I don't know when it will be finished. But everything else is done so really it is the home stretch. MEANWHILE YOU STUPID EVIL MOLL-I AM GOING TO BE WORSE THAN I WAS DEPICTED IN THESE POSTS. I AM GOING AFTER ALL THE FRAUDS. THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT-I HAVE WRITTEN PROOF AND EVERY CLIENT THAT IS WARNED AND EVERY DOLLAR THAT STAYS IN THEIR POCKETS WILL MAKE THIS WHOLE SORRY AND DISTRESSING SAGA WORTH IT. IT WILL MAKE EVERY MORNING I SPENT GETTING UP AT 4 AND 5 AM TO WORK ON THE RESEACH AND EVERY SATURDAY NIGH i SPENT WRITNG INSTEAD OF SOCIALISING WORTH IT. AND EVRY TIME ONE OF THE FRAUDS FINDS OUT RHEY ARE PLASTERED ALL OVER THE YAHOO GROUP FILES I WILL REMIND PEOPLE THAT IT IS BECAUSE OF YOU, ROADKILL AND THE LOWLIFE IDIOTS WHO WROTE THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE SO YOU KNOW, MAYBE A WALK DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA YOU HAVE NO TALENT AS A PSYCHIC AND NEITHER DO THE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THESE POSTS IF YOU ARE A 'REAL PSYCHIC' HOW COME YOU DIDN'T PEDICT THE OUTCOME. WAIT A COUPLE OF WEEKS AND YOU'LL KNOW THAT I AM SERIOUS. I AM GOING TO HURT ALL THE FRAUDS. IT WAS NOT MY INTENTION TO START OUT WITH. BUT YOU l HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR RIPPING PEOPLE OFF AND BLAMING THEM, PSYCHICS POSTING ABOUT A DISTRESSED MAN IN AN OPEN FORUM IN A SADISTIC MANNER-THIS DISTRESSED MAN IS A HUMAN BEING WHO, LIKE A LOT OF CLIENTS IS AT A BAD PLACE IN HIS LIFE IS BEYOND REPREHENSIBLE. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT LEAVE-THERE WILL BE ONE LESS VERMIN TO ERADICATE. BTW ON THAT THREAD THERE WERE SOME REALLY SENSIBLE SOLUTIONS. I DIDN'T POST THEM BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO LINK THE ETHICAL PSYCHICS WITH THE SCUM IN ANY WAY-I HAVE NOT INCLUDED ANY PSYCHIC UNLESS THEIR IS IRREFUTABLE PROOF. SO YOU TALENTLESS DIRT BAG YOUR STUPID LITTLE MANIPULATION DIDN'T TURN OUT LIKE YOU THOUGHT. I AM SO ANGRY THAT SOMEONE WOULD PUT ANOTHER PERSON AT RISK AND CLAIM TO BE PSYCHIC SURELY YOU KNEW I LIVED WITH A FRAIL FATHER WHO I LOVE AND WHO IS IN HE LAST MONTHS OF HIS LIFE AND THIS IS A GOOD MAN WHO FOUGHT FOR YOU I WILL MAKE YOU ALL PAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN-ALL YOU FRAUDS ARE EVIL IMMORAL PREDATORS AND I WILL SHOW CLIENTS WHO YOU ARE. YOU ALL GOT IT WRONG-I WASN'T INSANE AND VINDICTTIVE THEN- BUT I AM ANGRY, NO, I HAVE MOVED BEYOND ANGER TO THAT STAGE WHERE I JUST WANT REVENGE A LOT OF PEOPLE FEEL LIKE THAT AFTER A BAD EXPERIENCE WITH YOU EVIL MONSTERS BUT THE DIFFERENCE IS I HAVE THE TOOLS TO HURT YOU AND I WILL USE THEM AND ALL YOUR SCUMBAG FRAUDULENT MATES HAVE YOU TO THANK-YOU AND pATTI I'D OPT FOR THE STROLL DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY IF I WERE YOU


I apologise for the repetitive statements but I wrote it late at night-CHALLENGE IS STILL ON

#64Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2008

I apologise for the untidy repetitiveness of the previous post. One of VERY FEW statements that are true in those three posts is that I do have a mild form of dyslexia which means I have trouble with spelling certain words. The author would know that because I wrote in a reply on this board last year. As I said I have only just got the laptop and have not even had time to properly set up the browser. I wrote the reply on a word document late at night after I had been working on the final edit of this huge journal article for 12 hours straight. I was tired and messed up the cut and paste. It seems a simple thing but most people know what it is like to be absolutely exhausted from a long day's work. Anyway, THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON. If the author would like to provide proof of all the allegations I will pay of an independent private detective to check the authenticity of the documents that I will provide to refute the accusations. Of course the author of the posts has to provide the evidence of a long list of allegations. These include begging her for reading, proof that I was a client at other psychic companies, proof that I blackmailed readers by telling them I would write ROR reports if they didn't read for me, proof that I was sacked for mental health reasons etc. I have the list of accusations and supposed facts that the US attorney advised me would need to be proven in order for the author to escape conviction for libel so we can use that. SO COME ON ROADKILL, MARY ANNE, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS TAKE ME UP ON THE CHALLENGE. WHY DON'T WE DO IT PUBLICALLY? YOU PROVIDE THE NAME OF THE INDEPENDENT ADJUDICATOR ON THIS THREAD AND GIVE HE/SHE MY EMAIL ADDRESS AT THE TWO PLACES THAT I AM CURRENTLY EMPLOYED WHILE ON DISABILITY OR WHATEVER BECAUSE I LOST MY JOB AND ALL THE EVIDENCE YOU HAVE TO SUPPORT YOUR ALLEGATIONS AND I WILL PROVIDE CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS, MY PASSPOSRT AND DRIVERS LISCENCE AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE (we don't have social security numbers herE-but you need a combination of documents to even get a bank account). It shouldN'T be too difficult to check that I only have one PayPal account. I will provide signed permission for he/she to access PayPal information and get all the information from the other psychic companies. Of course, he/she will find nothing. Oh I forgot, you actually do have the information. Since it doesn't exist, that would add attempting to pervert the course of justice to libel charges should such a situation end up in a court room. I am referring to a hypothetical situation as like I am really going to bother travelling to the US for some idiot who can't get a fact straight. It just isn't worth the effort. However, hypothetically, unless you can prove the statements designed to damage me you would be convicted of libel. MARY-ANNE, ROADKILL, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS YOU SAID YOU WERE A PSYCHIC IN ONE OF THE POSTS SO OF COURSE YOU WERE AN HONEST ONE AND WOULDN'T LIE, NOW WOULD YOU. AND, OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T DISCUSS A CLIENT WITH OTHER PSYCHICS. LET ME GUESS, YOU ARE SO PSYCHIC YOU KNEW WHCH OF THE OTHER EXPERTS I CONTACTED AND WHAT I TALKED ABOUT. The reality is that you publically admitted that you, as a Liveperson/Kasamba psychic discussed a client with others psychics. It doesn't matter who it the person is, from the clients perspective that is the worst crime you can commit. And you know what. That puts you in the unethical and fake category in the eyes of clients. I printed out the thread from the experts' forum in which two psychics were discussing and making fun of a client. They tried to justify it by putting the blame on the client. That seems to be rife amongst the unethical psychics-blame the client. I said in my previous post that Melodie spoke up against it. She was not the only one who spoke up on that thread. There ARE some ethical experts but you are clearly not one of them. THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON OFFER. IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING, DO IT PROPERLY. COME ON, MARYANNE ROADKILL WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, WHOEVER YOU ARE, TAKE ME UP ON IT PUBLICALLY. But you have to provide all the evidence THAT EVERY SINGLE OF YOUR ALLEGED FACTS IS CORRECT. I agree to provide whatever documentation is necessary or requested including unedited financial statements, all my identification details, information from my home internet service - whatever the detective needs. I'll even give permission to access my personal medical records. I HAVE MADE THE CHALLENGE AND IF I DON'T COME THROUGH WITH THE INFORMATION OR BACK DOWN THEN YOU CAN PROVE I AM A FRAUD. But let me tell you something. I have NEVER backed down from a challenged or failed to complete a project in my life. I got vilified because I wouldn't hand over the information before last October. The reason was simple. The one line that said the company was under the law of Israel. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that in order to facilitate change you have to change the company and there was not a chance in hell of doing it under Israeli laws. But things are different now. You got one thing correct. The CEO is a moron. However, I can now 100% prove they engage in false advertising and they banned me when I told them. But different views are taken by the law and consumer protection agencies. The experts are independent but the support people are considered employees even if they are on contracts. The CEO is responsible for the fraudulent actions of the staff if they are designed to make money for the company according TO this high powered corporate attorney who has been slipping me some advice (not out of the goodness of his heart-his kid from his second marriage had been getting tutoring advice from the site -I had written to a few and got lucky with this one) until I sent him a bit of information about the way the company operates and like he said he was too busy building a career with his older children that he is in a sort sea-change' mind-set with this one and is doing the birthday parties and everything he missed. I sent him the stuff on the tutoring section and he WAS SO HORRIFIED THAT THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO REPORTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND DO NOT EVEN CHECK THE SEX OFFENDERS DATA BASE BEFORE ALLOWING EXPERTS TO WORK WITH CHILDREN, (and his little girl, his little princess, had been using the service) he actually called me from the states and asked me if I would mind if he checked me out' to ensure I was who I claimed. A couple weeks later called me back and told me the times he would be available to communicate which was after the bedtime story...lol..The point is the company is bent and their approach is to get rid of people who present them with evidence of fraud or false advertising. That is really, really stupid-it is a house of cards. Have a look at the list of FTC cases-they have prosecuted physicians groups, Time Warner and the CEO thinks they can dismiss proof of false advertising by getting rid of me. That is so not going to happen. It was NEVER about stalking psychics-MaryAnne-whatever your name is-YOU IDIOT. They have a disclaimer and besides, you get rid of one lot of unethical psychics and another bunch take their place-like nasty little bugs. No, as I always stated, the problem is the company structures and the owners. It seems like this lot are much worse but they breaking a lot of laws and this can now be proven. SO I AM HERE WAITING WITH OPEN FILES FOR THE CHALLENGE TO BEGIN. IT IS ON RECORD HERE. SO DON'T BE A WUSS OR WIMP-TAKE ME ON-BUT YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF EVERY ONE OF THE LIBELOUS AND INCORRECT STATEMENTS. YOU DO HAVE PROOF, DON'T YOU? YOU WOULDN'T TELL A LIE-YOU AND YOUR SITE MATES ARE SO HONEST, ETHICAL AND PSYCHIC AREN'T YOU!!! Patti, take a Geography course or something. Australia, Britain and the United States are three separate countries.


I apologise for the repetitive statements but I wrote it late at night-CHALLENGE IS STILL ON

#65Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2008

I apologise for the untidy repetitiveness of the previous post. One of VERY FEW statements that are true in those three posts is that I do have a mild form of dyslexia which means I have trouble with spelling certain words. The author would know that because I wrote in a reply on this board last year. As I said I have only just got the laptop and have not even had time to properly set up the browser. I wrote the reply on a word document late at night after I had been working on the final edit of this huge journal article for 12 hours straight. I was tired and messed up the cut and paste. It seems a simple thing but most people know what it is like to be absolutely exhausted from a long day's work. Anyway, THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON. If the author would like to provide proof of all the allegations I will pay of an independent private detective to check the authenticity of the documents that I will provide to refute the accusations. Of course the author of the posts has to provide the evidence of a long list of allegations. These include begging her for reading, proof that I was a client at other psychic companies, proof that I blackmailed readers by telling them I would write ROR reports if they didn't read for me, proof that I was sacked for mental health reasons etc. I have the list of accusations and supposed facts that the US attorney advised me would need to be proven in order for the author to escape conviction for libel so we can use that. SO COME ON ROADKILL, MARY ANNE, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS TAKE ME UP ON THE CHALLENGE. WHY DON'T WE DO IT PUBLICALLY? YOU PROVIDE THE NAME OF THE INDEPENDENT ADJUDICATOR ON THIS THREAD AND GIVE HE/SHE MY EMAIL ADDRESS AT THE TWO PLACES THAT I AM CURRENTLY EMPLOYED WHILE ON DISABILITY OR WHATEVER BECAUSE I LOST MY JOB AND ALL THE EVIDENCE YOU HAVE TO SUPPORT YOUR ALLEGATIONS AND I WILL PROVIDE CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS, MY PASSPOSRT AND DRIVERS LISCENCE AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE (we don't have social security numbers herE-but you need a combination of documents to even get a bank account). It shouldN'T be too difficult to check that I only have one PayPal account. I will provide signed permission for he/she to access PayPal information and get all the information from the other psychic companies. Of course, he/she will find nothing. Oh I forgot, you actually do have the information. Since it doesn't exist, that would add attempting to pervert the course of justice to libel charges should such a situation end up in a court room. I am referring to a hypothetical situation as like I am really going to bother travelling to the US for some idiot who can't get a fact straight. It just isn't worth the effort. However, hypothetically, unless you can prove the statements designed to damage me you would be convicted of libel. MARY-ANNE, ROADKILL, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS YOU SAID YOU WERE A PSYCHIC IN ONE OF THE POSTS SO OF COURSE YOU WERE AN HONEST ONE AND WOULDN'T LIE, NOW WOULD YOU. AND, OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T DISCUSS A CLIENT WITH OTHER PSYCHICS. LET ME GUESS, YOU ARE SO PSYCHIC YOU KNEW WHCH OF THE OTHER EXPERTS I CONTACTED AND WHAT I TALKED ABOUT. The reality is that you publically admitted that you, as a Liveperson/Kasamba psychic discussed a client with others psychics. It doesn't matter who it the person is, from the clients perspective that is the worst crime you can commit. And you know what. That puts you in the unethical and fake category in the eyes of clients. I printed out the thread from the experts' forum in which two psychics were discussing and making fun of a client. They tried to justify it by putting the blame on the client. That seems to be rife amongst the unethical psychics-blame the client. I said in my previous post that Melodie spoke up against it. She was not the only one who spoke up on that thread. There ARE some ethical experts but you are clearly not one of them. THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON OFFER. IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING, DO IT PROPERLY. COME ON, MARYANNE ROADKILL WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, WHOEVER YOU ARE, TAKE ME UP ON IT PUBLICALLY. But you have to provide all the evidence THAT EVERY SINGLE OF YOUR ALLEGED FACTS IS CORRECT. I agree to provide whatever documentation is necessary or requested including unedited financial statements, all my identification details, information from my home internet service - whatever the detective needs. I'll even give permission to access my personal medical records. I HAVE MADE THE CHALLENGE AND IF I DON'T COME THROUGH WITH THE INFORMATION OR BACK DOWN THEN YOU CAN PROVE I AM A FRAUD. But let me tell you something. I have NEVER backed down from a challenged or failed to complete a project in my life. I got vilified because I wouldn't hand over the information before last October. The reason was simple. The one line that said the company was under the law of Israel. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that in order to facilitate change you have to change the company and there was not a chance in hell of doing it under Israeli laws. But things are different now. You got one thing correct. The CEO is a moron. However, I can now 100% prove they engage in false advertising and they banned me when I told them. But different views are taken by the law and consumer protection agencies. The experts are independent but the support people are considered employees even if they are on contracts. The CEO is responsible for the fraudulent actions of the staff if they are designed to make money for the company according TO this high powered corporate attorney who has been slipping me some advice (not out of the goodness of his heart-his kid from his second marriage had been getting tutoring advice from the site -I had written to a few and got lucky with this one) until I sent him a bit of information about the way the company operates and like he said he was too busy building a career with his older children that he is in a sort sea-change' mind-set with this one and is doing the birthday parties and everything he missed. I sent him the stuff on the tutoring section and he WAS SO HORRIFIED THAT THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO REPORTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND DO NOT EVEN CHECK THE SEX OFFENDERS DATA BASE BEFORE ALLOWING EXPERTS TO WORK WITH CHILDREN, (and his little girl, his little princess, had been using the service) he actually called me from the states and asked me if I would mind if he checked me out' to ensure I was who I claimed. A couple weeks later called me back and told me the times he would be available to communicate which was after the bedtime story...lol..The point is the company is bent and their approach is to get rid of people who present them with evidence of fraud or false advertising. That is really, really stupid-it is a house of cards. Have a look at the list of FTC cases-they have prosecuted physicians groups, Time Warner and the CEO thinks they can dismiss proof of false advertising by getting rid of me. That is so not going to happen. It was NEVER about stalking psychics-MaryAnne-whatever your name is-YOU IDIOT. They have a disclaimer and besides, you get rid of one lot of unethical psychics and another bunch take their place-like nasty little bugs. No, as I always stated, the problem is the company structures and the owners. It seems like this lot are much worse but they breaking a lot of laws and this can now be proven. SO I AM HERE WAITING WITH OPEN FILES FOR THE CHALLENGE TO BEGIN. IT IS ON RECORD HERE. SO DON'T BE A WUSS OR WIMP-TAKE ME ON-BUT YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF EVERY ONE OF THE LIBELOUS AND INCORRECT STATEMENTS. YOU DO HAVE PROOF, DON'T YOU? YOU WOULDN'T TELL A LIE-YOU AND YOUR SITE MATES ARE SO HONEST, ETHICAL AND PSYCHIC AREN'T YOU!!! Patti, take a Geography course or something. Australia, Britain and the United States are three separate countries.


I apologise for the repetitive statements but I wrote it late at night-CHALLENGE IS STILL ON

#66Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2008

I apologise for the untidy repetitiveness of the previous post. One of VERY FEW statements that are true in those three posts is that I do have a mild form of dyslexia which means I have trouble with spelling certain words. The author would know that because I wrote in a reply on this board last year. As I said I have only just got the laptop and have not even had time to properly set up the browser. I wrote the reply on a word document late at night after I had been working on the final edit of this huge journal article for 12 hours straight. I was tired and messed up the cut and paste. It seems a simple thing but most people know what it is like to be absolutely exhausted from a long day's work. Anyway, THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON. If the author would like to provide proof of all the allegations I will pay of an independent private detective to check the authenticity of the documents that I will provide to refute the accusations. Of course the author of the posts has to provide the evidence of a long list of allegations. These include begging her for reading, proof that I was a client at other psychic companies, proof that I blackmailed readers by telling them I would write ROR reports if they didn't read for me, proof that I was sacked for mental health reasons etc. I have the list of accusations and supposed facts that the US attorney advised me would need to be proven in order for the author to escape conviction for libel so we can use that. SO COME ON ROADKILL, MARY ANNE, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS TAKE ME UP ON THE CHALLENGE. WHY DON'T WE DO IT PUBLICALLY? YOU PROVIDE THE NAME OF THE INDEPENDENT ADJUDICATOR ON THIS THREAD AND GIVE HE/SHE MY EMAIL ADDRESS AT THE TWO PLACES THAT I AM CURRENTLY EMPLOYED WHILE ON DISABILITY OR WHATEVER BECAUSE I LOST MY JOB AND ALL THE EVIDENCE YOU HAVE TO SUPPORT YOUR ALLEGATIONS AND I WILL PROVIDE CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS, MY PASSPOSRT AND DRIVERS LISCENCE AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE (we don't have social security numbers herE-but you need a combination of documents to even get a bank account). It shouldN'T be too difficult to check that I only have one PayPal account. I will provide signed permission for he/she to access PayPal information and get all the information from the other psychic companies. Of course, he/she will find nothing. Oh I forgot, you actually do have the information. Since it doesn't exist, that would add attempting to pervert the course of justice to libel charges should such a situation end up in a court room. I am referring to a hypothetical situation as like I am really going to bother travelling to the US for some idiot who can't get a fact straight. It just isn't worth the effort. However, hypothetically, unless you can prove the statements designed to damage me you would be convicted of libel. MARY-ANNE, ROADKILL, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS YOU SAID YOU WERE A PSYCHIC IN ONE OF THE POSTS SO OF COURSE YOU WERE AN HONEST ONE AND WOULDN'T LIE, NOW WOULD YOU. AND, OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T DISCUSS A CLIENT WITH OTHER PSYCHICS. LET ME GUESS, YOU ARE SO PSYCHIC YOU KNEW WHCH OF THE OTHER EXPERTS I CONTACTED AND WHAT I TALKED ABOUT. The reality is that you publically admitted that you, as a Liveperson/Kasamba psychic discussed a client with others psychics. It doesn't matter who it the person is, from the clients perspective that is the worst crime you can commit. And you know what. That puts you in the unethical and fake category in the eyes of clients. I printed out the thread from the experts' forum in which two psychics were discussing and making fun of a client. They tried to justify it by putting the blame on the client. That seems to be rife amongst the unethical psychics-blame the client. I said in my previous post that Melodie spoke up against it. She was not the only one who spoke up on that thread. There ARE some ethical experts but you are clearly not one of them. THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON OFFER. IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING, DO IT PROPERLY. COME ON, MARYANNE ROADKILL WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, WHOEVER YOU ARE, TAKE ME UP ON IT PUBLICALLY. But you have to provide all the evidence THAT EVERY SINGLE OF YOUR ALLEGED FACTS IS CORRECT. I agree to provide whatever documentation is necessary or requested including unedited financial statements, all my identification details, information from my home internet service - whatever the detective needs. I'll even give permission to access my personal medical records. I HAVE MADE THE CHALLENGE AND IF I DON'T COME THROUGH WITH THE INFORMATION OR BACK DOWN THEN YOU CAN PROVE I AM A FRAUD. But let me tell you something. I have NEVER backed down from a challenged or failed to complete a project in my life. I got vilified because I wouldn't hand over the information before last October. The reason was simple. The one line that said the company was under the law of Israel. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that in order to facilitate change you have to change the company and there was not a chance in hell of doing it under Israeli laws. But things are different now. You got one thing correct. The CEO is a moron. However, I can now 100% prove they engage in false advertising and they banned me when I told them. But different views are taken by the law and consumer protection agencies. The experts are independent but the support people are considered employees even if they are on contracts. The CEO is responsible for the fraudulent actions of the staff if they are designed to make money for the company according TO this high powered corporate attorney who has been slipping me some advice (not out of the goodness of his heart-his kid from his second marriage had been getting tutoring advice from the site -I had written to a few and got lucky with this one) until I sent him a bit of information about the way the company operates and like he said he was too busy building a career with his older children that he is in a sort sea-change' mind-set with this one and is doing the birthday parties and everything he missed. I sent him the stuff on the tutoring section and he WAS SO HORRIFIED THAT THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO REPORTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND DO NOT EVEN CHECK THE SEX OFFENDERS DATA BASE BEFORE ALLOWING EXPERTS TO WORK WITH CHILDREN, (and his little girl, his little princess, had been using the service) he actually called me from the states and asked me if I would mind if he checked me out' to ensure I was who I claimed. A couple weeks later called me back and told me the times he would be available to communicate which was after the bedtime story...lol..The point is the company is bent and their approach is to get rid of people who present them with evidence of fraud or false advertising. That is really, really stupid-it is a house of cards. Have a look at the list of FTC cases-they have prosecuted physicians groups, Time Warner and the CEO thinks they can dismiss proof of false advertising by getting rid of me. That is so not going to happen. It was NEVER about stalking psychics-MaryAnne-whatever your name is-YOU IDIOT. They have a disclaimer and besides, you get rid of one lot of unethical psychics and another bunch take their place-like nasty little bugs. No, as I always stated, the problem is the company structures and the owners. It seems like this lot are much worse but they breaking a lot of laws and this can now be proven. SO I AM HERE WAITING WITH OPEN FILES FOR THE CHALLENGE TO BEGIN. IT IS ON RECORD HERE. SO DON'T BE A WUSS OR WIMP-TAKE ME ON-BUT YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF EVERY ONE OF THE LIBELOUS AND INCORRECT STATEMENTS. YOU DO HAVE PROOF, DON'T YOU? YOU WOULDN'T TELL A LIE-YOU AND YOUR SITE MATES ARE SO HONEST, ETHICAL AND PSYCHIC AREN'T YOU!!! Patti, take a Geography course or something. Australia, Britain and the United States are three separate countries.


listen Roadkill, you brought this thread up again so i am issuing you a challenge-

#67REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 29, 2008

ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their head s off right now)-it had nothing to do with psychics but I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peal at the psychics' forum even those I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot. The upshot is I compared writing styles and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those peopling that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth worry about. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti and Roadkill (and Maryanne) I would be careful about what you write. You see, I only got my new laptop sorted this week (the insurance took a couple of weeks then I had router problems) and I have had a huge review that needs to be finished for work. Beside ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their heads off right now) It had nothing to do with psychics but it was the most devious idea I have ever had I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see, I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site for doing 'bad' things and then telling them everything I had done and which I did because my attorney advisor told me there was enough to get the company indicted for fraud and false advertising. It was always about the company structures and the experts who I can prove are 100% frauds were always just used to support the argument that the company is bent and hurts people. You know what, there are worse things happening in the other catagories and people's lives are in danger and I can now prove it. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peak at the psychics' forum even thoogh I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot to just the ones actually discussing the client, including his name and issues. The upshot is I compared writing styles and they are so different and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those people that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth the mindspace. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti, I would be careful about what you write. I actually didn't vanshish or morph into an established psychic. I was quite ill and when I went back to work I had a huge review unfinished review and a mailbox full of emails from a journal editor. I have a substantial list of publications and they take time to write. I really hadn't read these reports for a while until yesterday as I only got my computer sorted out and I don't have time at work but from what I gather Patti, you are saying I am Melody and LisaM because I disappeared. Patti, listen to me. I actually don't care what you think or say. However, if I did care there is enough documentation to prove you are wrong. That is the problem with people like you. Every now and then you say things that can absolutely proven to be wrong. It could even be done electronically (not that I'd bother proving anything to you) but if it were necessary I am telling you that documentation exists to prove you wrong. It reminds me of the woman that was trying to convince someone I lived with for several years to leave me for her. She was a real piece of work and she did something with the intention of trying to hurt me. However, it backfired on her and the people we both knew alienated her. In an act of revenge, she reported me to the police for making death threats. She blew it badly. The day I supposedly did this I was in hospital recovering from an operation on my foot the day before. It was before cell phones and all calls from the room were recorded and like I was really going to hop to a telephone box down the road in the middle of winter in a pair of cotton pyjamas. As for you roadkill. You're not a very good psychic-really. If you were you would be able to see that 90% of the accusations in those reports are not true and you would be able to see that the author could not prove any of the malicious statements and I could prove most of the details are not true with a few bits of paper. You obviously have something against me but my point is that YOU CAN'T see that that the malicious accusations are not true which means you are not a real psychic. Maybe you wrote them. I WILL SEND OUT AN OFFICIAL CHALLENGE TO THE AUTHOR TO PROVE ON THIS BOARD EVERYONE OF THOSE STATMENTS IN THE THREE POSTS INCLUDING THAT I STILL WORK AT A JOB I LEFT IN 2002, PROOF OF OTHER PSYCHIC SITES I SUPPOSEDLY VISITED, EMAILS PROVING i BEGGED HER FOR READINGS, PROOF THAT I LOST MY JOB FOR MENTAL HEALTH REASONS, HAVE ACCESS TO PATIENT RECORDS, WORK WITH DRUGS, BLACKMAILED PSYCHICS, STALKED PARTICLAR PSYCHCIS. I WILL MAKE MY CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS AND PAYPAL ACCOUNT AVAILABLE FOR THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ENGAGING IN THESE ACTIVITIES AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FROM MY JOB etc Come on Publish the proof. You do have it don't you. After all you are an honest Liveperson/kasamba psychic who wouldn't lie, Take up the challenge-prove the statements Road-kill. I agree to publish unedited versions of my credit card and paypal statements. I mean it should be too difficult because you must have, for example, a transcript from a session on another site, an email begging you for a reading and surely your psychic friends will provide copies of the communications in which I blackmailed the, It was on Liveperson I gather and of course they would take anyone off line so they should have the messages in their history folders, shouldn't they? I'll tell you what. I'll even pay for an investigator to verif that I have provide ALL of my financial statem,nets and work documents are authentic. Of course all of your proof will come from the LP/Kasamba history folders to they are pretty easy to verify. COME ON I DARE YOU TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE. PROVE ALL THE STATEMNETS THAT YOU WROTE ARE TRUE. kASAMBA HAS RECORDS AND SURELY THE PSYCHICS THAT i ALLEGEDLY BLACK MAILED KEPT IT ON lp/kASAMBA BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEBER TAKE ANYONE OFFLINE NOW WOULD THEY.


listen Roadkill, you brought this thread up again so i am issuing you a challenge-

#68REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 29, 2008

ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their head s off right now)-it had nothing to do with psychics but I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peal at the psychics' forum even those I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot. The upshot is I compared writing styles and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those peopling that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth worry about. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti and Roadkill (and Maryanne) I would be careful about what you write. You see, I only got my new laptop sorted this week (the insurance took a couple of weeks then I had router problems) and I have had a huge review that needs to be finished for work. Beside ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their heads off right now) It had nothing to do with psychics but it was the most devious idea I have ever had I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see, I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site for doing 'bad' things and then telling them everything I had done and which I did because my attorney advisor told me there was enough to get the company indicted for fraud and false advertising. It was always about the company structures and the experts who I can prove are 100% frauds were always just used to support the argument that the company is bent and hurts people. You know what, there are worse things happening in the other catagories and people's lives are in danger and I can now prove it. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peak at the psychics' forum even thoogh I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot to just the ones actually discussing the client, including his name and issues. The upshot is I compared writing styles and they are so different and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those people that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth the mindspace. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti, I would be careful about what you write. I actually didn't vanshish or morph into an established psychic. I was quite ill and when I went back to work I had a huge review unfinished review and a mailbox full of emails from a journal editor. I have a substantial list of publications and they take time to write. I really hadn't read these reports for a while until yesterday as I only got my computer sorted out and I don't have time at work but from what I gather Patti, you are saying I am Melody and LisaM because I disappeared. Patti, listen to me. I actually don't care what you think or say. However, if I did care there is enough documentation to prove you are wrong. That is the problem with people like you. Every now and then you say things that can absolutely proven to be wrong. It could even be done electronically (not that I'd bother proving anything to you) but if it were necessary I am telling you that documentation exists to prove you wrong. It reminds me of the woman that was trying to convince someone I lived with for several years to leave me for her. She was a real piece of work and she did something with the intention of trying to hurt me. However, it backfired on her and the people we both knew alienated her. In an act of revenge, she reported me to the police for making death threats. She blew it badly. The day I supposedly did this I was in hospital recovering from an operation on my foot the day before. It was before cell phones and all calls from the room were recorded and like I was really going to hop to a telephone box down the road in the middle of winter in a pair of cotton pyjamas. As for you roadkill. You're not a very good psychic-really. If you were you would be able to see that 90% of the accusations in those reports are not true and you would be able to see that the author could not prove any of the malicious statements and I could prove most of the details are not true with a few bits of paper. You obviously have something against me but my point is that YOU CAN'T see that that the malicious accusations are not true which means you are not a real psychic. Maybe you wrote them. I WILL SEND OUT AN OFFICIAL CHALLENGE TO THE AUTHOR TO PROVE ON THIS BOARD EVERYONE OF THOSE STATMENTS IN THE THREE POSTS INCLUDING THAT I STILL WORK AT A JOB I LEFT IN 2002, PROOF OF OTHER PSYCHIC SITES I SUPPOSEDLY VISITED, EMAILS PROVING i BEGGED HER FOR READINGS, PROOF THAT I LOST MY JOB FOR MENTAL HEALTH REASONS, HAVE ACCESS TO PATIENT RECORDS, WORK WITH DRUGS, BLACKMAILED PSYCHICS, STALKED PARTICLAR PSYCHCIS. I WILL MAKE MY CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS AND PAYPAL ACCOUNT AVAILABLE FOR THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ENGAGING IN THESE ACTIVITIES AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FROM MY JOB etc Come on Publish the proof. You do have it don't you. After all you are an honest Liveperson/kasamba psychic who wouldn't lie, Take up the challenge-prove the statements Road-kill. I agree to publish unedited versions of my credit card and paypal statements. I mean it should be too difficult because you must have, for example, a transcript from a session on another site, an email begging you for a reading and surely your psychic friends will provide copies of the communications in which I blackmailed the, It was on Liveperson I gather and of course they would take anyone off line so they should have the messages in their history folders, shouldn't they? I'll tell you what. I'll even pay for an investigator to verif that I have provide ALL of my financial statem,nets and work documents are authentic. Of course all of your proof will come from the LP/Kasamba history folders to they are pretty easy to verify. COME ON I DARE YOU TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE. PROVE ALL THE STATEMNETS THAT YOU WROTE ARE TRUE. kASAMBA HAS RECORDS AND SURELY THE PSYCHICS THAT i ALLEGEDLY BLACK MAILED KEPT IT ON lp/kASAMBA BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEBER TAKE ANYONE OFFLINE NOW WOULD THEY.


listen Roadkill, you brought this thread up again so i am issuing you a challenge-

#69REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 29, 2008

ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their head s off right now)-it had nothing to do with psychics but I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peal at the psychics' forum even those I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot. The upshot is I compared writing styles and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those peopling that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth worry about. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti and Roadkill (and Maryanne) I would be careful about what you write. You see, I only got my new laptop sorted this week (the insurance took a couple of weeks then I had router problems) and I have had a huge review that needs to be finished for work. Beside ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their heads off right now) It had nothing to do with psychics but it was the most devious idea I have ever had I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see, I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site for doing 'bad' things and then telling them everything I had done and which I did because my attorney advisor told me there was enough to get the company indicted for fraud and false advertising. It was always about the company structures and the experts who I can prove are 100% frauds were always just used to support the argument that the company is bent and hurts people. You know what, there are worse things happening in the other catagories and people's lives are in danger and I can now prove it. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peak at the psychics' forum even thoogh I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot to just the ones actually discussing the client, including his name and issues. The upshot is I compared writing styles and they are so different and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those people that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth the mindspace. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti, I would be careful about what you write. I actually didn't vanshish or morph into an established psychic. I was quite ill and when I went back to work I had a huge review unfinished review and a mailbox full of emails from a journal editor. I have a substantial list of publications and they take time to write. I really hadn't read these reports for a while until yesterday as I only got my computer sorted out and I don't have time at work but from what I gather Patti, you are saying I am Melody and LisaM because I disappeared. Patti, listen to me. I actually don't care what you think or say. However, if I did care there is enough documentation to prove you are wrong. That is the problem with people like you. Every now and then you say things that can absolutely proven to be wrong. It could even be done electronically (not that I'd bother proving anything to you) but if it were necessary I am telling you that documentation exists to prove you wrong. It reminds me of the woman that was trying to convince someone I lived with for several years to leave me for her. She was a real piece of work and she did something with the intention of trying to hurt me. However, it backfired on her and the people we both knew alienated her. In an act of revenge, she reported me to the police for making death threats. She blew it badly. The day I supposedly did this I was in hospital recovering from an operation on my foot the day before. It was before cell phones and all calls from the room were recorded and like I was really going to hop to a telephone box down the road in the middle of winter in a pair of cotton pyjamas. As for you roadkill. You're not a very good psychic-really. If you were you would be able to see that 90% of the accusations in those reports are not true and you would be able to see that the author could not prove any of the malicious statements and I could prove most of the details are not true with a few bits of paper. You obviously have something against me but my point is that YOU CAN'T see that that the malicious accusations are not true which means you are not a real psychic. Maybe you wrote them. I WILL SEND OUT AN OFFICIAL CHALLENGE TO THE AUTHOR TO PROVE ON THIS BOARD EVERYONE OF THOSE STATMENTS IN THE THREE POSTS INCLUDING THAT I STILL WORK AT A JOB I LEFT IN 2002, PROOF OF OTHER PSYCHIC SITES I SUPPOSEDLY VISITED, EMAILS PROVING i BEGGED HER FOR READINGS, PROOF THAT I LOST MY JOB FOR MENTAL HEALTH REASONS, HAVE ACCESS TO PATIENT RECORDS, WORK WITH DRUGS, BLACKMAILED PSYCHICS, STALKED PARTICLAR PSYCHCIS. I WILL MAKE MY CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS AND PAYPAL ACCOUNT AVAILABLE FOR THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ENGAGING IN THESE ACTIVITIES AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FROM MY JOB etc Come on Publish the proof. You do have it don't you. After all you are an honest Liveperson/kasamba psychic who wouldn't lie, Take up the challenge-prove the statements Road-kill. I agree to publish unedited versions of my credit card and paypal statements. I mean it should be too difficult because you must have, for example, a transcript from a session on another site, an email begging you for a reading and surely your psychic friends will provide copies of the communications in which I blackmailed the, It was on Liveperson I gather and of course they would take anyone off line so they should have the messages in their history folders, shouldn't they? I'll tell you what. I'll even pay for an investigator to verif that I have provide ALL of my financial statem,nets and work documents are authentic. Of course all of your proof will come from the LP/Kasamba history folders to they are pretty easy to verify. COME ON I DARE YOU TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE. PROVE ALL THE STATEMNETS THAT YOU WROTE ARE TRUE. kASAMBA HAS RECORDS AND SURELY THE PSYCHICS THAT i ALLEGEDLY BLACK MAILED KEPT IT ON lp/kASAMBA BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEBER TAKE ANYONE OFFLINE NOW WOULD THEY.


listen Roadkill, you brought this thread up again so i am issuing you a challenge-

#70REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 29, 2008

ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their head s off right now)-it had nothing to do with psychics but I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peal at the psychics' forum even those I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot. The upshot is I compared writing styles and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those peopling that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth worry about. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti and Roadkill (and Maryanne) I would be careful about what you write. You see, I only got my new laptop sorted this week (the insurance took a couple of weeks then I had router problems) and I have had a huge review that needs to be finished for work. Beside ROFLMAO-I fell real sorry for you Roadkill'...lol..Let me put it this way. If you wrote the posts about me or want to get at me you haven't succeeded. Any 'real' psychic would know I have never been an expert in the psychic category although I was for a time in another category-well it was me but under another identity (and the few people who know about it will be laughing their heads off right now) It had nothing to do with psychics but it was the most devious idea I have ever had I can now prove 100% that Liveperson lie to the public and even their own experts. So you see, I couldn't work as a psychic because I am absolutely banned from the site for doing 'bad' things and then telling them everything I had done and which I did because my attorney advisor told me there was enough to get the company indicted for fraud and false advertising. It was always about the company structures and the experts who I can prove are 100% frauds were always just used to support the argument that the company is bent and hurts people. You know what, there are worse things happening in the other catagories and people's lives are in danger and I can now prove it. I only set up a couple of fraudsmaster Z, Dr Love, because I have so much complied on the frauds-powerful visions breaching copyright laws, a couple of the front page readers who use scripts. I think 3 or 4 transcripts from clients that show a so-called psychic gives the same reading word for word is enough proof. Oh I did set up the woman who was selling illegal US visas for $50,000. Then I set up the company to prove they engage in false advertising and told LP support and they banned me idiots. That is what I expected and now I can prove how they deal with clients confronting them with evidence of their illegal practices. In my short but manifestly unsuccessful career as an expert (I didn't earn a cent) I did manage to have a peak at the psychics' forum even thoogh I was in another section. I found it Interesting that they leave posts on the forum of the 'real' psychics discussing clients but remove any that challenge their methods of ripping people off. So you see Patti, I didn't morph into Melodie, I had pneumonia and then, because I am a klutz, I drowned my laptop with a cup of tea. Oh BTW when I read your post I dug out an old reading with Lisa M and compared it to a printout I had those psychics discussing a client on the experts forum. Melodie is on the printout of the discussion because she commented that it was not right to discuss clients and I printed the whole thread but I edited the screenshot to just the ones actually discussing the client, including his name and issues. The upshot is I compared writing styles and they are so different and you are so far off the mark. They are so not the same person. I am not a member of any psychic group. None of them would touch me with a 10 foot barge pole. I don't blame them. I have not included anyone in the report without absolute proof that they are frauds. However, so many lies have been written about me that really, the only ones who know I am doing what I said are those people that have read the report. Luckily my hard drive wasn't damaged and I get everything transferred tomorrow and can finish it. I am not S - unless someone thinks Britain is in Australia Actually it has been awhile since I read those three posts exposing me'. Mary Ann clearly does not know how to get a fact straight. In one post she says I work at the university in the community health unit and do research on drugs, yet in another post that day she says I work at a hospital and have access to patient files. I left the university and community health job in 2002. I actually research chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and worked in that aspect of clinical research for almost two years. We just published in a public health journal and my research does not require me to have access to patient files. There are a lot of other inconsistencies in those posts. In fact there are enough to qualify as slander. I sent them to a US attorney who has been kindly advising me and I can easily prove the slanderous statements are wrong but why bother spending time and energy on someone stupid enough to write statements that contradict each other. But let me outline a hypothetical situation for you. If this went to court and just say all the people were in the same city. Melodie would produce her documentation from when she was online, and would bring a transcript of a reading with the client's details removed to show the court her writing and reading style. I would bring my medical certificates and an old transcript from a reading with Lisa M which had been given to an expert for analysis. The expert would conclude they are NOT the same person. S would bring, well, herself. I would also bring a few bits and pieces from my work to prove that MaryAnn is guilty of slander. She would have to prove who I apparently begged for readings and harassed. Finally, and this is the one that would get her. She would have to prove I was sacked for mental health issues. Of course I would have a bunch of payslips, a letter from the Professor of my department and the head of my previous department or something from human resources all so easy to obtain. You just have to read the three posts to see that she contradicts herself. Plus the Attorney identified something like 11 things she would have to prove. She would have to bring the alleged emails from me begging her for a reading. She would have to prove I went to other psychic lines and I would bring my credit card statements and PayPal statements and well, given that I am half way across the world, I don't think the judge would believe I sent American dollars by carrier pigeon. What I don't understand is how I can work in two places and be sacked for mental health problems all at once. It doesn't look like the author is that smart. I actually don't care because morons who can't even put together a consistent attack are not worth the mindspace. But, you live in the land of litigation and you might just decide to attack someone who does care. So Patti, I would be careful about what you write. I actually didn't vanshish or morph into an established psychic. I was quite ill and when I went back to work I had a huge review unfinished review and a mailbox full of emails from a journal editor. I have a substantial list of publications and they take time to write. I really hadn't read these reports for a while until yesterday as I only got my computer sorted out and I don't have time at work but from what I gather Patti, you are saying I am Melody and LisaM because I disappeared. Patti, listen to me. I actually don't care what you think or say. However, if I did care there is enough documentation to prove you are wrong. That is the problem with people like you. Every now and then you say things that can absolutely proven to be wrong. It could even be done electronically (not that I'd bother proving anything to you) but if it were necessary I am telling you that documentation exists to prove you wrong. It reminds me of the woman that was trying to convince someone I lived with for several years to leave me for her. She was a real piece of work and she did something with the intention of trying to hurt me. However, it backfired on her and the people we both knew alienated her. In an act of revenge, she reported me to the police for making death threats. She blew it badly. The day I supposedly did this I was in hospital recovering from an operation on my foot the day before. It was before cell phones and all calls from the room were recorded and like I was really going to hop to a telephone box down the road in the middle of winter in a pair of cotton pyjamas. As for you roadkill. You're not a very good psychic-really. If you were you would be able to see that 90% of the accusations in those reports are not true and you would be able to see that the author could not prove any of the malicious statements and I could prove most of the details are not true with a few bits of paper. You obviously have something against me but my point is that YOU CAN'T see that that the malicious accusations are not true which means you are not a real psychic. Maybe you wrote them. I WILL SEND OUT AN OFFICIAL CHALLENGE TO THE AUTHOR TO PROVE ON THIS BOARD EVERYONE OF THOSE STATMENTS IN THE THREE POSTS INCLUDING THAT I STILL WORK AT A JOB I LEFT IN 2002, PROOF OF OTHER PSYCHIC SITES I SUPPOSEDLY VISITED, EMAILS PROVING i BEGGED HER FOR READINGS, PROOF THAT I LOST MY JOB FOR MENTAL HEALTH REASONS, HAVE ACCESS TO PATIENT RECORDS, WORK WITH DRUGS, BLACKMAILED PSYCHICS, STALKED PARTICLAR PSYCHCIS. I WILL MAKE MY CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS AND PAYPAL ACCOUNT AVAILABLE FOR THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ENGAGING IN THESE ACTIVITIES AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FROM MY JOB etc Come on Publish the proof. You do have it don't you. After all you are an honest Liveperson/kasamba psychic who wouldn't lie, Take up the challenge-prove the statements Road-kill. I agree to publish unedited versions of my credit card and paypal statements. I mean it should be too difficult because you must have, for example, a transcript from a session on another site, an email begging you for a reading and surely your psychic friends will provide copies of the communications in which I blackmailed the, It was on Liveperson I gather and of course they would take anyone off line so they should have the messages in their history folders, shouldn't they? I'll tell you what. I'll even pay for an investigator to verif that I have provide ALL of my financial statem,nets and work documents are authentic. Of course all of your proof will come from the LP/Kasamba history folders to they are pretty easy to verify. COME ON I DARE YOU TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE. PROVE ALL THE STATEMNETS THAT YOU WROTE ARE TRUE. kASAMBA HAS RECORDS AND SURELY THE PSYCHICS THAT i ALLEGEDLY BLACK MAILED KEPT IT ON lp/kASAMBA BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEBER TAKE ANYONE OFFLINE NOW WOULD THEY.


Completely Forked,
Hi Patti - Liveperson Is A Black Hole Pit

#71UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 19, 2008

Hi Patti I can relate to what you said : "I couldn't stand it anymore. The energy of it all was detrimental to my well being both psychically and psychologically' If i don't get away from Liveperson soon I'm going to take a walk on a busy road. I can't take another day of the obsessed denial vindictive abusive clients who claim to want the truth then flip out in the reading or try to get as much free information as they can and the pathetic experts who create fake accounts to 1 star the other readers on the site. The CEO of Liveperson is a uneducated moron. Liveperson does NOT care about the REAL psychics that work on that site. R.I.H (rest in hell) LIVEPERSON.



#72UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 09, 2008

Congrats to the orginal author! You made the scrolling side-bar of reports on this site! xpsychicvisionsx: Your post moved me. I completely understand where you are coming from when you say that leaving Kasamba was the best thing that ever happened to you. I understand the circumstances of your leaving were not of your own choice. I did have that luxury. I couldn't stand it anymore. The energy of it all was detrimental to my well being both psychically and psychologically. Ultimately I decided that these people had so little control in their lives that they needed to control others. I was not damaged to the degree I hear others have been damaged. I was lucky, I had several other things going on business-wise so my financial stability didn't depend on Kasamba. If any of the top earners had realized how much money I made overall, I suspect many of the things that happened to you would have happened to me. I left pre-Bluedragon dynesty. I didn't even know who he was until one of the three people I kept in touch with from Kasamba e-mailed me complaining about him when she saw I posted here. He's not anything new. He's just the mouthpiece this time out. In my day it was some chick named Barb. She's gone now. Robin won't be around forever either. I already get rumblings that the tide has turned for him and he really needs to watch who he confides in. I was able to leave quietly. I doubt anyone even noticed I was gone. I left when they started bouncing people out of their little msn message board club for not following every "rule" to the letter and everyone and their mother was being accused of hacking, cheating, committing fraud. Now, like then, it was all a way to eliminate the competition. The only thing that I really find erie is the people who are actually manipulating things and people are the one's you never read about. It's almost erie how their names never appear. I would like to offer you some advice: Live well, help others and don't look back. Don't be seduced by the old energy. I see big things coming your way.


Mary Anne

#73Consumer Comment

Tue, January 08, 2008

Please stop using my name in conjunction with Janice, we are not the same person.


North Carolina,
Regarding Wow

#74Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 03, 2008

No one is dead and no one is disliking black people. You totally missed the point of the entire post! If Janice Duffy was attacking and harrassing YOU then I am sure you would be singing a different tune. The african american man was placed there as a means to identifying this Janice person! Think about what your going to say before you go blurting it out sounding like a idiot! Readers SHOULD be warned against this woman if it is true what she is doing! No one should be subjected to that kind of harrassment. I know that post by the "husband" about a suicide is Janice. Know how I know? Because the way she spewed venom against "Karen" and it was the wrong Karen. I am the karen that kept calling her out against her lunacy on this board! If it was just a "husband" persay there would of not been that much venom and ugliness against "Karen" unless the person has been resonding to my posts in the past. You know when you look beyond the surface you see whats really there. So if your walking out here blind then its best you don't read anything and respond anymore.

Mary Anne

Australian Dr. Janice Duffy senior researcher stalks Kasamba psychic advisors and uses her Dr. title to allow people to believe that she is being ripp

#75Author of original report

Thu, January 03, 2008

Australian Dr. Janice Duffy senior researcher stalks Kasamba psychic advisors and uses her Dr. title to allow people to believe that she is being ripped off by psychics. She is responsible for most of the false rip off reports created about Kasamba and is used to doing extensive research on psychics since she is a senior researcher at her present job. She is dangerous behind a computer and is a government worker. Stop stalking psychics doctor Janice Duffy and stop ruining their reputations because you can't stop your obsession with psychic readings. Dr. Janice Duffy is responsible for the numerous fake rip off reports about psychics and is currently in the process of writing a detailed and researched rip off report about psychics. She is pretending to know the F.B.I. so that she can gather information about psychics. Psychic websites must not fall for her antics and she wants to stalk psychics until she gets her way. She has told numerous people online through her anti Kasamba and anti psychic groups that she is going to bring Kasamba and their psychics down. She is a dangerous woman and has stated several times in emails and in her group that she is going to do extensive research on psychics and track them down using their real names and psychic handles to ruin their businesses and to ruin their lives. She is a very sick woman and wants to stalk and destroy Kasamba and their psychics. Kasamba is not only her target. She is targeting many psychic websites. She is still using psychics and still making false claims against psychics and this company. She won't stop until she is locked up or sued. A lawsuit must be brought against her by the psychic community and psychic companies. She is now trying to use more U.S. states in her phoney psychic reports since previous reports has come out. Her method is to befriend you and then attack you. She is a Dr. and knows how to manipulate innocent people. She knows how to convince psychics that she will be your friend and then she goes in for her attack and posts personal information about you all over the internet and she keeps on doing it. She will not stop. She has an obsession with psychics and has told many psychics online that she is going to get them and take them down any way that she can. She knows how to manipulate and she gives out her government email address to her most trusted online friends. However, most of them are psychics themselves looking to find out as much as they can about her so that they can sue her and stop the stalker. She is a woman that has several identities and has easy access to government records since she researches drugs. She can get mostly anything that she wants because she has the title Dr. in front of her name and manipulates and threatens people to give her what she wants. Often pretending to be connected to the F.B.I. Don't give her any information and keep your true identity to yourselves. She will use it against you in a detailed report that she is writing about psychics and is threatening to sue psychics and psychic websites. Dr. Janice Duffy is Janice Duffy, BA (Hons), Ph.D. is currently a senior researcher at the South Australian Community Health Research Unit and a lecturer in Public Health at the Flinders University of South Australia. Her Ph.D. thesis, on alcohol in the workplace, was supported by a National Drug Strategy Scholarship and compared the delivery of harm-reduction programs in the building and banking industries. Janice has experience in a wide variety of health research and teaching concerned with disease prevention and health promotion. She has participated in projects concerned with primary health care as well as general practice and alcohol and other drug research. As you can see, she is very equipped to stalk psychics and does this on a regular basis. Please protect yourself. This information is being put out because she is harming psychics and their businesses and the innocent lives of people. She makes up lies and spends her free time stalking and trying to find out the identities of psychics and stalking psychic companies. She is emotionally unstable and will post information about you online that you would rather be kept private. She has already done this and her obsession cannot end. Stalking is a mental illness and unless she gets treatment, she cannot stop herself. She is ruining the lives of psychics and psychic companies. Janice, psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only. Remember that. Currently there are more than 5 well known Kasamba psychics that she is targeting in her anti psychic e-book. She has told numerous people online that she is going to present her detailed researched report to Kasamba as a way to blackmail them into doing what she wants. She has also told numerous people in her anti Kasamba and anti psychic groups that she is trying to find out the true identities of the psychics and she is also gathering the actual transcripts of other people's psychic readings in order to expose psychics. She is using blackmail and is currently writing and telling others what she is going to be doing. Your name may or may not be on her list. If you had given Janice a psychic reading, then you may be on her stalking list. Since the stalking reports came out, she is using different handles and names and states of where she is from. If you want to protect your identity, never give out your real name and information. Dr. Janice Duffy will try to find it and will make it her priority to stalk you. Stalking is a serious illness and she cannot stop until she is medicated or put in jail. Dr. Janice has also stated in her anti-psychic groups that she will ruin the lives of psychics and their real names, handles and reputations. She also likes to stalk psychics who are willing to sell her a spell. That is her way of getting your personal living address and real name. She is from Australia and stalks daily. In her anti psychic group, many of her followers were upset because they passed on their private details from their Kasamba transcripts and felt like they were left high and dry. She promised them she would help them and she ran off with their information. She is not from the United States of America and is using psychics and their clients as a way to gather personal information about people as a way to blackmail and manipulate psychics and their clients. Many of Dr. Janice's followers are upset because they feel like they were betrayed by her and are afraid that Janice may be using their information for illegal purposes. Once you give out your information online, it can go anywhere. Remember that you don't know who you can trust online. Do not give out your information to this woman. She will act like your friend and she will act like she is trying to get your information so that you can sell her a spell and then she will use it to attack you online and blackmail you as much as she could. Don't pay anything and don't think that you can stop her. She has been stalking for a long time now and everyone that knows Janice knows how dangerous she can be behind a computer. Please also note that many people in her anti psychic groups feel that she has email hacking software or knows and uses hackers. It is rumored in some of her anti psychic groups that she tries to get your personal email address and then tries to hack into it. She tells people that she is a Dr. and is doing something to help people. However, she is just trying to use this information as a way to find out personal information and a way to try and ruin your life. Sadly, she really is a Dr. and uses that title as a way for you to gain her trust. She will even give you her personal government email address. You will not know that it is her since she uses different names, states and countries in her posts. From what we know of her, she has used her real name Janice and her fake name Lucy. She is also from Australia. Because you can say that you are anyone from anywhere on rip off report without any proof, you can only imagine the evil that she can do and she has already done this and continues to do it. This is scary for anyone that has to work online because she is a true internet psychic and client stalker. What is even more bizarre is that Dr. Janice Duffy has used her government email address to email anti Kasamba clients. This can be tracked by the governments webmaster. We will be forwarding this report to her superiors as a way to gain court evidence that she did indeed write and receive emails from her anti psychic kasamba group members with her government email address; therefore breaking government rules. You cannot use a company's email address for personal purposes. As you can see, Dr. Janice Duffy has messed up far too many times and now its time for this stalker to be stopped from the harm that she is causing to innocent people worldwide. Psychics and clients please be careful.



#76UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 01, 2008

I certainly don't advocate anything that Janice and her "victims" group ever did. However.. is it ever REALLY okay to post peoples personal information for the public? You just posted this lady's first and last name out here for anyone..including the creepy guy with a knife in the corner?! WHAT?! What does it MATTER if her boyfriend is African American? Do you have a problem with black people? If I missed something, please PLEASE correct me, but are you slamming a whole race of people now on this rip off report? I'm sorry, but this place has gotten really really sick. A few months ago, I had to read this CRAP every day because people were randomly attacking me, but guess what? You move on. To go here randomly tonight and see all of this mess is horrifying. Yes, some of those people were people in Janice's "group", that attacked me. Water under the bridge, float the boat or sink it, who cares? If Janice is sick, she is. But, I still STRONGLY do not agree with you posting someones personal information out in public forum. And if noone else has the guts to say something, I do. Is this EVER really right, regardless? I don't agree with Janice, or what her group suggested about me, and countless others, but it is not okay to post her personal information out there. I'm sorry but it is NOT. This place is seriously about as much of a mess as Kasamba ITSELF. Oh, if I could only write a book of my experiences on Kasamba, I fear that most of you would be shocked and abhorred, but I am a better person than that, and I will never call names out in public forum. Those who went after me, those who made up horror stories, former friends and enemies alike rest assured, I will never say your names in public. Why? Because I don't hate you. You do not have that control, no matter what you say. I knew and I know myself, and so it really does not matter. I'm a psychic, I went to Kasamba as it was the "up and comer" so that I could reach as many people as I could. Was it a mistake? Maybe, but maybe not, because I did help people. I came here tonight, and not only did I find someone saying a family member killed themself, as in - DEAD, no tomorrow, not waking up to see the new year...and countless experts alongside clients ridiculing them and expressing NO sympathy/empathy but I also found a former client of mine being drug through the nonsense and bashed out when I KNOW better. Experts stabbing each other in the back relentlessly and what is it REALLY about? Is it about the money? The recognition? Been there. Done that. You still have to look in a mirror at the end of the day. The Ratings? They can be gone in a day. Trust me, I know. Again, been there, done that. I lived THROUGH kasamba and the horrors it entails, I believe I came there for the purpose of helping others, and I did what I did, and then it was time to move on. End Story. The paranoia about others? Ha! First hand! Once you get on that front page on Kasamba, you have a big fat circle on your back.. it doesn't matter who you are, one of the people in these "groups" people propose to exist or not. (And yes, I was accused of being in such a group, one of those "two letters" you people find popular to mention, but I wasn't ever, however bygones are bygones) It just doesn't matter. Whoever you are, there will be people on Kasamba who will come after you. It could be Janice and her group, it could be your fellow experts, and the thing is, you will probably never know the truth anyway. Speculation is JUST that. Friendships with other experts? Wanna defend them? Its not going to get you ANYTHING at the end of the day except heartache. I speak from experience to everyone who has gone through or will go through what I did. The only thing I am trying to say here is that this is not okay. I have faith that most of you were rational or reasonable people, and probably still are deep down. If you were a doctor, would it be okay to post your clients medical charts out on the internet somewhere? No, it wouldn't be. Why pray tell is this different? No matter who Janice is, or what she stands for.. It is not okay to post her personal details out for the world. I've also seen many "Kasamba Experts' real names posted. How does anyone justify that this is okay? It is NOT. I said a long time ago, "doesn't anyone sit back and say wow?" and of course I got a smart reply to it, but really..When did it become okay to bash each other out, to post clients personal details, to post real first and last names, and to continue to the point of wrecking peoples lives? In just ONE sitting, I have seen posts about countless people who I used to see on the page all around me everyday, and I have to wonder time and time again what the actual motive is. I'm sure alot of people believed what was said about me too, and thats why I don't believe anything that is ever posted on this website. Kasamba IS ate up with greed, and envy, That IS a fact, from someone who rolled with the punches and lived the life right alongside some of the people you call out now. Are there good experts? Of course there are. But its up to YOU to decide who is and who isn't. Guess what? If someone is trying to charge you 10 thousand dollars for a spell, I think its a bit excessive. I strongly try to abide by "to each his own" BUT, if you're having to sell your car and house for a spell to "bring your lover back", and you ask me about it, I am going to tell you not to do it. In fact, I have documents to prove that when I told someone not to spend several thousands of dollars on a spell, that Kasamba "officially warned" me that they would kick me if I did it again. Want the proof of it? Find me, I'm all over the net, email me and ask me for it, and I will give it to you. Kasamba is not your lives. At the end of the day, I am still and was always Andrea. You people were and still are whoever you are or choose to be. Human nature draws to greed, but Kasamba isn't worth it. Its a website. Thats it. It is not YOU. Leaving Kasamba was the best thing that ever happened to me. Honest to God. To the Experts out there..it is NOT worth living your lives like this. This is from someone who was on the inside, and thank the universe I am not anymore. Beyond having to hear 50 million times that I was "wrong" because "10 other experts said their lover WAS coming back" beyond being "shunned" by people in the psychic world because of what "supposedly" was...beyond wondering every day what would randomly be posted by another EXPERT on the site on HERE... It wasn't worth the time, and it wasn't worth the energy. The clients WERE worth it, and that was about it. I sincerely do wish you all good luck and blessings in whatever endeavor you are all pursuing, but I know that what I say right here, and right now, is going to ring true to alot of people...too many people really. Experts and clients alike, and I will probably receive alot of backlash for it, but everyone is so silent about it, everyone lives in fear of what "could be" or "can be".. and I will not be that person. I kept my mouth shut amidst rumors and controversy since October 17th. 3 months now. I think that I deserve to say something about it, and so I have, on this report in particular as it disgusted me that it has gone to such measures that people post peoples REAL names and LOCATIONS, so that any freako stalker could FIND THEM. On October 14th, 2007 I was asked by another "expert" (who, I will never say) to "roll" on a former friend of mine and wrongly incriminate this person to get them kicked off Kasamba. When I said that I wouldn't/couldn't do it... 3 days later my Kasamba account was gone. I can also provide you with THOSE emails. (Although I will edit the expert in questions email and name out, because it is not my place to say who or what) Here is a break down of the point I'm trying to prove-- On Kasamba, and because of Kasamba, I was subject to ridicule, conspiracy, and yes, the conspiracies DID become reality, to me, and to alot of people. I lost two of my good friends, which at the time was a very crushing blow. I almost lost another one because me and him ceased talking as a result of --ding ding ding-- you guessed it.. Kasamba! Luckily me and him both saw the light of day before cutting our friendship off, and have since re-established our bonds. Sure, money was great on Kasamba. But money does not, and never will buy happiness. It just won't. I am a clairvoyant psychic, I live and work to help others, that is what I do, and what I will always do, regardless of a site like Kasamba, or any of the others. It is what is natural to me. But Kasamba in general.. it just is not worth the personal struggle you will end up going through. it does not just destroy the clients, it destroys the psychics. And back to the original point of this post. It is never and will never be okay to post someones personal details on the internet, I don't care if she is Janice, I do not care who she is, its just not right. End Story. I expect that there will be retaliations to this, and I accept that. I won't be back to look.

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