  • Report:  #1295379

Complaint Review: Enterprise Car Rental - Whittier, CA

Reported By:
RJ - Whittier, California, USA

Enterprise Car Rental
14730 Whittier Blvd Whittier, CA, 90605 USA
(562) 945-3551
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

It all started when  I was involved in a motor vehicle accident. A terrible driver head on collisioned into my vehicle while I was at a red light. I was injured and my car was totlaled.

To add to all of this, Enterprise Car rentals were right there to kick me when I was down and still in shock by sneakily getting me to sign up for some unbelieveably priced insurance even I clearly did not need, as I already had MY OWN insurance that would have carried over.  The sales lady simply said something along the lines of initial here, here, and here, and if you want to make sure you dont get charged for any scratched for your insurance just sign this and bing bang boom!....screwed.

First of all I  was under the impression the box was me stating that I had insurance; not did I want to pay money out of my own pocket for something I didn't need. And even if I didn't already have insurance I was under the impression that the wreck was 100% the other dirvers fault, their insurance is covering my rental, why would I end up paying my own money to drive a s**+*ty busted rental car when mine just got totaled by some careless idiot. 

at the end of it I was hit with an over $600 bill in added on charges when I should have had to pay nothing in all fairness...On my receipt the responsible parties insurance company was actually billed less of a total for rentng the car for me throughout the entire time I had it than what I was billed (robbed) for the unneeded and unnesscsary insurance.

I feel robbed, cheated, and taken advantage of and all of this in the midst of one of the hardest and scariest/stressfull times of my life. 

I can not believe a profesisonal national company would do something so shady as to prey on car accident victims wallets when money is clearly already tight after a brutal car accident and bills are coming out of your pocket for medical for who knows how long until the accident casel settles... and I didn't even have the option not to pay... they literally just took it out of my account with no warning. (I'm sure I must have signed some other thing I was told to initial when the sales lady was "just trying to hurry up and get me back home to go get some rest") 

Bottom line is .I was a customer who is new to all of this and their employees just rush you through everything not explaining anything all under the guise of trying to "help save you some time and get you outta here so you can go home and relax cause it looks like you had a tough day"  all while I was under the influence that the responsible parties insurance was covering everything... When I checked my initials by whatever the insurance box was I thought it was saying that I already had insurance on my old totaled vehicle. Nothing was explained clearly and now I am getting raped for over 600 dollars.

When I finally did find a vehcile to replace my old one they even said there was going to be a "DROP fee" for leaving the rental car at a different location even thought the car already had NEVADA plates and I rented it in CA. When I complained about how much I was already being robbed for to the managers they said they would waive the drop fee as if they were doing me a favor by not pissing in my water after already beating up my family and burning my house down. 

To top off my experience the car they gave me was awful... not clean AT ALL, and it had a busted touch screen that didnt work and you needed the buttons on the touch screen to make the a/c blow from the front vents so I drove a car trying to keep cool using the window defroster setting the whole time... nightmare of a situation and all the employees are like drone zombies when it comes to understanding or helping any problem with their service....


However There was ONE nice guy in the San Diego location who quietly took me off the the side and apologized and told me "this happens all the time man... Im sorry they are doing this to you"  It didn't help at all but at least he had humanity in his eyes and felt bad and wished he could have helped.. other than him the rest of the experience was just the same


Calling for info.. getting hung up on or transferred at every turn... being put on hold for 20 minutes then disconnected... Just the worst experience Ive ever had right behind the actual car accident that led me to needing their services in the first place. Corporate criminals at their finest folks. Welcome to the new world. 



4 Updates & Rebuttals


A mentally unhealthy state..

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 24, 2016

When I see someone posting that they were in a "mentally unhealthy state", stating they had been awake for 24 hours and currently still in a state of shock.  The last thing I want to hear about is them going to rent a car.

So let me take this as you using this as a "smoke screen" to try and justify why you should not have to pay it.

Because you see even though you claim you weren't mentally capable.  You were in good enough shape to allow the hospital staff to discharge you.  You were still sharp enough to get yourself from the hospital to the car rental location.  You were still sharp enough to contact the insurance company and know to go to Enterprise.   You were capable enough to know to decline their upgrades. It also seems as if you had no issue driving as you are still among the living.

You wonder why they couldn't tell you that your insurance company wouldn't cover the cost?  In all honesty while a majority of them won't.  There would be some that could, so unless they specifically talked to your company on your behalf personally there is no way they could make that statement.

You then continue to throw everything at it..including the kitchen sink and then say it was because you had never done something like this before?  Done something like what?  Rent a car?  Sign a contract? What?  Because you say you are a business owner..right?  So when as a business owner have you ever been told it is a good idea to sign something if you don't read AND understand the ramifications?  Oh yes, I know you will go back to your mental incompacity...but as it is shown that seems to be "selective" and only revolving around signing up for this insurance.

In the end did they take advantage of you...who knows.  But let me throw something out here.  Perhaps they did in fact actually explain everything including the costs, where it is this "unhealthy" mental state you were in that has blocked that entire interaction from your memory.  The kicker...if you try and claim you were in an "unhealthy mental state" you can't 100% sure claim that they didn't do this.  If you claim that you are 100% sure that they didn't...you can't claim you were in the unhealthy mental state because that would have most likely impared your memory.


Bubba Lee

REd Deer,

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, March 23, 2016

Jim got smacked by the OP

Good Fun to see

Really Jim?

#4Author of original report

Wed, March 23, 2016

You can call me a blame thrower all you want. Clearly I made a HUGE mistake. which I admitted in my original complaint. The real fact of the matter here though is NOT that I made a mistake but that I was played  and taken advantage of by a company who didn't give a s**t about anything except selling that insurance coverage when I was in a mentally unhealthy state.

You try going to a rental car company when you have never been taught how to handle it, have no idea how a service like that works, all while you are in shock, been awake for over 24 hours, and just got out of a serious head on collision car accident where I could have died, and spent the whole night in the emergency room.

I showed up to Enterprise less a few hours after the accident and was still in shock afterwards. I know I signed some dumb sh** but I feel that any company with half of a care about their customers or any respect for their fellow human would explain to customer,  especially in my state of mind, the situation and what is going on through the steps.

Why couldnt they just simply explain what they are having me sign and clearly tell me that the insurance company would not cover the sky high insurance payment they "sold" me???  What person with half a brain would opt for $700 or more a month insurance?? It was highway robbery plain and simple. Legal or not, I was treated unfairly and they took advantage of me when I was in a mentally unfit state to deal with something like legal paperwork...

(I am just glad I said no when they tried to get me into some upgraded luxury car that was a higher cost than the insurance company would have covered... I will at least give them points for explaining those extra charges in that particular situation  and saving me from that charge.  Didn't stop em from trying to sell it 3 more times after I said no though.)

... all these employees did was tell me hey you look like you had a hard night man!!! just check these boxes & Here and you can go home and sleep... am I dumb for checking the insurance box without reading everything in every possible word on a piece of paper???  Yes...and I partially blame myself for that..  but that doesn't justify the way I was "sold" that insurance... especially since they knew I already had auto insurance and was in a wreck that was not supposed to be my responsibility AT ALL ... They knew the whole time that I thought the insurance company of the responsible party was also responsible for paying for my car... they never mentioned when It was all said and done my bill would be higher than the responsible parties insurance company's bill.

Who knew after a wreck an insurance company wouldn't pay for your replacement vehicle 100%?

It may not be a "scam" but it is still way WRONG ... maybe I didn't wake up in a room missing a kidney... but I feel it was the equivalent of being drugged and raped by someone who only cared about getting theirs.

Mistakes were made on both ends,  if they weren't I wouldn't be writing this, but as a professional business owner myself, a good business is supposed to be about customer care and providing a needed service to the community.  Enterprise is definitely and clearly taking advantage of naïve customers in horrible states of mind after brutal car accidents.

And if it were 100% my fault there wouldn't be thousands of customer complaints about the same thing.  Enterprise needs to change their ways of training their employees to squeeze every last penny out of un expecting customers and conning their way into getting you to sign up for some unholy expensive double insurance... I swear I unknowingly checked the box 5 minutes AFTER I just told them I already have insurance   ...

If they had mentioned that this was going to cost me out of my own pocket I wouldn't have signed anything.

Since I was a kid I have always been under the impression that if you were not at fault in an auto accident, the insurance company of the party at fault pays for your rental... but when I called their insurance company to have them pay this nearly $700 insurance they told me that they don't cover that type of insurance that I apparently signed up for because most people already have their own car insurance and I should have just told them that when I as there.... (I did tell them that.. they somehow conned me into unknowingly signing up for theirs anyway)

Sure; as a music producer I could easily make contracts with blank initial markers and have some of my more inexperienced clients check their initials next to boxes telling me that they will give me all their royalties and rights to the songs they make... but while I am having them sign I am talking about record deals and how great they are and how you might get one someday and just casually say "sooo check here here and here and we can start recording."

but if I do that to and young up-and-coming artists who have never been in a recording studio before and who know nothing about the industry..  I would feel like a criminal and a terrible person.

but hey since "legally" I got them to check their initials on my document that robs them of their future I should totally steal all the rights to their songs right???

Your comment Jim, leads me to believe that you also run a shady business and would feel perfectly fine with taking advantage of naive and unexpecting consumers... just as long as you are legally protected by the paperwork that you conned your way into fooling them to sign....

How do you make your $ anyway Jim? Robbing change from the cups of homeless blind people? ... and let me guess; its the blind homeless guys fault cause he left his change cup next to him while he was sleeping.

Some people may be easy targets to take advantage of... just because that is the case doesn't mean you should.


Another Blamethrower

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, March 23, 2016

 You can go on and on and on about just how terrible you think they are when the real issue can be summed up very easily and guess what, it all points to YOU! It was YOU who failed to read what you were signing BEFORE you signed it!!! Really...how much common sense does it take to come to the realization one should see what they are obligating themselves to before they obligate themselves to it???? It is all THAT simple!!!

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