  • Report:  #510381

Complaint Review: Dreemkore - Huntington Station New York

Reported By:
Annoyed Teacher - Huntington, New York, USA

273 Walt Whitman Road Box 179 Huntington Station, 11746 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Taught for this company for more than a year, never had a problem until now. I was always highly regarded as a teacher and had a high student retention rate. I had a lot of students through this company and had no problems getting paid. All of a sudden, starting maybe at the end of August, the company reps began to get very nasty via email. I have never met my boss, no one will say who the head of the company actually is and the few names we do get - no one will give their last name. I have one student who paid $100 for a tennis lesson and never got it, nor a refund. I, along with my father have tried to contact this business regarding witholding my pay and all we get is nasty responses. This is one email we got today:

"We received another call from (name witheld) today, 10/16/09. We warned you against third party contact as a violation of our CO policy. We have now filed an in and out of state police report for harassment, and are obtaining a restraining order against (name witheld) relative to phone calls and emails. Sent via BlackBerry by ATT"

All my father was trying to do was find out where my paycheck is. (It is about 3 weeks late). I finally got an answer out of them saying it was mailed on Oct. 2nd, but I never received it. They were going to reissue a check on October 14th, still hasn't been received. Given it's only been a few days, I don't believe I will ever see the last of the money they owe me.

I have every email saved I ever sent them as well as what they have sent me. These people are crooks just like AMADEUS HOME MUSIC SCHOOL (if you remember hearing about that scam).

I strongly advise against signing your child up for anything with these crooks. It's been a horrible, emotionally harrowing experience for me and my family dealing with these people. If you press them on the issues, they threaten you with police and restraining orders.


6 Updates & Rebuttals


Huntington Station,
New York,
Dreemkore response; you are a liar and a coward.

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 16, 2009

  Know this; Our attorneys are supervising everything we say, and are analyzing everything you say. You will and are being held accountable for every lie you post here. 
  Anyone who posts here, and cannot back it up with a proper chain of evidence will be pursued to the full extent of the law. Count on it.  
  We challenge you to produce the proof of this $100.00 payment. Cross out the name and the account numbers and post the check on this website, or post the credit card statement that shows that $100.00 charge.
 We publicly call you a liar and a coward. You are a liar because there was no 100.00 charged to any client for a tennis lesson, because thats not even what we charge.  
 You are a coward because you smear our name openly and yet wont reveal yours. Most liars, and people without any honor, character or integrity are cowards. Show your identity if your so sure about all of this.
  We find you amusing, in our long history we have no teachers ever complaining of not getting paid, we have no clients ever complaining of paying for services and not receiving them. Ever!
   We challenge you to produce these individuals associated with this CO. And since you are a liar, if you do it, you better present a proper evidenciary chain.
   Our staff is connected to Broadway, Julliard, THe New York Philharmonic, The Long Island Philharmonic, and the most prestigious music colleges in the world, and many are professors in these schools.
   Do you think people like that would work for a Company that dosent pay them?
    We are in the process of having them post here. Your name is now known to these extremely well connected and distinguished musicians.
   And who are you? A nobody with no credentials, with no work ethic, who couldnt hack it, who takes out there revenge by lying on a website.
   Our lawyers are going to continue to monitor this site, and know this, we swear it, anyone who posts here without a legit chain of evidence you are warned, we will stop at nothing to take you down with Libel and Defamation lawsuits.
   Just try us.

   Dreemkore/Pli Industries.

Annoyed Teacher

New York,

#3Author of original report

Sat, November 14, 2009

First, who is Alexis Levine? I suggest you don't use people's names in this. You could get a lawsuit filed against you. Second, we have been made aware of a particular client who paid $100 for a tennis lesson they never got and were suppossed to get a new music teacher sent to their house and that teacher never showed up and they never received a call from Dreemkore about it. That child's father is a retired police officer and isn't very happy.


Huntington Station,
New York,
We challenge ALexis Levine to present proof of any client who paid money and didnt receive services from us, or any student that was "defrauded".

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, November 14, 2009

We challenge Alexis Levine to provide proof of any client that paid for services and did not receive them. We want the proof of $100.00 paid for a tennis lesson, never received. We want proof posted of defrauded students. And if Alexis Levine cant post, or produce proof then she is a liar with no credibility.


Huntington Station,
New York,
We publicly challenge this teacher Alexis Levine to answer this notice with the same boldness she has posted her lies about us here.

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 14, 2009

We publicly challenge Alexis Levine to state she never received her money from us.

We have the Unites States Post Office Tracking Numbers of the checks sent out to her, and we have the cancelled checks from the bank which we will post through the picture section of this site.

We publicly challenge you in this forum to state you didnt get paid from us. Our lawyers are watching on standby to see what we are going to do relevant to Libel and Defamation.

We are waiting.

Dreemkore Music.


Huntington Station,
New York,
Alexis Levine, violin teacher, Huntington NY. do not hire as an employee.

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 14, 2009

Alexis Levine has a track record of late, and same day cancellations with clients.
Has a history of sloppy work, and an inability to maintain clients, and\or win clients over in first meetings.
We as a company had numerous requests to replace her as a teacher due to her sloppiness and lack of discilpine.
Is a liar. Has posted lies about her former employer to seek revenge after she couldnt handle company discipline.
Has a history of an unreliable car.


Huntington Station,
New York,
Classic example of a terminated employees, (who couldnt hack it) revenge.

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 14, 2009

Note; We will provide client after client in our long business history who will testify to how we have taken thier children from 2 all the way to the most prestigious music colleges in the world.
We will provide names and phone numbers.
Note; This employee has been paid every cent she was owed, and we challenge her in this public forum to say otherwise. (We bet there will be no reponse).
We are pursuing the matter with our attorneys of comparing us to Amadeus Music School. We accuse this employee of Libel and Defamation.
We challenge her to produce proof and display it in this public forum of any financial fraud.
We have email evidence however that we will post upon request to prove her a complete liar.

This employee states they; " Never had a problem until now".

False; This employee had constant problems with an unreliable car, constantly breaking down, and had extreme discipline problems and could never get to her appointments on time. Many clients we tried to set her up with said they didnt want her.
This employee constantly and irresponsibly cancelled on clients at the last minute when we demand our employees give our clients 24 hours notice for all cancellations out of courtesy to our clients time.
We will provide a list on demand of clients that we tried to set this employee up with who found her irresponsible, incompetent, and demanded a different teacher becasue she was so unprofessional. We will provide names and phone numbers so you can ask these clients yourself. She could not maintain the clients.
This teacher was never "highly regarded" those are her words. Her constant late cancellations and unprofessionalism were damaging the companys reputation.
There were disciplinary emails and phone calls and she contantly lost respect from us because of her lack of discipline, car problems, and frequent late cancellations.
The head of the Company is; Jason Sorzen.
Here are some full names of our administrative employees; Andrew Arzen, Michelle Wilkinson, Linda Smith. We will provide a more extensive list upon demand.
There is no client who paid 100.00 for a tennis lesson, and didnt get it, this is a lie. We challenge this employee to produce the name and phone number of this person, and have this person call us and we will call them, and post the entire email conversation on this site. Based on this lie, we are going to pursue Libel and defamation charges ASAP.
The truth behind the "so called missing paychecks"; This employee called and demanded her pay for a certain check, again and again and insisted we were cheating her of money, etc..........
Later she was forced to admit that she had misplaced the check and found it in her car. We have the email from her and will post it on this site if anyone requests it. We also have her apology email where she states that Dreemkore is such a great Company to work for and then proceeded to send us a possible new student in the midst of her apologies............
We did threaten her father with a restraining order because he was calling too often and harrasing the office and we do have a third party restriction policy. When we have employees who are 18 and over, (adults), we do business with them and them only. There is no intervention from third parties in the professional business world as adults.
Her father called to basically plead her case for her constant lateness and breaking down car, which is ridiculous for an adult in the professional work world, either get your act together, or you get fired, period.
When you cant work hard, and are incompetent, and we dont care if your father/mother or grandma calls us, they cant save your job if you are a lousy employee, of course you will feel you had a bad experience.
Basically this employee couldnt handle our very high standards, and when it became evident that her fathers phone calls couldnt save her job, she takes out her revenge here.
It should be evident what kind of person we are all dealing with.

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