  • Report:  #894743

Complaint Review: ecolab - [email protected] Georgia

Reported By:
Union supporter - Mcdonough, Georgia, United States of America

261 S hwy 155 mcdonough Ga 30252 [email protected], 30252 Georgia, United States of America
770 954 4529
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Ecolab  Mcdonough Ga has violated lots of company handbook policies.

I've recently was terminated from this company for a crime I didnt comment. I've suffered great depression from this wrongful termination from this company. Ecolab I'm sure most people have heard of them.

Like most of these Foxconn's around the globe Ecolab has made a terrible decision in my termination. Ecolab Plant Manager its Human Resource Rep and its Director (HR) in Saint Paul MN had me suspend and fired because of my practice in local union involvement. Ecolab Mcdonough Ga alleged that I threaten& intimidated another associate, NOT TRUE. This alleged associate also a next of kin to the local (HR) is in handbook violations seriously. Also several witnesses testify in writing that I did not do any of the acusations that I have been accused of commiting.

LAST CHANCE RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM is a company handbook policy that Ecolab has in their handbook. I was on a LCRWP
place there March/April sometime during 2011 one of those months. My problem is after being place on the LCRWP during the spring and campaining for a union shortly after all through the summer of 2011 and early fall of 2011 management hated me.

The violations I'm charging ecolab with is that several current associates have had the same and more, many more for a couple of them with numerous write-ups after being placed on LCRWP. (1) associate with at least (3) LCWRP along thats (3) along, not just an alleged write-up but (3) LCWRP.

Handbook violations!! And the list goes on, a whitemale with a LCWRP has been written-up at least twice if not more and still has his job.

A female who also has at least (1) LCWRP for racial slurs IF NOT (2) LCWRP also has had a couple write-ups since being place on the program. Their are a few more current associate there at Ecolab Mcdonough 600 with LCWRP all with write-ups all still employed all guilty of their write-ups, some suspended twice none fired. Lots of handbook violations with what Ecolab has done to me, I want justice against this company. As I mention yesterday about this company the human resource rep at the Mcdonough Ga plant has a next of kin working at the plant this is the associate that curse me out the Oct 13,2011 night who was out of his work area, who was not suspended,who was not terminated, who continues to go around the plant showing text messages against me from that night of the 13th of Oct 2011. And all the above other things as mention in this heading on handbook policies that Ecolab are and have violated. I wanted a Union at the facilty and them being and using the AT WILL  unlawful law that has detroyed a many of people on the Foxconn's jobs here in America have use AT WILL as their (ecolab) defense. This is wrong! EEOC has been notified and NLRB also. But their only limited to what they see fit in most cases like what I have. If anyone out their hears me please contact me at (((REDACTED))).  Ecolab don't try contacting me, I'm serious

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