  • Report:  #23941

Complaint Review: Eckerd's - Hurst Texas

Reported By:
- Euless, TX,

Pipeline Rd. Hurst, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My son-in-law was arrested while trying to pick up a REFILL of a prescription CALLED IN by his physician. Eckerd's personnel decided that the phone call was not made by the doctor, but by an impersonater and they called the police when my son-in-law arrived to pick up meds to relieve post-surgical pain. He was arrested and held for 18 hours - until his doctor personally appeared at the police station and presented his credentials.

Eckerd's Pharmacy denied any responsibility and offered no compensation - not for lost wages, not for vehicle impounding fees...not one dime for anything. Instead of doing the decent thing, they claimed something called "shopkeeper's immunity" - which means simply that they cannot be held liable under the law for any mistakes they make or any bad judgement on the part of their employees.

The reasonable thing, of course, would have been to decline to fill the prescription until any suspicion had been cleared up, but these idiots were obviously having a slow day and needed some excitement, so they called the police and reported that a long-standing customer had attempted to pass a forged prescription.

If you aren't willing to run the risk of being marched out of an Eckerd's store in handcuffs, don't trade there.


Hurst, Texas

3 Updates & Rebuttals


District of Columbia,
I suspect this person from '02 received a settlement.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 01, 2006

Given that length of time without update, they probably agreed to a undisclosed offer and gag agreement. The cops were sure dumb here as well but I expect that from the fools in blue. If he had ID and you know where he lives they could have said if it turns out to be illegitimate, we can always go arrest him. But first before all the paperwork, lets find out if it actually is a proper refill. REFILL, so he has gotten this stuff in the past from the dr. DUH.


District of Columbia,
No caller I.D.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 01, 2006

seems to me that the pharmacy would see that the call originated from the dr. office and when called back, they apparently confirmed the prescription presented. I'd sue the sh*t out of eckerds. There are ways of resolving this without calling cops and creating a arrest record for the patient wrongly accused of being a doper. Many employers today look for arrest records as well as court records when reviewing job candidates. Thats a very damaging accusation.


If they failed to do so, contact an attorney. They would be in violation of several Federal Laws and could be subjected to punitive damages.

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, June 15, 2006

Ok, I've been working in the Pharmaceutial Industries over the past couple of years. This just doesn't add up. A pharmacy can't just decide that a prescription being called in isn't valid. First of all, the person calling in the prescription must be able to provide all of the appropriate information. One of these items is the Doctor's DEA licensing number, and this number must pass electronic validation at the Insurance Provider as well as the Pharmacy, in almost all cases. If the person calling in the prescription did everything correctly, and the pharmacy still felt that something wasn't 'kosher', they are required by law to call the Physician's office. They verify the prescription with the information in the patient's file. Failing to do so can result in a loss of licensing. The only way your son should have been arrested for a fraudulent prescription is if the Doctor's Office could not verify/validate the prescription as required by law. If they failed to do so, contact an attorney. They would be in violation of several Federal Laws and could be subjected to punitive damages.

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