  • Report:  #68909

Complaint Review: Drive Financial Services - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

Drive Financial Services
8585 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas, 75356 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company has steadily harrassed me about my ex husband's vehicle. A vehicle of which I have signed no papers for.

They call me at work every day Monday - Friday. They have called my family and our mutual friends and discussed the account in detail. They have even threatened me and my family by saying the car is stolen and anyone caught in it will be arrested. They have even went so far as to leave a note to this effect at my brother-in-law's home.

Apparently someone has given them personal information regarding my family which proves they are discussing my ex's account in detail. I thought there were Third Party Disclosure laws against this.

I have asked them several times not to call me but they have ignored me. I have even threatened to sue them for harassment.

They have also ignored those threats. I have gotten to the point where I don't answer their calls.


Houston, Texas

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