  • Report:  #69066

Complaint Review: DS-MAX / CYDCOR/ ARSENE - LEE ADVERTISING - ALL OVER USA & CANADA Nationwide, Canada

Reported By:
- San Francisco, California,

5 Thomas Mellon Circle. San Francisco, CA 94132 ALL OVER USA & CANADA, Nationwide, Canada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well Thankfully I just quite the Arsene-Lee Advertising group (Cydcor) in San Francisco. Evrything seemed to be fine untill I made it in to 'leadership'. I quickly learned how I was stupid enough to be sold on the idea and how i was now expected to help sell the 'oppurtunity' to other vunerable minds. I learned that my leader was giving a bonas for selling me on the IDEA of going to LA.

It made me so sick to my stomach. Sure there may be alot of $$ to be made ( accorinding to Randy Bernard ) but I can not lay my head on my pillow at night knowning that I lied and f**ked people over to get all that. To the eyes of Arsene-Lee I am a quitter! "how can you quit on yourself?" is one of the many lines used to make me feel BAD. I feel so bad for the other people stuck in there with NO clue what is going on.

I called, whom I thought was a friend, before I quit and told him what I have been realizing about the company and how everyone is working for a 'cult'. OH BOY did MR. Bernard ever get upset with me when he called, saying "we are trying to seperate ourselves from DS-MAX because of the bad advertisment we are getting" etc ... basically trying to change my thoughts. He wanted me to attent 'one last leader meeting' why I thought!

Any ways I can go on for days about how LOW these owners are.

Something needs to be done. If I don't get my full amount owed to be I am going to do something about it.

I also want to gather alot of people up and start a protesting front of these offices all over the country to stop all the innocent minds walking in there


San Francisco, California

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