  • Report:  #48006

Complaint Review: DS MAX GRANTON CYDCOR - Burbank California

Reported By:
- Burbank, California,

Burbank, 91505 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To give some background, I was with the company two years, and achieved the ranks of a division manager (which is incredibly high). I came into the company not having much capital, so making money was crucial, I had student loans, rent, car, etc. to pay off. I was told that if I work my butt off, i would get promoted to mgt in 6-8 months. LIE. There was NEVER one person that opened up an office in that period of time. I would also make 6 figures. LIE. Not many managers I knew did. One did, but she still lives with her parents.

I was also told that once I get to asst. mgr. I would make at least $1000.00 a week salary. LIE. Not a salary, but an average override if my crew distributed 100 ADT security systems a week. That means my employees below would have to coerce 100 people a week to sign a three year contract for 35.99/mo. (the most we ever did was 82 (62 after cancellations), and I came from the #1 office in the nation. They made mgt to appear so "kick back", but I was still in the field periodically, and I still didn't have time to do anything. I conducted interviews all day, trying to find my next shining star. At night, I did crossword puzzles to keep my sanity in my @#$%hole office.

There was no investment, BUT I was forced to put the majority of my profit (which I needed because once I got into mgt, I was much further in debt) into a corporate account. Of course I was scammed on that also; once I did pull it out, I only got about 25% of what I put in.

I did not come out on top, as promised. I was always the hardest working person, period. Some weeks, I put in 100 hours. My crew always had a good situation, but still, as a result, I ruined my credit and definetly that of many others.

For many people coming in, ds max is a chance to test the waters to see if they can make money at sales. I was good, and I didn't make any. I also saw many others who were much better than me, struggle to survive. We didn't have time to live luxuriously, we worked 80-90 hours a week (even though we're told 50-60 in the initial interviews), but I saw many good people quit because they couldn't make ends meet.

To achieve the position I did required much effort. I am not just a disgruntled account manager, asst. manager, or manager (owner) for that matter. I ran a division. I expressed the fact that I needed more money and I was willing to do anything. They allowed me to spearhead a new division.

In the end, seeing my nephew is what lead my to quit "the business". When I first started, he was barely born. I saw him; he was talking and could walk. I was not going to let life pass me by. I think of all the times I missed with my friends, my family and the sacrifice of what I put into my business. It wasn't worth the money...THERE WAS NO MONEY!! I work now about 50-60 hours (for real this time) and I make over 160,000/yr. The best part is I can LIVE and not be stuck in my misery of my old office!!

I hope people can learn from my experience and that of others who have been scammed. I learned a lot about myself through this company. Look deeply into the eye of your owner/mentor and ask them if they enjoy what they do. You can tell. If they say yes, s/he is a crook. only a dishonest person would allow college grads (any person for that matter) to knock on doors for less than minimum wage.

Working hard and sacrifices are crucial towards the success of any person, but it is the passion that they have that makes that success worthwhile.


burbank, California

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