  • Report:  #1492513

Complaint Review: drfredrouse.com - Dresher PA

Reported By:
Kerry - Chino, CA, United States

1927 Audubon Drive Suite 310 Dresher, 19025 PA, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Dr. Fred Rouse, CFP is selling courses telling low income unsophisticated senior citizens that they can take $3,000 and turn it into $300,000 in a short time trading commodities. Unsophisticated investors have no business trying to learn complicated investment straegies like commodies trading.

Dr. Rouse holds himself out as a Certified Financial Planner, if this is true, he is violating some of the basic tenets of being a CFP - FINRA rule 2090 - know your customer.  These are unsuitable investments for someone of limited means and expertise.

Even the Federal Trade Comission appears to have a case against him (#2 on google), but somehow he is still in business selling his brand of snake oil.


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Dr Fred Rouse, CFP

United States
Libelous, defamatory and without any relevant facts is how I would describe the malicious, specious and condescending post by Kerry of Chino CA.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 05, 2020

Libelous, defamatory and without any relevant facts is how I would describe the malicious, specious and condescending post by Kerry of Chino CA.

I am somewhat surprised that this posting was allowed by ripoffreports since it is devoid of facts and merely a totally unsubstantiated opinion.

Kerry is NOT one of our Students so that anything he has to say about the program is totally without any first hand basis in knowledge or fact.

He first uses the word “unsophisticated” to insultingly describe senior citizens and then again insults investors for trying to learn more about controlling their own money.

I don’t know for a fact, because I don’t recall ever speaking with Kerry, however I highly suspect that he is some part of the “financial services” industry trying to “protect” all that “knowledge” they have about selling mutual funds, life insurance and annuities.

Any time anyone has any knowledge that might interfere with their ability to make a commission, it’s a bad thing.

Outside of insulting senior citizens and investors that want to learn more about how to control their money he starts with the highly deceptive and fraudulent statement that he attributes to me and my program that I show “senior citizens that they can take $3,000 and turn it into $300,000 in a short time trading commodities.”

It sounds ridiculous on it’s surface, because it is. What is a “short time? An hour is a short time in a day.  A day is a short time in a year. A year is a short time in a century.

What I do claim is that I can show someone how to prove to themselves how to take a $5K account and in the first year of trading a live account, after going through my program,  get somewhere between 30-50K in profits with 70% winning trades.

In his second paragraph starts “Dr. Rouse holds himself out as a Certified Financial Planner…”

I am Certified Financial Planner and have been one since 1984 without any complaints or actions taken against me even remotely questioning my professionalism or ethics by any Client, professional board, Local, State of Federal agency.

I don’t know that Kerry has any professional education, experience or qualification to be making these statements. Again, since he’s not a student he has no direct information from which to form an opinion on me, my program or this subject. So I am unaware of whatever his motivation may be or the financial, medical or mental problems he may or may not have.

He goes on to make the statement “he is violating some of the basic tenets of being a CFP - FINRA rule 2090” accusing me of professional and or ethical violations, again with no basis in fact. This seems like someone with some peripheral knowledge of financial services that doesn’t understand the actual rules and professional code of conduct from which Certified Financial Planner operate. This conduct is typical of an underperforming employee; always blame someone else that is doing the things they are unwilling to take the time to learn and to do for themselves.

His last line in that paragraph states “These are unsuitable investments for someone of limited means and expertise.” Again demonstrates his basic lack of knowledge about the program. At no point are we suggesting “investing” in commodities. We advise in the program how to become an expert in just “trading” commodities and only being in the market for a maximum of just 4 days risking only 2-5% of their trading account on a trade.

He then goes on with his last paragraph attempting to offer third party “proof” of his libelous, defamatory, and unsubstituted statements “Even the Federal Trade Comission appears to have a case against him (#2 on google), but somehow he is still in business selling his brand of snake oil.” And, he’s kind enough to provide a link too.

Well, that certainly sounds serious. Is he really justified in all his previous lies because of this link?

Let’s open the link and take a look. SURPRISE! The case is about a completely different company; Digital Altitude. It doesn’t mention me or my company in any way.

So much for his “proof”.

When you see these things, and it’s the internet, there’s always another crazy somewhere, It’s important to step back to a position of common sense.

If anything got to the level of a Federal Trade Commission case, there would be a string of unhappy actual customers that have had a number of complaints over a sustained period of time.

That simply does not exist here.

I run a small program. Prospective Students need to complete an application before that get to talk to me. I am the ONLY one the talks to perspective Students.

They know from a video, about the program, including the cost, and the double guarantee BEFORE they get to the application.

In the video AND in writing on the application they are advised They CAN'T BUY ANYTHING ON THE CALL.

I make the call personally. I spend time with them on the call to see what that want, IF they have a need, IF I can help and IF I think we can mutually work together.

IF we mutually agree that this has a better than average chance of working for them, Then they are provided a link from which they can then review on their own what’s included in the program, the double guarantee (again) and complete an order form.

Because of the amount of effort to get to speak with me and the fact that I do these calls personally, not everyone gets in.

I’m 60+ and retired. I only deal with happy people. If I can help someone develop a predictable cash flow that they can have and control well into their 80’s and beyond, I’m happy to do that. If they don’t want my help, like Kerry, that’s OK too.

However I will call you out if you make libelous and or defamatory comments or posts unsupported by actual facts.

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