  • Report:  #1168645

Complaint Review: Enzo Benedetto - Internet

Reported By:
Giselle - Woodbury, New Jersey,

Enzo Benedetto
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 5:46 PM, Enzo Benedetto <[email protected]> wrote:

Thank you for the email. I thought I have lost you because of my delay in replying your email. I will say that I appreciate the fact that you created the time out of your very busy schedule to read my long email and respond to it. I was trying to fulfill my promise of telling you all about me and nearly wrote a book. I want to be open and hope that you will not misinterpret is that I say a lot. Men with no hidden skeleton say all about them without being asked. I have nothing to hide in life, no criminal record. I am just a simple man living a good life with a good work and good pay. All I need is a woman to make it complete and I will have my dream life because every other thing I need for my dream life has been achieved.

May be I am sort of old fashion that I don’t know the ethics’ of starting a new relationship, Lol .I have not been in any form of relationship for the past ten years so you will understand what I mean by being old fashion. I would be the happiest man on the planet earth to be in a relationship again. I actually took the Vanguard Portfolio managers job the second time when my wife died mainly out of loneliness. I thought it was over for me in this life but at long run I felt that I should give life another try when my daughter registered me on the site. Today I am happy that I did because it has given me the opportunity to meet you. I told myself the moment I got your response that I do not need the site anymore for I have found what I seek. I don't live a confused life. I know what I seek in life and I know when I have it.

I think at this stage I should tell you more about me so that you will know me better. One of the things that make me feel so happy is to visit the beach. I love to watch the sun set and play many games at the beach side. I love to Para-sail and other activities in the beach. Do you know that water can speak to a soul? I will interpret it for you when we go to the beach together

I was born in, Palermo, Italy but came back to the US with my parents at the age of 6.My family have always lived in Fresno California until my mum moved back to Italy after we lost dad and my wife. I moved out of Fresno because it was lonely for me and the memories it bring to me of my family and my loved but lost ones. Anyway, let me not bore you with things that I don’t wish to remember

I left United State at the age of 16 to attend school in Hamburg Germany. I lived in Germany for 6 years before relocating to Robert Gordon University Aberdeen Scotland where I had my Masters. My long stay abroad makes people to say I have German accent; whether German, Italian, British or Irish accent, all I know is that I speak English fluently. Lol

I feel very young both physically and mentally. I understand we both may have had some good and worst experiences in our previous relationship but we should try to let the past go and focus on the future because there is hope only in the future. Like I always say, Life isn't as complicated as some people make it. I don't like to dramatize situations. I’m a bit of a clown and playful and appreciate people that are sincere. I don't like games or lies and will appreciate that from my partner.

I have to wake up this early to send you this email because I will be traveling to Henrietta, Texas this morning.I will leave here by 8am. I have an urgent meeting with one of my company investor today against our meeting with directors from Fidelity Investment tomorrow. I will be traveling with my laptop so will always be in touch so the next response you will get from me will be from Henrietta. I will be returning by the weekend. I believe that communicating here will help us know little about each other before we can meet anytime you want us to or choose for us to meet. Our meeting is for you to decided where and when  and I will be there controlling the traffic for you before your arrival .Lol
On Friday, August 8, 2014 11:12 AM, Enzo Benedetto <[email protected]> wrote:

It is obvious that this past week was one of the crazy weeks in my profession when 24 hours is not enough to complete my duty .After my last email to you, I got a call from my head office in UK telling me that the confirmation and signing of the fidelity contract has been confirmed for today in Dallas here in Texas so I left Henrietta to Dallas yesterday.. That is what they call a complete crazy week .It started with relocating our office after which I was notified about the meeting in Henrietta and now Dallas. Anyway, let me not bore you with my business engagements.

There is no doubt that I enjoy our communication because the very first thing I do every day since we met is to check my email to know if there is an email from you. Every strong relationship started one day and became stronger as each new day comes. Let us hope that each passing day makes ours stronger. I am a man that has been without any form of relationship; serious or casual for the past ten year’s .When I lost my wife, it became obvious to me that the world was nothing. She was my friend, my partner, my pet, my angel, my soldier and my pillar. She was everything to me and all that I owe her was to make her happy at any time and she was happy.

May her gentle soul rest in peace; AMEN, Sorry if I have said so much but it’s my nature to love strongly when I am in love because I believe in one man one woman.

The last word she said that broke my heart and made me think that no woman could ever be like her was what she said on her sick bed before she died. I will pray and want you to be better than her and for me, to love you more than I loved her because that was her wish for me; that I should do things that will make me happy.

She said and I quote “I am dying a happy woman Enzo so be happy yourself, why is your face sad when I am happy. Listen, if you keep your face that way again then I will stand up from this bed now and give you red meat (because I don’t eat red meat) be happy my dear and promise me that you will always bring thing that will make you happy to yourself so that you will die a happy man like me” and she closed her eyes and died. We were married for 26 years and were blessed with a boy and a girl.

In My last email to you, I requested that we speak on phone this weekend. I think this is the time to tell you more about this man that you have been communicating with via email and wants to hear your voice. My Full name is Enzo Alvaro Benedetto, I was married to lucy Granda for 26 years and had a daughter Diana Benedetto and Alex Benedetto who died in an auto accident with my father. My mother is Italian while my father has Spanish ancestry. My father is late while my mother and my daughter live with my mum sister (My Aunt) in Italy. My mum relocated back to Italy after the death of my father in a car accident with my only son. My daughter is now in an Aeronautical school in Milan. Diana wants to be pilot which has been her dream since she was 7 years old.

I had my education in Germany and Scotland but latter came back to United State to work with Enzo Kiyosaky before I was employed by Vanguard Investment International. I relocated to Kent United Kingdom when I secured the Job but only worked with them for 9 years before resigning from the job.

Thirteen Months later, They called me again and asked me if I can work with them as a Consultant Fund Manager from my home that it will only require me to work with them for 3 months, return to US and spend 3 months before coming back to work for another three and that will be all for the year .I realized that the arrangement was not time consuming and besides, I was not enjoying it again staying at home. I took the job and got myself into the fund management activities with major investors again. It was then that I discovered that this business is just part of me..

I am a man with no criminal records or hidden skeleton. People say that I have German accent which you will notice when we speak on phone. I believe that it was my long stay was the main reason why I have the accent. I am a simple man that is comfortable with what I have and okay with what I have achieved in life. I am a man that has all that I need in life but lacks just one essential thing which is a woman to love.

I have decided to find love and found you and will plead with you to open your heart and accept me the way you see me .I am one man that will never hurt a woman. I will not like to sing my own praises but only time will tell if you open your heart and let it flow naturally. Like I said earlier and always, I want to be positive!! Let me not write another long email. I will tell you more when we speak on phone today. My Number here is: 940-238-1788 at least you will recognize my number when I call.

My regards always;


 Like I said in my first email to you; though I will like to take this relationship slow, I will like to be positive. My giving you my heart at this point does not mean that I am trying to rush it rather  I am being positive and consistence so forgive me if I it seems that am taking the wrong step.

Hope you are having nice weekend with a little excitement. I am sorry that we could not talk on phone yesterday as I suggested in my last email .I had to work long yesterday so that I can conclude whatever I have to do here by Tuesday as I don’t want to stay longer. I got back to my hotel very late and very tired so I slept off wearing my cloth and shoes. The good thing is that we are making progress and that everything is going fine as planned.

Its six days now since I sent you the very first email and you replied me but to me it seems that we have known for a year. I really wanted a phone conversation because it will bring us into a new level on this online dating stuff. Email communication remind me that it is still online dating that we are doing but phone communication will making look like two people are communicating

Let me say here that going on line to find a suitable companion seemed hopeless for me at the beginning. Most of my earlier contacts that wrote stating that match sent them my picture as a MATCH were from much younger women so I could not understand how I could be a match to a 37 years old woman when I stated what I wanted on my profile.. They always left me feeling bewildered and asking the questions - should I be flattered or insulted? In addition, there was always the concern - "what were the motives"? My faith was restored, when I decided to write instead of wait to be written. I wrote you and you appeared I thank my "lucky star" and enjoy the wonder of it. Essentially, I was so deeply happy that you displayed the qualities I was looking for. I found out that we shared a lot of the same interests and I adored the expressive e-mails.

When I emailed you, I told you that I looked at your profile for 50 minutes and you must be wondering what I saw during that 50 minutes that made me email you. I have come to realize that lonely times make us search harder for the good times. Bad times are only vague memories and we can look to the future with optimism to happy times. To "give" and "receive", to pamper, to spoil, to guide, to care for in all ways, makes for a wonderful relationship. There is no need for anger, when there is understanding, loyalty and sincerity, open communication and the ability to compensate for differences. Life is meant to be enjoyed and thus, should not harbor hurtful thoughts and actions.

When I lost my wife, it was a big obstacle to my life that I did not wish to continue anything in life. There was no wish to date or to work. There was no joy in living because she was just a nice woman but she claimed that I was too nice that I brought out the best in her. It was when I discovered that Life is full of obstacles and to survive; one has to approach the obstacles with an open mind and a desire to overcome them that I let my daughter register me on the dating site.

I asked myself, do I want to be victorious in the challenge? Is the challenge worth the extra effort, Will it make your life better? If yes then I have pursue it with all my strength and that is what I have decided to do. As I said and will repeat again- don’t see me as moving too fast; I am telling you all this so that you will understand where I am coming from and that ten years of loneliness was the maximum any man can go. Coming out of it will tell you that I am and ready for a complete new life and that the past is behind me.

They say "Love" overcomes all obstacles. But to love blindly - leaves scares in your heart. The "ups" and "downs" in people’s life’s can be painful but can be healed with limitless compassion. Mine is healed so let us heal yours if it is still there. As I said in my profile, if your heart has been damaged too much by some cruel evil man, I can help you fix it like i fixed that of my late wife. If you have lost a partner like me, i can still fix it like i fixed mine or let’s say, we can fix ours together. When I say we can fix ours together, I know that Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries. That was why I also stated in my profile that I need a woman that is not looking for someone to make her happy, but rather someone to share happiness and experience life’s adventures and sometimes tribulations. You will agree with me that everybody need happiness both man and woman.

Happiness is created in many ways - mostly in what people do and say! Your words can encourage me to drink long and hard from the cup of life; to capture every drop of adventure that comes my way. I often ask myself, why we met - even if it was in such an unconventional way! I truly believe that a "path" is mapped out for us, when we are born. Are we given a purpose - are we given instructions on how to live our life and what we are to achieve?  We are guided by our parents, teachers and friends and unconsciously adapt some of their ways to our life. However, there is a greater plan for us in the making.

We are tested daily to make us stronger. Stumbling blocks are put in our way to overcome and make us rise above them. Many people travel from cradle to grave without ever seeing themselves clearly, without accepting heartache and grief and without ever wondering about their past, present and future. They accept their life blindly, without questions or true understanding of their own value and potential. They become frustrated, disillusioned and bitter.  We have all been given the tools to excel, feel more important, more fulfilled and more useful. You have shown me that you know how to use the tools so don't ever let anyone tell you that you will not accomplish and excel at what you have chosen, or perhaps, what had been chosen for you. What measure do they use to compare, or do they feel inadequate in their own achievements?

Success is a passion for living. Success belongs to each and every human being. It is not for the few, or the chosen ones, or the rich, or the educated. Success is for everyone. IT IS FOR YOU. Success is simple; it means having, doing and becoming the best that life affords. It means service to mankind. Success means applying your best effort to realizing your best results, leaving the world a better place. It is winning at the game of life. Success is life itself! Success is no secret; no mystery; no cause for frustration or misery. It is yours to claim.

So, was I meant to come into your life to help you see your own worth, to encourage and support and show you the heights that you have already accomplished. I have not chosen your "path" and don't know the plan decided for you, but I know you have a passion for life, so you are and always will be successful. I am grateful to you for giving me your trust, but I think you now know, I would not misguide you. When I think about you, a picture comes to mind, a woman sweet and gentle, with a heart that is one of a kind. Your light shines ever bright - your love an endless sea.... and nothing could be sweeter than the love you have for me. I see you as my inspiration, but most of all God’s Gift to me”. may this email welcome you to an inspiring day of good luck and success in all you do. This letter may not be too romantic but inspiring enough to start a new week with a anew relationship .I thank God above for you, May you always find new blessings for as
long as you may live. Once again.

It’s me;



n Wednesday, August 6, 2014 5:45 PM, George B <[email protected]> wrote:

 Hello Giselle, . 
         How is it going with you?  Beautiful day.. hows yours? .  After going through your e-mail,  i  want you to know happiness is the most important thing in life.. I believe If you are happy, then you tend to find happiness in every situation. Rather if you are not happy, you tend to find the negative in any situation. If you are happy, you draw more positive things to yourself, because you are letting off positive vibes. Of course, there are many other important things to life, but overall, if you are happy, you will be guaranteed a fulfilling life. You will constantly be drawing in the things that bring you happiness, and moving away from the things that don't. No matter what your lifestyle, if you are happy, your life will be fulfilling and successful. Because if you do something that goes against what will make your life unsuccessful or UN-fulfilling, you will be quick to make a change in the situation, to bring it positive again to keep this state of happiness. You must first be happy to create a life of happiness that's why have let go of my past and focus on what the future holds for me.

         My daughter was 20 yrs of age when she left the world and i was married for good 27yrs, though we had our ups and down as couples does but believe me it never last a day. I really missed them and i know they are over there happy about my decision, we all want the happiness of our love ones.  I somehow think that my parents , brother and my dearest late queens spirit are with me always as guides and protectorates. Oh well , i like your views about God and afterlife, I don't judge people in their belief but I absolutely do believe there is a God, my entire existence is based on this belief.  I depend on him 100% for guidance, love, & his caring in all parts of my life and that of people i care for, yes, I do believe in the afterlife, I can tell you what Christianity people think and I do feel there is something after we die, like Heaven which is for those that do the right thing while on earth while 'hell' is for those that put God aside then went after the things of the world, You know i was raised this way so there nothing to do than abide lol .    Giselle, Its my very great pleasure to keep hearing back from you and I am impressed with the answers you gave to my questions. To me relationship can mean two things:
1) It can mean that we have a connection, which I think exists
2) Relationship also means to be romantically and sexually involved and I think we aren't at that level now..
  So, I think at this point, given the amount of time we have e-mail one another, we definitely have a friendship forming based on some external and internal similarities that might be developing into a relationship that will bring us a little closer with good intentions, and the potential exists for the relationship to evolve into something more significant, what do you think?.
   I'd like to meet someone who recognizes the little things I do for her and knows how to be appreciative.  For instance, if I were to make breakfast in bed or draw a bath for my woman, she could thank me by giving me a hug or a kiss. Or perhaps sending me a card for no particular occasion just to tell me 'thank you. I'm very appreciative of what people do for me, and I'll reward  them in my own little ways. To me, it's the little things that mean a great deal to me.
  What does it really mean to be affectionate? I love a woman who can display her affections for me anytime and anywhere without having to be shy.  And a person who knows how to be affectionate which is a big plus. I love being affectionate.
   This may be an odd one, but I've learned that there are women out there that are set in their ways. They have one way of doing things and are never open to suggestions or advice. Stubborn women are turn off to me. I like a woman who is open to ideas, thoughts, and basically open-minded. I think being receptive brings about sensitivity as well.  A woman who is ignorant, mean, and just plain insensitive is difficult to get along with.
  I would say that I'm not afraid to display my emotions. I'd like someone who is sensitive and caring.  If I'm sad, I'd like her to be able to comfort and cheer me up. She doesn't have to do much, but just knowing that she's there solacing me is more than good enough.
 Have you ever had someone not stand up for you? I will be deeply hurt when someone I love wouldn't not stand up for me, even after she told me she loved me.  I would never allow someone to hurt my partner, and i would always stand up for her. One thing I will always do for my woman is to protect her.
 In Life what I treasure my dignity and humanity, I treasure my good name and credibility. I treasure person who close to me and I  things that I own..
I treasure my time with my family, I treasure God, I treasure moments when I can enjoy a beautiful sunset, sunrise, the trees, a good play, a good musical, good food, spending time with friends....because I know that not everyone has these things or recognize that these are here for them. I am very fortunate to be where I am in life and for all I have.
   Well, you should be able to get few of my likes and dislikes from all I have mentioned above and you should be able to make some analysis on these and come up with yours as well .
this is just a sampeling of this person I do not know if it is the same one but the stories are the same. even down to the puncuation.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
The real "Enzo'

#2Author of original report

Sun, September 21, 2014

The real "Enzo Beneditto" is a Podiatrise that has 3 offices located in the North New Jersey area, here is the link to his web site. The Dr's real name is Peter Wishine he owns Princton Podiatry.


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