  • Report:  #354466

Complaint Review: Elocal Listing - Temecula California

Reported By:
- Temecula, California,

Elocal Listing
28765 Single Oak Dr, Suite #250 Temecula, 92590 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I will try to use this forum for the real purpose it is intended for. Reporting bad business practices and to let the truth be known as they quote under the RipOff Report Logo. I have been with Elocal Listing for a period of time.

On the surface, it is a good company trying to be profitable just like any other company out there. Yes it has its share of wrong doings like many other companies too. I have read all the "stuff" being written over the last few weeks and it is "Amazing!"

Most of what is being written is TRUE to most degrees. I work under a fear condition, but choose to make the best of it until I find another opportunity with a different company. Fear is all around. People have lost their jobs, most by cut backs (which is normal in todays economy), but some by doing the right thing and reporting information to proper people inside the company only to be "terminated" shortly after.

There is an "inner circle" or "click" group of people. If you do not play or sub do to their level your out!

Business practices first:

Yes Elocal has a product that was good at one time before the market got saturated by businesses doing it themselves, other competition, or our own resellers when we had them. Thinking that more orders were better, and automation was the key to success, that is where we have failed mostly. Not giving our customers the true value for what they were paying for. Part on Production but also our sales force. Todd and Mike have a script that talks about providing "customers" to our clients. You can read all the other complaints to verify this, not just inside RipOff Report. Do a search on Yahoo or Google like "elocal listing scam" and you can find them. Training wrong at sales also leads to training wrong in the back office. I hear the laughs and joke about customers, being on hold for long periods of time or hang-ups. Yes we try to improve, and we will. Not to many want to step up, again we have fear based management. Lots of rah rah stuff, but a facade at best. Many people do work hard, very hard. We hired a "Call Center Man" with lots of experience, but not much value has come out of it in my opinion. Another overpaid expense. New products like BuzzSpot.net was suppose to be a big hit, and Organic SEO, but not much there either.

I know a lot of the managers and Directors are trying to do their jobs, but again, a lot of that depends if you are in the "circle" of power. If investors of Search Initiatives really had an accurate idea of what their invested money was being spent on, I think some would be amazed and some would say "just show me a profit" but after a year has gone past, there is NO PROFIT.

Goes back to the original "merger" or purchase of Zone Communications. This is hearsay, but very reliable from people who have "left" the company. When our current CFO Ralph Williams worked with Greg Royse to 'prepare" the accounting numbers for Search Initiatives to purchase, well, just like many transactions, numbers were manipulated. I'm sure if a true CPA firm came in, they could dig up the truth. Doesn't matter, Search Initiatives still bought it to try to save face since their newspaper project was not working at the level needed for investors.

Manipulation of numbers is talked about and rumored throughout the company. It is also rumored that Tim Judd, even though he puts up a good game face, has not taken a company to real profitability in the past. That hurts us little people on the few stock options we have if that is true. What true information is being delivered to our investors? If it keeps my job, I guess I fall into the same trap of looking the other way.

The "Big House" as it is called is a place where some High Ups live and the CEO (Tim Judd) and CFO (Ralph Williams) stay when in town. Even though it is not "work" many parties go on their and alcohol flows and funny smoke too. This is also a common place for "hook-ups" to start, continue, and present themselves. Sometimes the way people talk it is like a frat house. Been there, and now avoid it.

Another poster responded that this is not the place for bringing up peoples sexual practices. That is correct! BUT if the sexual practices are part of the "inner circle" then this is the correct forum since good people are being let go because they are not comfortable with being in the "circle" and do not feel they can go to anyone else. When some have, they are gone shortly thereafter. Yes it is rumored again that a class action lawsuit is in the works. I hope that there is enough in the investor reserves or insurance to pay so my job is still here.

As for underage children working for Elocal. I saw good hard working people that never had a write-up released, only to be replaced by The CEO and President Tim Judd's son. Is Elocal safe since he was a Search Initiative hire? Probably! Was the proper paperwork filed since he was 15 years old until just last week? Doubtful! How old is the Corporate Attorney's son? Not sure, but he replaced a production worker too.

This is a company that gives the inner circle many chances. The HR Director was released from her last position in San Diego for certain reasons that she has to pay back monthly restitution for. We do not buy that it was her daughter. Don't really have to say more on Todd Johnson or Mike Ruter's past. I know people have verified that more than once. Jeff Einstoss tries to stay clean I like him, but he can turn on you fast.

One Sales Rep that should have been fired for calling a potential customer back, acting as a client to that customer, set up a job, just to say "FU" and hung up. Todd protected her since she is one of the many past alcoholics he brings in and protects. Documentation was written, sales reps wrote in their own words what they heard her say, and brag about, but where is it now? Destoryed as usual. People can come back and verify if needed. Maybe also since she is a stripper on her own time he enjoys that too.

Again, things like that bring many fear for speaking up.

We also have a "Corporate Attorney" that is not licensed in the state of California, but may be trying to pass the bar. Another bully, but in the "circle" too. His past shows he lost his license in the State of Indiana for 30-days. (check out: http://www.in.gov/judiciary/opinions/archive/11060001.per.html). They have to also hire another attorney since the in-house one can not represent in court. Sounds like a DOUBLE EXPENSE! Lay him off! He must be in the "circle" too!

The whole purpose of this company was to grow, sell 100,000+ customers and sell off for all to profit well. If Todd Johnson wouldn't have sold Tim Judd a bunch of his past failing companies practices (Thanks to all that have brought that up around the water cooler and smoke area), we would have been in better financials. I am talking about the bogus $1 deal to sign up. Again, if we were serious as a company, the sales script writers (Todd Johnson and Mike Ruter) would not have wrote it and had the Floor Managers and Sales Reps sell it as a "trial" that could be canceled in 30-days. We got over worked on bogus orders that were never going to stick. Sales People made a lot of money on bogus orders, but the back office made our regular wage plus a little overtime here and there. Todd Johnson even manipulated to have his brother Jeremy Johnson (A Reseller) sell the product and all he did was slam clients. When Jeremy owed Elocal money for the losses, Todd made a deal to buy the residual, and still pay his brother. Sorry investors! Why didn't the powerful CEO and CFO remove Todd Johnson and Mike Ruter for that bad set-up. Their past has again become a reality.

At least now we are trying to sell again at realistic price points. Maybe we can save a few customers. I don't know how we are going to sell SEO organic if we have no qualified staff and if we couldn't even do anything as simple as the local Listings. Of course this is only after much expense was used to remodel old office building space only to vacate it shortly after. Oh, and then there is Ray A. (who is Jeff Einstoss semi brother-in-law) who wanted to play as a reseller again. Just like Todd's brother Jeremy take care of who you want.

Again more fear of the sales force better sell and us back office people better keep them or the whole company goes down. More pressure please! Most fear Todd's words "If you ever leave us, you will amount to nothing!" My translation let's burn through good people, whatever it takes.

I could go on and on, but must end this now. Life at Elocal is like a reality TV show. Or better yet a Carnival!

I'm here as long as they keep me or until my next employment opportunity comes along.


Temecula, California


2 Updates & Rebuttals


If You...

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 24, 2008

Really did work for the company...you would know that you would have to be in the office @ 8am....so obviously if you wrote this or even modified it...you didnt do it at work....sounds like...to me, your just a dis grunted EX employee....


British Columbia,
Here is a there actual sales script/pitch.

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 23, 2008

You all know why I am here... unlike you my weasly friend, do not fear such politics. In fact I am sure you have heard of me and what happens to those prey on the weak. :) Phase 1 eLocal Listings SALES SCRIPT I need your helpI need to speak with the owner please. What is this regarding? My company has access to (customers, consumers, clients, patients) that need a (what they do) and we want to make a deal. OR May I ask who is calling? Would you let the owner know that __________ is on the phone..I will hold.thank you. OWNER gets on PHONE I need your help. My name is (Your Name) and my company has access to (customers, consumers, clients, patients) that need a (what they do) here in (Their Town) and we need to find two qualified (what they do) that we can direct these (customers, consumers, clients, patients) to. Can you handle some extra (customers, consumers, clients, patients) right now or are you all booked up? (If a customer asks how we have access to customers let them know that we are able to take their business name, phone # and list it on the first page of Yahoo and Google with a 93% success rate. Once listed, their phone # will be in front of consumers who want to spend money with them.) Great! It's important that we match these (customers, consumers, clients, patients) with just the right (what they do) so let me ask you a few questions so we can make sure that there is a good fit. Fair enough? How long have you been in business? How many new (customers) can you honestly handle? Please describe your ideal client. Where do you see your business 2 -5 years from now? If we contacted some of your clients, what would they say about you? Perfect, I think there is a good match here. Do me a favor. Go to your computer and I will run you through a free demo to show you what we have in mind. (Yes, No - Do a 1 way demo) Type in www.yahoo.com Ok, go ahead and type into your search bar --------in ---------- and let me know when the results are up? (Use the type of business followed by the city or town) (Make sure to use the same city in which the business is located) What we should be looking at is a shaded box at the top of the page and a column of listings to the right. This positioning is known as the sponsor results or pay per click section. Below that is the local results or 1 Box, where 3 of your local competitors are listed by business name and phone number. In the section below that are some additional business listings, this section is the natural/organic position. Do you see on the left side the map with three of your local competitors listed? This is the positioning that over 85% of our customers rank at in the 1 Box on Yahoo, 93% rank on the first page of Yahoo and Local. We have the ability to pre-qualify customers using 10 key phrases such as ----------or----------- and pull your business information: name, phone number and address, into the 1, 2 or 3 position 85% of the time. Once we find someone to take this listing we move on to another city. So anytime someone types in those phrases they will see you. We will list you with your business name and phone number. Would you be interested in placing your phone number in front of customers searching for a ------- in ------? (Yes, No, How much is it?) Our program is on a month to month basis, there is no contract. Our program is $159 per month and there is a $99 one time set up fee. With that we place your business in the Local Showcase 85% of the time. Our goal over the next two-three weeks is to also have you listed in one of the three sections: sponsored results, 1 Box (local listings), or natural listings, on the first page of both Yahoo and Google so that when customers type in those phrases they will see you. Once in a while you will be listed lower on the Local Listings. We are going to do $500 dollars worth of work for you just to prove to you that we can get you where 70% of your local customers are spending money just because they found you on the first page of Yahoo, Google or MSN. I need to fill this spot today. Now, make no mistake, we want to keep you as a long term customer, so we will let you sample the product for $1 for 30 days. My bet is that at the end of 30 days, you will love our service. After we have earned your trust, then, we will bill you the $99 one time set up fee and the $159 monthly fee on the 30th day. If you cancel within the 30 days you only lose the $1. Do you have a website? Yes----Great we will link your site to the listing. No-----You don't need one, we will list your business name and phone number. What phone number would you like customers to call you on when they see the listing? How do you want your business name to be displayed? Ok, grab a pen and take down a couple bits of information. My name is ----------, my direct line is--------------. My company is e-local listing. You can always reach our customer support team at [email protected] or 800-285-0484. Once again, your account will be charged for the amount of $1 today. The one time set up of $99 and the monthly charge of $159 will be charged on the 30th day. Remember, this is a month to month program, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied or have any additional questions a great way to contact us is by email. Ok, what card did you want to use? Visa, MC, or Discover? Fire away when you're ready (We do not accept American Express) (Customer hesitation- Prep for TPV, then ask for the card again) What is the expiration date? Read me the 3 or 4 digit code on the back of the card. Thanks for that. The last step in the process is to verify the information that we just went over to ensure everything I've told you about our program is true and correct. I will run you through a mandated third party verification. On that call it will ask you for your business name, address, etc. It will also re-state our program's guarantees and pricing. This call is for your protection as a customer, so in order to confirm you are in fact a decision maker for the business, it will also ask you to confirm your identity by giving the last four of your social or your birth date, just give them the birth date, ok. It will also ask you for the last four digits of your credit card #, expiration date, and 3 digit code to give authorization to E Local Listing to charge that card for the amount of $99 one time set up and $159 monthly billing. (After you have the card number key into TPV.) I am going to dial the # to verification, hold the line for a few seconds and then I will key you in, Ok? Here we go (press the conf. button, dial the # and then bring the customer back on the line by pressing the join button it will prompt you to enter the last four digits of your telephone # followed by the customers 10 digit phone #. Press the # button after each response.) (IF the customer needs more understanding, DO NOT talk on the verification. Press * to repeat the question so your conversation is not part of the verification) (At the end of verification, write down the id# and press 2 to end the call.) If the customer is still hesitant continue to SELL: Go over key phrases, start filling out the order form. Appropriate time to make a DEAL (examples: Goog 411, submission to Google within 30 days, 1 page template, submission to 50 other search engines) Write down the key phrases I am listing for you. It is ___________ in _______. I am also going to submit a couple additional phrases for you _____in _______, and ______in ______. Again, 85% of the time we get your listing positioned showcase, every once in a while you will be listed just a little bit lower on the local listings, ok? (If TPV is done, go through a WARM DOWN with the customer) (WARM DOWN RECAP) Ok, that's it! Over the next 2-3 weeks elocal will be working hard to make sure you get the service we promised to you. This is what we are going to be doing for you. Our goal over the next 2-3 weeks is to have you listed in one of the three sections on the first page of Google and Yahoo in the sponsored, one box (showcase), or the organic sections. We will submit you to Yahoo, Google, Msn and 50 other search engines, as well as build you a web page. We will send you out a welcome letter from our CEO. This is a month to month program and you will be charged the $99 one time set up, and $159 on the 30th day. 85% of the time we will get your business listed in the Local Showcase, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position. 93% of the time we are able to get you listed on the first page of Yahoo Local. In 3 days you will receive a call from our welcome center and a letter from our CEO. You're second call will come when your Yahoo listing is up. Do you have any additional questions? Great! You have our telephone #s, so call anytime if you have further questions Thank you again for your business. We will do a great job for you! On behalf of elocal listing, we thank you for your business. Have a super day!!! DO's & DON'Ts We DO: Submit data to Google and Yahoo every business day either electronically or over the phone Use Google and Yahoo platforms to conduct our business. List hundreds of customers a week on Google, Yahoo, as well as other search engines day in and day out Our best to make sure you are happy with your listing Contact our customers multiple times within the 1st 30 days of signing up with our service Offer a 30 day money back guarantee for any additional locations. We Do NOT & Are NOT: Working for Google, Yahoo Contracted by Google, Yahoo Working in conjunction with Google, Yahoo Doing this for Google, Yahoo Partners of Google, Yahoo Paid by Google, Yahoo to get you listed Related to Google, Yahoo Calling on behalf of Google, Yahoo Offer $1 pricing on any additional locations Contact any customer on or before the 30th day as a reminder of $258 1st month charge CLOSING BULLET POINTS For The $1 Deal LET'S GET YOU STARTED TODAY; IT WILL TAKE US ABOUT 10 to 14 DAYS TO GET YOUR LISTING UP ON YAHOO. GIVE IT A TRY; IT WILL ONLY COST YOU FOUR QUARTERS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. FOR $1 THIS MONTH, YOU WILL HAVE IMPROVED RANKINGS ON YAHOO WHERE OVER 70% OF CUSTOMERS ARE SPENDING MONEY WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES. OUR GOAL OVER THE NEXT 30 DAYS IS TO HELP YOU GENERATE NEW CUSTOMERS. WE WILL WORK HARD TO EARN YOUR TRUST AND BUSINESS. WHEN THESE CUSTOMERS SEE YOU'RE LISTING, WHAT NUMBER WOULD YOU LIKE THEM TO CALL? THIS IS A MONTH TO MONTH PROGRAM, WE WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO SIGN A LONG TERM CONTRACT. IT'S ALL ABOUT INCREASING BUSINESS. THAT IS AT LEAST WORTH THE COST OF A CUP OF COFFEE, RIGHT? THIS SERVICE COULD BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROFIT AND LOSS. WHAT WOULD 3 - 5 NEW CUSTOMERS MEAN TO YOU? IT IS DEFINATLEY WORTH $1, WOULDN'T YOU AGREE? I NEED TO FILL THIS SPOT TODAY. SO HERE'S WHAT WE NEED TO DO I'LL ASK YOU FOR $1 TODAY AND $258 IN 30 DAYS WHEN I'VE EARNED IT. FAIR ENOUGH? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO DIFFERENT THIS YEAR COMPARED TO LAST YEAR TO INCREASE BUSINESS? LET'S GET YOU STARTED TODAY; WE HAVE 30 DAYS TO PROVE TO YOU THE VALUE OF THE PROGRAM. PROOF BEFORE PAYMENT, THAT IS A GREAT WAY TO DO BUSINESS, WOULDN'T YOU AGREE? $1 Deal SALES OBJECTIONS I am not interested I hear what you're saying. It sounds like you're not interested in spending time or money on something that may or may not work for you is that correct? However, obviously, if I could prove to you that there are customers searching for a (What they do, Where they are at) that want to spend money with your business that would be something you would want to take a look at, right? I don't have money I hear what you're saying. It sounds like you're not interested in spending time or money on something that may or may not work for you is that correct? However, obviously, if I could prove to you that there are people searching online for a (What they do, Where they are at) that want to spend money with your business that would be something you would want to take a look at, right? I don't need customers Thank you for your time. I need to talk to my partner I hear what you are saying. You and your partner make the major decisions together is that correct? Let me ask you this, it's important to make important decisions based on facts wouldn't you agree? Here's what we need to do. We will let you sample the experience risk free for 30 days. You and your partner sit down and analyze the results and make a decision based on facts. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied then your loss is only $1. Fair enough? If no I understand. Then, then let me ask you this: at the end of 30 days if I bring you 3-5 new customers, your partner will ask what did you do to get this new business? and you say that you spent $1, will your partner be upset or will he be happy? Let's get this started today. I'm only asking for $1 worth of your trust. I have been burned before I hear what you are saying. Other firms promised you the world and didn't deliver is that correct? However, you can see how being on the first page of the most powerful Search Engines in the world in front of 95% of the community would benefit your business can't you? Add on (If necessary) How about this idea? If you come on board today, I will let you sample this service for only $1. At the end of 30 days, you can decide whether or not to keep the service. If you decide not keep the service, you lose $1. But if you decide to keep it, which I'm sure you will, we also submit you to Google and 50 other search engines. Fair enough? Send me an email/fax/something I knew you would be interested. It sounds like you want to make an informed decision based on facts is that correct? But obviously if I can factually demonstrate to you that our system will definitely work for your company, you would have no problem becoming a customer right? Here is what we need to do. I am going to let your company sample the service for 30 days. Study the experience, the positions we achieve for your Business in the Search Engines and make a factual, educated decision. Based on the true facts you can decide whether or not to keep the service. You can afford to risk $1, can't you? lol you newb you still eating too much cheese? Fat overgrown rat, all you need is your whiskers I tell you. Still playing with your lame iphone? 0ne step beyond, always! I dare you to say this isn't your script...

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