  • Report:  #282760

Complaint Review: Dr Pithadia Valparaiso Munster Porter Lake Indiana. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia Of Valparaiso In. - Valparaiso Indiana

Reported By:
- Valparaiso, Indiana,

Dr Pithadia Valparaiso Munster Porter Lake Indiana. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia Of Valparaiso In.
2101 Evans Ave Valparaiso, 46383 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dr Pithadia Of Valparaiso Rates A Sub Zero In Doctor Rating Comparison. Dr.B. Pithadia Rates -0 As Doctor Valparaiso In. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadiarates as HORRIBLE. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia rates as a pill pusher. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia practices in Valparaiso In. Munster In. Porter, Lake Co. Doctor BhaRAT Pithadia doesn't rate as a Doctor. Dr.Pithadia Valparaiso, Munster may RUIN YOUR LIFE like he did for my family of 5. Dr BhaRAT Pithadia at Porter Memorial Hospital Valparaiso is a HORRIBLE Doctor READ WHY!

I think this QUACK paid somebody to get his negative PR off the internet so I'm WARNING people of Valparaiso, Munster and Porter, Lake Countys about Dr BhaRAT Pithadia and Dr. Bharat Pithadias treatment while living in Valparaiso In. Avoid Dr Pithadia at all costs. Here is just MY story. He was equally incompitent with my wifes health. Please read.

Dr Bharat Pithadia in Valparaiso In. RUINED MY LIFE and the lives of my family by misdiagnosing a simple (HUGE) THYROID imbalance as depression. He treated me with a chemical soup of anti depressant meds that helped nothing. I KEPT TELLING him I had an underactive THYROID. The TEST PROVED it. An IDIOT could read the test results. Acceptable parameters are right next to the reading. My TSH level was almost 6.0. That's a HIGH number which MEANS LOW THYROID PRODUCTION. Even after he sent me to an endocrinologist and found a pituitary gland problem Dr BhaRAT Pithadia had me take a CT scan to see if I had a tumor. NO tumor. I asked, "what now", he shrugged. The PITUITARY gland controls the THYROID and an underactive PITUITARY GLAND IS KNOWN AS SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM!!! The IDIOT DOCTOR apparently didn't know that. I gained well over 140 pounds under his "care" which led to a laundry list of other problems that made me a "better patient" to make money mis-treating. I finally went to a therapist and he freaked out when I told him my thyroid levels and told me to get another Dr. That Dr said my thyroid was some out of whack he was SURPRISED I COULD EVEN FUNCTION. At nearly (or maybe OVER 400 lbs. I didn't know because the Dr scales wouldn't weigh me. 2 years later and after being prescribed 300 MG of Armor Thyroid a day, I'm happier and feel great and have gone from wearing SIZE 56 waist PANTS to a size 42 and still dropping weight. Avoid this quack like the plague he is. He also misdiagnosed my wife and had her on 40Mg of Paxil and 3 xanax a day. Look THAT up on the internet to see how THAT can screw a person up. Basically he OVERDOSED HER on Paxil and Xanax and wouldn't prescribe me simple THYROID treatment. He should be run out of the medical profession and be pushing a broom. Inept, moronic, negligent and incompetent are only a few choice (printable) words to describe this "doctor" who, IMHO, is a quack that ruins peoples lives. Maybe he does it to keep his patients. At least until he KILLS THEM!! Dr BhaRAT Pithadia "practices" in Valparaiso Indiana and Munster Indiana. If you live in Valparaiso or Munster Indiana and need a Doctor got to a Valparaiso or Munster Indiana veterinarian before choosing Dr "doctor" BhaRAT Pithadia in Valparaiso or Munster Indiana. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia is a disgrace. Valparaiso In.doctor Munster In. doctor BhaRAT Pithadia rates a SUB ZERO in my book. Dr BhaRAT Pithadia from Valparaiso and Munster Indiana is a doctor Valpararaiso and Munster would be SAFER without. Please AVOID Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia like your health and life in Valparaiso and Muster Indiana depended on it. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia Valparaiso, Porter, Chesterton, Munster Indiana is a QUACK!! The WORST DOCTOR I've EVER heard of. Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia porter hospital Valparaiso Munster Indiana doctor reports malpractice rating doctors Valparaiso, porter, lake, Munster Indiana can do without Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia. I hope Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia Buddhist beliefs and Hippocratic OATH both condemn Dr BhaRAT Pithadia from Munster, Valparaiso, Lake, Porter co to a life of torment like he has given me, my wife and our 3 children. I hope he has a conscience and I HOPE it eats him alive every waking hour. If you knew the damage Dr BhaRAT Pithadia has done to our lives you wouldn't think that to be too harsh. I can and WILL, if nessesarry, back up EVERY WORD of this and COULD ADD a ton more negative things about Dr. BhaRAT Pithadia of Valparaiso, Munster,Porter, Lake Co. In.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


Valparaiso, Indiana


8 Updates & Rebuttals

Nick W

North Carolina,
United States of America
Just trying to warn people who will listen.

#2General Comment

Sun, December 30, 2012

You can call me what you will and you can question my motives as well as my saniity but, the FACT is, I have lost 150 lbs AFTER leaving Dr Pithadia due to my thyroid being tested and the tests read accurately by a competent doctor. Why is that???

I was enamorred by Dr Pithadias broad smile and seemingly caring nature but the simple facts is that I am MUCH better now than I was after years of his care and it is obvious that he was reading my thyroid test incorrectly. I DID have a HIGH TSH reading but a HIGH TSH reading indicates HYPOTHYROIDISM,...LOW THYROID. The pitutarry gland test is another glarring example of Dr Pitadias inpeptitudes. My pitutitarry problem is also know as secondarry hypothyroidism. He had me get an MRI and when it showed my pititarry did not have a tumor he simply went no farther.

If you feel like you are getting good treatment from Dr Pithadia that is your perogative but my wife and I got what I consider the worst treatment we could have gotten and I whole heartedly believe that Dr Pithadia ruined our lives. LITTERALLY!!! 

I can't believe the person who claims they have nearly the problems I had, continues to have them then rejects any notion Dr Pithadia is not a good doctor. He may be keeping you alive and if that is enough for you that's your business but I went to another doctor and he CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. The proof is in the pudding. You can't argue with the result I got after leaving Dr Pithadia.

By the tone of your rebuttals it sounds like youare friends or relatives or shills of some kind sent here to villify and marginalize my opinion while heaping praise on a doctor, NOT for making you feel better, but for keeping you alive. I was alive when I left Dr Pithadia but I was able to start living my life again after I left. You simply can't rationally argue with the results I got but your arguement and motives are very questionable.


Totally disagree with this idiot

#3General Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

You really make me laugh, If you are knowledgeble in medicine and tests, why even waste your time seeing a doctor. I agree with Dr. Pithadia, you have a mental problem. You are definately mentally unbalanced. Maybe you should have see a psychologist. Dr. Pithadia has always been correct in all of his diagnosis with my family. I have never heard anything to the contrary either. as far as being compassionate, and being a true Dr. Well my grandson was given the run around by his pediatrician, he was having severe headaches and high blood pressure. His mother was told that he had childhoood symptoms and nothing more than stress or playing too much. My daughter called Pithadia because he was my wifes doctor and Dr. Pithadia heard what she had to say. She was told to take him directly to the emergency room where he met her. He stayed with them until he was admitted to childrens memorial hosp in chicago that evening. He was tested for a week and was diagnosed with Moya Moya. Had it not been for Dr. Pithadia, my grandson might have had a stroke. He is 8. Childrens memorial hosp was not successful in the surgery and they had given up. Dr. Pithadia advised my daughter to not give up and to find the best she could find. and she did. Dr. Pithadia gave my Daughter and grandson the money to have a round trip air ticket. He was flown to Stanford University Hosp in California. where he is presently waiting surgery. My grandson was not even his patient, and he went out of his way to help him. This is not what we see from Drs nowadays. He is truly a Great Human Being. I find it hard to believe what you are trying to say. so please find another person to try to crucify.

Bryan L

I also disagree

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, June 18, 2008

My family has been going to Dr. Pithadia for years and not had a problem. My personal experience in no way parellels this complaining individuals ramblings (which make me suspicious in the first place). I would highly recommend this Dr. and although he is not perfect (none of them are...believe me) I have found him extremely caring and wanting to help. My son had cancer and we took him to the best place in the country...even they had a few miss-steps. Medicine is a bit of an art and not a black and white science as many think. You should always be your best advocate and "trust but verify" all findings from any doctor. I hope this person can find peace in their life. Bryan


Dr Pithadia is a careful and caring doctor

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, April 21, 2008

I'm sorry about your bad experience with Dr Pithadia. Underactive thyroid is commonly misdiagnosed as depression, so while it is too bad it happened, it's not something that can't be fixed. My experience with Dr Pithadia as our family doctor is the exact opposite of yours, and I don't have enough words of praise for his dedication and care with which he attended to my daughter's multiple problems. His help, his time, his research steered us in the right direction to get proper help for her. His timely diagnosis and observation skills helped determine the route of testing and treatment options. He's always been there for us, late night calls, weekends, emergency room visits, seeing my daughter on a weekend at his office when she had an allergic reaction. He is kind, open-minded and not afraid to admit his limitations when things get seriously complicated.


North Carolina,
I'm sorry you have been a patient of DR Pitadias for YEARS and are overweight have high BP and sugar problems Jay.

#6Author of original report

Fri, March 28, 2008

Hi Jay. I'm sorry that after several years under DR Pithadias care you are overweight have high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and heart problems. Why doesn't THAT surprise me?? If you had any accompanying depression or anxiety your condition is VERY close to mine. I THOUGHT Dr Pithadia was a good Dr as well. Then I started going to a therapist for the depression DR Pithadia had been "treating" me for over a 15+ year period. When I told the therapist I was convinced I had a thyroid problem but my Dr REFUSED to perscribe it. Over several YEARS of doing my own research on thyroid disorders and finding in many ways they mirror the symptoms of depression I would bring my finding in to Dr Pitadia and he would , litterally, fan through it and tell me "your thyroid is fine". Dr Pithadia WOULD NOT prescribe thyroid, one of the cheapest and oldest treatments there is for these problems, but instead kept me on a very expensive ever changing chemical soup of every anti depressant known. Sometimes 3 or 4 different ones at a time. He said it would be "irresponsible" of him to perscribe thyroid because thyroid MIGHT give me heart palpitations. Maybe the OBVIOUS 400-450 pounds I was carrying around after 15 years under his care was better than POSSIBLE heart palpitations but I don't think so. Do you? All I can go by are the results. When I left DR Pithadias care, at the behest of my therapist, and went to see Dr Manakis things began to change. I am now on THREE HUNDRED 300 mgs of Armor Thyroid daily and have gone from somewhere over 400 pounds to just under 300 pounds so far. I feel better mentally as well. If my body didn't NEED the thyroid why am I on 300 mg with no negative side effects? Because I couldn't be weighed for several years under DR Pithadias care due to the 350 lb limitation of the office scales, I don't know exactly how much I weighed but I'm wearing size 42 pants right now. Some time ago I found a nice leather belt I had purchased a close to my peek weight that was size 66. That's TWENTY FOUR (24) inches off my waist. I'm NOW back to the weight I was when I FIRST started seeing Dr Pithadia. What would I weigh and how much more satisfying life would I have had over those 15 years had I seen a different doctor? I had my wife go to Dr Manakis as well and he reduced her overdose of 40 mg Paxil (look the side effects of that up!!) and 3 Zanex a day( horrible side effects as well) for her "stress" that was mostly, in retrospect, caused by her procrastination and "don't give a d**n" attitude produced by these meds. But good ol' Dr P, who wouldn't even consider putting me on simple thyroid, had no problem throwing powerful mind altering and HIGHLY ADDICTIVE pills with HORRIBLE LIFE CHANGING SIDE EFFECTS, at her. It doesn't make any sense or should I say any common sense. It sure looks to me like Dr Pithadia was interested more in pushing newer, high dollar, misunderstood pharmacuticals than one simple, cheap and longstanding therapy. By the way. My wife was also put on thyroid. She is less anxious, more energetic, back to her OLD SELF (not her drug induced zombie like condition) PLUS she has also dropped quite a bit of weight. She has Mitral Valve Prolapse, which interfers with her hearbeat, and it hasn't gotten any worse with the thyroid that Dr Pithadia said MIGHT cause heart palpitations. Jay. If you have heart problems, diabetes, High blood pressure and are overweight I would HIGHLY recommend you go see Dr Manakis. What could it hurt? Yet the benefits could literally change your life. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


North Carolina,
I'm sorry you have been a patient of DR Pitadias for YEARS and are overweight have high BP and sugar problems Jay.

#7Author of original report

Fri, March 28, 2008

Hi Jay. I'm sorry that after several years under DR Pithadias care you are overweight have high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and heart problems. Why doesn't THAT surprise me?? If you had any accompanying depression or anxiety your condition is VERY close to mine. I THOUGHT Dr Pithadia was a good Dr as well. Then I started going to a therapist for the depression DR Pithadia had been "treating" me for over a 15+ year period. When I told the therapist I was convinced I had a thyroid problem but my Dr REFUSED to perscribe it. Over several YEARS of doing my own research on thyroid disorders and finding in many ways they mirror the symptoms of depression I would bring my finding in to Dr Pitadia and he would , litterally, fan through it and tell me "your thyroid is fine". Dr Pithadia WOULD NOT prescribe thyroid, one of the cheapest and oldest treatments there is for these problems, but instead kept me on a very expensive ever changing chemical soup of every anti depressant known. Sometimes 3 or 4 different ones at a time. He said it would be "irresponsible" of him to perscribe thyroid because thyroid MIGHT give me heart palpitations. Maybe the OBVIOUS 400-450 pounds I was carrying around after 15 years under his care was better than POSSIBLE heart palpitations but I don't think so. Do you? All I can go by are the results. When I left DR Pithadias care, at the behest of my therapist, and went to see Dr Manakis things began to change. I am now on THREE HUNDRED 300 mgs of Armor Thyroid daily and have gone from somewhere over 400 pounds to just under 300 pounds so far. I feel better mentally as well. If my body didn't NEED the thyroid why am I on 300 mg with no negative side effects? Because I couldn't be weighed for several years under DR Pithadias care due to the 350 lb limitation of the office scales, I don't know exactly how much I weighed but I'm wearing size 42 pants right now. Some time ago I found a nice leather belt I had purchased a close to my peek weight that was size 66. That's TWENTY FOUR (24) inches off my waist. I'm NOW back to the weight I was when I FIRST started seeing Dr Pithadia. What would I weigh and how much more satisfying life would I have had over those 15 years had I seen a different doctor? I had my wife go to Dr Manakis as well and he reduced her overdose of 40 mg Paxil (look the side effects of that up!!) and 3 Zanex a day( horrible side effects as well) for her "stress" that was mostly, in retrospect, caused by her procrastination and "don't give a d**n" attitude produced by these meds. But good ol' Dr P, who wouldn't even consider putting me on simple thyroid, had no problem throwing powerful mind altering and HIGHLY ADDICTIVE pills with HORRIBLE LIFE CHANGING SIDE EFFECTS, at her. It doesn't make any sense or should I say any common sense. It sure looks to me like Dr Pithadia was interested more in pushing newer, high dollar, misunderstood pharmacuticals than one simple, cheap and longstanding therapy. By the way. My wife was also put on thyroid. She is less anxious, more energetic, back to her OLD SELF (not her drug induced zombie like condition) PLUS she has also dropped quite a bit of weight. She has Mitral Valve Prolapse, which interfers with her hearbeat, and it hasn't gotten any worse with the thyroid that Dr Pithadia said MIGHT cause heart palpitations. Jay. If you have heart problems, diabetes, High blood pressure and are overweight I would HIGHLY recommend you go see Dr Manakis. What could it hurt? Yet the benefits could literally change your life. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


North Carolina,
I'm sorry you have been a patient of DR Pitadias for YEARS and are overweight have high BP and sugar problems Jay.

#8Author of original report

Fri, March 28, 2008

Hi Jay. I'm sorry that after several years under DR Pithadias care you are overweight have high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and heart problems. Why doesn't THAT surprise me?? If you had any accompanying depression or anxiety your condition is VERY close to mine. I THOUGHT Dr Pithadia was a good Dr as well. Then I started going to a therapist for the depression DR Pithadia had been "treating" me for over a 15+ year period. When I told the therapist I was convinced I had a thyroid problem but my Dr REFUSED to perscribe it. Over several YEARS of doing my own research on thyroid disorders and finding in many ways they mirror the symptoms of depression I would bring my finding in to Dr Pitadia and he would , litterally, fan through it and tell me "your thyroid is fine". Dr Pithadia WOULD NOT prescribe thyroid, one of the cheapest and oldest treatments there is for these problems, but instead kept me on a very expensive ever changing chemical soup of every anti depressant known. Sometimes 3 or 4 different ones at a time. He said it would be "irresponsible" of him to perscribe thyroid because thyroid MIGHT give me heart palpitations. Maybe the OBVIOUS 400-450 pounds I was carrying around after 15 years under his care was better than POSSIBLE heart palpitations but I don't think so. Do you? All I can go by are the results. When I left DR Pithadias care, at the behest of my therapist, and went to see Dr Manakis things began to change. I am now on THREE HUNDRED 300 mgs of Armor Thyroid daily and have gone from somewhere over 400 pounds to just under 300 pounds so far. I feel better mentally as well. If my body didn't NEED the thyroid why am I on 300 mg with no negative side effects? Because I couldn't be weighed for several years under DR Pithadias care due to the 350 lb limitation of the office scales, I don't know exactly how much I weighed but I'm wearing size 42 pants right now. Some time ago I found a nice leather belt I had purchased a close to my peek weight that was size 66. That's TWENTY FOUR (24) inches off my waist. I'm NOW back to the weight I was when I FIRST started seeing Dr Pithadia. What would I weigh and how much more satisfying life would I have had over those 15 years had I seen a different doctor? I had my wife go to Dr Manakis as well and he reduced her overdose of 40 mg Paxil (look the side effects of that up!!) and 3 Zanex a day( horrible side effects as well) for her "stress" that was mostly, in retrospect, caused by her procrastination and "don't give a d**n" attitude produced by these meds. But good ol' Dr P, who wouldn't even consider putting me on simple thyroid, had no problem throwing powerful mind altering and HIGHLY ADDICTIVE pills with HORRIBLE LIFE CHANGING SIDE EFFECTS, at her. It doesn't make any sense or should I say any common sense. It sure looks to me like Dr Pithadia was interested more in pushing newer, high dollar, misunderstood pharmacuticals than one simple, cheap and longstanding therapy. By the way. My wife was also put on thyroid. She is less anxious, more energetic, back to her OLD SELF (not her drug induced zombie like condition) PLUS she has also dropped quite a bit of weight. She has Mitral Valve Prolapse, which interfers with her hearbeat, and it hasn't gotten any worse with the thyroid that Dr Pithadia said MIGHT cause heart palpitations. Jay. If you have heart problems, diabetes, High blood pressure and are overweight I would HIGHLY recommend you go see Dr Manakis. What could it hurt? Yet the benefits could literally change your life. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Jay Shoup

I Disagree

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

I can not speak to what did or did not happen with this individual, but I can say Dr. Pithadia has been my doctor for several years and I have always been more than happy with him, his diagnoses, and treatments. I found this report while looking up Dr. Pithadia's office phone number on the Internet. Being my doctor I decided to read it. I was shocked to hear the comments of the report. Shock for the simple reason that I could not believe the way the author described Dr. Pithadia's responces and actions. I have always found Dr. Pithadia to be an excellen doctor. When appropriate he has always recomended specialist. He has never tried to make me the "perfect patient" so he can milk me for more money. In fact I only see him when need be and frankly my helath is less than perfect. If he was trying to "milk" me, I would be seeing him far more often than I do. No one is perfect (except me) so is it possible Dr. Pithadia made as mistake, sure, anything is possible. But I refuse to accept that doctor Pithadia is anything less the a good doctor who cares about his patients, give good medical advise and does his homework. Frankly, after multiple "heart events", high blood pressure, slight diabeates, and being overweight, I would have to say his (and other doctors) care has been what keeps me alive. By the way, it is I who choose the lifestyle that makes me overweight, have high blood pressure, etc. etc. etc., not Dr. Pithadia. I understand this individual perceives himself as somehow having been wronged, perhaps he has, peraps he has not. I can not say. But frankly, I doubt most of his rambelings.

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