  • Report:  #65860

Complaint Review: Easy Chair Club/ My Tycoon Manager By Carl Pearson / Sue Yates - Internet

Reported By:
- Monroe, New York,

Easy Chair Club/ My Tycoon Manager By Carl Pearson / Sue Yates
http://www.easychairclub.com Internet, U.S.A.
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Avoid My Tycoon Manager/Gold/etc and Easy Chair Club



They are money stealing ripoffs. They advertise falsely, and are frauds. They sound good at first. You subscribe free for 10 days then pay $200 a week to stay in (originally $150). Then you get 2 (recently changed to 4) people to subscribe to you. Of course, you need a Premimum PayPal account, which means you lose $6.10 a person. If you have problems (and how can you not), there's a supposed protection plan, called Section X (as in 10). You can get a refund. You can

quit/refund, or you can (supposedly) get another signup.

If your sponsor can't pay, he/she will then go to their sponsor, and so forth, until you do get a refund (minus PayPal's cut.) Unlike the other money makers, this one does require some work. You can't just join and do nothing. You need to bone up on it's rules and regualtions to offer assitance to people, and be ready at any time to offer a refund, be it to your one signups, or theirs. And if you can't, you must go upline on their behalf. So, you do on occassion have to put in some work. Seems intriguing. Sounds a bit too good to be true, but you do have to do stuff, unlike many who do everything for you. Also, you must wait 7-9 days from your inital signup to (supposedly) get your own signups. Menaing, you will be going for a week with a temprorary loss of money.

So, I tried this thing out. May 2nd. Well, first there's problems with my officially being signed up. By the time I was fully accepted, my 7 days would be up the day after my first payment is due (11 days from signup). So, I decide to risk the $150, and put in for another signup. What's $150 for a week or so, when I will then be raking in $300 a week (we shan't include PayPal's cut.) They agree that I'm do an extra person. So then another week goes by, and I get one bite, but the jerk doesn't sign up (always a possibility.) Could be he couldn't get online within the 24 hour time limit. Or he chickened out. Who knows? So, I foolishly let greed get the better of em, and pay another $150.

Well, I'm still losing money right and left. $300 big ones. So, I'm ready to cancel and get a refund (having already e-mailed a complaint, hinting that I find them a scam, and being reassured) when I get an e-mail saying big changes are happening, soemhtign to gurantee people like em suffering a loss a better time, and to wait. So I see the e-mail will come one day after I should cancel. So I chance it. It comes, saying to unsubscribe and resubscribe when I'm given a new sponsor. But now, it'll cost $200 to join. Which is good. Slight loss of money I can so far afford, and I will be pulling in 4 times as much as originally planned. So, I kinda lose a month's profits. OK, come July, I'll be making double what I would have made in May and June.

So I wait and wait, and get no new sponsor. So I e-mail, and they say it's in order of msot needy. So the enxt day, I get it. It contains an invalid link. Appernetly, 6 of us can't join.) So, I wirte an obviously understandable harsh letter (sent out to everybody's address I can find associated with them, to make sure I'm heard), accusing them of being a scam, and asking for 1 reason not to report them up the YingYang. Being the ever nice guy that I am, I graciously gave them 24 hours to convince me this is some horrible glitch and not a ripoff. So, After a ten minutes writing, I send and see an e-mail from my new sponsor, with the proper link. No longer trusting, I wait for a response. The head of the program, Carl Pearson, writes back, apologizng for the error (and ignoring my

e-mail. OK fine, he realizes I'm obviosuly upset. been 1.5 months, and I lost $300, now this.) Well, the link's an invalid one, using the previous signup addy. Ok, so my new sponsor e-mails me about using the correct one, but I don't care. I also calculate, and see that even if I join now, by the time I make a profit, I'm kinda going to be financially screwed.

So, I request a refund, and contact everybody again, reminding them they now have 24 hours to convince me their legite. So Sue Yates, head of the failrues division (as it's called), writes back, complainging about me mailing everybody when she's the one I should go to (like that's clealry labeled anyplace), and complaing about my abusive language. So, I explain as calmly as I can about why I'm royally pissed, point out that I still have yet to have them say their legit, and no reasons not to report them. I also assure the bwitch that I will not be so emotional if they work with me.

Meanwhile, my sponsor can't pay me back, and his sponsor, whom I know he contacted (remember, you do have to put in some work), is ignoring me. So the next day, Sue hasn't written back yet. I have yet to see any reason to believ this is legit. I see a loss of $300, and a fly by night copmpany changing itself around every so often to avoid problems. I also had recontacted my sponsor, who basically said since I was randomly placed uner him, he has no reason to bother with my refund. Not his problem basically. So, I report them, as stated. Sue writes back the next day, and basically assures me things will work out. I write back, yada yada yada. A few days later, I have two e-mails from Sue, a third one never reached me, who's now desparate to work thigns out with me, because I intiated an investigation ith PayPal, which could shut them down, costing people badly needed money to live on.

So she says she tlaked with Carl Pearson about my situation, and he allowed her to refund me my money from her own pocket (like she can't herself), and she agrees to pay my first $200 under a new sponsor, but lose my 2 extra signups. Or skip a refund, and get all 4 signups under $200 program. As long as I agree to first call off PayPal. Well, naturally, I want the money first. However, seeing how desparate she was, 3 e-mails in one day, I show one more act of faith, demanding full money (because of PayPal's cut.) Of course, I'm not lettign greed get to me again (a wise choice this time.) However, I complain that I shouldn't lose my extras because they failed me, not through the usual program failures of people randomly dropping out. So, I decide to split the difference, rather than fight, and settle for one extar signup. Sue agrees (then I get an e-mail from Failures, saying my problems warrant me an extra signup. Not sure why, but I don't mention it incase it's a mistake.) I get the money, minus PayPal's 19.80 cut, and just in time. I'm too tired of it all to bother fighting for $20 bucks. I eat the loss, because of my greed. Fair lesson for me.

So I manage to resignup, and use Sue's money to pay. Luckily, my new sponsor has decided to refund his downline's firts payements. Long story short, I end up gaining $174.10 meanwhile, I still recieve no signups. I'm about to complain again, when I am e-mailed on June 28 that they're making things better for those without signups, by "compressing the matrix" I guess people are reassigned to others, so instead of say 2 signups, people get 4 or so. (Somewhere along the first 10 days, a new e-mail says the program now gives 4 signups.

So, that's 2 originally, plus 4 mroe extar's Im waiting for.) It tells me in 1-2 days, I'll receive an e-mail if affected (and how can't I be), tellign em to unsubscribe, and gviing me a new sponsor (if they can get it right.) So, I wait. Still nothing. So I cancel before I lose $200. My sponsor apperently never got the e-mail, which when he inquires about my cancelling, as one can do, to help reassure where needed, I explain, and copy the whole mail.

So, I wait, and finally get fed up, and try to e-mail then July 7. Well, my router caps out, and I'm offline until I figure our the cause and fix things. So, I e-mail Sue this time, this time a lot less nice. 9 weeks is too long to go with no singups, at all. Well, I still have recieved nothing. And I will not be ignored. So, I'm doing what they want. They want their money stealign program (that seems to take only my money, and pay everybody else, because I'm Jewish) to be promoted. So, I'm promoting them. I'm letting you all know to avoid this Anti Jewish money stealing ripoff fraud company. Even with some effort, you'll make nothing (unless they want to admit it's because I'm Jewish, otherwise, total scam for everybody. And they did sign me up intially with an uncaring German. Think about it).

So then I resubscribe using the faulty link person's real link. ECC mails her, Mindi Walker, saying I'm kicked out. She tells me. She cancles me. I tell Sue she can't do this to me because I'm Jewish. She says I'm out because I insult and threaten the members. I did not. Liar. Menawhile, no one ahs ever bothered tor eply sayign they are legit, or that they didn't target me for being Jewish. Debatedly they didn't kick me out because I'm Jewish (rather I'm poor and they can't rip me off anymore), but that doesn't mean this hasn't been a religious scam from the start. So I ask for a realr eason this company has failed me. No resposne. I contact my Sponsor's sponsor, for a refund, he informs me he has been screwed over too. I'm not sure he's telling the truth. My sponsor, Saso Eftimovski is a scammer. How can his sponsor not be?

So, a few more e-mails to them, warning them how the money the contractually owe me is skyrocketing. Nothing. Then Aug 10, they e-mail me (someone not allowed back in mind you), saying I can be sponsored for 18 days. So I recap my problems,a nd ask for a notorized statement guaranteeing me success (as Sue Yates pomised in late May/early June). 8 days later, nothing. NOw they owe me $19.80 on a program guaranteeing not to allow a memebr to ever lsoe any money, plus 17 signups and $33,7500 they owe me through said signups 3.5 motnhs I've been a member. And I am still active in their database. I jsut checked that out.

If you know anybody consdiering this program, stop them. Anybody just join, get them to cancel. Remind any members of what they're like.

Everytime I'm do to make money, they change. And all I do is pay,with no one paying me. See the ripoff? Avoid My Tycoon/EasychairClub. And tell your friends.


NY, New York

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