  • Report:  #124598

Complaint Review: Ebay - Internet

Reported By:
- Rush City, Minnesota,

ebay.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I had been trying to start a new online business and decided to list a bunch of items on Ebay, as advised by the supplier, whom I now found out is also a fruadulant ripoff. The supply company, is none other than good old Online Supplier, I am sure many of you out there who are ebay users have gotten emails from them trying to sucker you into making money online selling their products, well DON"T DO IT!!

Online Supplier is a major ripoff, thankfully I only wasted the $4.95 trial fee before I realized what was going on. I actually got 3 months for the initial $4.95 payment because my website kept screwing up due to them having server problems, or so they say. Anyways, as alot of people say here, AVOID ONLINE SUPPLIER, PERIOD!! The company is a lose lose situation no matter how you do it. And of course as someone else stated on here, they tried the good old "coaching" routine on me too, by getting me and my fiance both on the phone at the same time, but we didn't take the bait. Now back to good old Ebay.

I had listed around 50 items on ebay from my wonderful Online Supplier items :) After listing many of them, I of course noticed hundreds of people selling the same thing, and began to do some digging into things. While I was doing some checking, and listing items on ebay, I began receiving emails from people telling me the prices I had set were too high, which I found quite odd since I was only adding on an 8-12% mark-up plus S&H on all my items, which depending upon the item, was quite cheap compared to retail stores, or so I thought.

After trying like hell for almost 3 months, and not selling a single item from Online Supplier, I started taking other buyers advice and began looking up some of my items I was selling on the web, and holy shiznit did I find out quickly why no one was buying anything from me on ebay or from my online store. With the items that they supply you, there is no possible way to make money with what they charge you to get them for. For example, a Sony In-Dash CD\MP3 player for your car, it would cost me roughly(this is a close guess since I am no longer with them) $386.00 to get it from Online Supplier, and with a decent mark-up, I would sell them for around $417.00 or so, and this was before S&H charges. After searching online, I found many, many other reputable places selling the EXACT same item for less than HALF of what it cost me just to get it from Online Supplier!! Talk about NuTs!! I immediately called Online Supplier to ask them about their insane prices, and of course got the run around, and they basically said "someone out there will buy the items", and they couldn't help me at all. So I basically told them that there was no possible way to sell the stuff due to their prices I had to pay just to get it.

Well shortly before I quit using, or attempting to use Online Supplier, I began having problems with another ebay member, whom I had no idea who he was, other than his name, I had never heard of or met the guy before. I had been contacted about a week earlier via phone from a guy in California about an item, one he also carried in a store he had, and he had told me that this particular item was also too high priced on our store website. I then began receiving emails from this other ebay member about my product prices, descriptions, etc., I had always, always used 100% honesty when describing my items, and just on a hunch, I assumed it was the same guy who called me, but anyway. After several emails back and forth with this ebay member, he began threatening to contact any and all bidders for my items and tell them to stay away from me, which of course he did. I immediately reported this to ebay as it is a violation of ebay policies, and if someone wards buyers away from your items, they can be banned for life(a joke), and ebay will(so they say) issue a listing fee credit or allow you to relist the items free. Well, of course, ebay gave me the shaft.

Not on one single item did I get any type of listing credit, or anything. Nor did ebay do anything to the person who had harrassed me and contacted my bidders. So I again contacted ebay to resolve this, and they did nothing, so in return I closed the account for which they were to use to bill my seller fees too. I immediately informed ebay that I was closing the account and that they were not to charge anything to it at all, as it was closed. Well guess what they did??

Next thing I know, I am racking up bank fees at $18.00 a pop, and on top of that each time ebay would add an additional $21.00 fee on there end. This went on for about 4 months till I contacted my old bank to let them know why this was happening and that I had informed ebay that it was a closed account.

I now have a suspended ebay account, have never, ever received any type of credit or anything at all, and they are still trying to come after me for what is now a $475.00 bill for all the fees, including my seller fees I never got any type of credit for. I have since contacted ebay several times, and all they keep doing is emailing me back telling me to update my information so they can bill the charges to another account. HELL NO!! I have asked them many, many times regarding the supposed "credits" and "protection" they provide for sellers against someone doing what happened to me, and to this day, they still will not do anything. It has been almost a year now, and I am going to make one last effort to write them via snail-mail and send them a certified letter to their Legal Department. I don't know what the hell else to do, but if any of you out there have any suggestions, please feel free to fill me in, I'm all ears. But in the meantime, SELLERS BEWARE!! I have found out lately that ebay has a lot of people pissed at them for basically not following their own policies and such, so I wouldn't be suprised one bit if I saw a class-action lawsuit filed against ebay, I might even join in the law suit. From now on though, I will never, ever trust Ebay again as far as their policies go, ever. Not after all this bs.

As for Online Supplier, all I can say is, if you go ahead and try using these idiots for a supply company, you're gonna get screwed to the fullest extent, I guarantee it!! The items they carry cost so much for you too purchase from them, there is no way to sell them, not unless you find one hell of a sucker to pay sky high prices. Just take my advice and the advice of many people on here, and stay far, far away from Online Supplier, you'll be very glad you did in the end.


Rush City, Minnesota

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