  • Report:  #590926

Complaint Review: Eastern Savings Bank Fsb - hunt valley Maryland

Reported By:
Action Now - Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

Eastern Savings Bank Fsb
11350 McCormick Road Suite 200 hunt valley, 21031 Maryland, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I am with an Organization called Action Now based in Chicago. We are doing outreach to foreclosure victims and assisting them in saving their homes. We have clients that Eastern Savings Bank made complete predatory loans to, with interest rates at 12% and fluctuating. Eastern Savings Bank has completely ignored the homeowners requests for modification due to hardships they have encountered. They hired the dirt bag law firm of Sitt Klein and Daday to proceed with foreclosure on our clients. Eastern Savings Bank uses terminology when "negotiating" that very much mirrors "bait and switch" tactics. Anyone in the Chicago area with a loan from them should contact us at Action Now, the more people we have the better the case for the Attorney General to hammer this scum bag company.

If you find this and you are in the Chicago Area, email me and I will get back to you. [email protected], if you leave your number in the e-mail I will call you.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Eastern Savings Bank Predatory Lender

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, May 31, 2010

Consumer alert - Eastern Savings Bank in Hunt Valley Maryland is a Predatory lender. We are starting to hear that victims across the country are gathering together to initiate a class action lawsuit. This company has been preying on the vulnerable for far too long. They routinely charge interestrates above 12 and 13% They also are involved in creating prepayment penalties that may violate many state statutes.

With the current state of the economy and the thousands of Americans facing foreclosure this company Eastern Savings Bank stands out as one of the worst. They appear to not agree to modify loans they refuse to work with homeowners and have been known to treat them with disrespect and a cold calculating manner. They appear to be going after the properties rather than working with homeowners in an effort for them to stay in their homes.

If you are a victim - let your attorney general know-share your information here 

The federal government should be made aware of this federally insured bank and the tactics they utilize to take people homes! People need to take a stand against banks that refuse to modify loans and at least give people a chance!

ESB is a hard money lender that uses creative hybrid terms which are nothing more than veiled deceptive tactics and in many cases may violate state and federal statute. Open up those closing documents and have an attorney review them and take them on!

Action Now

Update Eastern Savings Predatory Lending- Get Into Mediation

#3Author of original report

Tue, April 13, 2010

NO ONE TOLD Deanna Walters she was about to lose her home. Not when her mortgage servicing company foreclosed on it, nor when it landed on the county auction block and sold to the highest bidder. She realized what was happening only when a man taped a note to the front door of her well-kept house in a leafy corner of Stockton, California, last January. "My son went out and took it down," recalls the 43-year-old single mother of two, "and that's when he told me it was a 'three-day or quit' notice."

Walters' discovery that her home had been sold out from under her marked the low point of a four-year fiasco that began when Ocwen Loan Servicing became her mortgage servicer in late 2004. Through no fault of her own, Ocwen incorrectly processed or lost dozens of Walters' payments and charged her more than $2,000 in late fees and thousands more in additional chargesall without notifying her. The Florida-based company tried to foreclose on her three times. After she paid more than $10,000, Walters figured things were settled. But Ocwen had other ideas.

Sitting in the storefront office where she runs a tax preparation business next door to the local congressman's office, Walters recounts her ordeal. She riffles through stacks of account statements and correspondence with the state and federal regulators she's complained to. She has managed to stay in her home for now, but with little help from those agencies. "No one will deal with these people," she laments. "Why isn't anyone doing anything?"

Mortgage servicers are the housing industry's middlemen, low-profile companies that handle the day-to-day business of collecting payments, managing paperwork, and initiating foreclosures. Some banks, such as Wells Fargo and Bank of America, have their own mortgage-servicing arms; others contract with companies like Ocwen. Either way, borrowers are largely at their mercy: They have no say in who services their mortgages, and they can't fire their servicer for doing a bad job. "They're set up to be dictators," says Irwin Trauss, a housing attorney at Philadelphia Legal Assistance. "They're set up to say, 'It's my way or the highway.'"

The housing bust may have revealed the shady side of the home loan industry, but unscrupulous mortgage servicers still have little incentive to change. Last year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) received nearly 2,500 complaints about servicers, a 379 percent increase over 2007. In the first 10 months of 2009, consumers filed about 1,000 legal complaints against 10 of the largest servicers for illegal foreclosures and other predatory practices. A Florida widow is suing her servicer for allegedly badgering her husband with as many as nine collection calls a day, causing a fatal heart attack.

A federal class-action suit against Ocwen asserts that it has hiked mortgage payments without fair notice, forced borrowers to buy unnecessary insurance, and intentionally processed payments late. Ocwen's general counsel, Paul Koches, says the lawsuit is baseless. He wouldn't comment on Walters' case, but said the company complies with and "takes all federal, state, and local laws seriously."

The Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has set aside $75 billion to pay servicers to rewrite mortgages so homeowners can stay in their homes. (See "We're Paying WHOM to Fix Subprime Mortgages?") Beyond that, though, servicers have little incentive to help borrowers, because they can reap lucrative fees from arrears and foreclosures. "Fees have exploded since the meltdown," says Trauss. Testifying before the Senate banking committee last July, Diane Thompson, an attorney with the National Consumer Law Center, explained that servicers have an incentive to "push" homeowners into late payments: "If the loan pays late, the servicer is more likely to profit than if the loan is brought and maintained current." After Ocwen auctioned off Deanna Walters' house, it collected more than $3,500 from 36 different buyers' fees, in a single day.

Oversight of this troubled industry is spotty. "This is a very under regulated part of the system," says Jack Guttentag, an industry expert and professor emeritus of finance at the Wharton School. "It shouldn't be, because it's the part where the consumer has no place to protect themselves." Federal law allows servicers to send borrowers only one account statement a yeareven if there are scheduled interest rate increases or new fees added during that time. If a borrower has a problem, HUD encourages her to first file a complaint with the servicer, and if there's no resolution after nearly three months, she can then appeal to the agencyassuming she hasn't been evicted in the meantime. While HUD can step in to fix the problem, it lacks the power to impose tough sanctions on servicers.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Office of Thrift Supervision also have limited oversight over the mortgage industry. An OTS spokesman could name only one formal action the agency has taken against a servicerOcwen, in 2004. An OCC spokesman said his agency has never taken action against servicers.

The FTC has settled three major cases since 2003, resulting in settlements totaling almost $70 million. But even that hasn't kept servicers in check. EMC Mortgage, a JP Morgan Chase subsidiary, settled with the FTC in 2008 for misleading and ripping off borrowers. That settlement, however, didn't help consumers like Tammy Cothran, who says EMC foreclosed on her house outside Pensacola, Florida, even though she wasn't in default. She has appealed to state and federal agencies, and even faxed the White House daily for five weeks. Those efforts left her frustrated: HUD told her it couldn't help because her mortgage isn't insured by the Federal Housing Administration, and the FTC said it was "not in a position to intervene."

Mortgage servicers who have signed up for HAMP funds are prohibited from charging modification fees or foreclosing on participants in the program. However, the toughest penalties for noncompliance are withholding incentive payments or ejection from the program. A Treasury spokeswoman says that officials have reviewed thousands of loan files looking for mistakes or fraud. Yet in October the bailout watchdog SIGTARP cited HAMP's poor oversight, and consumer advocates say there is no clear way to report wrongdoing. "I have yet to identify anyone to contact to say, 'This isn't working right. Do something about it,'" says Trauss. (For resources on dealing with servicers, click here.)

With nowhere else to turn, homeowners can always sue. Deanna Walters has sued Ocwen, and a judge has allowed her to stay in her home, even as the winner of the foreclosure auction is trying to charge her rent. Many who need legal help are those who can least afford itlike Cothran, who lost her job in May. A self-described "spitfire," she is left to do her own legwork"every day, all day long"to save her home. "If you could tell me who I need to speak to," she says, "I would be in a van tonight headed to Washington to figure this out."

Andy Kroll is a reporter at Mother Jones. For more of his stories, click here. Email him with tips and insights at akroll (at) motherjones (dot) com.


I am with an Organization called Action Now based in Chicago. We are doing outreach to foreclosure victims and assisting them in saving their homes. We have clients that Eastern Savings Bank made complete predatory loans too.  Interest rates at 12% and fluctuating, back door hybrid principal tactics, if there was a way to be deliberate to burn homeowners Eastern Savings Bank detected it and fostered a waterfall of deplorable, dishonest loans. Eastern Savings Bank has completely ignored the homeowners requests for modification due to hardships they have encountered in the Chicago Area. Don't give up! There is help!

Anyone in the Chicago area with a loan from them should contact us at Action Now the more people we have, the better we can present a case for review in many arenas; class action, attorney general findings, and officials. If you find this and you are in the Chicago Area, email me and I will get back to you. [email protected], if you leave your number in the e-mail I will call you.

There are hundreds of victims in the Chicago area, if we pull together it will bring a spot light on this banks horrible tactics. This bank is on the edge of financial disaster. Anyone with any information can forward what you know to us, and we will try to pull a movement together as that is our specialty.

Eastern Savings seems to choose the tactic of not modifying. This article below illustrates why banks refuse and why home owners must fight. COOK County IL, has a Mediation Program for homeowners and we are at the forefront to assist homeowners to enroll in it and develop their cases. Call us at Action Now and we will prep you on how to apply for this FREE Program.

Can Anyone Stop the Predatory Lenders?

Ripoffreport Report Image

NO ONE TOLD Deanna Walters she was about to lose her home. Not when her mortgage servicing company foreclosed on it, nor when it landed on the county auction block and sold to the highest bidder. She realized what was happening only when a man taped a note to the front door of her well-kept house in a leafy corner of Stockton, California, last January. "My son went out and took it down," recalls the 43-year-old single mother of two, "and that's when he told me it was a 'three-day or quit' notice."

Walters' discovery that her home had been sold out from under her marked the low point of a four-year fiasco that began when Ocwen Loan Servicing became her mortgage servicer in late 2004. Through no fault of her own, Ocwen incorrectly processed or lost dozens of Walters' payments and charged her more than $2,000 in late fees and thousands more in additional chargesall without notifying her. The Florida-based company tried to foreclose on her three times. After she paid more than $10,000, Walters figured things were settled. But Ocwen had other ideas.

Sitting in the storefront office where she runs a tax preparation business next door to the local congressman's office, Walters recounts her ordeal. She riffles through stacks of account statements and correspondence with the state and federal regulators she's complained to. She has managed to stay in her home for now, but with little help from those agencies. "No one will deal with these people," she laments. "Why isn't anyone doing anything?"

Mortgage servicers are the housing industry's middlemen, low-profile companies that handle the day-to-day business of collecting payments, managing paperwork, and initiating foreclosures. Some banks, such as Wells Fargo and Bank of America, have their own mortgage-servicing arms; others contract with companies like Ocwen. Either way, borrowers are largely at their mercy: They have no say in who services their mortgages, and they can't fire their servicer for doing a bad job. "They're set up to be dictators," says Irwin Trauss, a housing attorney at Philadelphia Legal Assistance. "They're set up to say, 'It's my way or the highway.'"

The housing bust may have revealed the shady side of the home loan industry, but unscrupulous mortgage servicers still have little incentive to change. Last year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) received nearly 2,500 complaints about servicers, a 379 percent increase over 2007. In the first 10 months of 2009, consumers filed about 1,000 legal complaints against 10 of the largest servicers for illegal foreclosures and other predatory practices. A Florida widow is suing her servicer for allegedly badgering her husband with as many as nine collection calls a day, causing a fatal heart attack.

A federal class-action suit against Ocwen asserts that it has hiked mortgage payments without fair notice, forced borrowers to buy unnecessary insurance, and intentionally processed payments late. Ocwen's general counsel, Paul Koches, says the lawsuit is baseless. He wouldn't comment on Walters' case, but said the company complies with and "takes all federal, state, and local laws seriously."

The Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has set aside $75 billion to pay servicers to rewrite mortgages so homeowners can stay in their homes. (See "We're Paying WHOM to Fix Subprime Mortgages?") Beyond that, though, servicers have little incentive to help borrowers, because they can reap lucrative fees from arrears and foreclosures. "Fees have exploded since the meltdown," says Trauss. Testifying before the Senate banking committee last July, Diane Thompson, an attorney with the National Consumer Law Center, explained that servicers have an incentive to "push" homeowners into late payments: "If the loan pays late, the servicer is more likely to profit than if the loan is brought and maintained current." After Ocwen auctioned off Deanna Walters' house, it collected more than $3,500 from 36 different buyers' fees, in a single day.

Oversight of this troubled industry is spotty. "This is a very under regulated part of the system," says Jack Guttentag, an industry expert and professor emeritus of finance at the Wharton School. "It shouldn't be, because it's the part where the consumer has no place to protect themselves." Federal law allows servicers to send borrowers only one account statement a yeareven if there are scheduled interest rate increases or new fees added during that time. If a borrower has a problem, HUD encourages her to first file a complaint with the servicer, and if there's no resolution after nearly three months, she can then appeal to the agencyassuming she hasn't been evicted in the meantime. While HUD can step in to fix the problem, it lacks the power to impose tough sanctions on servicers.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Office of Thrift Supervision also have limited oversight over the mortgage industry. An OTS spokesman could name only one formal action the agency has taken against a servicerOcwen, in 2004. An OCC spokesman said his agency has never taken action against servicers.

The FTC has settled three major cases since 2003, resulting in settlements totaling almost $70 million. But even that hasn't kept servicers in check. EMC Mortgage, a JP Morgan Chase subsidiary, settled with the FTC in 2008 for misleading and ripping off borrowers. That settlement, however, didn't help consumers like Tammy Cothran, who says EMC foreclosed on her house outside Pensacola, Florida, even though she wasn't in default. She has appealed to state and federal agencies, and even faxed the White House daily for five weeks. Those efforts left her frustrated: HUD told her it couldn't help because her mortgage isn't insured by the Federal Housing Administration, and the FTC said it was "not in a position to intervene."

Mortgage servicers who have signed up for HAMP funds are prohibited from charging modification fees or foreclosing on participants in the program. However, the toughest penalties for noncompliance are withholding incentive payments or ejection from the program. A Treasury spokeswoman says that officials have reviewed thousands of loan files looking for mistakes or fraud. Yet in October the bailout watchdog SIGTARP cited HAMP's poor oversight, and consumer advocates say there is no clear way to report wrongdoing. "I have yet to identify anyone to contact to say, 'This isn't working right. Do something about it,'" says Trauss. (For resources on dealing with servicers, click here.)

With nowhere else to turn, homeowners can always sue. Deanna Walters has sued Ocwen, and a judge has allowed her to stay in her home, even as the winner of the foreclosure auction is trying to charge her rent. Many who need legal help are those who can least afford itlike Cothran, who lost her job in May. A self-described "spitfire," she is left to do her own legwork"every day, all day long"to save her home. "If you could tell me who I need to speak to," she says, "I would be in a van tonight headed to Washington to figure this out."

Andy Kroll is a reporter at Mother Jones. For more of his stories, click here. Email him with tips and insights at akroll (at) motherjones (dot) com.

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